
Double-verifyemails& reachall your leads.

Discover and validate authentic email addresses to eliminate the bounce rate and reach all leads from your list.
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Image of list of emails Skylead is finding along with other publicly available information such as phone number, occupation, first and last name
Image of list of prospects on LinkedIn and CSV file mockup

Choose how todiscover your leads’ business emails.

Upload your lead’s name and company domain, or their LinkedIn profile URL, even if they’re not part of your network, and let Skylead find and verify their email addresses.

Get your leads' email addressesin one step.

Don’t break your outreach flow. Make the Email finder & verifier step part of your Smart sequence and seamlessly use the data to engage with your leads immediately.

Image of Skylead feature: Find and verify business email step in a smart sequence
Image of email discovery and verification graph

Getdouble-verified emails.

We won’t provide you with catch-all email addresses. Instead, we double-verify emails to protect your domain. 

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Anya and her all-star support team are here to answer any questions, and to take you from setting up your first campaign to being a Skylead expert in no time.
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Jovan Jovanovic, Co-founder of Skylead