Ideal Customer Profile? Say what?

Are you outreaching your leads and the efforts are just not paying off? Chances are you’re targeting the wrong crowd and your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) isn’t right.

Andrea, our Head of sales, says that pitching to the wrong crowd only means wasted time and resources. Luckily, we are here to help you create the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). This article will show you:

Our teams have worked hard to do the research, and now we present our findings, so pay close attention. 💡

What is an ICP?

The Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is a firmographic description of companies that would benefit from your product/service the most. These companies should have the fastest sales cycle, highest LTV, and retention rate. ICP guides your targeted marketing and sales strategies to attract and keep valuable prospects efficiently.

Your ICP is a company that:

Pro tip: From our research, an Ideal Customer Profile can be positive and negative. We will focus on the positive ICP, but creating a negative ICP can help you outline all prospects that are a poor fit for your product/service. By keeping an eye on the negative ICP, you’ll surely avoid wasting your budget and time on the wrong companies.

The difference between an ideal customer profile and a buyer persona

ICP and Buyer Persona are crucial documents for sales, targeting, and prospecting on LinkedIn. Despite being similar, they serve different purposes.

Firstly, an Ideal customer profile combines firmographic and demographic data that best describes a company ideal for your business. This data can include: 

Secondly, a Buyer Persona is a document that describes an individual profile of a person involved in the buying process. While ICP outlines the perfect company, Buyer Persona details the individuals within. The data from your ICP might mention the decision-makers and their positions, but the data we need to create a Buyer Persona is a bit more personal:

Basically, the Buyer Persona focuses on more psychological and personal details, while the Ideal Customer Profile focuses more on the company itself and the metrics.A single ICP may contain several Buyer Personas, which means you can target multiple roles within a single company. Additionally, businesses can have various ICPs, which typically differ by industry, highlighting a layered approach to market segmentation. Here’s how it looks:

Image that describes difference between ideal customer profile and buyer persona

Now, back to the ICP and Buyer Persona. Here is a simplified example of their main differences.

Image demonstrating difference example between ideal customer profile and buyer persona

Pro tip: If your company is new, it’s better to start by creating an Ideal Customer Profile and then move on to a Buyer Persona.

Key Benefits

Now, let’s look at how your outreach will change after clearly defining your ICP:

  1. Personalize your outreach - The main and most obvious benefit of customer profiling is that it can help every sales team personalize communications for each prospect. This can only lead to more engagement, a better experience for your prospects, and improved sales.
  2. Target a relevant audience - You will target more relevant prospects for your business that actually have a need for your product/service.
  3. Improve response rates - When you’re speaking to the right crowd in the right way, you experience better results and boost lead nurturing. A tailored approach can boost response rates significantly.
  4. Optimize customer acquisition - A good ICP can help you understand your best customers so you know what characteristics to look for in the future, helping boost customer acquisition.
  5. An informed market expansion plan - With a good ICP, you can easily determine your current market share and plan to expand your reach and discover untapped revenue, only to grow your business even more.
  6. Nurture brand loyalty and profitability - Knowing your audience and presenting a solution to their problem at the right time can help boost your brand image, thus attracting more loyal customers.

Image of CTA banner 2 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

How to create an ideal customer profile?

An Ideal Customer Profile needs to be as detailed as possible to identify all aspects of your target companies, create a good base for your Buyer Persona, and help your LinkedIn lead generation activities. Here is how to create an ICP in case you:

  1. Already have an Ideal Customer Profile as your customer
  2. Don’t have an ICP as your customer or customers at all.

If you already have an ideal customer profile as your customer

1. Analyze your current customers' data

When creating an ICP, data is your best ally. You can easily spot patterns and anomalies from which your business can benefit. In this case, you should start with your existing customers’ data.

What we’ve learned from our experience is that the trick is to pinpoint your best customers. Here’s a list of questions you need to answer to find them:

  1. What company became your customer the fastest?
  2. Who are the customers that have the highest retention rate?
  3. What customers have the highest LTV?
  4. What company did refer your product and service elsewhere?

