Everybody knows that one of the best ways to get new customers is by contacting them using LinkedIn cold messages. Why? Well, sales teams prefer cold outreach via LinkedIn because this social media is the most effective B2B lead generation channel. Compared to cold calling, and cold emails, that is.

However, when crafting a LinkedIn cold message, salespeople often get confused about how to approach their leads. Or, for example, their cold outreach message ends up showing no effect at all. 

That said, let’s make your cold LinkedIn outreach a winning game. In this article, we’ll focus on the best LinkedIn cold messages with demonstrated results where available. Moreover, we've prepared tips on how to write them. 

I wanna see you win meme

What is a LinkedIn cold message?

LinkedIn is the biggest social media platform for startups, company founders, CEOs, sales professionals, marketers, recruiters, B2B influencers, and alike. With roughly 930M users, LinkedIn has been recognized as a perfect place to build a professional network, generate leads, find common ground, and grow Business-to-business partnerships. 

That said, many marketers use it for outbound marketing efforts, such as publishing LinkedIn ads, promoting webinars, and generating leads for their sales team. On the other hand, sales teams and recruiters use LinkedIn for outbound activities such as prospecting and sending LinkedIn cold messages.

To clarify, LinkedIn cold message is a form of reaching out via LinkedIn to your leads who haven’t met you in the past. In addition, LinkedIn cold messages have 3 forms: connection request, message (after the leads accept an invite), or InMail. Each form has a unique formula for success and how you should craft it. 

For example, a well-crafted InMail can have an average reply rate of around 18% to 25%, unlike cold emails, whose average reply rate is around 3%.

Nevertheless, it’s important to note that one should not limit themselves to using LinkedIn only. Lastly, the best way to acquire and close an outbound lead is by using both channels in your outreach strategy. 

The benefits of LinkedIn cold messages

The first benefit of LinkedIn cold messaging is that LinkedIn is a far more transparent medium than email to gather qualified prospects. So as soon as your cold lead gets your message, they can immediately see what you are all about and decide to act upon it. 

Secondly, the bigger and stronger your network is, the more people you can connect with. You can then leverage mutual connection to increase the acceptance rate, for example. What’s more, you will gain a larger pool of leads you can generate. 

The third and last benefit is that you have not one but two formats you can use for LinkedIn cold messaging. In other words, if your connection request doesn’t work, you can always send an InMail. 

LinkedIn cold message templates & examples that work in 2024

General cold messaging tactics and templates

Leverage something you have in common

The first tip about Cold LinkedIn messages is to find common ground with your leads. To clarify, this can be anything from liking the same post, influencer, or a sport. Here is an example.

Cold LinkedIn connection message template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I noticed you liked {{authorName}}’s post on {{subjectOfThePost}}. I loved it as well. Especially the part about {{statementAndConclusion}}. I’d like to connect since I can see you know a lot about {{Topic}}.

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example; connection request that mentions something in common

Or you can drop them an InMail such as this one:

Subject line: Post about {{Topic}}

InMail template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I noticed you reacted to {{authorName}}’s post on {{subjectOfThePost}}. I loved it as well — especially the part about {{statementAndConclusion}}.

Anyways, I noticed by looking at your profile that you’re familiar with {{Topic}}, so I wanted to see whether you are approaching {{KeyProblemYou’reSolving}} in {{currentCompany}}?

I would love to know more about this.

Best, {{Your Name}}

Response rate: 35%

Real-life example:

Real-life example of InMail cold message that leverages something in common

Mention a shared connection

People are more likely to accept a LinkedIn invite if they reference a mutual connection. If you’d like to increase your chances, you can send an invite such as this one:

LinkedIn connection request template:

Hey {{firstName}},

I noticed that {{mutualConnectionName}} is part of your network too. We {{yourHistory}}. Anyways, I see you work as {{Position}} and like to chat. Maybe we can exchange some tips.

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message real-life example that mentions a shared connection

See if a mutual connection can introduce you

If, however, you prefer to get introduced to your lead by a mutual connection, you can send a direct message such as this one:

LinkedIn message template:

Hey {{firstName}},

I noticed that {{leadName}} is a part of your network. I’ve been following them for a while now, and I just wanted to chat about their experience as {{Position}}.

Would you mind if you introduced me to them? It’s always better to be introduced, rather than reaching out of the blue. It would mean the world to me.

Best, {{Your Name}}

Real-life example:

Cold LinkedIn message example of inquiry to get introduced by your shared connection

Stroke their ego

Everybody likes when they receive a compliment about their work or accomplishment. So, one way you can compliment your leads is to find the post you genuinely like and reference it in your cold LinkedIn message.

LinkedIn connection request template:

Hey {{firstName}},

I loved your post about {{Topic}}. What I loved the most was {{Statement}}.

Anyways, I wanted to connect and chat about how you as a {{Position}} handle {{painPoint}} in your daily work life.

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example that uses compliment

If they do not respond, you can always send an InMail such as this one:

Subject line: Loved your post about {{Topic}}

InMail template: Hey {{firstName}},

I tried sending an invite, but I guess it got lost somewhere along the way. I wanted to reach out and first say I loved the content you are posting, especially the one about {{Topic}}. What I loved the most was {{Statement}}.

Anyways, I just wanted to connect and chat about how you, as a {{Position}} handle {{painPoint}} in your daily work life, and I'd like a chance to present a solution that {{solutionToPainPoint}} to the table.

If what I offer sounds compelling to you, please let me know. However, if the timing is off, or this is not in the area of your interest at the moment, I'll be happy to enjoy your future posts on LinkedIn. 🙂

Warm regards, {{Your Name}}

Response rate: 30%

Real-life example:

InMail cold message example that uses compliment

Give reason to reply

By posing a question in your cold LinkedIn outreach, you give them a chance to talk a bit about themselves, and you can learn a bit more about their work. So drop a connection request such as this one:

Cold LinkedIn connection request template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I noticed you work as {{Position}}, so I wanted to reach out and chat about your position. I’m curious what {{Strategy}} has the best {{Result}} from your experience. 😀

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example that gives reason to lead to reply

If they do not respond, you can send a cold InMail, such as this one:

Subject line: A quick question

InMail message template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I tried reaching out over a connection request, but it seems it got lost in the sea of requests you might be getting. Anyways, as a {{Position}}, I always like to expand my network and chat with people about their positions. So I came across your amazing profile, and I was curious, what {{Strategy}} has the best {{Result}} from your experience? 😀

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards, {{Your Name}}

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold InMail message example to give lead reason to reply

Leverage a group connection

Leveraging a mutual LinkedIn group is one of the best conversation starters in cold outreach. Moreover, you can top it up with humor in your outreach and create a charming first impression. Here is a connection message template that does just that. 

Cold LinkedIn connection request template:

Always trust a glue salesperson. They tend to stick to their word…

Just kidding, {{firstName}}. I saw that you are also part of the {{groupName}} group. Hope we can learn from each other!

Acceptance rate: 63%

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example that leverages a group connection

And if they accept a request and do not respond, your next LinkedIn message could sound like this:

LinkedIn message template:

Hi {{firstName}},

Thank you for connecting. I love chatting with other members of the group. Was curious, how are you solving {{painPoint}} at {{currentCompany}}?

Response rate: 37%

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example if they accept a connection request but do not reply

However, if they don't reply to a connection request, you can send the following InMail:

Subject line: Saw you are also a member of {{groupName}}

InMail template: Hello {{firstName}},

I recently tried connecting on CompanyTinder with you... I mean on LinkedIn. Just joking {{firstName}}, I visited your LinkedIn and saw that we are both a part of the same LinkedIn group.

Anyways, I couldn't help but notice you are {{occupation}} at {{currentCompany}}. I was curious, how are you solving {{painPoint}}?

If you still haven't found the solution, I would love to chat with you this week over a call about how {{nameOfYourCompany}} could help you. Either way, hope Q2 is going great for you!

Best! {{Your name}}

Response rate: 27%

Real-life example:

InMail cold message example that uses group connection in copy

Then you can proceed by asking them what their biggest challenges are, offering tailored solutions, and presenting your product or service.

LinkedIn cold message for B2B lead generation

If they viewed your profile

Sometimes your Buyer Persona will view your profile. In that case, you can send them a connection request such as this one:

LinkedIn connection request template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I saw you viewed my profile on LinkedIn. Let's connect and chat. 😊

Perhaps we discover we can collaborate.

Acceptance rate: 63%

Real-life example:

LinkedIn connection message example that reference lead viewing your profile

If they accept your connection request but do not respond, try taking this follow-up message for a spin:

LinkedIn message template:

Hey {{firstName}},

Thanks for connecting. Perhaps, I was just in the pool of the {{typeOfProduct}} you are researching. 😊 However, I do have extensive knowledge of {{painPointTopic}}. Let me know if you are looking for something specific.

Response rate: 29%

Real-life example:

LinkedIn real-life LinkedIn message example for if the lead viewed your profile

Mention relevant company news

You can also reference recent company news, achievements, or celebrations to catch your lead's attention. In addition, since the company experienced a change, you can present your product/service as a new and refreshing solution on the market. In that case, help yourself with this piece:

LinkedIn connection message:

Hey {{firstName}},

Congrats on {{companyNewsTopic}}. I've been following you for a while now, and this is truly great to hear! I wanted to reach out and chat about an idea that I think your team can benefit from. Let's connect on this.

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example mentioning company news

However, if they don’t accept a connection request, send them this InMail:

Subject line: {{ProductOrServiceType}} that actually {{benefit}}! 🙂

InMail message template: Hi {{firstName}},

Congrats on {{companyNewsTopic}}. I’ve been following your company for a while now and I think this is a huge deal! Anyways, It would be silly of me to think you’re not using an {{productOrServiceType}} already, but it’s a no-brainer to present something new on the market that actually helps {{Position}} reach {{Result}} specifically. {{shortDescirptionAboutYourProduct/ServiceWithBenefits}}

Let me know if this sounds interesting to you.

Best, {{Your Name}}

Response rate: 20%

Real-life example:

InMail example that reference company news

Pitch your product

Some sales professionals want to pitch a product or a service at the beginning of the cold outreach stage. In that case, here are a few sequence templates that will help you achieve very good results.

LinkedIn connection request template:

Hi {{firstName}},

Your profile really caught my attention while I was looking for {{TheTypeofCompanyYouTargeted}} companies. Let’s connect!

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example to introduce pitching your product

If they accept a connection request, then your following message can sound something like this: 

LinkedIn message template:

Hey {{firstName}},

Thanks for connecting! I am looking for companies who are seeking to improve their {{keyProblemYouAreSolving}}

Did you know that you can achieve {{resultsYourProductProvides}}? I believe {{yourProductOrService}} will be an excellent fit for {{currentCompany}} because {{howYourProductOrServiceHelpsYourClients}}. If this sounds interesting, let’s have a chat! How’s next week?

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example to pitch your product right away

However, if they do not accept a connection request, send an InMail with the following call to action:

Subject line: Quick question about {{currentCompany}}

InMail message template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I am looking for companies seeking to improve their {{keyProblemYouAreSolving}}, and your profile caught my attention.

Did you know that you can achieve {{resultsYourProductProvides}}? I believe {{YourProductOrService}} will be an excellent fit for {{currentCompany}} because {{HowYourProductOrServiceHelpsYourClients}}.

If you agree, let’s connect and have a chat! What do you think about next week?

Best, {{Your Name}}

Real-life example:

Cold InMail message example to pitch your product right away

This entire sequence results in: 

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

Use past client wins

If you want to pitch first, you can also use some case studies of similar companies. This way, you can demonstrate bullet-proof case studies of your best clients, similar to your leads in question. The following template can work if someone didn’t accept your LinkedIn invite previously.

Subject line: Swift question - not to shake it off 🙂

InMail message template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I tried reaching you through LinkedIn, but I guess your account is also overwhelmed with connection requests, ha?

Anyway, the reason I decided to contact you is that I noticed that you work as a {{Position}} at {{currentCompany}}.

We actually were able to help {{RelevantCompany/CaseStudy}} with {{KeyProblemYou’reSolving}}, so I was wondering how you are approaching it at your company.

Worth a convo?

Kind regards, {{Your name}}

Response rate: 35%

Real-life example:

Cold LinkedIn InMail message example using past client wins

Refer to an event or webinar where you both participated

One of the best LinkedIn cold messages that point out common ground is the one that references a webinar or an event you both attended. Here is how your connection message can sound like:

LinkedIn connection request template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I see you are interested in attending the same webinar as I am. I am talking about {{[nameOfTheWebinar}}. I’d like to connect with you and discuss the event topic.

Acceptance: 75%

Real-life example:

Cold LinkedIn connection message that refers mutual event

After your leads accept a connection request, you can continue the conversation by using the following LinkedIn cold message template and pitch accordingly later on: 

LinkedIn message template:

Thanks for connecting with me, {{firstName}}! So what are you looking to get from this event?

However, if the lead doesn’t respond to your connection request, you can send an InMail that goes like this:

Subject line: Let’s chat about upcoming {{[NameOfTheEvent}}

InMail message template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I hope you don’t mind reaching out directly to your inbox.

I see you are interested in attending the same event as I am - {{[NameOfTheEvent}}.

Maybe you just overlooked the invitation without realizing it, but if that’s not the case, I’d like to connect with you and pick your brain about this interesting upcoming event.

Best regards, {{[Your name}}

Response rate: 47%

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example referring an event

Investor outreach

If you are a startup looking for an investor, your cold LinkedIn message should have a strong CTA. In addition, investors are decision-makers who don’t like to spend time on getting the relevant data from you. Instead, you should present it yourself and show the prognosis of ROI right away. 

That said, you can try out this InMail message example:

Subject line: Invest in our company, and get {{Percentage}} ROI in the first year

InMail message template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I am the founder of {{companyName}}, a company determined to help {{targetAudience}} achieve {{Results}}.

I’ve been following you for a while and noticed you’ve invested in a type of company such as ours. I’ve created a detailed report and estimated that you could earn {{amountOfMoney}} within the first year, with an investment of {{amountOfMoney}} that will cover our 6-month period.

If this interests you, I would love to show you a detailed report and all the calculations over a call.

Best regards, {{Your name}}

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example to send to an investor

LinkedIn cold message templates for recruiter

If you work as a recruiter in a startup this would be a perfect cold InMail message example for you.

Subject line: Are you our next {{companyName}} star?

InMail message template:

Hi {{firstName}},

We are {{companyName}}, a team of young people who {{whatYourCompanyDoes}}.

Currently, we are looking for an ambitious person, desirably with the {{Position}} experience and aspirations to grow and develop their career path.

Our team is very successful and fast-developing, and we have multiple sectors where you can further learn and develop your career path. We strive to encourage people who come to our company to contribute with their suggestions and propositions to improve their sector and, thus, the company as a whole.

Would you be interested in working in such a young and dynamic team? 🙂

Best, {{Your name}}

Response rate: 65%

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example if recruiter reaches out candidates

And here is a LinkedIn cold message template for a connection request:

LinkedIn connection request template:

Hey {{firstName}},

I’m HR at {{companyName}}, a team of young people who {{whatYourCompanyDoes}}. We are searching for an ambitious person to fill in our {{Position}} vacancy and aspirations to grow and develop their career.

Real-life example: 

Cold connection request example for recruiters

LinkedIn message examples for job seekers

Messaging a recruiter directly

If you see a hiring manager publishing a job post on LinkedIn, in most cases, it is good to send a connection request to HR. To clarify, this will show that you are serious, proactive, and demonstrate initiative. 

Cold LinkedIn connection request template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I’ve noticed you published {{Position}} job post. I’ve been following {{companyName}}, and it’s my dream workplace. So I thought it would be better to send you a message, connect directly and show you my passion for this role.

Real-life example: 

LinkedIn cold message example for job seekers

Cold messaging an employee

This is one of the ways to figure out what the company culture is like and establish a connection with an employee within your desired company. 

LinkedIn connection request:

Hey {{firstName}},

I noticed you work at {{currentCompany}}. How has your experience been in the {{Department}} since you started? I'm searching for job opportunities, and {{currentCompany}} is my #1. I’d like to connect to chat about it.

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example when job seekers contacts employees in the desired company

And if they respond, you can send a message such as this one to get their referral:

LinkedIn message template:

Thanks for your message, {{firstName}}.

Really appreciate it. On a side note, are you aware that the {{Position}} job listed on {{websiteName}} falls under your department? If not, can you point me to the person usually responsible for recruiting for such roles? I'm considering applying and would like to ensure my application doesn't disappear in the digital chaos.

Real-life example:

LinkedIn message example once an employee from a desired company responds

Request an informal interview

Sometimes, in your target company, there are no job vacancies that match your expertise. However, that doesn't stop you from messaging their hiring manager and kindly asking for an informal interview. You can test out this template. 

LinkedIn connection request template:

Hi {{firstName}},

I've been following {{currentCompany}} for a while now, and I adore your company culture and achievements. Even though you don't have roles matching my skills, I'd still like to connect and schedule an informal call and present myself in person.

Real-life example:

LinkedIn cold message example to invite HR to informal interview

How to cold message on LinkedIn and get replies

Before sending your first message or LinkedIn connection request to your potential customers, you need to get your outreach strategy straight. This way, you can prepare the ground to generate higher-qualified leads faster. Here are our top tips for doing so. 

Optimize your profile

The first rule to get the best out of your LinkedIn cold message is to optimize your LinkedIn profile. People are more prone to accept a connection request from someone whose entire profile is set up. In other words, you have your:

For example, if you are a salesperson, potential customers can check out your LinkedIn profile and see your product/service and what you are all about before accepting a connection request. 

On the other hand, if you are a hiring manager, candidates can take a look at your company name and website. Otherwise, if your profile is not entirely set up, they would mistake you as a fraud. Think of it as the first barrier of defense to prove the validity of your outreach strategy. 

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Target the right people - ICP & buyer persona

Both cold emails and LinkedIn connection requests can go down the drain if they are aimed at the wrong target audience. In other words, you need to research and create your Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Persona. Find out what’s your ideal company headcount, revenue, or location. Buyer Persona wise, figure out what position uses your product/service, whether they are decision-makers or not, and their pain points so you can tailor your sales pitch. 

If you are a hiring manager, a Persona for each position will be enough. Just make sure to target the correct position, industry, years of experience, and other factors relevant to your job vacancy. 

Lastly, the best way to create these two documents is to analyze your current ideal customers. In other words, find the ones with:

N.B. Remember that every piece of information in your ICP or Buyer Persona documents needs to be actionable. In other words, create a document with the information you can use for your LinkedIn prospecting or messaging purposes.

Find your leads using LinkedIn filters

Our next piece of advice is to learn how to find your ideal leads. If you are a sales executive, get to the bottom of the ins and outs of the LinkedIn Sales Navigator filters and LinkedIn prospecting hacks. Or find leads outside LinkedIn and trace them back to this social media. And if you are a recruiter, research Recruiter search filters

Remember, the goal is to be as narrow as possible, so you can find your ideal leads with a high-quality status and shorter close cycles. 

Sales Navigator masterclass banner with Relja, Skylead's CEO

Personalize your cold message

Personalization wins the conversation. Simple as that. The more personalized approach, the more people will respond to your LinkedIn connection request, InMail, or even a phone call.