2. Identify the patterns

Once you have a list of companies that are your current customers according to previous criteria, it is time to analyze. The key here is to notice patterns and similarities between these companies.

Here is the list of patterns to keep in mind when analyzing:

Analysis pattern for creating an ICP

Pro tip: Open Google Sheets for this step, note customers listed in rows, and put patterns in columns. Once you have them neatly written down, you can find similarities more easily.

ICP Google Sheet table with noticeable patterns

3. Have a chat with your customer

By now, you should have rough data, which means it’s time to get personal and go deeper into the analysis. To gather more personal information, you can book online meetings and chat with your existing customers.

Here’s a list of questions you can ask:

Image of template questions to ask current customers to create ideal customer profile

Keep in mind that not all customers have time to talk to you, or your meeting may not be their priority. If you did the social selling part right, you would have instant positive feedback because of your well-established relationship with them.

From what we have learned so far, you need to find an alternative motive for the customers so they are willing to hop on this meeting. This is where discounts or gift cards come into play. You will get valuable information, and they will gain something in return—a win-win.

4. Assemble information about your ICP

You are almost done. The last step is to assemble all this information in one place. As we mentioned before, it would be easier to start with ICP industry segmentation and go on from there. 

Now that you have defined an Ideal Customer Profile, you can adjust your sales and marketing efforts to target the right companies for your business. If you create an ICP in this way, you’ll have actionable data to find your profile right away and pointers on how to personalize outreach, but more on that second part later.

Note that later in this blog, you’ll get a chance to download our ready-made template you can use, so keep reading. 👇

Image of CTA banner 1 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

If you do not have an ideal customer profile using your product or a service

In this case, we don’t have much data to go on, so we will create the ICP from scratch. If you don’t have an ICP as your customer or any customers at all, follow the steps below to create the profile.

1. Identify your ideal customers 

One of the best ways to start creating an Ideal Customer Profile in case you don’t have any customers is to zero in on the companies you believe will most benefit from your product or service. You can do this by identifying a couple of things on your end:

Now, choose a group of ideal companies to research. Follow their founders or other decision-makers and discover what they write about. Are there any pain points they often talk about? Visit their websites or check out their LinkedIn pages. This approach will help your sales and marketing team narrow down the target group and be more effective in their activities.

2. Identify the key aspects

Similarly to the previous approach, you should add firmographic and demographic data to the companies list. Here is the information you can gather about these companies and add to the list next to the companies’ names: 

Pro tip: When creating an ICP, our best advice is to make your ICP as detailed as possible since it will provide the best options for LinkedIn lead generation targeting. 

3. Finding personal information about the company

To make your ICP as detailed as possible, you need to find more personal information about the companies, which means you need to reach out to them. 👋

Do not underestimate the power of LinkedIn - most people will be glad to chat with you and share experiences. You can go one step further and use this opportunity to reach out to their decision-makers and start your social selling while you gather data.

Here’s a template example of a conversation starter invite to connect and a follow-up:

Hey {{firstName}},

Your profile struck a chord with me, particularly your role as {{occupation}}. How about we connect and share a few unscripted insights since we work in similar fields?

From there, you can continue the conversation like this:

Hey {{firstName}},

Thanks for welcoming me into your network! I noticed your impactful role at {{currentCompany}}, and I'm curious—what challenges do you face in your position? I'm in the midst of creating a solution tailored for professionals like you, and your insights could be incredibly useful.

Looking forward to hearing your perspective!

Here are a couple of questions you can ask if they are on board:

4. Build an ideal customer profile

The last step is to assemble the information you gathered, which we will show you in our template below. 👇

Note: If you choose companies that work in different industries, start with industry segmentation first, and import the rest of the data to create multiple ICPs. Otherwise, you will have only one.

Ideal customer profile template

Here’s what an assembled Ideal Customer Profile should look like for a fictional company that offers a time-tracking system to other companies.

ICP template

If you want to download this template, be sure to click here and make a copy.