That said, fill your cold outreach messages with personalized points to get their attention, such as:

These are just a few examples of how you can personalize your connection messages or cold emails in general. However, when crafting your first message and even second, you should always have in mind that you need to offer value and make it all about your prospects. In other words, help yourself with the deeper personalization points such as:

These points are the ones that will help you get a higher response rate. If you don’t want to present your sales pitch or mention pain points right away, you can always send them an interesting article to spark their imagination about your service. 

Lastly, end your direct messages with a call to action. It can be anything from reading a blog, accepting a LinkedIn connection request, or scheduling an online meeting or a phone call. Nonetheless, try to keep only one call to action per message.

However, if you’re tired of manually personalizing and sending such messages, then use the best LinkedIn automation tool to do it for you. With some automation tools, you can use placeholders/variables such as first name, last name, and company. And with some, you can insert custom variables, but more on that later. 

Send your cold message, including InMail

LinkedIn users have not one, but three formats they can use to connect with someone on LinkedIn - connection requests, direct message after invite acceptance, and InMails. These two formats are the main ones for the initial contact with potential customers and candidates.

To clarify, InMails are like cold emails but on LinkedIn. You can write your own subject line and have 8K characters available as opposed to a connection request (300 characters). Moreover, you can send InMails to people outside your professional network only if you have a paid LinkedIn subscription. 

Types of InMails & benefits

You can send paid and free InMails. The number of paid InMails you can send depends on your LinkedIn subscription. For example, if you paid for LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you have 50 monthly credits. On the other hand, if you paid for Recruiter lite, you get 30 InMail credits and 100-150 credits for a Recruiter subscription. Lastly, LinkedIn Premium offers only 15 InMail credits per month.

Contrary to paid InMails, you can send up to 800 free ones, but only to those LinkedIn users who have set their profile to Open profile status. 

That said, make sure to leverage InMail format as a part of your outreach strategy because of the 3 reasons:

Lastly, you can use the LinkedIn automation tool and cold email software, Skylead, to automate sending InMails. Skylead is unique on the market because it allows our users to send both paid and free InMails. Our users often use InMail as the last step in the Smart sequence if the lead has not accepted the invite or there is no email address. 

Follow up

Salespeople often perceive follow-up messages as pushy and a thing that can drive your leads away. Therefore, 70% of them do not send any follow-ups. However, a lesser-known fact is that if you send a follow-up, you automatically increase the chance to hear back from your lead by 25%

However, if you know how to write a follow-up email after no response or LinkedIn message, you can increase these chances even more. 

That said, our advice is to research how to write the best follow-ups out there and never miss to send them. And here is a short, and according to our experience the main advice for the follow ups. Depending on the format, a follow-up should be short and focus on at least 2 of the following:

Thus, here is one follow-up message that is led by the above mentioned points.

Subject line: Any thoughts?

Follow-up InMail template:

Hey {{firstName}},

Just checking in to see if you got any thoughts on exploring what {{nameOfYourCompany}} could do for {{theirCompany}}?

We worked with Companies similar to yours, such as:

- {{Company1}}

- {{Company2}}

- {{Company3}}

If you give me a chance for a call to show you, just this once, how other {{ProspectsPosition}} have used this solution to {{smallBenefit}}, I promise we can part ways if you are not impressed. Just let me know when is the best time for you. Anyway, love what you are doing with {{theirCompany}}.

Best, {{Your name}}

Response rate: 27%

Real-life example:

Follow-up LinkedIn cold message example

Scale through automation

If you want to accelerate the process and save time on manual outreach, you should automate lead generation on LinkedIn.

Take our very own Skylead, for example. This automation tool helps startup and founders, sales teams, recruiters, marketers, and alike streamline email and LinkedIn outreach tasks, such as sending:

depending on your leads' behavior. To show you how Skylead follows leads' behavior, let's go through creating one of the outreach campaigns in Skylead.

LinkedIn cold outreach campaign

First, choose your lead source, aka where Skylead will pull the leads from, and insert the source. For the sake of this article, we will select the LinkedIn search result. Don't forget to choose the type of connection, if available. 

Sending LinkedIn cold messages, outreach campaign - Skylead, step 1

Secondly, set up your campaign settings. Here is where you can determine your launch date, whether you wish to collect contact information or reach out only to those with Premium LinkedIn profiles. 

Sending LinkedIn cold messages, outreach campaign - Skylead, step 2

Now, this is where the fun begins. Meet our Smart Sequence, a groundbreaking algorithm that allows you to use multichannel outreach and personalize messages at scale. The secret to why the Smart sequences are so powerful lies in If/else conditions that you can set after each action and let Skylead follow your leads’ behavior and perform actions accordingly.

So, to create a Smart sequence, drag and drop actions and conditions and connect them.

Sending LinkedIn cold messages, outreach campaign - Skylead, step 3

Once you do, write down personalized messages using variables such as first name, company name, and so on. For example, here is how your LinkedIn cold message, aka connection request, can look like:

LinkedIn cold message; LinkedIn automation tool interface

Keep in mind that if you want to personalize your messaging even more, you can always create a CSV file with custom variables and upload it as the lead source.

Moreover, once a lead responds to your message, the sequence will stop for that lead, and you can see all the messages from all the platforms collected and available in our Smart Inbox. This way, you can continue the conversation without navigating between the platforms. What’s better, you can even label the leads with tags and calculate how many leads converted during this campaign.

Skylead Smart Inbox

And that is the magic of Skylead. 😊 

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead's smart sequence that demonstrates multichannel outreach using LinkedIn automation and email steps with if/else conditions

Frequently asked questions

1. How do these cold message strategies vary in effectiveness across different regions or cultures?

Cold message strategies' effectiveness can vary significantly across different regions or cultures due to varying communication norms and expectations. Tailoring your approach to reflect an understanding of cultural nuances and preferences in communication can greatly enhance receptivity and engagement.

2. What are the long-term follow-up strategies if the initial cold messages receive positive responses?

Long-term follow-up strategies should focus on building a genuine relationship with the recipient. This involves regularly sharing relevant content, updates, and opportunities that add value, maintaining a balance between staying in touch and respecting the recipient's space and interest level.

3. Are there any case studies or success stories of businesses that have significantly benefited from using these specific LinkedIn cold message templates?

Yes. We have a vast library of outreach templates that use these messages, and by examining each type of outreach sequence, you can see other results in addition to the response rate we've stated here.

4. Is it better to cold email or cold message on LinkedIn? 

Cold emails have an average of 3% reply rate, while InMail’s is 18-25%. So, cold messages on LinkedIn are better. But it also depends on your target audience and their preferred channel. So, to maximize getting in touch with every lead possible, you should reach out using both channels.

5. What is a good first message on LinkedIn? 

“Hey {{firstName}}, I loved your post about {{Topic}}, so I wanted to connect and chat.” Or you can use a humorous approach with personalization: “What’s a marketer’s favorite drink? Brand-y. Just kidding, {{firstName}}, saw that you are also part of the {{GroupName}} group. Hope we can learn from each other!”

Ready for your best cold outreach yet? 

So, what are you waiting for? All these messages are ready to use and are waiting on you. However, if you want to write your take on them, we understand - feel free to edit them as much as you’d like. Or, if you wish to use another version of this message, you can always use Chat GPT for sales to write prompts and have alternatives to these LinkedIn cold messages in no time. Either way, you will win this cold outreach game.

And if you’re up for scaling your email and LinkedIn lead generation and automating the process, start our Free Trial and experience firsthand how fast you can scale your business. 

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

Chat GPT infiltrated many aspects of our lives, whether we like it or not. 

While some are panicking about Chat GPT taking over their jobs, others found ways to use it to be more effective in their everyday tasks

You’ve probably already heard that Chat GPT, among other fields, proved itself to be very useful for lead generation, sales, and cold outreach overall. 

Basically, as a language model based on artificial intelligence, Chat GPT can be a powerful tool for writing highly personalized sales templates that get replies and help you book meetings

But, pretty much like with people, it only works if you know how to “converse” with it, that is, to give precise and correct prompts.

In this blog, we will show you how to use Chat GPT for sales, or, more precisely: 

Basics of using Chat GPT for sales 

Not everyone knows how to communicate with Chat GPT, which is the key factor in successfully using this very advanced chatbot. 

Basically, the better prompts you give, the more satisfying results Chat GPT will bring back.

However, bear in mind that the prompt you give doesn’t need to be final. 

Once you give the initial prompt to Chat GPT, you can always adjust its answers in 3 ways

Additionally, you can use Chat GPT for sales in combination with a LinkedIn automation tool and cold email software, such as Skylead, to create sales messages for emails, InMails, regular LinkedIn messages, any follow-ups, or even create entire outreach branches in Smart sequences in case your lead doesn’t answer [see the image below].

Skylead's Smart sequence example of one branch of smart sequence, how to use chat gpt for sales

Furthermore, Skylead allows you to A/B test LinkedIn connection requests, subject lines for emails and InMails, and any message body copy, so you can consider more than one input when using Chat GPT for sales

Skylead’s advanced reporting system allows you, aside from other analytics, to review A/B testing step by step and make data-driven decisions on what sales message worked best for your target leads. 

Skylead example of AB testing results, how to use chat gpt for sales

Now, let’s go ahead and show you a practical example of how to use Chat GPT for sales. 

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead support team and text "We suport you from day 1"

How to give prompts to Chat GPT for sales messages 

In this chapter, we will show you how to use Chat GPT to write a cold email

For the best results, we always advise our users to give precise instructions on the types of sales messages they want Chat GPT to write. 

Also, sometimes you need to emphasize that you need Chat GPT to generate both a cold email and a corresponding subject line, and sometimes by simply asking it to write an email, it will suggest the subject line as well. 

Chat GPT is not perfect, and it cannot read your thoughts (thank God!), so always strive to be as precise as possible when giving prompts. 

The more detail you provide, the more satisfying the result will be. 

So, let’s go ahead and see different ways to converse with Chat GPT for sales. 

Way #1 Copy & paste information and give a prompt.

So, to start, assemble the following on a sheet of paper: 

Then, you can copy and paste the relevant information, such as the desired length of your email, your Buyer's Personas goals and pain points, how your product solves them, and/or your product's USP. 

So, this was my initial prompt.


This is what I got. 


I personally found this email to be a bit too salesy and kind of “dry”. And this is exactly what I mentioned as a feedback

So, there’s no need to write an entirely new prompt. You can give honest feedback to Chat GPT. 


Here’s what I’ve got. 

ChatGPT prompt 1, answer 2

As you may see, you can go on and on like this. 

You can give feedback to Chat GPT on any part of the sales message you get or even edit the initial prompt until you find the most satisfying results. 

Here’s where you can edit your prompt

Image of how to edit prompt chat GPT

I will again remind you that, sometimes, it’s easier and better to edit the email manually or even mix and match different parts of different sales messages generated by Chat GPT. 

Way #2 Copy & paste information and give a prompt to use messages in a sales automation tool.

You can apply the same principle (or any other below) to prepare sales messages to use in sales automation software

Just make sure you tell chat GPT which variables (placeholders) you would like it to use so that the sales automation tool you’re using can personalize your outreach at scale

I used the same prompt as above, just changed the instructions part

Here’s the prompt. 


This is what I got. 


I liked the answer, but I noticed it was above 80 words. (again, always check cause Chat GPT is not perfect!)

So, I gave feedback and got another result. 

(Also, by clicking the “Regenerate response” button, you can probably go on and get new solutions for on and on.)


Way #3 Upload your lead's LinkedIn profile and give a prompt.

You can upload your lead’s LinkedIn profile and give the same instructions as above to write a more personalized message

#1 Go to your lead’s LinkedIn profile and download it in PDF format. 

how to download LinkedIn pdf

Upload it to your drive, then open the document, and click Share > Anyone with the link. 

You cannot just copy & paste someone's LinkedIn URL because Chat GPT is not "on LinkedIn", and what's on social media is not considered publicly available information for Chat GPT.

Copy and paste the link into Chat GPT, and give instructions


This is what I’ve got. 


I wasn’t very happy with the result, so I asked Chat GPT to give me a few other solutions


And another one. 


And another solution. 


Remember that you can also combine the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ways to give prompts for more precise instructions

That is, upload your lead’s CV and then write their pain points, goals, and your product's unique selling points in the prompt. 

Join Sales Tribe community banner with text: Set up your sales game today

Way #4 Use LinkedIn posts to personalize icebreakers in your cold emails.

A great way to instantly connect with your leads and increase your response rates is to make a reference to their LinkedIn post that resonated with you and that (ideally) you can tie to your product or service

Just copy and paste the post to Chat GPT and give a prompt to use it in the introduction of your cold email. 

The reason why you cannot just copy and paste the link to the blog to Chat GPT is that the Chat GPT can only use publicly available information, and therefore it cannot access LinkedIn and other people’s profiles. 

Here’s what my prompt looked like. 


This is what I’ve got. 

I have to be honest; I was pretty happy with it right away. 

Sales tips, chat GPT example

Way #5 Use Chat GPT to fight the most common objections.

The simplest way to use Chat GPT to fight the most common objections handling situations to cold emails is to upload the email you’ve sent, your lead’s objection, and give instructions to Chat GPT to answer it. 

You can copy/paste the majority of the information. 

Here’s what my prompt looked like. 


This is what I got from Chat GPT.


I felt as if it was selling right off the bat a bit, so I gave another prompt. 


Way #6 Use Chat GPT to write follow-ups after no response.

Following the previous example, you can also ask Chat GPT to write a follow-up email after no response

The easiest way to give a prompt to Chat GPT is to copy/paste the email and give instructions. 

Of course, if you need something more specific, make sure you include details too. 

My prompt was very simple this time. 


This is what I got. 


I didn’t like the answer because I wanted my lead to answer or start a conversation with me instead of pushing for a sales pitch. 


How to give prompts to Chat GPT for sales subject lines 

Whether writing an email or InMail, subject lines are the key factor to a higher open rate. 

In this blog, we will show you 3 ways how to use Chat GPT for sales subject lines

Way #1 Copy & paste your cold email and give a prompt. 

Copy and paste the email to Chat GPT and ask it to suggest subject lines

Here’s what my prompt looked like. 

Chat GPT response

This is what I’ve got. 


You can go ahead and play with it just like we did in the previous examples. 

I asked Chat GPT to make the subject lines shorter, for example. 


Way #2 Insert keywords and important information and give a prompt.

Describe your product (you can also copy and paste information regarding your ICP and Buyer Persona that you think should be included in your subject line) and give a prompt to Chat GPT. 

Here’s my prompt. 


Here’s what I’ve got. 


Frequently asked questions

How can one integrate Chat GPT with CRM software to streamline the sales process further?

Integrating Chat GPT with CRM software can be achieved through APIs or webhook integrations. This allows automated data exchange, enabling Chat GPT to personalize communications based on CRM data, improving the sales process by offering tailored interactions and insights.

What are the limitations of Chat GPT in understanding and responding to complex sales scenarios or objections?

Chat GPT's limitations include difficulty in understanding nuances, emotional cues, and highly complex scenarios specific to certain industries. Its responses might lack the depth that comes from human experience and intuition, potentially misinterpreting intricate customer objections or specialized queries.

Can Chat GPT be used to generate not just initial outreach messages but also to automate ongoing communication based on recipient responses?

Yes, Chat GPT can be used for more than initial outreach; it can automate ongoing communication by analyzing recipient responses and generating follow-up messages. However, this requires sophisticated setup to interpret responses accurately and respond appropriately, maintaining a balance between automation and personal touch.


As you may see, your options for using Chat GPT for sales are infinite

Our only advice is not to be afraid to experiment and to give new prompts and feedback until you are completely satisfied with the result. 

Also, keep in mind that you can always manually adjust any solution Chat GPT suggests. 

And if you wish to test out 7 days for free how to combine Chat GPT with Skylead, a LinkedIn automation tool and cold email software, check out this link

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A well-crafted LinkedIn connection message can make a busy decision-maker click Accept to yours and leave pending the other 50+ connection requests they received that day on the platform. 

With over 65 million decision-makers, LinkedIn is THE #1 professional social network that made it possible for the entire world to connect business-wise

However, while it’s true that, today, you can find anyone you need on the platform, the volume of messages certain professionals get on a daily basis is so high that you need to find a way to stand out from the crowd to get their attention. 

To understand how important connections are on LinkedIn, bear in mind that 98% of sales representatives with more than 5,000 LinkedIn connections mostly surpass their selling quotas.

The maximum size of your network on LinkedIn is limited to 30,000 connections, so you want to use that number to connect with LinkedIn members relevant to your business (and you want to do so before your competitors, so… ⬇️ )

In this blog, we will: 

How to send a connection request on LinkedIn?

To connect with a LinkedIn member from the search result, click on the Connect button in the top right corner of the member’s LinkedIn profile section. 

How to send a linkedin connection request from a linkedin search result


Open the LinkedIn member’s profile. Click Connect

How to send LinkedIn connection message from LinkedIn profile

How to cancel a pending LinkedIn connection request?

Not a lot of people monitor their pending LinkedIn connection requests, which is wrong because the integrity of their LinkedIn profile could get damaged. Essentially, good pending-request hygiene can save you from LinkedIn jail and improve your acceptance rate on the platform. 

That’s why, we wrote a complete guide on How to cancel your LinkedIn invite, and, above all, explained in detail:

Skylead users have the benefit that you can set up Skylead to withdraw pending requests to safeguard their LinkedIn profiles and allow them to send invites to connect to other people relevant to their business. 

How to delete pending invites in LinkedIn automation and cold email software, Skylead

In the meantime, if you just wish to cancel a pending LinkedIn connection request,  first click My Network on your LinkedIn profile home page. 

How to cancel pending LinkedIn connection request on LinkedIn, step 1

Choose Manage or See all.

How to cancel pending LinkedIn connection request on LinkedIn, step 2

Choose Sent and the Withdraw option that’s next to the LinkedIn member’s name.

How to cancel pending LinkedIn connection request on LinkedIn, step 3

If you cancel a LinkedIn connection request, you won’t be able to send it again to the same member for the following 3 weeks

How to cancel pending linkedin connection request, the Withdraw invitation pop-up

How to message someone on LinkedIn who is not a connection?

There are 3 types of connections on LinkedIn, and here is how to message every one of them.  

How to write a connection message on LinkedIn [5 best practices]

So, as mentioned above, it takes only a few people to deny your LinkedIn connection request and click I don’t know this person for you to be flagged on LinkedIn. 

So, we decided to share 5 guidelines followed by our sales team when writing a LinkedIn connection message. 

Look for common ground.

Mentioning any common ground turned out to be a positive practice. It could be a community you both belong to, a shared interest, a school, an industry, or even the same point of view on a specific topic.

Stay professional. 

Reach out to other members in a professional manner. Avoid making personal references or giving compliments that are not business-related or argued.

Personalize your LinkedIn connection messages.

Addressing your lead by name is a must. Then, any other detail that you can mention, such as - the company name, the exact job title, set of skills, or job description, shows that you did your research. The more you know about your lead, the higher the chances of getting accepted on LinkedIn and turning that lead into your customer.

No generic nor irrelevant LinkedIn connection messages.

Even a blank LinkedIn connection request is better than I’d like to add you to my network.

Also, it’s hard for a pharmaceutical sales representative to be interested to read your article on SEO. Know who you are talking to.

Avoid selling straight out the gate.

Even if they need and like your product or service, no one will purchase anything without any additional info, chat, or call.

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

25 LinkedIn connection message examples [Up to 78% acceptance rate]

Tailor-making a LinkedIn connection message to each lead might seem a bit time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be (not if you’re using Skyleaaaad 😂 ). 

Jokes aside (or not!), the results of sending personalized LinkedIn connection messages are pretty rewarding. 

Once you get used to the principles of writing in a compelling, LinkedIn-friendly way, your LinkedIn outreach will become a much more enjoyable experience. 

Until then, use the LinkedIn connection message examples below that our team and users tested to grow their networks with relevant prospects. 

Mention a mutual connection


Hello {{firstName}},

I noticed that you are connected with {{mutualConnection}}.

{{mutualConnection}} and I worked together at {{company}}. I really loved {{whatYouLovedAboutMutualConnection}}.

I see that we are both in the {{industry}} industry and would love to have you in my network. 


LinkedIn connection message example, Mutual connection



Hello {{firstName}},

{{mutualConnection}} pointed me your way for B2B lead generation services – would love to connect.


LinkedIn connection message example, Mutual connection version 2

Reaching out to a candidate (as a recruiter)


Hello {{firstName}},

It seems that you’ve been a great addition to your team at {{company}}. Way to go! 

I would like to talk to you about a business opportunity. 

But even if you’re not interested, it would be great to have you as part of my network!


LinkedIn connection message example, Recruiter to candidate



Hello {{firstName}},

I am reaching out to you for your vast experience as a {{occupation}}.

{{company}} is currently searching for a {{position}}.

If this sounds interesting to you, let’s connect. 


LinkedIn connection message example, Recruiter to candidate, version 2

Reaching out to a recruiter (as a job seeker) 


Hello {{firstName}},

I saw that you are a recruiter at {{company}}.

I am a {{occupation}} with {{number}} years of experience in the {{industry}} industry, currently seeking new opportunities.

I’d like to connect and chat to see if my background fits any of your openings. 


LinkedIn connection message example, Candidate to recruiter



Hello {{firstName}},

I see that you’re the recruiter in charge of the {{occupation}} position at {{company}}. 

I am very interested in applying but would like to ask you a few questions first. 

Let’s connect. 


LinkedIn connection message example, Candidate to recruiter, version 2

Intro to a collaboration proposal


Hello {{firstName}},

I am a long admirer of your work. 

I followed your advice regarding {{topic}} that you shared {{where}}. {{achievedResult}}.

Thank you once again! 

Would love to connect! 


LinkedIn connection message example, Collaboration proposal

Connect with a member of the community


Hello {{firstName}},

Your post in {{mutualCommunity}} was quite insightful. 

I particularly liked the part where you said {{quote}}. 

I would like to discuss it further with you. Let’s connect. 

Image of CTA banner 1 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software


LinkedIn connection message example, Shared community



Hello {{firstName}}, 

I saw that you are also a member of {{mutualGroup}}.

I would love to connect with you since we both work in the {{industry}} industry.


LinkedIn connection message example, Shared community, version 2

Approach an event attendee


Hello {{firstName}},

It was great speaking to you at the {{eventName}} {{when}}. 

What you do at {{currentCompany}} sounded fascinating and it totally inspired me! 

I’d definitely like to stay up-to-date with your work.

Thank you in advance for connecting!


LinkedIn connection message example, Event attendees



Hey {{firstName}},

I saw you at the {{eventName}} but I didn’t get the chance to approach you and introduce myself. How did you like the {{eventName}}? Would love to connect here and stay in touch! 


LinkedIn connection message example, Event attendees

Reach out to a LinkedIn event attendee


Hello {{firstName}}, 

I saw that you too attended the {{eventName}} LinkedIn event. 

Learning {{what}} was particularly useful for my business. 

Anyways, I would love to connect and exchange feedback on the event. 


LinkedIn connection message example, LinkedIn event attendees

Reach out to an author of a LinkedIn article or post


Hi {{firstName}},

I came across your LinkedIn article on {{topic}}. 

I really resonated with your thoughts on {{topic}}.

I’d love to keep in touch and learn more about your work. 


LinkedIn connection message example, LinkedIn article author

Break the ice using industry humor or a joke

Here are 35+ industry jokes that you could use in your LinkedIn connection requests as an icebreaker.


Hi {{firstName}},

How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb? 

Just one - but the light bulb has to really want to change.

Jokes aside, I would love to connect!


LinkedIn connection message example, Industry humor

OR (something as silly as this) 


Hello {{firstName}},

I noticed we both breathe oxygen. 

Sounds like a perfect fit to me, let’s connect! 


LinkedIn connection message example, Industry humor, version 2

Connect with a former colleague 


Hello {{firstName}},

Remember me?

We used to work together at {{company}} back in {{year}}.

Let’s connect and catch up, I would love to hear how it is going at {{currentCompany}}! 


LinkedIn connection message example, Previous colleague



Hello {{firstName}},

It was such a pleasure working with you at {{company}} back in {{year}}. 

Let’s connect! I would like to hear what you’ve been up to professionally since. 


LinkedIn connection message example, Previous colleague, version 2

Reach out to a colleague 

If a company is big, knowing everyone you’re working with is hard. 

However, connecting with colleagues is a good practice for expanding your network on LinkedIn. 

Remember that they also might have some interesting connections, and you never know who they could introduce you to. 


Hello {{firstName}},

Good news travels fast! I heard about you {{achievement}}. Great job! 

Anyways, I am {{yourName}} from the {{department}} team and would love to connect! 


LinkedIn connection message example, Connect with colleague

Connect with former alumni


Hello {{firstName}},

I see that we graduated from the same university. Go {{school’sSportsTeam}}! 🙂

I would like to connect and learn more about your experience at {{company}}. 

I myself majored in {{major}} and currently work in the {{industry}} industry. 


LinkedIn connection message example, Connect with an alumnus

Reach out to members who reacted to your or someone else’s LinkedIn post


Hello {{firstName}},

I saw that you are also a fan of {{name}}’s content and just wanted to connect with you. 


LinkedIn connection message example, LinkedIn post




Hello {{firstName}},

I saw that you also liked {{Name}}’s post on {{topic}}. I am a big fan of his/her work. 

His/her advice worked well for me!  

Anyways, I would love to connect and maybe even discuss it further. 


LinkedIn connection message example, LinkedIn post

Connect with a member who asked a question in the post comment


Hi {{firstName}},

I saw that you commented on {{name}}’s post about {{topic}} and asked {{question}}. 

I would like to connect and share some resources with you that could be helpful. 


LinkedIn connection message example, LinkedIn post, version 2

Reach out to members suggested by LinkedIn

The People also viewed feature displays a list of LinkedIn members that the platform’s algorithm found important for your LinkedIn experience, whether you are using it for networking, job search, or lead generation

Use this template to reach out to them. 


Hello {{firstName}},

Your profile came as suggested through the People also viewed section, so I was curious and checked it out. I saw that we’re both in the {{industry}} industry, so I thought we connect and exchange experiences. 


LinkedIn connection message example, Question in the comment



Hello, {{firstName}}

LinkedIn suggested your profile several times now, so I was curious and checked it out. I saw that we’re both {{occupation}}, so I thought it would be good to connect with professionals from the industry. Let’s exchange experiences:) 


LinkedIn connection message example, Reach out to members suggested by LinkedIn

Start with a genuine compliment 


Hi {{firstName}}

I have been following your work for some time now, and I must admit your career path in the {{industry}} industry impressed me. I would love to connect with you and ask you a few questions about your beginnings in the field. 


LinkedIn connection message example, Include a genuine compliment

LinkedIn Connection Message: FAQ

How can one effectively track and measure the success rate of these LinkedIn connection message templates, especially in terms of resulting in meaningful professional relationships or business opportunities?

To effectively track the success of LinkedIn connection message templates, monitor acceptance rates and follow-up interactions. Analyzing these metrics can provide insights into which templates foster meaningful connections and opportunities. Adjust strategies based on this data for improved outcomes.

What are the best practices for following up on a connection request if there's no response initially, without coming across as too persistent or spammy?

Following up on a LinkedIn connection request requires a delicate balance. If there's no initial response, a polite and concise reminder after a reasonable period can be appropriate. Avoid being overly persistent; one InMail or email follow-up is generally considered tactful to maintain professionalism without seeming spammy.

How do you politely ask for a connection on LinkedIn? 

Asking to connect with someone on LinkedIn has become as common as asking or giving your business card to someone. Many professionals include links to their profiles in the paper or QR business cards or in the signature section of their emails. 

Should I send a message with a connection request on LinkedIn? 

Adding a message with a connection request on LinkedIn is generally considered good practice that increases your acceptance rate. However, sending a blank request rather than a generic message is better if you decide not to use a personalized approach. Check out our examples above.

What message to write with a connection request on LinkedIn? 

Mentioning something that you have in common with the person you are trying to connect with is generally considered good practice that increases your chances of getting accepted. However, there are many other LinkedIn connection request messages that you can use. Check out our examples to get inspired. 

How do I send a cold connection request on LinkedIn? 

The cold connection request is not “as cold” as it seems if you follow the golden rule of connecting to people relevant to your business or with whom you have something in common. Therefore, the best way to connect on LinkedIn is by mentioning something relevant to both of you. 

Did someone reject my connection request on LinkedIn? 

You can ignore someone’s connection request on LinkedIn by clicking “Ignore” instead of “Accept” or by ignoring it and letting it pend. LinkedIn does not notify the sender when their connection request has been declined. Also, LinkedIn automatically deletes pending connection requests after 6 months. 

What happens when you ignore a connection request on LinkedIn? 

To decline someone’s connection request, just click “Ignore”. LinkedIn will not notify the member of their request being declined, but they can send you another connection request. If you literally ignore the request and leave it pending, LinkedIn will automatically delete it after 6 months. 

Do LinkedIn requests expire? 

Yes, LinkedIn requests expire. All pending LinkedIn connection requests will be automatically deleted after 6 months. After that, the member whose request has been deleted can ask for another connection again. 

Can people see withdrawn LinkedIn requests? 

Your recipient won’t be notified if you withdraw your connection request on LinkedIn. To do that, go to My Network > Manage (top right corner) >  Sent > Withdraw. If the LinkedIn member already accepted your invitation to connect, they can be removed as a connection. 

How do you know if someone accepted your LinkedIn request? 

You will get a notification when someone accepts your connection request. To set up notifications, go to Settings & Privacy > Notifications > Connecting with others > Invitations to connect. Or, go to My Network > Connections (top left corner) > Recently added > See the list of recently added connections or search them by name.

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At first mention, cold outreach tends to have a bad reputation. 

It's no wonder, as no one likes unsolicited emails, LinkedIn messages, or calls. 

However, real cold outreach is not useless or annoying. On the contrary, it helps your and your clients' businesses grow and builds strong, lucrative, and long-lasting relationships. 

It starts with thoroughly researching the ICP and Buyer Persona, defining a precise outreach strategy, writing sales messages and follow-ups in advance, predicting objections and preparing for objection handling, and much more.  

That's why, in this blog, we will dive into a detailed explanation of:

What is cold outreach? 

Cold Outreach is a form of outbound marketing. It implies contacting prospects with whom you had no prior relationship and introducing them to your product/service. It can be conducted via LinkedIn, email (cold emailing), phone (cold calling), or by combining these channels (multichannel outreach). 

Companies with a business-to-business work model mainly use cold outreach. For optimal results, each cold outreach campaign should be based on a well-thought-out outreach strategy. This strategy should aligns with the company's needs, goals, and possibilities. 

Cold outreach VS warm outreach 

Cold outreach, as mentioned above, implies reaching out to prospects with whom you had no prior relationship and who most likely have little or no awareness of your product/service. 

On the other hand, warm outreach implies contacting prospects who know about your product/service and have expressed interest in it. The communication channels can be the same as cold outreach strategies - via LinkedIn, email, call, or combining several communication channels. However, the approach is, of course, different. 

Cold outreach strategies in marketing, sales, and recruiting 

Cold outreach is a form of outbound marketing and sales. It is a traditional form of marketing in which a company initiates contact with a potential customer. 

Since cold outreach is mainly implemented by companies with a B2B work model, these potential clients are other companies that could benefit from their products/services the most. 

The most common forms of outbound marketing are:

This chapter will discuss the role of cold emailing, cold calling, and cold messaging on LinkedIn as a cold outreach strategy in sales, marketing, and recruiting. 

Cold outreach strategy in marketing 

Network with industry peers 

LinkedIn networking with industry peers positively impacts the exposure of your business. Furthermore, it brings meaningful connections, and provides additional insights into different marketing trends and practices. 

What once was reserved for in-person business events only today is happening on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a social media platform aimed at building B2B relationships that gathers over 810 million professionals worldwide. In other words, it allows you to find and network with all your industry peers from all over the world in one place. 

Connect with thought leaders and influencers

Word of mouth is the best marketing tool, especially from industry experts. 

LinkedIn is also an excellent place to connect with thought-leaders and influencers. This way you can talk about your product/service reach your target audience through their content or mention. 

Also, you can get in touch with their followers through the Sales Navigator filter Connections Of. Or, use a LinkedIn automation tool, such as Skylead, to scrape LinkedIn members who reacted to specific posts and reach out to them.

Invite top speakers to participate at your event 

Whether a startup or an established business, having high-profile speakers at your event (webinars, in-person conferences, seminars, etc.) puts your company in the spotlight. It is an excellent way to gather people from your industry and potential customers in one place. 

Additionally, top-level speakers usually have a broad audience and many followers on social media. As a result, they could attract professionals from an industry branch you didn't consider initially. This gives you a significant insight into the direction your business can take.

Create cold outreach campaigns to get in touch with platforms or other brands that could go hand-in-hand with yours.(obviously, skip your competitors!). In return, be open to hosting their content or exchanging backlinks. 

Having your content published or backlinked on other places rather than just on your gives your brand significant exposure, whether a startup or an established business. Furthermore, it places you and your team members as field experts. 

Send out press releases 

A new software release, reaching a business milestone, announcing a new product/service, or anything worth mentioning should be publicly announced. Use cold outreach to get in touch with online magazines relevant to your industry and get extra publicity. 

Cold outreach strategy in sales 

Simply put, sales represents the group of activities that lead to exchanging goods or services for money or other assets. 

Not long ago, the entire sales process, from lead generation to the pitch, was reserved for face-to-face contact. Then, unsolicited calls to prospects without prior contact, known as cold calling, became a crucial part of sales teams' cold outreach strategies. This way, teams managed to reach geographically more distant clients. 

Today, with the internet becoming available to almost everyone, sales reps are using more and more social media networks to understand their customers and to reach out to them. However, the social selling process is far more complicated than that.

There are over 63 million decision-makers on LinkedIn. You can now offer your product/service to the entire world, but so can everyone else. That's how social selling was born. It is a sales and marketing strategy that prioritizes relationship building with potential clients and makes the act of selling its consequence rather than a goal. Social selling has many processes, but it usually starts with cold outreach. 

Cold outreach strategy in recruiting 

Due to the global talent shortage, recruiters must develop an employer branding strategy to present their company in the labor market and a cold outreach strategy to approach ideal candidates and attract them to work for their company. 

Furthermore, LinkedIn developed a series of platforms designed to help recruiters find the most qualified candidates for their companies - LinkedIn Recruiter.

What is cold email outreach? 

Cold email outreach is an outbound prospecting technique that uses email to approach prospects to establish professional relationships and sell your product. Therefore, a cold email is any unsolicited email sent to someone who knows nothing or very little about your product with the goal of selling it. 

B2B Cold email response rates 

A generally accepted average cold email open rate is 21.33%, while an average response rate is 1% to 5%

As you may see, the difference between an open rate and a reply rate is significant. The email open rate depends on your email subject line and your reply rate of how good you are at writing sales messages and follow-up emails after no response.

One of the many benefits of using Skylead, a LinkedIn automation tool and cold email software, is the possibility to find and verify your prospects' email addresses. The verification process is critical, as it ensures higher deliverability (chances of your cold email landing directly in your prospect's inbox instead of spam) and safeguards your domain from restrictions. 

Furthermore, every day Skylead team strives to educate our users and beyond on sales and anything sales-related, how to put our tips, tricks, and templates for better open and reply rates, and finally, conversion rates into good use through our tool. You can find sales email templates and LinkedIn templates in our resources or subscribe to our newsletter for the latest industry and software updates and ready-to-use sales templates. 

Image of CTA banner 1 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

Cold outreach on LinkedIn 

LinkedIn is a social media platform that, besides connecting professionals from around the world, gives you significant insights into your prospects' needs, desires, and pain points through their LinkedIn profiles. 

Unlike other social media focusing on people's private lives or B2C communication, LinkedIn is majorly oriented towards the B2B business model. 

It offers detailed insights into your ideal customers, such as your prospect's name, company name, contact information (email, website, phone number), professional communities they like, and content with which they engage. 

Despite LinkedIn being majorly mentioned as a platform for salespeople, sales teams, and marketers, it's important to highlight that it's pretty valuable for recruiters and people looking for new job opportunities. 

When fishing for the best talent to join your company, the process is the same as social selling. On the other hand, potential employees rely on LinkedIn before applying to a position that might interest them. They can draw conclusions from the company's employer branding campaigns, growth insights, etc., just like sales reps and marketers do for their potential clients. 

What is multichannel cold outreach?

Multichannel cold outreach implies combining channels of communication, usually LinkedIn outreach, email outreach, and cold calling to get prospects to engage in the process of social selling. It can also be performed through your multichannel contact center.

Multichannel outreach is the most effective approach for starting a conversation with your ideal prospects because you are creating more than one touchpoint with your prospects and, at the same time identifying their preferred channel of communication for further conversations. 

Benefits of cold outreach

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead's smart sequence that demonstrates multichannel outreach using LinkedIn automation and email steps with if/else conditions

Cold outreach: Best practices

Understand your prospects' needs 

LinkedIn is a gold mine of qualified prospects and information on those prospects. So, check out:

You can learn all of this by visiting their LinkedIn profile. 


Once you've understood your prospects' affinities, needs, and goals, it's time to put this information into practice. Personalizing your outreach goes far beyond calling your prospects by their names. Some successful sales reps import CSV files (with email lists or LinkedIn URLs) into automation tools. They also personalize entire paragraphs to each prospect for the best results.  

For example, let’s say you have an email list of your ideal prospects. Create a column where you write a personalized intro for each of them where the rest of the sales message copy stays the same for every prospect.

CSV file, example, Skylead CSV-file cold outreach campaign

Once you upload this .csv file to Skylead, the column “intro” will automatically turn into a variable {{intro}}. Use it like this. 

Skylead, example of personalization, cold email outreach, variables

Each prospect will receive a combination of the personalized intro as in the csv file with the rest of the message. 

Address the pain points 

Your best pitch lies in proving that your product/service solves your prospects' pain points most quickly and directly. Make that clear in your sales messages, from the intro to CTA. 