How to use ICP for lead generation

Now that we have an Ideal Customer Profile, it’s time to use it to identify your ideal leads. Note that, from what we have learned over the years, companies that don’t perfectly match your ICP are still worth a shot. The retention rate will possibly be lower or the buying experience longer, so optimize and adjust your efforts accordingly.

The Ideal Customer Profile is easy to apply for lead generation. The idea is to search for and create a company leads list to match your ICP and then reach out to them. Here’s how to do it. ⬇️

Step #1 - Find your ICP via LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful lead generation tool. So, what you need to do now is use your ICP by going to LinkedIn and doing a similar companies search. Here’s how:

Go to your LinkedIn account and research the industry or type of companies defined in your ICP document. Then use additional filters available to narrow down the search according to your ICP.

LinkedIn basic search example

When the search is complete, make sure to jot down all the companies. Then, continue from there by clicking on every company page in the People section, as shown below, to find your qualified leads. 

Company profile, People section

Create a CSV file with every lead’s first name, last name, profile URL, and email. And then save this file for the next step.


Hacks to find leads using Sales Navigator

There are two ways you can filter your leads if you have a Sales Navigator subscription.

1. Find leads from the company profile

Go to your Sales Navigator search, apply Sales Navigator filters, and see the results. Find your ideal company from this list, and click on the three-dots button. Then, click on “View Similar”. 

"View Similar" is a useful Sales Navigator feature that will try to find companies most similar to the company you choose according to industry, company size, etc. It will show you up to 50 similar companies.
You can also usethe existing customer you selected as your ICP, type theirname in the Sales Navigator search bar, and click on the “View Similar” button for that company.

Sales Navigator search 1

From there, click on the company you are most interested in, find your decision-maker, and save them to the lead’s list. Repeat the process for every company.

Sales Navigator search screenshot 2

Step #2 - Create an outreach campaign

You can reach the leads you find manually, but to make this process even easier, you should use a sales engagement tool to do it for you. Let’s take Skylead, for example–a LinkedIn automation and email outreach software.

First, to create a campaign, choose your lead source. If you've written down all the decision-makers from your ICP in Google Sheets, you can upload it as a CSV file. However, if you used LinkedIn or Sales Navigator filters to find them, copy the search URL and paste it into Skylead. 👇

create a campaign in Skylead, step 1 screenshot

The next step is to adjust the campaign settings, such as start date or LinkedIn and email settings preferences, and click on the “Create sequence” button. 🧰

Create sequence screenshot

Note that what makes Skylead’s first-to-market Smart sequences special is that you can combine LinkedIn and email action with if/else conditions. This will help you get to your prospects one way or the other while maximizing touchpoints with leads. 

How? Through a carefully thought out and placed a set of actions. Here’s what you can drag and drop in the sequence builder to create an outreach flow 👇

Actions and conditions

A clear ICP will allow you to determine which steps or communication channels to use in your outreach campaign. Plus, you can use personalized visual elements that match your ICP thanks to our Image & GIF personalization feature to increase your response rate to 63%.

Image and GIF personalization

Lastly, once you’re done combining elements and personalizing, your sequence will look something like this:

Smart sequence example

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead's smart sequence that demonstrates multichannel outreach using LinkedIn automation and email steps with if/else conditions

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

How do you measure the success and accuracy of an ICP over time, and what metrics are most important?

To measure the success and accuracy of an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) over time, companies should track conversion rates, sales cycle lengths, customer lifetime value, and retention rates. Adjustments to the ICP may be necessary as these metrics are analyzed to ensure alignment with market conditions and customer needs.

Are there industry-specific variations in creating an ICP, and how should companies in different sectors adapt the template provided?

Industry-specific variations in creating an ICP do exist. For instance, the factors that define an ideal customer in the technology sector may differ significantly from those in the manufacturing sector. Companies should consider their unique industry trends, challenges, and customer behaviors when adapting the ICP template.

How can small businesses or startups with limited data or customer interactions effectively create an ICP?

Small businesses or startups with limited data can still effectively create an ICP by leveraging industry reports, competitor analysis, and qualitative feedback from initial customers or stakeholders. These insights can form the basis for a preliminary ICP that evolves with more customer interactions and data accumulation.