Connect on a human level

However, addressing the pain points doesn't mean selling repeatedly. Keep in mind that your prospects are humans and that you should always try to connect on a human level. Sales reps who genuinely show that they care and want to help their potential customers improve their businesses have higher conversion rates. 

Build relationships before selling 

As part of social selling, cold outreach is all about building relationships with prospects. People are more likely to buy products from people they trust and with whom they feel comfortable opening up. 

Don't quit - follow up 

Don't give up after the first try. Decision-makers to whom you're trying to get are busy. They receive numerous LinkedIn connection requests and cold emails and, believe it or not, often forget to reply. So sending a follow-up email is always a good choice. 

Qualify your prospects  

Qualifying a prospect means determining whether or not someone interested in your product/service is a good fit for it. Therefore, a qualified prospect is a potential client whose pain points your product/service solves in the most direct way. By qualifying your prospects, you will have higher customer lifetime value while lowering churn rates. 

A/B test your cold outreach

One cold outreach template won't fit all prospects. That's why it's smart to A/B test message templates of all kinds. A/B test is a randomized experimentation process where two or more versions are sent to different target users simultaneously to determine which one makes results and influences the desirable business action. It's the only way to know what really works for your target prospects. 

For example, in this case, we tested 3 different copies of Invite to connect on LinkedIn to see which one would have the highest acceptance rate and/or reply rate. 

Here’s how you see the results of A/B testing in Skylead. You also have instant insight into the messages you were testing. 

Skylead, AB testing, example of AB testing results

Automate your cold outreach

It's 2024, and we're far past manual outreach. LinkedIn automation tools progressed and are now an indispensable part of any sales, marketing, and recruiting process. Skylead, for example, optimizes your time by finding the fastest way to your prospects, makes sure your cold emails land directly in your prospect's inbox, which affects your deliverability, gives you real-time reports and campaign status, and supports all sorts of integrations with CRMs (i.e., Hubspot, Salesflare, Zoho) newsletter tools, databases, etc. through Zapier and API. 

What is a good cold email 

A good cold email must show that the sender has thoroughly researched the recipient (prospect) and their company to understand their needs, desires, and pain points. Furthermore, it also includes a concrete and straight-to-the-point explanation of how your product/service can help improve a specific aspect of their business. 

The characteristics of a "good cold email" are the same for recruiters and candidates writing to hiring managers to search for job opportunities. 

For example, if you're a recruiter reaching out to the ideal candidate, you should show that you've researched that person and why you consider them the right fit for the position. The "spray and pray" approach doesn't work, not it makes your company look good. 

The same goes another way around. If you're a candidate searching for an opportunity, make sure you've done thorough research on a specific company's product/service. Even if you're an expert in your field, the hiring manager is less likely to consider you if they notice you don't particularly care about the company itself and that you just go and apply for random jobs. 

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

Cold outreach email template 

Now, let's look at some proven cold email formulas (and cold email templates) that increase your reply rates and generate results. 

The most basic structure of cold emails, whether a first email or a follow-up, consists of an email subject line, email body copy, call-to-action (CTA), and email signature. 

As mentioned above, the email open rate majorly depends on your email subject line. Your response rates depend on how well you researched your recipients, hence, how relevant your offer is to their company. Also, if you included links or hyperlinked words, ensure the anchor words are attractive enough (but not misleading) to improve your click-through rate. 

Here are some cold email formulas/templates.

The BAB (Before - After - Bridge) formula

Before - a paragraph on your prospect's pain point. 

After - what your prospect's business looks like with a solution you're offering. 

Bridge - how your prospect can get there. 

Cold outreach email template with the BAB (Before - After - Bridge) Formula

The PAS (Problem - Agitate - Solve) formula

The PAS formula is also known as "a pessimistic version of BAB". However, it works equally well in different situations. You have to evaluate which principle works better for you and your prospects, or you can always AB test them. 

Problem - open your cold email with the problem your prospect's facing. 

Agitate - emphasize the problem until it "hurts".

Solve - offer a solution to your prospect's problem.

Cold outreach email template with the PAS (Problem - Agitate - Solve) Formula

The SSS (Star - Story - Success) formula 

Star - introduce the main character, that should be either your prospect or someone with whom your prospect can identify.

Story - tell a story about your character in which they face the same problem your prospect does.

Success - share how your character got out of the problem and offer the same solution to your prospect.

Cold outreach email template with the SSS (Star - Story - Success) Formula

The ACCA (Awareness - Comprehension - Conviction - Action) formula 

Awareness - show your prospect that you know what their pain point is.

Comprehension - explain how this pain point affects them, and tell them you have a solution.

Conviction - create a desire for the solution.

Action - call-to-action (CTA).  

Cold outreach email template with the ACCA (Awareness - Comprehension - Conviction - Action) Formula

The AIDA (Attention - Interest - Desire - Action) formula 

Attention — Grab the prospect's attention.

Interest — Make it personal to engage their interest.

Desire — Build desire for what you're offering.

Action — Ask for a response.

Email template with the AIDA (Attention - Interest - Desire - Action) Formula

Also, remember to check out our ready-to-use follow-up email after no response templates, as well as the most common email mistakes and the most effective email calls-to-action (CTAs) for higher response and conversion rates. 

Best cold email outreach subject line 

Whether a first or a follow-up email, your email subject line is crucial for your open rates. 

Subject lines should be compelling but not misleading. If you used tricks to get your email opened, and the subject line doesn't reflect the email body, don't expect your prospect to reply. People generally get angry when misled and are less likely to open your follow-up emails, too.  

Here are email subject line guidelines, best practices, and over 107 subject line examples that you can use immediately or draw inspiration from. 

LinkedIn outreach templates 

In simple words, LinkedIn outreach implies using the platform to connect and nurture professional relationships with the goal of selling your product/service to those members that would benefit from it the most.

For this purpose, LinkedIn offers different types of messaging, such as connection requests for better acceptance rates, regular messages for members of your network, LinkedIn InMails for busy decision-makers, and 3rd-degree connections. 

From this point of view, LinkedIn outreach is different from cold email outreach for classifying members based on your connection level, whereas you can send a cold email to pretty much anyone whose email address you have. However, LinkedIn as a platform offers other benefits, such as networking opportunities, significant insights into your prospect's professional achievements, pain points, and professional aspirations, etc. 

You will find over 30 ready-to-use LinkedIn outreach templates in our resources LinkedIn connection message templates, sales messages for starting sales conversations, and LinkedIn InMails examples

LinkedIn outreach automation 

Skylead is a LinkedIn automation tool and cold email outreach software that, thanks to its smart algorithms that make decisions based on your prospect's behavior, automates time-consuming sales processes and gets to your prospects in the fastest and most direct way possible. 

By automating your LinkedIn outreach, you are optimizing your time and saving resources while still getting the most out of your LinkedIn prospecting process. In addition, it is perfectly safe and supports integrations through API and Zapier with CRMs, newsletter tools, database software, calendar booking tools, etc. 

Skylead allows you to automate only LinkedIn outreach, make only cold email campaigns, or combine everything into multichannel outreach for the best results. It also has its email finder that, at the same time, verifies each prospect's email address to increase deliverability and prevent harming your email domain. 

Skylead’s Smart Sequences work on the “if/else” principle meaning that they act based on your lead’s behavior. The picture below shows what multichannel outreach looks like but you can always opt to make a Smart Sequence that focuses on one channel only (LinkedIn or email). 

Skylead, smart sequence, example of multichannel cold outreach

Also, it has a proven boost mode feature that helps you bypass LinkedIn limits and connect with more prospects in less time. 

Image of CTA banner 1 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

Frequently asked questions 

How does cold outreach automation compare to manual outreach in terms of effectiveness and personalization?

Cold outreach automation can scale efforts and maintain consistency while keeping a deeper level of personalization, potentially increasing effectiveness by making recipients feel uniquely considered. While manual outreach can be personalized as well, automation is a preferred option because it saves so much time. 

What are the ethical considerations or potential drawbacks of using cold outreach strategies, especially regarding unsolicited messages?

Ethical considerations in cold outreach include respecting privacy, avoiding spam, and ensuring messages provide value. Misuse can lead to negative brand perception and legal issues.

Can the effectiveness of cold outreach vary significantly between industries, and if so, how should strategies be adapted for different sectors?

Effectiveness of cold outreach can indeed vary across industries. Sectors with high digital engagement may respond better. Tailoring strategies to industry-specific preferences and pain points is crucial for relevance and effectiveness.

Is cold outreach effective? 

If done right, cold outreach is a powerful prospecting tactic used by many salespeople for its high ROI, the possibility to reach potential clients from all over the world, and the ability to build long-lasting business relationships. 

Why is cold outreach important? 

Cold outreach can help you gain broader brand awareness and reach potential customers from all over the world. Furthermore, it's cost-effective and can be used for sales, marketing, recruiting, and job searches. 

How do you conduct a cold outreach? 

You will not get into trouble if you use your prospects' business email addresses for cold email campaigns. 

Can you cold email B2B? 

Yes, B2B companies' sales teams use cold email outreach and LinkedIn outreach more often to accomplish their sales goals. 

What is cold outreach in marketing? 

Cold outreach in marketing is a form of outbound marketing that implies contacting prospects who could turn into your potential clients but don't know about your brand and have no previous experience with it. It could be done through email marketing, LinkedIn outreach, and cold calling. 

What is cold lead generation? 

Cold leads (referred to as "top of the funnel" leads) are those who are most likely not familiar with your product/service and haven't expressed interest in it. Cold lead generation is the process of gaining cold leads' attention, usually through LinkedIn (LinkedIn lead generation), cold emailing, and cold calling.

What is the difference between cold calling and prospecting? 

Prospecting is the process of identifying and building relationships with potential customers who probably don't know about your product and haven't shown interest in it so far. Cold calling is one of the prospecting techniques which includes reaching out to potential customers via phone. 

Is it better to cold call or email first? 

It majorly depends on your sales outreach strategy. However, some outreach experts find cold emailing less invasive and advise starting by reaching out to your ideal customers in written form (cold emailing and/or LinkedIn outreach). 

How long should a cold outreach email be? 

Generally, shorter cold sales emails of around 50-200 words have higher response rates. However, the most important aspect of cold emails is that they are personalized and highly relevant to the recipients. Also, their subject lines must be catchy while reflecting the emails' topic.

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
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LinkedIn Boolean search is a query technique that combines words and phrases with the Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT, (), “”, to limit, broaden, or better define your search. It is used to produce more accurate results on the platform and allows you to navigate through relevant leads while disregarding unrelated ones.

Boolean search can be a powerful tool to get the most out of your LinkedIn lead generation process while saving time and resources.  That’s why, our sales team uses Boolean search in their everyday filtering activities on LinkedIn, and we can proudly say that this was one of the most effective LinkedIn prospecting  strategies to go from 2500 to 10 000+ users in 9 months

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

To apply Boolean search successfully on LinkedIn, you’ll need to know:

The benefits of using a Boolean search on LinkedIn

Utilizing Boolean search on LinkedIn, especially when combined with other filters, offers several benefits. Our sales team has found that Boolean search, when integrated into their search strategy, helps: 

How to do a Boolean search on LinkedIn? 

Here are some ground rules when it comes to Boolean search principles in general and on LinkedIn

Boolean search rules for LinkedIn

Here are some basic Boolean search rules to follow when searching on LinkedIn. 

Boolean search terms for LinkedIn

Boolean search terms on LinkedIn consist of the following 5 operators that help you create a logical relationship between the keywords you would like to search, and therefore, bring back more precise and targeted search results.

The AND operator

The AND operator tells a search engine to find all people whose LinkedIn profiles include both terms. 

For example, if you search for writer AND copywriter, LinkedIn will only bring back users whose profiles contain BOTH the term writer and the term copywriter. 

The OR operator 

The OR operator tells a search engine that you wish to find users whose LinkedIn profiles include either of the terms. Also, if there’s a LinkedIn profile containing both terms, it will appear in your results. 

For example, if you search for content OR copywriter, LinkedIn will bring back users whose profiles contain EITHER of the terms or BOTH terms. 

The NOT operator

The NOT operator tells a search engine what words to exclude from search results. Differently from other operators, it needs to stand before the term you wish to exclude. If you wish to exclude multiple terms, the NOT needs to be inserted before each term. 

For example, if you search for content NOT copywriter, LinkedIn will bring back profiles containing the word content and it will avoid all profiles that contain the word copywriter. If you wish to exclude editors as well, you should compose your query as content NOT copywriter NOT editor. 

Quotations “”

Quotations are used in LinkedIn Boolean search when your search term is composed of two or more consecutive words that need to stay in a specific order. For example, if you wish to find content editors, but avoid content writers, your query would look like this “content editor” NOT “content writer”. If you don’t put the term composed of two or more words under quotation marks, the search engine will look them up as separate terms. 

For example, content editor NOT “content writer” will bring back results that contain the word editor, the word content, and will avoid profiles with the word content writer. 

Parenthesis ()

This Boolean operator is essential for writing complex search strings that give carefully picked results. Namely, when including parenthesis in the Boolean search, the algorithm sees the string between the brackets as a query that needs to be solved separately and then in relation to other parts of the string. 

For example, the query head AND (sales OR marketing) NOT (intern OR assistant OR communications) will bring back results of all leads who are either Head of Sales or Head of Marketing or Head Of Sales & Marketing but will exclude all people from the same departments that are interns, assistant, or hold the title of the Head of Communications. 

Here’s a visual presentation of the LinkedIn Boolean terms.

LinkedIn Boolean Operators Explained

Which LinkedIn filters support Boolean search? 

Here are the filters supporting the Boolean search according to your LinkedIn plan. 

LinkedIn Boolean search 

On LinkedIn, you can apply the Boolean search only to the Keyword group of filters, which are:

This means that, whatever you put in the Keywords filter on LinkedIn, it will search within these 5 sections of your lead’s profile. If you want LinkedIn to search within a specific section, use precisely that filter instead. 

Also, our SRD, Pavle, tested applying longer Boolean search strings to LinkedIn basic and premium filters, and it was interesting to note that they don’t allow longer searches. He would get the “No results found” message, which is not quite true. 

LinkedIn just wants to point out the benefits of investing in Sales Navigator, LinkedIn’s premium platform designed specifically to handpick ideal leads through Sales Navigator filters, or in Recruiter with its 23+ filters designed for finding the finest talent for your business. 

Sales Navigator Boolean search

Sales Navigator allows you to apply the Boolean search to the following filters:

The most commonly used filter to apply the Boolean search is the Keywords filter. However, keep in mind that this search result can be very extensive and imprecise since the search engine will list all users whose LinkedIn profiles include that particular word anywhere on their profile (in their title, LinkedIn headline, posts, hashtags, skills, etc). 

On the other hand, when you apply the Boolean search to other, more specific filters listed above, LinkedIn will search only those sections of your lead’s LinkedIn profile to find the keyword match. 

That’s why, the Boolean search produces the best results when combined with other filters

Sales Navigator masterclass banner with the quote from the Professionals movie.

Recruiter Boolean search

Unlike other LinkedIn subscriptions, Recruiter explicitly indicates which filters support Boolean search (plus the First and Last name filters which also support Boolean search but don’t have it clearly stated below). 

LinkedIn Recruiter filters, Boolean search example

Here’s the list of ALL Recruiter filters supporting Boolean search:  

How to prepare for Boolean search on LinkedIn

Before creating a Boolean string for your LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, or Recruiter search, make sure you define your Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Persona

Then, off of that information, answer the following questions just to make sure you don’t miss out on any relevant leads.  

Also, on the other hand, to get what you want, sometimes you need to eliminate what you don’t want first. 

Finally, one of the hacks our sales team uses is to save their Boolean search strings on a separate sheet of paper such as Google Docs or a Word document, just to keep a record of what they combined since LinkedIn filters don’t show longer queries in full. 

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead support team and text "We suport you from day 1"

5 LinkedIn Boolean search string examples 

Here are 5 Boolean search string examples inspired by the strings used by our Head of Sales, Andrea, to find the most relevant leads for Skylead. 

You can copy & paste them or adapt them to your filtering needs. Also, we always encourage using ChatGPT for sales, so in this case, you can use some of the below Boolean string examples as prompts and ask Chat GPT to produce similar ones. 

Finally, the below templates will help you understand better the Boolean principle in general, and how powerful it could be to bring back the most relevant search results on LinkedIn. 

Let’s set several Boolean string formulas that can help you understand the Boolean principle better and how to apply it to produce more relevant and precise results.

Boolean search string example for matching job titles with seniorities 

Use this Boolean search string to find specific job titles matched with their seniorities while at the same time excluding some of the options.


(Seniority OR Seniority OR Seniority) AND (Title OR Title) NOT (Seniority OR Title OR KeywordsYouWishToExclude)


(Head OR Chief OR VP) AND (Sales OR Marketing) NOT (Intern OR Assistant OR Consultant OR Growth)

Expected search results from this Boolean string

This LinkedIn Boolean search string will make the search engine bring back LinkedIn profiles including either of the following terms:

And it will exclude any profile containing the words - intern, assistant, consultant, or growth. 

How to use this Boolean string 

If you are a LinkedIn user (basic or premium), check out the Which LinkedIn filters support Boolean search to understand why LinkedIn members cannot use more complex, longer Boolean search strings. 

If you are a Sales Navigator user, apply this Boolean string to the Current job title filter. 

To access this filter, go to your Sales Navigator home page > Lead filters > Current job title. 

How to use Boolean search string example for matching job titles with seniorities in Sales Navigator Lead filters

As mentioned above, Boolean search works best if combined with other filters. 

Also, Sales Navigator offers the Exclude option for some filters, so you can exclude some criteria through that feature if it works better for you. 

Boolean search string example to target or blacklist leads from a niche industry 

 Use the Boolean search to target or blacklist leads from a specific niche industry. 


Field of work AND (keyword OR keyword OR keyword) NOT keyword 


“Medical Practice” AND (sports OR nutrition OR wellness) NOT injury 

Expected search results from this Boolean string

This Boolean search string should bring back LinkedIn profiles that include keywords such as medical practice and either of the terms between the parentheses (or all terms) mentioned somewhere on their LinkedIn profile. If a specific keyword is not your target, like injury, in this case, LinkedIn will exclude these users from the search results. 

How to use this Boolean string

This Boolean search string can be used by both LinkedIn (free & premium) and Sales Navigator subscribers. 


How to use Boolean search string example to target or blacklist leads from a niche industry, LinkedIn filters

Sales Navigator 

How to use Boolean search string example to target or blacklist leads from a niche industry, Sales Navigator filters

As you may see, we applied the string to the Sales Navigator Keywords filter. Additionally, to get an even more specific list of leads, we applied a simple Boolean search string to the Current job title as well.


Title OR title OR title 


“Sales specialist” OR “Sales Manager” OR “Sales Representative” 

Of course, you should always add other criteria to refine your search. 

Boolean search string example to combine job titles with seniority or a specific skill

The following Boolean search string is particularly useful for LinkedIn users (free & premium) since they don’t have the Seniority filter, nor can they blacklist leads based on different criteria. 

Also, it’s useful if your ideal lead’s job title varies, but you want to include a seniority level, a specific skill (a programming language in this case), and maybe even exclude certain companies from your search. 