Ready to find your ideal prospects?

In conclusion, an Ideal Customer Profile allows you to narrow down, analyze prospects, and optimize your approach. It shows precise challenges—valuable information to help you adjust unique selling points and offer tailor-made solutions to your prospects’ problems.

To jog your memory once again, here are the 4 easy steps you need to take to create an ICP:

ICP table

Pro tip: After creating an ICP, the next step is to create a Buyer Persona

Did you make your ICP? Good, then use Skylead to get to your prospects faster and save up to 11 hours of manual work per week. Come, say hi via chat on our website, and test our all-in-one tool during a 7-day free trial. Let’s get to those perfect prospects together and enjoy the results of hard work. 🤝

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
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Looking for leads? Ever heard of LinkedIn prospecting? It’s about time you do!

If we know that LinkedIn is the largest professional social media network in the world, with a staggering 1 billion users, of whom 65 million are decision-makers, then it’s safe to say that it is a place to be for prospecting. Our complete guide on LinkedIn prospecting will cover:

What is LinkedIn prospecting? 

By definition, LinkedIn Prospecting is the practice where salespeople and recruiters leverage LinkedIn as a part of their social selling activity to identify and engage with potential customers among platform members. Their goal is to build professional relationships and offer products or services that best meet their needs.

What does LinkedIn prospecting mean? 

LinkedIn is a professional network ideal for B2B (business-to-business) interactions, where salespeople can find and nurture potential business clients. It’s all about identifying the right target audience and fostering relationships with them, using the platform's features to manage the entire process.

But how does it work? LinkedIn helps you spot new prospects by providing insights into members' job titles, company information, and some personal information—key data for your outreach. Look at your prospect's LinkedIn profile as a gold mine of information, crucial for deciding if they're a fit for your product so you can plan and personalize messages and follow-ups.

Before reaching out, we believe that studying your prospect's profile is essential. Connecting is only the start; understanding how your product can help them and genuinely caring about their business is what can keep the conversation going. This process is gradual and involves patience, thoroughness, and constant optimization.

Now that you’ve found and studied your target audience, we get to initial contact. Cold outreach on LinkedIn involves contacting potential clients you haven't met before, aiming to pitch your product or service. But it's not just about the pitch; it's about building relationships and understanding their needs.

Remember: LinkedIn prospecting isn't a one-size-fits-all formula. It's complex, demands a solid strategy, and depends on many factors. But there's a reason LinkedIn is a top pick for social selling and online prospecting, as you’ll come to learn while you go through this blog.

Why LinkedIn prospecting? 

LinkedIn differs from other social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter because it's focused on B2B relationships. It's a one-stop shop for finding business contacts. Plus, it supports both prospecting and lead generation.

We need to clarify something: Prospecting and lead generation are not the same. Prospecting is about identifying and nurturing potential customers, while lead generation attracts and converts customer interest. A prospect is a qualified contact, whereas a lead is unqualified.

In recent years, the pandemic shifted these activities to the online world. This was when social selling became a thing - the practice of using social media to find and build relationships with prospects to meet sales goals. LinkedIn, being a professional, B2B-focused platform, has thus gained more advantages for social selling, as it supports all stages of the sales process.

However, success on LinkedIn isn't easy. Sales teams face the challenge of identifying the right business contacts among many, and decision-makers on LinkedIn are flooded with LinkedIn connection requests, regular messages, and InMails. But don’t worry! There are strategies to stand out and connect effectively with potential clients, which we will cover later in this blog.

Image of CTA banner 2 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

How to get started with LinkedIn prospecting? 

1. Define your Ideal Customer Profile & Buyer Persona 

An ideal customer is someone who will benefit from the product or service on many levels and has also shown interest in it. In marketing and sales, we call that a qualified prospect

Defining your ideal prospects helps focus your sales and marketing on the most promising leads. In B2B, this means understanding the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) for target companies and the Buyer Persona for their decision-makers or a person who will use your product. 

Knowing these details improves how you identify and approach them on LinkedIn, making your social selling more effective while saving time in future outreach efforts. In fact, our Head of Sales, Andrea, says that if you define your ICP and Buyer Persona right away and you do it correctly, you won’t waste time on bad results. 

Let’s go over them. 👇

Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) describes companies that benefit most from your product or service. These companies typically have:

Buyer Persona is a detailed profile of your ideal customer, encompassing behavioral, demographic, firmographic, and psychographic traits. This persona represents someone who:

Note: Each company that fits your ICP can have one or more than one Buyer Persona for you to target. In short, ICP represents the company profile, while the Buyer Persona focuses on the particular type of person’s profile within that company.

2. Find potential customers 

Once you’ve defined your Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Persona, it’s time to find them on LinkedIn. You can use LinkedIn to understand their pain points and keep all communication in one convenient place, from initial contact to follow-ups.

But that’s not all LinkedIn does. It encourages a series of behaviors through certain features that we can use to find ideal prospects and build B2B relationships.

  1. LinkedIn allows networking among the members attending the same LinkedIn event despite some members not being connected. 
  2. LinkedIn awards posting relevant content by giving these members greater exposure on the platform. 
  3. LinkedIn gives you options to join LinkedIn groups of your interest. Use Sales Navigator to target members of a LinkedIn group.
  4. Reach busy decision-makers through paid and free LinkedIn InMails 
  5. You can use numerous filters to find your ideal prospects. 

You will find strategies on how to effectively find more prospects later in the blog.

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

3. Structure your campaign 

Effective LinkedIn connections go beyond just sending requests to users matching your Buyer Persona. It involves a detailed outreach plan, including:

We know, it’s a lot to keep track of: conversations, relationship stages, and buyer's journey positions for multiple prospects. This is why we recommend you use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software for your LinkedIn leads. It organizes customer data and streamlines lifecycle processes, replacing countless spreadsheets and documents.

4. Reach out & follow up

Once your LinkedIn outreach campaign is structured, start connecting with potential customers. Remember, first impressions matter in social selling. Look at it like this: your profile is your business card; members will take a peek and focus on your profile picture, cover photo, LinkedIn headline, and LinkedIn summary.

An all-star-status profile increases views and connections due to higher search visibility. When reaching out, ensure every message, whether a connection request or InMail, is personalized, showing you've researched the recipient and leaving room for conversation.

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Follow-ups are key in outreach. Not all potential customers will be immediately responsive, especially busy decision-makers with a ton of requests. Be persistent but also recognize when to pause with outreach and wait for a better opportunity to re-engage. Also, be sure to try templates.

5. Automate your LinkedIn outreach 

We’ve come to our favorite part: outreach automation. ✨
LinkedIn automation tools can be the secret ingredient to your business success. With these powerful tools, you can streamline almost all outreach tasks, such as:

Automation tools save time, allowing more focus on crafting sales messages and closing deals. When it comes to the type of automation, cloud-based automation is the way to go. They are safer and can operate independently of your computer, unlike Chrome extensions or desktop apps, which can lead to account bans and you ending up in LinkedIn jail.

The good news is that advanced tools like Skylead use smart algorithms for efficient prospecting and add cold email outreach to the LinkedIn outreach equation. By offering multichannel outreach, a Smart sequence builder, hyper-personalization, and an email discovery & verification feature, Skylead gives its users safety, efficiency, and the ultimate outreach experience. 

6. Combine cold emailing with your LinkedIn outreach 

A cold email is an unsolicited email that is sent to your prospect without prior contact as part of your cold outreach strategy. It could also be defined as the written equivalent of cold calling. Cold email outreach, just like LinkedIn outreach, aims to make contact with prospects and build professional relationships for the sake of sales as an end goal. 

Since sales processes moved mostly online, the combination of LinkedIn outreach and cold emailing has given the best results. From our experience, we believe that combining LinkedIn with cold email outreach will increase your chances of getting to your desired prospects and converting them. Pavle, our sales executive, used a multichannel sequence to reach a 35% reply rate.