Seniority AND (title OR title) AND keyword NOT keyword 


Senior AND (“Software Engineer” OR “Software Developer”) AND Java NOT TomTom

Expected search results from this Boolean string

This LinkedIn Boolean search will bring back users who hold or used to hold either one of these titles. Also, they need to have Java programming language mentioned somewhere on their page (this is where you need to see manually if they have it as a skill or they just mentioned it in a post or similar), and if they don’t work or that didn’t work for a specific company (in this case TomTom, or they never mentioned a specific company in their LinkedIn profile).

How to use this Boolean string

As mentioned above, this Boolean search string is particularly useful for LinkedIn users, but it can be applied to Sales Navigator filters as well. 

We applied this Boolean search string to the Keywords filter and then added other filters to narrow the search result. 

Boolean search string example to combine your leads’ titles or functions

Use the Boolean string to be specific about the combination of titles or functions of your ideal lead.


Title AND (title OR title) NOT title 


Owner AND (CEO OR “chief executive officer”) NOT Founder

Expected search results from this Boolean string

For example, this Boolean search string is useful if you’ve noticed that lots of Owners and CEOs are also Founders of their companies. However, you wish to exclude companies where founders are Owners and CEOs at the same time. 

How to use this Boolean string

Apply this Boolean search string to the Title filter if you’re a LinkedIn subscriber, and to the Current job filters if you’re a Sales Navigator subscriber. 

This Boolean string is particularly useful for LinkedIn subscribers as Sales Navigator filters have the Exclude option. 

Boolean search string example to add industry jargon to your search 

Consider adding terms or jargon or simply keywords that are common for that particular industry in your Boolean search. 


Seniority AND (title OR title) AND (Keyword OR keywordSynonym)


Head AND (Sales OR Marketing) AND (Saas OR “Software as a service”)

Expected search results from this Boolean string

This Boolean search string will bring back LinkedIn profiles whose users hold or held titles such as Head of Sales, Head of Marketing, or Head of Sales & Marketing, and worked in the SaaS industry, or simply mention Saas or Software as a service in their headlines, posts, about section, experience, etc. on LinkedIn.

How to use this Boolean string

Apply this Boolean search string to the Keywords filter whether you’re a LinkedIn or a Sales Navigator subscriber. 

How to streamline the process of reaching leads found through Boolean search

Luckily for you, there’s a way to apply the Boolean search only once and set up an auto-refresh to continuously get new leads that match your criteria and eliminate the time-consuming process of repeatedly going through the search process.

The answer is - Skylead

Skylead is compatible with ALL LinkedIn subscriptions, and in this blog, we will show you how to reach and auto-refresh leads found through the Boolean search if you’re a Sales Navigator subscriber.

First, set up your Sales Navigator Boolean search and combine it with other filters. In this case, we applied the Boolean search string example #1 from this blog, added the industry filter, and the location filter, and turned on ‘Changed jobs’ in the Recent updates filter section.  

Boolean search string example, combined with other filters, copy URL to Skylead

Then, copy and paste the URL of your Sales Navigator search result into Skylead’s campaign creator. 

Skylead campaign creator, Boolean search campaign, example

Turn on Skylead’s auto-refresh option. Essentially, if new leads appear within the same URL source, they will be pulled into active campaigns if you turn this option on within the tool. 

Autorefresh on Skylead, Boolean search campaign, example

Then, proceed to make a Smart sequence.

Skylead’s Smart sequences are smart algorithms that allow you to combine LinkedIn automation, unlimited Email automation, Email verification & discovery, and Image & GIF personalization to help you book 3x more meetings than before. 

Here’s an example of a ‘classical value proposition’ type of a Smart sequence. 

Classical value proposition campaign example on Skylead, Boolean search

Once you start your campaign, Skylead will do all the work for you, and you can focus on building professional relationships with your leads and closing the deals.

Boolean strings for refined targeting 

We understand that the Boolean search on LinkedIn could seem a bit intimidating. However, we hope you understood its huge potential, and that this short manual helped you gain a better understanding of how it works, and how to use it to optimize your search results

Speaking of, another way to optimize your lead generation, is to automate time-consuming outreach processes with Skylead. Curious to know how? Sign up for Skylead’s 7-day FREE trial, and test out the most powerful tool for LinkedIn and email automation on the market.

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
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Alongside your profile picture and LinkedIn headline, your LinkedIn cover photo plays a crucial part in your LinkedIn identity. 

Not only does it contribute to your overall professional image, but it represents an important element in forming the first impression for your LinkedIn profile visitors. 

As such, a LinkedIn background photo requires an equal amount of attention you would dedicate to any of the other sections of your LinkedIn header. 

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Therefore, in this blog, you’ll learn:

How do I change a LinkedIn cover photo? 

Change LinkedIn background photo for LinkedIn personal profiles 

On desktop 

This is your LinkedIn background photo

Where is my LinkedIn cover photo?

You can change it anytime and as many times as you wish. 

#1 Click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of your LinkedIn profile’s header. 

You will see two pencil icons, the lower one takes you to change your name, last name, headline, locations, etc., while the upper one takes you to change your LinkedIn cover photo.

How to change your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn personal profile, desktop

#2 Click on the Pen icon to access the LinkedIn background photo editor. 

Here you can:

How to edit your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn personal profile, desktop

By clicking the Adjust icon you can make additional corrections to your image, such as

On mobile

To change your LinkedIn background photo on mobile, go to your LinkedIn profile page and click the Pencil icon in the top right corner. 

How to change your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn personal profile, mobile

#2 In the bottom, you’ll find the options to edit, add a photo, or delete the existing one. 

How to edit your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn personal profile, mobile

#4 Once you’ve uploaded the photo, you’ll get the same editing options as on the desktop. 

How to edit your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn personal profile, mobile, step 2

Change LinkedIn background photo for LinkedIn company pages

On desktop 

To change the LinkedIn background photo on your LinkedIn company page, you must either be the page’s admin or be given access to the page with editing permissions

Then, go to the LinkedIn company page you’re managing, and click the Pen icon here. 

How to change your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn company page, desktop

You will get a dropdown menu to:

Once you upload a new LinkedIn banner for your company page, or if you click to adjust the current one, the LinkedIn cover image editor will give you options to:

How to edit your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn company page, desktop

 Also, by clicking the Adjust icon you can make additional corrections to your image, such as

What is the size of a LinkedIn cover photo?

In 2024, a LinkedIn cover photo size for personal profiles should be a maximum of 1584 x 396 px and a minimum of 1192 × 220 px, up to 8MB, and in JPEG, GIF, or PNG file formats. 

When it comes to LinkedIn cover photo size for company pages, LinkedIn recommends a size of 1128 x 191 px, which is at the same time the minimum size, up to 8MB, and in JPEG, GIF, or PNG file formats. 

Also, another thing to bear in mind is that LinkedIn cover photos are cropped differently on mobile and desktop devices. So, make sure to view your profile on both kinds of displays when setting up a new LinkedIn background photo. You don’t want important parts of your banner to be hidden or simply look bad. 

Luckily, there are many online tools to help you make an ideal LinkedIn cover photo, and you don’t even need to be design-savvy.

Where can I find LinkedIn cover photo templates? 

Nowadays, many online design tools have templates specifically for LinkedIn - such as posts, profile images, and background photos that require very little editing to look good. 

Otherwise, if you wish to put in more effort, there are websites with free or paid stock images, or you can consider hiring a designer or someone design-savvy to do it for you. 

Start with these.

paid stock image websites free stock image websites online graphic design platforms
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In our next section, you will find 10 ideas on different types of LinkedIn cover photos depending on the message you wish to get across with it. 

Top 17 LinkedIn Cover Photo Ideas For Any Profession

As mentioned above, your LinkedIn background photo should complement your profile picture and headline and offer clarity on what your business is all about to your profile visitors already through the LinkedIn header section. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you have one solution only. 

Here’s a list of 17 LinkedIn cover photos that represent good practices with real-life examples.

Highlight your customers’ goals on your LinkedIn background photo

Highlight your customers' goal on your LinkedIn background photo

An excellent way to draw attention to yourself is to highlight your client’s most common pain point or ask a question that you know they’ll answer affirmatively

Of course, it should relate to your service and a pain point your product or service can solve

Make sure you communicate these messages clearly and include an important award or some kind of social proof (if any). 

Showcase the people you serve on your LinkedIn cover photo

Showcase the people you serve on your LinkedIn cover photo

Featuring your customers is beneficial because people who visit your LinkedIn profile know right away if they potentially fall into that category. 

Additionally, people are more drawn to images of real people, faces, and their expressions, so a LinkedIn cover photo of this kind will make them want to investigate further. 

A LinkedIn background photo that showcases your clientele or your target clients doesn’t need to be their actual photo, of course. You can get a stock image that features people who are good examples of the types of people you serve. 

Use the location or the location of your business on your LinkedIn banner

Use the location or the location of your business on your LinkedIn banner, example 1


Use the location or the location of your business on your LinkedIn banner, example 2

Highlighting the location of your business makes sense if what you do is restricted to a specific area or it’s particularly significant for it. 

These types of LinkedIn cover photos don’t have to be necessarily limited to industries such as tourism for example. Still, they can be applied to any business or industry that acts locally

On the other hand, displaying the city where you work or where you came from or that is particularly dear to your heart independently from the location of your business can ‘humanize’ your LinkedIn profile a bit. 

Just because LinkedIn is a professional network whose members are encouraged to connect, network, and chat in the name of business, that doesn’t mean you should hide that you are a human before anything else. People are more likely to work with those whom they can connect with, rather than robots. 

Put your hobbies or interests on your LinkedIn cover photo 

Put your hobbies or interests on your LinkedIn cover photo

Speaking of ‘humanizing’ your LinkedIn profile, there’s no better way to do it than sharing something that interests you outside of your work schedule

You could use your LinkedIn background photo to tell others about your hobbies, volunteering activities, or any kind of extracurricular activities. Opinions on sharing personal pictures on LinkedIn vary, given the platform’s professional nature. However, if the sharing is genuine, not excessive, and comes from a desire to build authentic connections, we say go for it. 

No matter if you’re on LinkedIn to network, get clients, or find a job, everyone likes to see there’s more to you than just your professional, online self. 

Display objects or tools relevant to your job on your LinkedIn background photo

Display objects or tools relevant to your job on your LinkedIn background photo

Featuring an object such as a photo camera if you are a photographer can seem a bit ‘unsurprising’ but it doesn’t need to be! Just look at how creative, yet informative the above LinkedIn cover photo is. 

Without even reading through this LinkedIn user’s profile, you can understand what he does for a living and what technologies he knows (JavaScript, React, NodeJS). 

Furthermore, he adds a personal touch to his LinkedIn background photo by mentioning the things he loves, believes in, and does outside his regular working hours. 

This type of LinkedIn cover photo is excellent for freelancers and people who are searching for a job, as it says straight off the bat what your professional strengths are. 

Use a LinkedIn cover photo of you doing your work 

Use a LinkedIn cover photo of you doing your work

A picture of yourself doing your work can be a great choice if your job is actually some kind of service that can be presented clearly in a photo

On LinkedIn, usually, these types of LinkedIn cover photos are typical for motivational and public speakers, or for those who want to highlight them speaking in front of larger audiences. 

It doesn’t mean that it will not work for other industries as well, just put your creativity to use and make sure you have someone to take a good shot of it. 

Clearly state what your job is on your LinkedIn banner 

Clearly state what your job is on your LinkedIn banner, example 1


Clearly state what your job is on your LinkedIn banner, example 2

This is a pretty straightforward, nothing-too-crazy yet effective way to make it very clear to your LinkedIn profile visitors what you do for work. 

As you may see from the above examples, you can describe what you do (example #1) and how you do it, or simply list your professional roles (example #2). 

This way, it is very clear what your business is about to whoever lands on your LinkedIn profile. 

Showcase your product or service on your LinkedIn background photo

Showcase your product or service on your LinkedIn background photo

This is a pretty straightforward, yet effective way to tell your profile visitors what you are all about in general or at the moment. Furthermore, it is a great way to promote a book, podcast, service, you name it.

As you may see from our examples, displaying your product or service could be accompanied by a catchy Call-To-Action

Display your career path on your LinkedIn cover photo

Display your career path on your LinkedIn cover photo

If you find your career path to be the most valuable part of your curriculum or your valuable unique selling point, here’s a creative and smart idea of how your LinkedIn profile visitors can learn all about it. 

This LinkedIn member decided to display his path from a college to the company for which he currently works. However, this creative idea can be applied in many ways depending on what you wish to highlight in your LinkedIn background photo. 

Use your company’s LinkedIn cover photo for your personal LinkedIn background photo

Use your company's LinkedIn cover photo for your personal LinkedIn background photo, example 1


Use your company's LinkedIn cover photo for your personal LinkedIn background photo, example 2

Some companies have LinkedIn cover photos designed specifically for their employees. This can be the simplest way to tell your profile visitors where you work right off the bat. 

Featuring a LinkedIn background photo with just your company’s logo or some other kind of visual representation of your company can be a good choice if you feel strongly about the brand

Furthermore, your company’s LinkedIn cover photo can contain a mission statement, values, or any message that your brand wants to get across. 

Put an inspiring quote on your LinkedIn banner

Put an inspiring quote on your LinkedIn banner

An inspirational quote on your LinkedIn background photo can refer to something you personally believe in, or it can have to do with your brand. 

If combined with an attractive design, this type of LinkedIn cover photo can be pretty effective and inspiring to people visiting your LinkedIn profile to investigate your services further. 

Put a picture of an office space or a building to your LinkedIn cover photo, example 1


Put a picture of an office space or a building to your LinkedIn cover photo, example 2

The above example is a good LinkedIn cover photo of people working in corporate, upper management, legal, and anyone who finds their business space to give off the impression of professionalism, a specific status symbol, high-level service, or similar. 

Furthermore, if your office is a well-known building, or it has been there for ages so that it even become part of the city's history, displaying it in your background might give your LinkedIn profile visitors a sense of familiarity. 

Make your LinkedIn banner a collage 

Make your LinkedIn banner a collage

Finally, you can make a collage visually representing your interests, product or service, target audience, yourself while doing your work, or pretty much anything you wish to showcase on your LinkedIn cover photo

However, keep in mind that crafting appealing collages is not as easy as it might seem – they should be informative without becoming cluttered or chaotic. Therefore, unless you are a skilled visual artist, you might want to hire a designer to do it for you. Collages are pretty effective, so it could totally be worth it. 


Before diving into choosing your ideal LinkedIn cover photo, consider your focus — clients, yourself, workspace, or tools. 

Which emotions do you wish to convey? Empowerment, trust, professionalism? 

What kind of LinkedIn background photo would enhance your professional image while aligning seamlessly with your brand? 

This strategic approach ensures your LinkedIn presence resonates effectively with your target audience while automating your LinkedIn lead generation activities through Skylead. All features are available for a 7-day FREE trial starting today! Don’t miss out!

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People Also Viewed is a LinkedIn feature displaying a list of LinkedIn members that the platform’s algorithm found important for your LinkedIn experience, whether you are there to network, search for a job, or find relevant leads for your business. 

Our sales team largely benefits from this LinkedIn feature to find relevant leads for Skylead and to increase the likelihood of their profiles being discovered on the platform.

In this blog, we will clarify: 

What does People Also Viewed mean on LinkedIn? 

People Also Viewed is a LinkedIn feature displaying a list of LinkedIn members that the platform’s algorithm bases on the viewing habits of the members who viewed your profile. Your connections or viewing habits don’t drive these suggestions directly and they don’t reveal any member’s browsing history, including your own. 

Therefore, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you viewed profiles of LinkedIn members appearing in the People Also Viewed section, that they ever viewed yours, or that you have any relationship with them, although you might.  

People Also Viewed is located on the right rail of your or other members’ LinkedIn profiles. When on your profile, it shows the viewing habits of the people who viewed your profile. When on other people’s profiles, it indicates the viewing habits of the members who viewed the profile you’re currently viewing

Essentially, LinkedIn’s People Also Viewed feature is based on co-occurrences. When two things happen together, it often indicates some degree of similarity.

There are a variety of scenarios that could demonstrate these viewing co-occurrences on LinkedIn

For example, if one LinkedIn member checks out two, three, or four people, it indicates that these profiles have something in common. If one LinkedIn member applies for two jobs, it means that that member has something relevant for both jobs. If several LinkedIn members are applying for the same position, it means that these members share something relevant to that job, etc. 

At the same time, People Also Viewed significantly increases the likelihood of your profile being discovered and viewed by other members. That’s why it is important to optimize your LinkedIn profile fully. LinkedIn will be able to suggest your profiles to other members with more accuracy, and, as a ‘side benefit’, you will come up in LinkedIn search results more often and higher up. 

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Where is People Also Viewed located? 

People Also Viewed is available to all LinkedIn users, free and paid, and to both LinkedIn personal profiles and company pages. 

It is a bit different for Sales Navigator subscribers, which we will also cover in this section. 

LinkedIn personal profiles 

For LinkedIn users, People Also Viewed is visible on the right rail of your LinkedIn profile or of the other LinkedIn member whose profile you’re viewing. 

It shows up to 5 profiles, and if you click See More, LinkedIn will show up to an additional 15 profiles. 

People Also Viewed on LinkedIn for desktop

If you access LinkedIn from the mobile app, you need to scroll to the bottom of your or someone else’s LinkedIn profile, right after the Interests section, and there you’ll find People Also Viewed. 

LinkedIn will show up to 10 profiles, and if you click See more, you’ll get up to an additional 10 People Also Viewed profiles. 

People Also Viewed on LinkedIn for desktop for mobile

LinkedIn company profiles 

If you visit a LinkedIn company profile, Pages People Also Viewed is also visible on the right rail. 

However, in the case of company pages, LinkedIn gives a bit of a more thorough insight. 

If the company is a service company, LinkedIn will show Affiliate pages, Pages people also viewed, and People also follow. 

If the company is a product company, LinkedIn will show Affiliate pages, Products people also use, Pages people also viewed, and People also follow. 

Here’s what these mean.

Affiliate pages - If any, LinkedIn will show other company pages linked to that page, representing a parent or subsidiary organization. It reflects all affiliated pages, including acquired pages. 

Affiliated pages section, LinkedIn company pages

Products people also use - Based on the type of product you’re viewing, LinkedIn will suggest LinkedIn pages from the same product category. 

Products people also use, LinkedIn company pages

Pages people also viewed - Based on the LinkedIn industry list or sub-industry of the product or service in question, LinkedIn will suggest other LinkedIn pages. 

Pages people also viewed, LinkedIn company pages

People also follow - LinkedIn suggests other company pages from the same, similar, or adjacent industries that people from your network follow. 

People also follow, LinkedIn company pages

On mobile, all of these sections will be right after you scroll down till the end of the LinkedIn company page. 

Sales Navigator subscribers

Since Sales Navigator subscribers have both LinkedIn Premium and Sales Navigator included in their plan, they can fully benefit from the People Also Viewed LinkedIn feature. 

However, if you wish to access this feature from Sales Navigator, you can only do so for company profiles

Go to a specific company’s Sales Navigator page and scroll down to the People Also Viewed section. 

People Also Viewed, Sales Navigator company page

Unlike LinkedIn, Sales Navigator gives you an instant insight into the number of employees and a 6-month, 1-year, and 2-year company growth in percentages. 