The 18 most effective LinkedIn prospecting strategies

As promised, we’ve done the research so you don’t have to, and now we present the 18 most effective LinkedIn prospecting strategies that are likely to bring qualified prospects for your business. Let’s review the list.

1. Use the Boolean search to narrow down your prospects

LinkedIn Boolean search allows you to combine words and phrases using the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT to limit, broaden, or define your lead generation target. Both LinkedIn and Sales Navigator filters support this type of search. 

Keep in mind that the Boolean search can help you focus your prospecting efforts on ideal potential customers of a niche market that works best for your business. 

2. Target LinkedIn event attendees 

Event Attendees on LinkedIn, Event example

LinkedIn event attendees might not all be connected, but what connects them is what your sales pitch might be. To target prospects at LinkedIn events, focus on events your ideal audience attends. This approach not only groups them in one place but also offers insights into their needs and perspectives, which you can use to get to know them better and connect.

3. Use LinkedIn groups for prospecting

Yes, we know. Most of the LinkedIn groups are dead. However, their members are still there, despite being inactive, gathered around a common interest. This is why targeting LinkedIn groups for LinkedIn prospecting is recommended. 

However, if some of these communities are active, make sure you take time and genuinely engage with them. Ask questions, offer advice, share your experience, and answer and comment on posts. Aside from high-quality prospects, you might gain valuable insights into your Buyer Persona’s problems and needs. 

Remember: LinkedIn allows you to send a direct LinkedIn message to each group member without being connected to them. This is how you find groups of your interest. 👇

Option 1 - LinkedIn basic and Premium users 

#1 Run a blank search or enter a keyword in the LinkedIn search engine. Use other available filters if needed.

Find LinkedIn groups on LinkedIn

#2 Choose your ideal LinkedIn group and click “Request to Join.”   

Request to join LinkedIn group

#3 Once you get accepted, this is where you find the list of members - or your prospect list. 😉 

See LinkedIn group members

Option 2 - Sales Navigator filters: Group filter  

You can find members of different LinkedIn groups through Sales Navigator filters. Unlike other LinkedIn users, you can narrow down LinkedIn group members further to fit your search criteria even better by applying other filters.

#1 Open Lead Filters

#2 Scroll down to the “Groups” filter. Put in a keyword or the exact name of the LinkedIn group. 

Sales Navigator filters group filter

#3 Sales Navigator will suggest other similar groups. 

Suggested groups, group filters, Sales Navigator filters

Note: Once you’ve chosen LinkedIn groups of interest, use other Sales Navigator filters to narrow your search results. 

4. Take full advantage of free & paid InMails 

LinkedIn InMail message is a direct private message to or from a LinkedIn member who is not part of your network. LinkedIn members that are not part of your network can be your 2nd or 3rd-degree connections.

If you’re not yet connected with your prospect, you can still send them messages, and this is where InMails comes in. Make sure to combine both free and paid InMails for a more effective outreach. However, our experience has shown that it is more effective to use InMails as the last step of the sequence in outreach if LinkedIn and email combined do not give results.

5. The People Also Viewed feature 

As you may know, the LinkedIn People Also Viewed feature displays a list of LinkedIn members that the platform’s algorithm found important for your LinkedIn experience, whether you are using the platform for networking, job search, or lead generation. Use the algorithm to your advantage and better target your audience.

6. The People You May Know feature 

Unlike the People Also Viewed feature, People You May Know suggests LinkedIn members for you to connect with based on commonalities between you and those LinkedIn members. 

LinkedIn recommends members who may have shared connections have similar profile information (experiences, company name, company size, industry, or attended the same school). You will see these profiles on the right rail of your LinkedIn profile.

People you may know section LinkedIn

Leveraging mutual connections on LinkedIn is a strategic way to grow your network and connect with potential prospects. Mentioning a common connection can go a long way. It boosts acceptance rates, overall trust and helps build new professional relationships.

Note: Keep in mind that the better your LinkedIn profile is optimized, the more accurately algorithms will suggest members that fit your prospecting preferences.