People Also Viewed VS People You May Know 

Many LinkedIn users wonder what the difference is between the People Also Viewed and People You May Know features. 

As mentioned above, People Also Viewed gives suggestions based on co-occurrences, that is, on the analysis of the search habits of other LinkedIn members. Check out the ‘What does People Also Viewed on LinkedIn mean?’ section to fully understand what LinkedIn’s algorithm takes into account when suggesting members for the People Also Viewed section. 

People You May Know suggests LinkedIn members to connect with based on commonalities between you and other LinkedIn members, as well as between you and the contacts you’ve imported from your email and mobile address books. You may have shared connections, similar profile information and experiences, work at the same company or industry, or attended the same school.

It is usually located just below the People Also Viewed section on LinkedIn, and it indicates the shared attribute based on which profiles are suggested. 

In the example below, it says People You May Know - ‘From your job title’. 

People you may know, LinkedIn personal profile

How to turn off People Also Viewed? 

The People Also Viewed LinkedIn feature is turned on by default.

You can turn it off at any moment.

Go to your profile and click on your picture in the top right corner. Choose Settings. 

How to turn off People Also Viewed, LinkedIn, Settings & Privacy

Go to Account Preferences on your left sidebar, then to General Preferences, and choose People Also Viewed. 

How to turn off People Also Viewed, LinkedIn, Account preferences > General preferences > People Also Viewed

Move the toggle button to the left to turn off People Also Viewed or to the right to turn it on. 

How to turn off People Also Viewed, toggle button on and off

How to use People Also Viewed on LinkedIn for lead generation 

Taking into consideration the way the algorithm behind the People Also Viewed works, our Head of Sales, Andrea, uses it for:

In this section, we will explain how you can use LinkedIn’s People Also Viewed for lead generation and why it can be fruitful. 

People Also Viewed for lead generation if you use Sales Navigator

First, define your Ideal Customer Profile. Go to Sales Navigator filters and set up the criteria to find companies that match these criteria. 

Sales Navigator masterclass banner with Relja, Skylead's CEO

Sales Navigator allows you to save the companies that match your ICP in an account list and then use the Account list filter to find decision-makers within those companies. 

Go to Account filters > Fill out the filters > Select companies > Save to list > Create new list.

How to make an account list from People also viewed

Go to Lead filters > Select your list > Use Lead filters to find your Buyer Personas within the companies that match your ICP.

How to use lead filters for PAV for lead generation

If you want to automate the outreach process at scale, copy the search URL to Skylead, our very own LinkedIn automation tool and cold email software.

How to automate PAV for lead generation on Skylead, Sales Navigator subscribers

Also, know that Skylead has the auto-refresh option. Essentially, if new leads appear within the same URL source, they will be pulled into active campaigns if you turn this option on within the tool. 

Autorefresh on Skylead for PAV for lead generation

Then, proceed to make a Smart sequence.

Smart sequences allow you to combine Skylead’s groundbreaking features, such as - LinkedIn automation, unlimited Email automation, Email verification & discovery, and Image & GIF personalization, and then make decisions based on your leads’ behavior. 

The sequence’s smart algorithm will find the shortest way to your leads, and therefore, help you fully leverage both LinkedIn and email to reach a higher number of leads in less time.

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead support team and text "We suport you from day 1"

All you need to do is drag & drop the steps, insert if/else conditions, and message copy, all of which you can do from a single dashboard. 

Here’s an example of a Smart sequence. 

Smart sequence on Skylead, PAV for lead generation

People Also Viewed for lead generation if you use LinkedIn

If you are a LinkedIn subscriber (free or premium) and you wish to use People Also Viewed for lead generation, you will have a bit more manual work to do beforehand. 

However, Skylead will compensate by automating your outreach process later. 

Here’s what you should do. 

First, define your Ideal Customer Profile. Go to LinkedIn filters and set up the criteria to find companies that match these criteria. 

Then, visit each company’s LinkedIn page and check out Pages people also viewed

Save company URLs or go directly to each company page of your interest to check out their employees like this. 

PAV for lead generation for LinkedIn users, where to find employees on LinkedIn company page

Once you click on that section, LinkedIn will offer filters to narrow down your search to the person representing your Buyer Persona within that company. 

PAV for lead generation for LinkedIn users, LinkedIn filters

Copy - paste LinkedIn URLs of LinkedIn members matching your Buyer Persona criteria into a CSV file. 

This is your lead’s LinkedIn profile URL

Lead's LinkedIn personal profile URL

To make a campaign in Skylead, your CSV file must contain columns named profileUrl or email, or both. 

CSV file in Skylead

In this case, you will have your leads’ LinkedIn profile URLs only. Don't worry; the LinkedIn URL is enough for Skylead to find & verify your leads’ business emails, even if you’re not connected with them on LinkedIn. 

Upload the CSV file to Skylead, and click next to create your Smart sequence as we explained in the section above. 

CSV campaign in Skylead, PAV for lead generation

Crank Up Your Lead Gen with LinkedIn's People Also Viewed in 2024 

At first, People Also Viewed seems like a side LinkedIn feature. 

However, it can give you useful insight into other members’ viewing habits that could lead you to profiles fully matching your Buyer Persona. 

And now, you can test out Skylead 7 days for FREE, and check out right away how to use People Also Viewed on LinkedIn and other LinkedIn lead generation strategies to find relevant leads for your business and then automate your outreach at scale. 

Our amazing superstar support team will be at your disposal during the trial. You can reach out and ask for help or advice anytime. 

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

Posting content on LinkedIn is an integral part of everyone’s professional life, especially for the ones doing B2B business. It has become somewhat of a norm to know how to post on LinkedIn, what to post, and when. 

Thus, if you’re just starting out or wish to improve your LinkedIn posting skills, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we will cover:

Let’s go!

Why is it important to know how to post on LinkedIn?

Two words - Thought Leadership.

If you are working in the B2B market, then you must know about the meaningful role LinkedIn plays in it. Especially if you are a business owner, a sales representative or a recruiter.

In other words, whether they wish to sell products/services, or find the ideal candidate, both need to: 

And one way to do it is through thought leadership - the main ingredients of the best LinkedIn lead generation strategies.

In short, a thought leader is someone who offers valuable content to their network and shares trends, insights, and how-tos with actionable steps and results. 

Thought leadership has proved to be very effective since you can reach more people organically, connect with your network on a deeper level, influence buying cycles, and gain the trust of your potential clients.

For example, a study shows that 54% of decision-makers bought a new product or service from a thought leader after engaging with their content. The thing is the decision-makers had not previously considered buying it! That is how powerful thought leadership can be.

LinkedIn post types

Before jumping to the process, let’s first see what post types you have at your disposal. 

Basically, LinkedIn offers a variety of features you can add to your post. Here are your options:

Image of LinkedIn post types

1. Text-only posts

These posts are perfect if you wish to share your story, tips, tricks, career advice, or similar topics that do not necessarily need a visual presentation. Text-only posts still hold value since they have a simple form, so your network can engage with them more naturally.

It is worth noting that LinkedIn won’t show your entire post in the feed, but only the first 3 lines, with the “See more” option. If a person is interested to read the story until the end, they can click the “See more” button and check it out. 

This is one way LinkedIn checks for the relevancy of your post. In other words, the more people click the “See more” option, the higher reach your post will get.

In addition, LinkedIn limits text posts to 3000 characters, which is somewhere between 428 to 700 words.

Example that demonstrates text-only LinkedIn post type

2. Single or multiple image posts

If you wish to showcase your live event, statistics, a quote, or business tips, this would be a go-to format..

Image posts can be powerful simply because they offer the visual perception of some strategy or idea, but only if you provide value. As long as you provide value and offer high-quality images, you will definitely have a high reach and engagement to follow.

How to post on LinkedIn, example of image post on LinkedIn

3. Video posts

It’s no secret that video formats are favorite on the internet, and LinkedIn is no exception. Videos offer another, more realistic angle of yourself and your company and show a real person behind the scenes. 

In other words, you can connect with your network by sharing videos, such as career advice, what your company culture is all about, or your product or service review. Whatever you choose, the advice here is to keep your video under 60 seconds due to the average attention rate.

How to post on LinkedIn, video example

4. Document posts

Documents upload is a great way to share something that might interest your audience but cannot fit the image or video format. 

You can share any document in the form of a PDF, Word file, or PowerPoint presentation. For example, if you are a guest lecturer at an event, you can share your presentation with others on LinkedIn. Or, if you wish to share interesting tips and tricks, a whitepaper, or a case study, you can do so using PDF format. 

Whatever you decide to share, again, make sure that the document is high-quality and helpful to people who will see it. In addition, don’t forget to write a proper title of your document and create a short introduction.

How to post on LinkedIn, example of document post

5. LinkedIn polls

This post type allows you to ask questions and get responses from your audience. A LinkedIn poll is the best to get engagement and can do wonders for your research and gain insight about relevant topics, the thoughts and opinions of others. 

Be sure to check out our detailed guide on How To Use LinkedIn Poll for Lead Generation.

How to post LinkedIn poll, Image of LinkedIn poll example

6. Share that you’re hiring Post

If your company has a job vacancy and you wish to generate candidates, then the “Share that you’re hiring” post is one option for you. In its essence, this post is a create-a-free-job-post that will be shown only to your network. Or you can share it within your other post using a share button.

How to post on LinkedIn Share That You Are Hiring post

If you wish your job to reach beyond your network, you will need to pay to promote it and ask your network to share it at least.

To find out more about this type of post, click here.

7. Event posts

In the last couple of years, webinars and online events have been the talk of the town, and posting an event on LinkedIn can be a nice shift in your content calendar. This is not a classic post, as you would need to share it within your regular post so your network can see it. Not to mention that it requires much more preparation since you need to organize an actual event. 

Nonetheless, it is a perfect way to organize a meeting, offer valuable content, and connect with the people who attend it. 

How to post event on LinkedIn, example

Don't miss our guide on How To Use LinkedIn Events For Lead Generation.

8. Offer help post

It can sound like the beginning of some legend, but little is known about the effectiveness of Offer Help posts. Not that it is some mysterious post, but that is still not common for people to use it, and therefore there are still not enough records.

Nonetheless, by using this feature, you are telling your network that you are offering career-related help. In other words, it is a perfect way of giving back to the community simply by providing the career guidance you once had.

Once you publish a post, a hashtag #OfferingHelp will appear at the bottom of your text, so it can let other people know you’re open to helping those who need it.

How to post on LinkedIn an Offer a help post, example

9. Find an expert post

Another not-so-much-familiar post is Find An Expert. This post allows you to find an expert for your projects or tasks. Once you insert details of what you need help with, your audience can tag their recommendation to your post or write to you directly.

How to post on LinkedIn Find An Expert post; step 1

Find An Expert is a specialized feature, like Post A Job or Offer A Help. In other words, you won’t use it unless you absolutely need to.

10. Celebrate occasion post

This type of post is perfect if you wish to share with your network: 

This is a nifty refreshment among LinkedIn post types and a nice way to celebrate anything.

Image of one step of how to post on LinkedIn celebrate an occasion post type

11. Share articles

This is not your typical LinkedIn post we mentioned in the beginning. LinkedIn articles are a blog form for your thoughts or knowledge and allow you to express them using up to 12,500 characters (1785 to 3125 words). Like Medium, for example. 

You should know that once you publish an article, LinkedIn won’t show them to your network unless you share it with a link in your regular post. However, if you are careful with your keywords, it will show in Google search results.

Image of LinkedIn article post, example

How to post on LinkedIn?

To start posting on LinkedIn, all you need to do is to go to your LinkedIn feed. From there, you can choose to either post a photo, video, event, article or click the Start a post field to access other post types.

How to post on LinkedIn, image showing step 1,  choose a format

If you previously clicked the Start a post field, a new popup will open up. On the bottom, you can see icons that represent post types. However, not every one of them is listed. If you wish to access them all, click the three dots button.

How to post on LinkedIn, image showing step 2, check select post type

Next, go ahead and choose your post type. For example, we will pick to add a document and select one to upload.

Image showing step 3 of how to post on LinkedIn, image or a file upload

Then we will add a title as it helps your document get discovered more easily. As soon as you are satisfied with your title, click the Done button.

Image of step 4 of how to post on LinkedIn, document upload and naming the title

Lastly, add text to your post, add hashtags. Once done, click the Post button.

How to post on LinkedIn step 5, adding a text to your post image example

You’re done. Now you know how to post on LinkedIn. Easy enough. 

Image of how to post on LinkedIn step 6, finished post example

What to post on LinkedIn?

Now that we’ve established how to post on LinkedIn, let's talk about what to post on LinkedIn. In other words, we will help you define what content you should post. Yes, the more difficult part. 

Before we jump to it, you need to know two things.

As a thought leader, one of the first things you should do is discover your target audience and tailor your content around them. After all, thought leadership is a form of LinkedIn lead generation, and you will eventually outreach some of the people in your network. 

You can check out our blogs on how to define your ICP and Buyer Persona to help you determine your LinkedIn target audience.

Secondly, as LinkedIn posting is quite a task, we suggest keeping a monthly or weekly content calendar. Keeping such a calendar can help you organize what to post, as consistency is key here. You just need to dedicate 1 or 2 days. To give you an idea of how it should look, we’ve prepared a document for you so you can get inspired. In addition, you can create it by yourself or use different tools such as Trello or Jira.

LinkedIn post ideas

To know how to post on LinkedIn and what to post, we need to establish the content type. In other words, what content type to post on LinkedIn, for example: 

That being said, let’s go over 8 content types and examples to kick-start your thought leadership and teach you how to post on LinkedIn a proper way.

1. Tips & tricks

If you find that something improved your workflow or achieved a specific result, you can share it with your network. Simply describe what it is and why it helped you. In addition, you can always spark engagement by asking what their thoughts are about it or what other tips help them with the topic in question.

Post example

Image example of LinkedIn post about tips and tricks

2. Share a moral of the story

If you read a story or business venture, feel free to share it with your network, adding your take on the matter. What’s more, you can write your own story or revelations.

Here is an additional idea - you can share a quote image and write about it, as well.

Post example

How to post on LinkedIn a story image example

3. Share a strategy that works

If you implemented a strategy that turned out to be fruitful, share it with your target audience. In addition, bonus points to you if you show the exact result this strategy helped you achieve. 

Post example

Image example of how to post on LinkedIn and share a strategy

4. Share a case study

To show how effective your service is, share your case studies. You can include a link to your post or write it in text-only format - the choice is yours. However, please keep in mind that you need to be precise with the results, and break down the information so your target audience can read it effortlessly.

Post example

how to post on LinkedIn and share a case study, image of post example

5. Share about your challenges

We are all humans, and sometimes we reach obstacles we do not know how to overcome. That is why you should post about your challenges and ask for help. Or, if you overcome the challenges by yourself, share your experience in a post. It might come in handy for someone who struggles with the topic you mention.

Post example

How to post on LinkedIn and share about your challenges image of post example

6. Create engaging polls

LinkedIn polls are a nifty way to discover what your connections think about the topics in question. So, don’t be afraid to ask them. You can ask anything from interesting questions and research you are doing to what your network would want to see you post next.

Post example
How to post polls on LinkedIn, image of poll example

7. Address the pain point

One of the most powerful pieces of content you need to know how to post on LinkedIn is where you address your target audience’s pain points and offer a solution. After all, business is about companies helping each other reach goals. So, you can do the same with the posts. You don’t have to write about your product or service constantly, but you could mention it from time to time.

Post example

How to post on LinkedIn to write about pain point, image of post example

8. Last, but not least, celebrate or show gratitude 

If you work in a team, and a team member did a great job, post about it. Your company reached a milestone? Share it. If you reach your goal, celebrate it. In other words, there are a great many things to celebrate in this world, so why not share them on LinkedIn?

Image of celebration post type on LinkedIn

How to post on LinkedIn: 10 best practices 

Even though it takes some time to get the hang of posting valuable content on LinkedIn and being consistent at that, it will get you the results. However, consistency and value proposition are not the only best practices you can use. Here are other tips to boost your reach and engagement

Set up your LinkedIn profile 

Posting on LinkedIn won’t do you any good if you haven’t set up your LinkedIn profile previously. If you plan to connect and share content with people that you don’t know in person, then you need to prepare your profile as an introduction to what you publish. This way, they can see your face and qualifications and decide whether they wish to interact with you and your content. 

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Grow your network

If you wish to reach more people with your content, you need to grow your network as well. One way you can do it is to visit every profile manually, think about the message, and send them an invite to connect.

However, you don’t need to do it by yourself. You can streamline this process using a LinkedIn automation tool, such as Skylead

With Skylead, you can use many ways to connect with people. Firstly, one of those ways is to target people from your search results. 

Secondly, what is fantastic is that you can use Skylead to grow your network via post engagement. In other words, if you see a viral post relevant to your content strategy, you can send an invite to connect to people who react to it automatically.

This is a great way to connect with people who are active on LinkedIn so they can be active on your post as well.

Here is how you can do it. 

Go to LinkedIn and find the post you want to target. Then click the three-dots button and click the Copy link to post.

Post engagement campaign in Skylead, step 1

To create this campaign, simply go to your Skylead dashboard and click the Create new campaign button.

How to create Expand Network campaign on LinkedIn to boost impressions on LinkedIn posts

Next, choose the campaign type, and paste the post URL into the respective field. Hit the Next button.

Post engagement campaign in Skylead, step 2

Then, set additional settings, should you wish to, and hit Next.

Image of campaign creation step 3 to grow LinkedIn network using sales engagement platform

Lastly, create your Smart Sequence so Skylead can do the outreach for you according to your target audience’s behavior.

Campaign for growing LinkedIn network using sales engagement platform step 4

Don’t forget to define your invite message. This type of campaign is perfect as it provides an additional dimension of personalization. In other words, your invite to connect can look something like this: 

Invite to connect message example

Now, sit back and just watch as your network expands rapidly. 

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

Short posts go long way

If you feel your LinkedIn post will go way over 2500 characters, you better opt in for a LinkedIn article. Or you can break this post into a few smaller ones. The reason for this is that longer posts are heavier to read. In addition, it will often result in a smaller reach since people won’t interact with it that much. 

Use hashtags

By introducing hashtags to your posts, you increase the chances for a higher reach, as LinkedIn will show this post under the specified hashtags. Consequently, when someone searches for the tag or already follows it, they will see your post and potentially interact with it. 

The optimum number of hashtags is 3 to 5 per post.

Show people who you are through quality

The best way to write LinkedIn posts is to type as if you speak directly to your target audience. What’s more, include personal stories, and show your emotions - be real. 

Do not post sentences and expressions that are hard to understand. Moreover, jargon is a big no-no, and you should avoid it. In addition, make sure your content is high quality - no grammar mistakes, poor-quality pictures, or bad advice. Share something others will appreciate.

Pimp up your posts

Apart from being careful about typos, and low-quality content, you need to format your post correctly to make it easier for your audience to read. Here is what you can do:

Use see more option to your advantage 

There is a little trick that LinkedIn’s algorithm does to decide if it should increase the visibility of your post, and its name is the See more option.

According to some experts, and from our experience, if people click the See more button and read through your entire post, this sends LinkedIn a signal that the post is relevant, and it will show other people, increasing its reach. 