7. Check your prospects’ Contact Info 

We’ve already said that your prospects’ profile acts as a business card. Contact info sections usually contain everything you need to know to reach out. It’s available only for your 1st-degree connections.

“Contact info” can contain your prospects’ business email, private email, phone number, company website, and LinkedIn profile URL. However, not all of this information has to be filled out.

Here’s an example 👇

Contact info, Relja

In this case, we see our lead’s business email, company website, and even phone number.

LinkedIn contact info

Some LinkedIn automation tools, such as Skylead, collect this publicly available information for you. All you need to do is move the toggle button to the right before creating your sequence. Skylead will collect all of your prospects' publicly available data and allow you to use it at any moment.

Skylead collect contact info section

8. Follow job changes on your feed

If your 1st-degree connection changes jobs, you will get a notification. 🔔

Follow job changes on feed, notifications

It will show up in your feed as well. If your 2nd-degree connection changes jobs and the mutual connection reacts to it or posts a comment, you will also see it in your LinkedIn feed.

New job alert on LinkedIn feed

Regular updates on job changes are crucial for the LinkedIn prospecting process because a member's new job title may align with your ideal prospect profile. Additionally, leads in new decision-making roles are often more receptive to sales pitches, so you can use this moment to introduce your product/service to them.

9. The new job position alert

Setting job alerts for specific positions in companies is a long-term LinkedIn prospecting strategy. You'll get notifications about new openings, indicating company growth, investment in departments, or increased demand for their products or services. You can use these signals as an intro for your outreach efforts. 

Seems convenient? This is how you set the New Job Position alert on LinkedIn 👇

#1 Write the job position or a keyword you wish to get altered for in the search bar. Then, click “Jobs.” Let’s say you are interested in the “Sales Manager” position opening.

Set up a job alert

#2 Set up the location (mandatory) first. Then, use any other filter under the “All Filters” option that will get you as close to your ICP as possible.

Set up a job alert filtering options

#3 Finally, turn the alert on.

Set up job alert alert on

However, if you have a list of companies you would like to set alerts for, you can manually insert them here. This way, you will create job alerts for those companies only.

Set up new job alert companies

#4 Once you’ve set everything, turn the alert on and receive alerts for multiple companies or a single alert for multiple companies.

10. Target specific job openings

This hack involves searching for job openings and functions, listing companies in a spreadsheet, and contacting decision-makers. It targets current job openings, unlike the long-term strategy of setting alerts and waiting, which offers immediate search results to work with.

This is how you find leads by targeting specific job openings 👇

#1 Put the keyword in the LinkedIn search engine. For example, search for a “Sales Manager”. Set all filters to get as close as possible to your ICP. 

Target specific job openings

#2 Manually add each company (or handpick your target companies) into a spreadsheet. Then, find decision-makers within these companies and outreach away! ✨

11. Target your competitor’s network

Targeting your competitor’s network on LinkedIn can be an effective prospecting hack, as their connections are likely qualified leads already interested in similar products or services. To put this hack into practice, you have to connect with competitors, as it applies only to your 1st-degree connections.

Option 1 - Go to your competitor’s LinkedIn profile and find their connection list 

#1 Go to your competitor’s profile and click on their connection list.

Image of how to target your competitor's network

#2 Once you click, you will be able to filter your leads further. You can then handpick them or copy-paste the link of your final search result to a LinkedIn automation tool, such as Skylead.

Filter your competitor's network

Option 2 - Search for your competitor’s connections through LinkedIn filters 

#1 Type a keyword into the search bar or run a blank search. Click “All filters”.

Find your competitor's connections through LinkedIn filters

#2 Scroll down to the “Connections Of” filter. You can target one competitor or multiple competitors’ connections. Filter your search results by using other LinkedIn filters. 

Connections of filter

12. Reach out to people who endorsed your competitor or ICP

Keep in mind that people often connect with those similar to themselves in lead generation. Explore the "Skills" section on LinkedIn profiles, both yours and your competitors', to find potential leads through shared connections and endorsements.