The LinkedIn algorithm first shows your post to your first connections. Then if it goes well, it will show the post to your 2nd-degree connections. After your post gains enough engagement, it will become viral, and LinkedIn will show it to your 3rd-degree connections.

So if you wish to make the most out of this feature, create the first 3 lines of the post that are alluring enough for your target audience to continue reading it. 

LinkedIn post image and video size

If you wish to add a video or an image to your post, then be sure to follow current size trends.

For example, the recommended size for your image is 1200 x 628 pixels and must be high-quality. 

On the other hand, the LinkedIn video size must be under 5 GB, and its resolution should be somewhere between 256 x 144 pixels and 4096 x 2304 pixels. It’s worth noting that you can post a video on LinkedIn that is up to 10 minutes long. However, for ultimate success, keep it between 15-30 seconds long.

Best time to post on LinkedIn

If you wish to increase your reach and engagement, apart from discovering how to post on LinkedIn, you should know when to post it. 

For example, according to SproutSocial, the best way to post on LinkedIn is on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 AM to 12 PM. However, Influencer Marketing Hub even states that you can post on these days between 8 AM and 5 PM.

We propose to test these times and see when your target audience is most active.

Using links in LinkedIn posts

One of the first things you will see when learning how to post on LinkedIn is the ability to use links. However, be careful about this one, as the word on the street is that LinkedIn doesn’t like you to get off the website. In other words, the LinkedIn algorithm wishes to keep users on LinkedIn as long as possible and doesn’t favor posts with direct links that lead elsewhere. 

However, if you wish to share a link, it’s best to put it in a comment after you publish your post.

Frequently asked questions

How often should one post on LinkedIn to maintain engagement without overwhelming followers?

To maintain engagement without overwhelming followers, it's advised to post on LinkedIn 2-3 times per week. This frequency allows for consistent presence while respecting your audience's attention span and feed balance.

Can specific content types, such as videos or articles, significantly impact engagement rates compared to standard text posts?

Yes, different content types, such as videos or articles, can notably boost engagement rates on LinkedIn. Videos often achieve higher visibility and interaction, and articles can establish thought leadership, both contributing to a diversified and engaging profile.

Are there any detailed case studies showing the long-term impact of following these best practices on a user's LinkedIn visibility and professional network growth?

Yes. For example, according to Social Insider’s 2024 LinkedIn benchmark you can see the validity of the advice given above. By following LinkedIn posting best practices is generally understood to significantly improve a user's visibility and professional network growth over time. Regular, quality content aligned with these guidelines can attract more followers and enhance engagement.

Summary about how to post on LinkedIn

To conclude, the answer to the question of how to post on LinkedIn is simple enough. All you need to do is to:

  1. Go to your LinkedIn feed;
  2. Select Start a post;
  3. Choose post type;
  4. Insert your text;
  5. Hit the Post button once you finish;

However, what type of posts and content you post is what drives reach, engagement, and overall success.

Here are best practices of how to post on LinkedIn:

How to post on LinkedIn, image of best practices

We know this is a lot, but don’t worry. You will get a hold of it, and every future post will be easier to write than the previous one.

You can do it meme

And if you wish to grow your network on autopilot, you can always try out Skylead for FREE and see how you can benefit from it.

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

Not thinking a cold email opening line through can cost you a response, a call, or a scheduled demo. 

The most common mistake rookies make is to invest time into coming up with a catchy subject line and then fail miserably once the email is opened. What makes a sales rep a top-notch performer is the ability to write attention-grabbing email introductions and to structure their writing in a way that is compelling enough to keep you reading all the way through. 

When writing an email opening line, keep in mind that you have around 6 seconds to capture the interest of someone you’ve never met in person. This time shortens for a busy decision-maker. Long story short, you don’t have words to waste. Therefore, start strong. 

Since lots of people are struggling particularly with email introductions, we’ve decided to write a short guide on how to write genuinely personalized email opening lines that catch your lead’s attention, make them want to keep reading, and finally, make them wish to respond. 

By the end of this blog, you’ll learn: 

Let’s get started! 

Why your email opening line matters

Cold emails can be used for pretty much anything - getting that perfect job or landing a really good deal for your business. 

So, even if you’re not a sales rep, selling is a crucial part of our everyday lives. We sell our knowledge, our expertise, our point of view, face-to-face or in writing. However, cold emailing is a specific task and its success depends on various factors.

When it comes to email opening lines, their purpose is to build rapport with your lead and to convince them to keep reading. Such an important task for such a short paragraph, isn’t it? But the rules of sales have changed, and not much can we do about it. Relevance and personalization became a straightway to success, and the sooner you abide by the new rules, the faster you’ll begin to see the results. 

However, before we move onto the email opening line templates, let’s quickly go through several important points when sending cold emails that could potentially compromise the effort you’ve put in writing a good email sales copy. 

Business email verification: Safeguard your domain 

Many resources talk about how to find your lead’s business email addresses, as it’s obviously a minimum requirement for cold emailing. However, the second minimum requirement for cold outreach to be anywhere successful are emails being delivered. Despite this, not many mention the importance of email verification and how skipping this step could seriously harm your domain in the long run. 

Namely, high bounce rates are one of the top reasons, alongside excessive volume and consistency, complaint rate, and being blacklisted by too many users, for poor email deliverability. High bounce rates represent the percentage of email addresses that didn’t receive your message because it was invalid and therefore returned by a recipient’s mail server. The more times this happens, the higher the chances are for your emails to end in a spam folder instead of the primary Inbox. 

While you can solve the above threats by investing time into planning your outreach and making every email matter, there is only one way to lower your bounce rates - and that is to use Sales Engagement Platforms such as Skylead that find and verify business emails for you. In case a business email address is not verified, the platform won’t send the email as it may affect your domain health. 

If you’ve never used a Sales Engagement Platform of this kind, check how Skylead assures higher email delivery rates

6 most common mistakes when writing email opening lines 

12 email opening line templates for 12 outreach scenarios 

#1 Connect after you’ve met in person 


Hello {{firstName}},

It was really nice chatting with you at {{eventName}} {{timeOfTheEvent}}. I found your point of view on {{topic}} interesting and decided to get in touch with you personally. 



Hello Anna, 

It was really nice chatting with you at the 2022 Marketing Trends & Predictions event last Tuesday! I found your point of view on the development of social media marketing for small businesses interesting and decided to get in touch with you personally. [...]

This email opening line works because it specifies right away where you met and what you spoke about. The more precise you are, the more you show that you listened and that you genuinely cared for what someone had to say. Additionally, the tone is friendly, casual, and complimenting. Use this email introduction to connect and network or develop the conversation in the sales direction. 

#2 Reach out to a content creator on LinkedIn 


Hello {{firstName}},

{{time}} I came across your LinkedIn post on {{topic}} that helped {{lead’sEndResult}}. I have been following you and your content on LinkedIn, and I must tell you that applying your advice {{yourEndResult}}. 


Hello Jerry, 

A month ago I came across your LinkedIn post on objection handling that helped your Sales Team scale LeadUp by 30% in revenue in just 3 months! I have been following you and your content on LinkedIn, and I must tell you that applying your advice increased my conversion rate by 10%. 


This email opening line works because it shows that you are truly following their content, that you admire their work, and that the lead’s advice was valuable for you too. Use this email introduction to offer a solution that your lead could benefit from or that is complementary to the lead’s business. This approach will do just perfect for your LinkedIn lead generation message, as well.

#3 Investigate on the solution that your lead’s already using  


Greetings {{firstName}},

I saw that your company is using {{solution}} for your {{purpose}}, is that correct? I hope you don’t mind me reaching out directly, just wanted to ask you if you could change one thing about {{solution}}, what would it be? 


Greetings Martha! 

I saw that your company is using GetResponse for your newsletter automation, is that correct? I hope you don’t mind me reaching out directly, just wanted to ask you if you could change one thing about GetResponse, what would it be? 


This email opening line works because it shows you’ve done your research and are reaching out to your lead with facts and concrete reasons. Furthermore, you are not trying to pitch your solution right off the bat, but are investigating customer satisfaction first and building rapport. Use this email introduction to offer your solution that has the competitor’s weakness as a unique selling point. 

#4 Use your lead’s review as a reference 


Hello {{firstName}},

I saw that you recently reviewed {{lead’sProduct}} on {{reviewWebsite}} and expressed concerned regarding their {{concern}}. I know how frustrating that situation can be, so I wanted to take a moment and introduce {{yourProduct}} that might solve that problem for you. 


Hey Jasmine, 

I saw that you recently reviewed PopBy on Capterra and expressed concerns regarding their customer support. I know how frustrating that situation can be, so I wanted to take a moment and introduce Meety that might solve that problem for you. 


This email opening line works because you are reaching out to your lead with a verified pain point they are experiencing. You want to see if they would be interested in hearing more about your product because it would directly solve the issue they expressed in the review.

#5 Reach to an attendee of your event/LinkedIn event 


Hello {{firstName}}, 

It was great seeing you at {{eventName}}. I just wanted to thank you personally for participating and ask if you found the event useful for {{company}} and the {{industry}} industry in general. If yes, I have something that might interest you! 



Hello Ross, 

It was great seeing you at the Social Selling Strategy For Medium-Sized Businesses Event. I just wanted to thank you personally for participating and ask if you found the event useful for TransFly and the transportation industry in general. If yes, I have something that might interest you! 


To clarify, this email opening line works because it states in detail the event that the lead attended, the company they work for, and their industry. Moreover, it indicates that you did your research and want to offer a solution that might specifically help their business/industry.  

#6 Ask a question to pitch a solution 


Hello {{firstName}},

I came across your LinkedIn profile as I was researching {{occupation}}. I just wanted to ask {{question}}. 


Hello Steve, 

I came across your LinkedIn profile as I was researching SEO & Web Content Specialists. I decided to contact you directly as I am curious to know if you’ve ever got valuable results in less than 20min when researching keywords and keyword synonyms? 


This email opening line works because it shows you researched your lead before reaching out to them. You know their niche and the niche’s pain point/rooms for improvement, and you might have a solution that could help them save time and improve their service/product.

#7 Email a lead that commented a post on LinkedIn (or anywhere else)


Hello {{firstName}},

I am writing to you regarding your comment on {{user’sName}} LinkedIn post. I wanted to send a resource that might help you understand {{painPointLeadExpressed}}. If this clarifies a bit the issue you mentioned in the comment, there’s more where that came from!  


Hello Jane, 

I am writing to you regarding your comment on Josh Duane’s LinkedIn post. I wanted to send a resource that might help you understand where and when to use personalized GIFs and Images, and how to make them. If this clarifies a bit the issue you mentioned in the comment, there’s more where that came from!  


This email opening line works because you are reaching out to your lead with the intent to help them. Additionally, you are offering a resource to solve a problem or issue they expressed in the comment of someone’s LinkedIn post (or anywhere else). Use this email introduction to later pitch your product that has this feature in particular, for example. 

#8 Make a reference to a mutual connection (potential collaboration) 


Hello {{firstName}},

{{mutualConnection}} from {{company}} spoke highly of you and your professional achievements, your {{achievement}} in particular! That’s why I decided to directly reach out and speak about a potential collaboration. 


Hello Jenna, 

Marta Jamerson from FlyHigh spoke highly of you and your professional achievements, your development of Sales Techniques for smaller Sales Teams in particular! That’s why I decided to directly reach out and speak about a potential collaboration.


This email opening line works because mentioning a mutual connection right away is a smart move. It gives you certain credit and whoever sees a familiar name will most likely keep reading. Furthermore, it shows that you know what the lead is doing, what their achievements are, and that those are the ones you are writing them for. 

#9 Give value and then offer your service


Hello {{firstName}},

I came across your {{product}} the other day while researching {{solutions}} and immediately spotted a few things that you can change to {{endGoal}} (déformation professionnelle, hehe, sorry!). This tip might help you see this side of your business in a new light. 



Hello Tiphany, 

I came across your website the other day while researching Marketing Automation Tools and immediately spotted a few things that you can change to improve your visitor’s experience (déformation professionnelle, hehe, sorry!). This tip might help you see this side of your business in a new light. 


This email opening line works because you are giving value (free gift) to your potential customer even if they don’t decide to hire you for the above service. Use this email introduction to hook your service and show the quality of your work. 

#10 Follow up after a cold call


Hello {{firstName}},

Great talking to you today! As promised, I am sending you a quick summary of the topics we covered over the phone this morning. 


Hello Kate, 

Great talking to you today! As promised, I am sending you a quick summary of the topics we covered over the phone this morning. 


This email opening line is an excellent reminder even if the cold call didn’t go the way you wanted to (and even if it did). This is your second chance to interest your lead into knowing more or you can investigate deeper on their pain points and rooms for improvement.

#11 Create a need to pitch your product 


Hello {{firstName}}, 

When was the last time {{company}} {{yourService}}? 

Did you know that - 


What if we changed things up a bit? 


Hello Anthony, 

When was the last time EightUp organized a team-building event that was more than food and drinks after work hours? 

Did you know that - 

- 75% of employees find team buildings of this kind useless, draining, and forced to attend?

- Only 10% of employees claim that they actually bonded with someone from another department during the team building of this kind?

- 83% of employees wish they could learn more from team buildings and actually bond with colleagues that are higher up the hierarchy? 

What if we changed things up a bit? 


This email opening line works because it shows concrete statistics that the lead’s way of doing certain things is not productive (or maybe even counterproductive). Moreover, you can offer a 180° turn to the way they are doing business. 

#12 Reach out to a churned user 


Hello {{firstName}}, 

I have exciting news for you! {{yourCompany}} now has a {{upgrade}}, which allows you to {{benefit}}. Let me briefly present all of its advantages. 


Hello Angela, 

I have exciting news for you! Skylead now has a native Image and Gif personalization feature, which allows you to include personalized GIFs and Images into your outreach routine with just a few clicks. Let me briefly present all of its advantages. 


This email opening line works in case you reach out to a churned user. It lets them know that now you have something that they named as the reason to stop using your product. It's always good to reach out and try to re-sell them the improved version of your product from the start. 

Frequently asked questions

How to personalize these templates for different industries without losing the initial impact?

For personalizing templates across industries, focus on customizing your approach. To do this, weave in sector-specific language and referencing current industry trends or news. This ensures relevance and maintains the original's engaging effect while speaking directly to the recipient's interests and challenges.

How to establish the balance between humor and professionalism in cold emails to maintain credibility?

Balancing humor and professionalism requires a nuanced approach. In other words, consider your audience's industry culture and tailor your humor to be light and relevant to your message. Aim for humor that enhances, rather than undermines, the professional quality of your email, ensuring it's appropriate and adds value.

How to form follow-up strategies when an initial email with a catchy opening line doesn't receive a response?

When a catchy opening line doesn't prompt a response, develop your follow-up email strategy by offering new information or value. Highlight a different aspect of your proposal or share a recent success story related to their industry. This approach can re-engage their interest and demonstrate persistence without being pushy.


The hardest part of any important task is getting started in the first place, isn’t it? 

Now, we gave you 12 email opening line templates to get through to your leads from the very first email. 

Use these templates as they are or as an inspiration for your own scenarios. 

Additionally, what also worked for our Sales Team was combining these email introductions with personalized GIFs and Images and sending them out to leads found by prospecting on LinkedIn. This practice skyrocketed their reply rates and, to be honest, also did the ability to write good follow-ups after no response

And in case you are searching for a solution that will find and verify business emails for you, has a native feature for personalizing GIFs and Images (and includes them into your emails with just one click), and that can speed up your outreach process by 60%, sign up for Skylead's 7-day free trial and see it for yourself how much we rock! 

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

Whether a complete beginner in LinkedIn prospecting or an experienced sales rep in search of a fresh approach, this LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium comparison is aimed at giving insight into the valuable features of each plan, so you can make informed decisions on which subscription suits your LinkedIn lead generation best. 

The majority of sales reps would probably tell you to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator right off the bat. This LinkedIn subscription was, indeed, originally created to help you find qualified prospects for your business through its advanced filtering options, placing prospects into lead and account lists for a more personalized approach, creating alerts so you know what your target users are up to, and many more that will be listed and thoroughly explained down below. 

However, this doesn’t mean that LinkedIn Sales Navigator always wins in the LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium “battle” or that merely investing in it will bring you the desired results. The majority of outcomes will depend on your social selling skills and certain market factors. Ours is to make a LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium comparison. Yours is to pick which one makes sense for YOUR lead generation. 

The one thing we know for sure is that you must give up your LinkedIn basic account. The free plan doesn’t support a higher number of searches, let alone anything more than that. If you wish to just be there on LinkedIn and wait to be discovered, sure, go ahead. Stick to your free plan. For anything more than that, you will need to upgrade to pretty much any other LinkedIn subscription. 

Now, let’s see which one suits your business needs the most. 

LinkedIn Premium: Best features for lead generation 

LinkedIn Premium consists of two sub-plans, LinkedIn Premium Careers and LinkedIn Premium Business. The first one is created to help you get hired. The second one to build a strong LinkedIn network and advance your business. That’s why we will be focusing on LinkedIn Premium Business. 

Both the LinkedIn plan price and the VAT depend on the country in which your account has been registered. 

Our Team which is based in Serbia is approximately paying the following amount for each LinkedIn Premium Business. 

Let's go through LinkedIn Premium Business features that are useful for lead generation.

Monthly InMail credit

LinkedIn Premium gives you 15 paid InMail credits per month that can be accumulated to up to 45 credits in 3 months. Any LinkedIn member can receive a paid InMail, but only LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator, and Recruiter plans can send them. Each time you get a reply, you get that InMail credit back. 

Each Premium user gets 800 free InMails that can be sent only to members whose profiles are set to “open”. If you wish to be able to receive an InMail from any member on LinkedIn, set up your profile for it

The number of Paid InMails varies depending on the plan. This is where Sales Navigator for sure wins the LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium “battle” (more on this below). Since each LinkedIn member can receive a paid InMail, we advise our users to use it as the last resource. Therefore, Linkedin InMails are usually as one of the very last steps/conditions in our Smart Sequences. InMails also turned out to be a clever move if you want to get in touch with members, usually, decision-makers who are hard to be reached out to. Check out our InMail templates for sales to get inspired.

The “Who Viewed Your Profile” feature 

If you are a Premium Business subscriber, you’ll have a detailed insight into LinkedIn members who viewed your profile. Maybe you appeared in their feed, their search results, maybe you came as recommended by someone, they were checking out your company’s website, or your profile was shown in the “People also viewed” or “People you may know” feature. Either way, they showed some kind of interest in you. Reaching out to them turned out to be a LinkedIn prospecting practice that brings results. This is where you can see Who Viewed Your Profile on LinkedIn. 

Unlimited search 

LinkedIn Premium offers unlimited search unlike LinkedIn basic that limits you to 10 searches per month. If you are a LinkedIn free plan user, you’ll need to wait until you can continue browsing other LinkedIn profiles. 

Company insights 

All LinkedIn Premium members can go to any LinkedIn company page and check out the company’s insights here. Companies that hire, grow, and receive funding are generally more likely to consider innovative solutions, hire counselors, and automate certain processes. That's why, taking into account specific company insights can be valuable for your next business move. 

Company Insights For Lead Generation, LinkedIn Premium Feature

This can be useful for lead generation because you can see data such as:

Company Insights Growth Insights LinkedIn Premium For Lead Generation

LinkedIn learning 

LinkedIn Learning is LinkedIn's free online learning platform. It provides video courses taught by industry experts available to LinkedIn Premium users. Their main goal is to provide different skill sets necessary for scaling up your business and for advancing your career. 

This is what your LinkedIn learning platform dashboard looks like. 

LinkedIn Learning Dashboard, LinkedIn Premium For Lead Generation

You can see the skills you choose to improve, you can add new skills on your right, while in the top right corner you will find the preset weekly goal. The weekly goal is not something that LinkedIn asks you to commit to, it is more of a personal goal you set for yourself. 

Weekly Goal For LinkedIn Learning, LinkedIn Premium For Lead Generation

Click on Learning history. Then, click on Show recommended courses. LinkedIn will suggest specific courses based on your professional path and the previously set preferences. 

LinkedIn Learning Show Recommended Courses, LinkedIn Premium

This is what LinkedIn’s top picks for me look like. 

Top Picks LinkedIn Learning Platform, LinkedIn Premium For Lead Generation

LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Best features for lead generation 

In this LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium comparison, we must highlight right away that LinkedIn Sales Navigator for sure has more lead-generation-oriented features since it’s been created specifically for it. 

So, yes, to answer your question, LinkedIn Sales Navigator is for sure the most suitable for lead generation and sales in general by all parameters. 

However, we decided to write this LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium comparison so you can make informed decisions about whether to invest in something as advanced as Sales Navigator or stick to LinkedIn Premium features for lead generation. Why is that? 

The truth is, that a great number of Sales Navigator subscribers don’t use the platform to its full potential. Some of them are not familiar with it enough. The others actually don’t need all super-advanced Sales Navigator features for their lead generation. And the Sales Navigator is pretty pricey… 

When you upgrade to Sales Navigator from your existing plan, you will NOT be paying for both plans. This can be quite confusing for the first-timers since Sales Navigator seems like a completely different platform. However, you will have at your disposal all the above LinkedIn Premium features in addition to the following perks offered by Sales Navigator only. 

Our Team which is based in Serbia is approximately paying the following amount for Sales Navigator Core. 

Sales Navigator masterclass banner with the quote from the Professionals movie.

Advanced filtering 

The first benefit of Sales Navigator is its 29 Lead Filters and 15 Account Filters, out of which 27 total are Sales Navigator only. If your niche requires pretty specific lead profiles, Sales Navigator is the right subscription for you. 

Saved search

The Saved Search option allows you to save specific criteria that get you as close as possible to your ICP and then send leads and accounts that match those criteria to one place. You can name your Saved Search in a way to help you distinguish between other saved searches you have. Every time you enter the Saved Searches dashboard, you will see the number of leads that were added since the last time you opened that specific saved search. You can also see when you last accessed that particular list.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator Saved Search For Lead Generation

Lead lists and account lists  

Something similar to the previous feature is the Lead List and Account List options. Keep specific leads or accounts that match your lead generation criteria in one place and under one name. 

Monthly InMail credit 

The concept of free and paid InMail credits is the same as explained above. The only difference is that Sales Navigator offers 50 paid InMails credits that can be accumulated to up to 150 in 3 months. LinkedIn gives you back InMail credits each time a user answers. Additionally, each Sales Navigator subscriber gets 800 free InMail credits that can be sent only to users with open profiles. Therefore, LinkedIn Sales Navigator number of InMail credits for sure wins the LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium battle. 

Connect your CRM

Among the three plans, Sales Navigator Core, Sales Navigator Advanced, and Sales Navigator Advanced Plus, only the last two support the option of connecting your CRM. Once you’ve connected your database, Sales Navigator will match the list of leads with their LinkedIn profiles and enable you to perform any action you would normally be able to through a regular Sales Navigator. Sales Navigator supports the majority of CRMs. If you don’t have one or are not sure which one to consider, we’ve listed the top 10 CRMs on the market with all their advantages and disadvantages to help you out with this choice. 

Set alerts for leads & accounts 

Set alerts for leads and accounts of your choice, and Sales Navigator will make sure to regularly update you on every activity the platform finds relevant. It could be anything from job changes, post shares, growth insights for companies, etc. Save your leads into a lead or account list, bookmark them, leave a note, or reach out, directly from your feed. It is an excellent way to know what your leads of interest are up to and wait for the right moment to approach them.

View similar 

The View Similar option is available for accounts only. It is the right choice once you’ve defined your ICP down to the smallest detail. Let’s say you found that ideal company that you would like to replicate if you could. In a way, you can. Click on the three dots next to the company name in the Sales Navigator search results. Choose View Similar. Sales Navigator will list other companies whose attributes match as close as possible the ones of the original one. 

Leave notes

Sales Navigator gives you an option to leave notes next to the leads and accounts of your choice. This way, you know at any moment what stop they’re at on their buyer’s journey. 

Set up your sales preferences

Sales Navigator offers the opportunity to set up your sales preferences and choose the types of leads and accounts you wish to see more of on your feed. This option will give you significant insight into people and companies from your target industries, without you having search them manually. Sales Navigator will automatically push up to 100 leads that match your Sales Preferences into a list named Recommended Leads. The system generates this list and automatically refreshes every week. 

Set Up Your Sales Preferences, Sales Navigator For Lead Generation

Blacklist specific leads and accounts 

Blacklisting specific leads, accounts, or Lead or Account lists can be an excellent way to avoid certain leads. These can be people you already spoke to, your competitors, partners, existing customers, etc. Sales Navigator doesn’t have the Blacklist feature per se. However, you can create one by taking advantage of the possibility to exclude certain parameters or entire lists from your search. 

Smart links

A Smart Link is a link to a document (PDF, Word, PowerPoint, or image file) or a downloadable (a video, zip file, CSV, etc.) that you can insert in a LinkedIn InMail message.

Only Sales Navigator Advance and Advance Plus support Smart Links. 

The main advantage of the smart link is the option of tracking link clicks, the amount of time the recipient spent viewing the content, the date and the time that the recipient accessed the content, etc. 

Also, if the user that clicked on your content logged into their LinkedIn account first, you will be able to see basic info from their profile such as name, title, company, and public profile picture. Additionally, you'll have the option of sending a free InMail, if they have an open profile, or a paid one.

If they didn't log into their LinkedIn accounts, they must insert their full name and email address before accessing your content. 

This is an awesome way for sales and marketing teams to collect significant insights into people that are showing interest in their product. 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium: Downloadable comparison table 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium Comparison For Lead Generation, Downloadable Document


At the end of this LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium comparison, we must emphasize that the choice of your LinkedIn Account will highly depend on your intentions on LinkedIn. Not all Sales Navigator users know these hacks nor are they taking full advantage of the platform itself. 

Whether you opt for LinkedIn Premium or Sales Navigator after reading this LinkedIn Sales Navigator vs Premium comparison, or maybe even Recruiter, if you are searching for the best talent for your business, know that Skylead supports all three plans and can make your outreach faster and easier. 

Skylead is an AI-inspired Sales Engagement Platform that takes over all boring and time-consuming sales tasks and allows you to focus on closing the deal

Do you wish to know more about how to use Skylead? Are you curious how Skylead can get you faster to your sales goals? Check out our website or schedule a FREE demo appointment with our Sales Reps. 

We’re waiting for you! 

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My name is


My name is


My name is

Slim Shady?


Then nobody cares what your name is. 

So stop starting your emails like that. 

Cold emails: Business scale-ups or annoying practice? 

Let’s be honest. The battle for attention in the Inbox is real. 

That’s why you shudder at the very thought of cold emailing. Maybe you wonder if it even works. Well, statistics show it does. And pretty well too. 

Now when you know that your email outreach efforts are not necessarily in vain, put in some time and wit to write them well. You have only few characters to catch their attention, so why waste them on repeating yourself. If you do believe that your name, your company name, and other info of that kind can be a game-changer to generate sales, use the signature section. You are afraid that your leads won’t get till the end of it? Write a killer copy then. 

But write it from the start. Actually, write it from the very subject line. 

Subject line: Why it matters and how to make it better

The subject line of your email is like the cover of the book. Unless you are drawn to it, you won’t buy it. The same applies to emails. If the subject line is not attractive enough, your email will end up in the trash folder. Unless, of course, you are Eminem. ‘Cause, who would not want to know what Eminem wants from them? 

That being said, if there was a one-size-fits-all recipe for writing killer subject lines, all emails of this world would be opened. But not everyone’s the same. Therefore, different subject lines affect different individuals. All we can do is help you out with several tips (that work. Not for everyone, of course).  

Make it catchy, but not misleading

Your subject line should have a maximum of 9 words or up to 60 characters. In those 60 characters, you need to find a way to summarize what your email is all about and make it attractive enough for your prospects to open it. 

What lots of people do, and is strongly frowned upon, is write catchy, yet misleading subject lines. In case you are considering it, just think about the consequences. It might work once, but the next time you send an email, it will immediately end up in the trash. 


  1. 8 ways to find somebody’s email address (numbers work)
  2. Why you should invest in Sales Automation platform (use catchy words such as why, how, what)
  3. Original ideas for personalizing Invites to Connect (people are always on the lookout for something new and different)

Convey urgency 

Putting a deadline on what you are offering conveys importance and limited availability. It leaves an impression in a world where everything is utterly accessible. 

That’s why subject lines that work usually have some kind of an urgency indicator. If your offer really does expire in a week or your content is available for a certain period of time, mention it right away. Otherwise, don’t delude your prospects. 


  1. Last chance for 15% off for additional seats
  2. Expires tonight - download top experts’ sales book
  3. 10% off if you purchase within the next 24h 

Make them feel the FOMO

The fear of missing out is the driving force of today. Write an email that contains valuable information and/or industry updates for your prospects. Then tell them so. Use the subject line to make your prospect understand that, unless they open your email, they will be missing out on something important. Something that would potentially change their lives for the better. 


  1. LinkedIn Lead Generation trend everyone is talking about
  2. You don’t want to miss out on this offer!
  3. Uh-oh, your subscription is expiring.

Preview text: Why is it as important as the subject line 

The preview text is what you see below or next to the subject line before opening the email from your Inbox. It is the first several words of your email body, 35 to 90 characters to be precise, depending on your email provider. However, the majority of people open their emails on the phone. That means that you are limited to around 45 characters of the preview text. Sometimes even less! Therefore, make your email opener matter.

Subject Line Vs Preview Text

It’s your second chance to make the first impression. 

Make it an extension of your subject line 

Your subject line and preview text should be a cohesive unit. The flow has to be logical and stylistically unified to drive the desired action. Otherwise, no matter how compelling individually, your readers will be confused. The best way to go about it is to think about the preview text as the opportunity to provide a detail that did not fit into your subject line. 


  1. Subject line: Andy, did you know?
    Preview text: More than half of your leads read emails on their phone. This [...]
  2. Subject line: Free gift for any purchase! 
    Preview text: Until the end of October, with every new account your buy [...]
  3. Subject line: LinkedIn template that scaled up Skylead
    Preview text: Don’t miss out to get original message copies that made our [...]

Reference something about the lead

Just like on LinkedIn, the best way to get somebody’s attention is to make a concrete reference about them. It can be a post they’ve made or reacted to on LinkedIn, bring up a colleague or an industry professional you have in common, or simply congratulate them on the promotion they’ve recently got. Your leads will appreciate that you’ve done your homework before reaching out. 


  1. Hi {{firstName}},
    Love the post you made on LinkedIn...

  2. Hey {{firstName}},
    I saw that you attended {{nameOfEvent}}...

  3. Hi {{firstName}},
    Congratulations on the promotion! ...

  4. Hi {{firstName}},
    We recently connected on CompanyTinder... I mean on LinkedIn...

Highlight your value proposition

Use the preview text to communicate the most compelling benefit of your product or service. Highlight the value that you bring to the table that already starts with opening your email.

You don’t know what to point out? Think about why you decided to send the email in the first place. Tell your leads what’s in for them and how it will make their lives easier and scale their business. 



A/B test your subject lines/preview text

If you are not sure what to go for, split test different subject lines/preview texts. See what your audience reacts to best. Is it a question, an intriguing statement, or a direct and clear call to action?

A/B testing (aka split testing) is a randomized experimentation process where two or more versions are being sent to different target users at the same time to determine which one makes results and influences the desirable business action. 

When deciding on the “winner”, take into consideration other factors as well, such as your response rate and click rate, for example, depending on what your end goal is. 

Maybe down the road you realize what works best for your prospects. Or go ahead and segment them. 

Segment your audience

Not all of your leads will appreciate the same type of content. And that’s totally fine. If you don’t think that one subject line/preview text would produce the same effect for everyone, segment your leads list or use different LinkedIn prospecting method. Tweak the subject line/preview text according to their interests, business goals, and what you think might pique their curiosity. 


Yes, these are some tips that will most likely work to your advantage. 

But do you know what else will work to your advantage? Like, for sure? 

Being prospect-centric. 

Your prospects don’t care how something worked for you. They want to know how it will benefit them instead. This perspective will get you far ahead of your competition. 

Do you know what else will get you far ahead of your competition? Trying out Skylead

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We have been writing a lot about LinkedIn as a place to be whether it comes to LinkedIn prospecting, lead generation and business outreach. 

However, LinkedIn is also a place to learn, inspire, and get inspired by some of the world's most successful entrepreneurs.

With the social media boom, these influencers have been sharing with the world how to stay empowered and create an equally empowering work environment. 

Therefore, depending on your career goals, intentions with the industry, and what you seek most, you can make LinkedIn work to your advantage on so many levels.

Following people who bring value to the platform with their content is a great way to start. However, it is equally important to decide whom to follow to make the most out of their impactful insights. 

We are presenting our choice of the 6 most influential people on LinkedIn and why you should follow them. 

Arianna Huffington

President and Editor-in-Chief at The Huffington Post

Arianna Huffington LinkedIn

Arianna Huffington is the author of fifteen books, a syndicated columnist, and a businesswoman. She is a co-founder of The Huffington Post, the first commercially run US digital media to win a Pulitzer Prize. Arianna is also the founder and CEO of Thrive Global. It helps the world’s leading enterprises end the stress and burnout at work. So far-sighted, isn’t it? 

What you can learn from following Arianna on LinkedIn is how to lead a healthy, successful, and balanced life. This influencer covers a vast number of professional and lifestyle topics. These are thriving in times of uncertainty, redefining success, becoming fearless, the importance of physical and mental health and how to achieve it, the impact of our behavior on the planet, etc.

Are you in search of an influencer who can change both your private and professional life? Arianna is your woman! 

Simon Sinek

Author and inspirational speaker at Simon Sinek Inc.

Simon Sinek LinkedIn

Simon Sinek is an inspirational speaker and author of multiple bestselling books. These are Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together is Better, and The Infinite Game. He is the creator of the Golden Circles, a concept used by businesses to differentiate their brand’s value proposition. 

Simon Sinek is best known for redefining the importance of company culture and helping advance a vision of the world in which the majority of people wake up every single morning inspired and safe at work. Following this influencer will help you connect with your clients on a more personal level. Also, it will teach you how to create a healthy and engaging work environment where your employees can prosper together with you. 

Every company should constantly improve its leadership, organizational structure, and get to know its employees are in order to strive. Following Simon Sinek on LinkedIn is an absolute must whether a startup or a multinational corporation. 

Melinda Gates 

Philanthropist, Author, and Co-Founder of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 

Melinda Gates LinkedIn

Consistently being ranked as the world's most powerful woman by Forbes, Melinda Gates is an author, philanthropist, former general manager at Microsoft, and a co-founder of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, nonprofit fighting poverty, disease, and inequity around the world.

Melinda has dedicated her professional path to bringing an end to inequality in life and the workplace. Namely, this influencer pointed out the link between women’s empowerment and the overall health of society. Melinda advocated for the freedom to decide whether to have children or not, for women to have access to any type of job, for a paid family leave for everyone, and to eliminate gender bias in all its forms. 

We are far past the time when men were the only decision-makers and main participants in the economic impact. Understanding and applying the equality of the sexes in the workplace is the only path to creating a prospering business. 

Follow Melinda to learn how to achieve it! 

Neil Patel 

Marketing expert & Co-Founder of Neil Patel Digital

Neil Patel LinkedIn

Neil Patel is a marketing expert, entrepreneur, and a New York Times top-selling author. He is best known for his work in digital marketing and social media, and as the creator of Ubersuggest, a free online tool that helps you generate keyword ideas to improve and expand your content marketing strategy.

Nowadays, the absence of online presence equals not existing at all. Therefore, following a marketing guru such as Neil becomes a must. On his LinkedIn profile you will find insightful tips and tricks regarding your marketing strategies, optimizations of your online presence, digital media strategies, and similar. 

As someone who created one of the hundred most brilliant companies according to Entrepreneur Magazine, this influencer knows his stuff. 

Follow Neil so you know yours too! 

Gary Vaynerchuk

Serial entrepreneur and investor, Chairman of VaynerX, and CEO of VaynerMedia 

Gary Vaynerchuk LinkedIn

Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times bestselling author, co-founder of the restaurant reservation software company Resy and Empathy Wines, chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications company, and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a social media-focused digital agency.

Gary is sharing content that encourages people to follow their passions and pursue their long-held goals. This influencer has always had an entrepreneurial spirit. It is now sharing motivational material, tips, tricks, and lessons he’d learned on his path to success. 

Gary is the embodiment of the Great American dream. Therefore, whether just getting started or being a seasoned entrepreneur, it cannot hurt you to learn valuable lessons from other people’s experiences, especially when as successful as Gary. 

Gretchen Rubin 

Author, blogger, and speaker

Gretchen Rubin LinkedIn

Gretchen Rubin is a bestselling author of books that help people understand themselves and create happier lives. These include The Happiness Project, Happier at Home, Better Than Before, The Four Tendencies, Outer Order, Inner Calm). Gretchen also leads an award-winning podcast Happier with Gretchen Rubin, has a series of video courses, and is a creator of an app Better.

This influencer believes that there is no one recipe that works for everyone to become happier, healthier, more productive, and creative. She strives to cover and offer effective solutions to modern-age problems such as loneliness, bad habits, struggles to be satisfied, situations that are preventing us from being happy, etc. As much as it seems that her major impact has to do with our private lives, these undoubtedly reflect on our careers as well. 

Follow Gretchen and you will soon realize that a happy entrepreneur is a successful entrepreneur. 

Wrapping up

If you just follow these 6 influencers on LinkedIn, you would have daily reminders to encourage you to follow your dreams (Gary), to create a healthy and productive work atmosphere (Simon), to encourage women in private lives and in the workplace (Melinda), to make sure your business has an impeccable online presence (Neil), while having in mind that the life and work balance (Arianna) lead to happy and fulfilled lives (Gretchen). Additionally, don't underestimate the value of micro nano-influencers. Integrating them into your LinkedIn feed alongside these prominent figures can offer unique perspectives and insights tailored to niche audiences. That said, you can follow our CEO, Relja Denic if you are interested in LinkedIn lead generation, multichannel outreach, and in general all things sales. 🙂

Try it out. You have nothing to lose! 

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