#1 Scroll all the way down your potential prospect’s profile.

LinkedIn skills section endorsements

#2 As you may see, there’s a total number of people who endorsed your prospect for a certain skill. LinkedIn automatically shows only those who are categorized as “highly skilled.” 

Note: When you have many connections that endorse you for a particular skill, LinkedIn marks you as “highly skilled.” Click on the link as marked above. 

This is how it looks 👇

Skills section on LinkedIn highly skilled section

You can target everyone from the list or just the individuals marked as “highly skilled.” They are most likely to be from the same industry or use the services of your prospect.

Note: From our 5-year experience in the market, we found that endorsing someone on LinkedIn doesn’t have the same weight as writing a recommendation. The LinkedIn members you find through the Recommendations section are more likely to be high-quality prospects.

13. Target leads who wrote or received a recommendation

As mentioned above, checking the recommendation section of a prospect's LinkedIn profile is a smart move. It reveals members who have written or received recommendations, along with their names, current titles, and relationship to your prospect. This provides immediate insight into their business connections.

Let’s look at an example 👇

Recommendations section on LinkedIn

You can check out both your prospect’s recommendations and the ones your prospect wrote for others. 

Recommendation section - received and given

When leaving recommendations, you need to specify the type of business relationships you had with that LinkedIn member, as well as the position you held at the moment. 

Recommendation section - relationship

Note: The type of relationship will be displayed together with your recommendation. 

Recommendation section - position at the time

14. Target members who commented or reacted to your ideal prospect's LinkedIn post

For LinkedIn prospecting, only target posts relevant to your business and engaged by members that fit your Buyer Persona. Focus on posts from your industry, similar businesses, or those shared by people targeting or engaging your Buyer persona.

Here are two ways to find a LinkedIn post ideal for prospecting.

Option 1 - Find a LinkedIn member whose posts you want to target 

#1 Scroll down through their profile and check out the “Activity” section. Click “See all activity.”

Followers list in Activity on LinkedIn

#2 Click “Posts” to see only content posted by that LinkedIn member. 

Image of how to see all posts of LinkedIn users

#3 Choose a post that you want to target. If you are doing outreach manually, click here to see who reacted and commented on this particular post. 

LinkedIn post engagement

#4 If you’re using a LinkedIn automation tool, this is where you copy a link to a post. 

Note: The majority of LinkedIn automation tools can target only members who reacted (not commented) to a certain post. 

Copy link to post - LinkedIn content

Option 2 - Find a LinkedIn post by using LinkedIn filters 

#1 Use LinkedIn's search bar to find posts containing your keyword that interest your ideal prospects. 

Find a LinkedIn post via filtering options

#2 Filter your posts further if necessary. 

Filtering options LinkedIn content

#3 Collect prospects either manually or by using a LinkedIn automation tool.

15. Reach out to people who reacted or commented on your post

Using LinkedIn content for prospecting allows you to create tailored posts, articles, or LinkedIn polls to attract qualified prospects. Engage with them by asking questions, starting discussions, or teasing about new releases, and then identify potential leads manually or with a LinkedIn automation tool.

16. Check your company’s LinkedIn page followers 

Running out of places to look for prospects? Why not target individuals who follow your LinkedIn company page but don't use your services or products? They might be in related industries, seeking information, exploring options, or staying updated just in case they need you someday. The best way to understand their interest is by reaching out to them. 

Option 1 - Check out your company page as an admin 

Step #1 You need to be your LinkedIn company page admin to see the list of your followers. 

Skylead Page followers, LinkedIn

This is how the follower list looks like 👇

All followers, LinkedIn

Option 2 - Sales Navigator spotlights filters: Leads that follow your company page

Step #1 Go to Sales Navigator Filters. Click “Lead Filters”.

Sales Navigator leads

Step #2 Choose the “Spotlight” filter. Click on “Leads that follow your company on LinkedIn”. You can use other filters to narrow down your search results.

Spotlights filters - following your company

17. Check out the Who’s Viewed Your Profile feature

People view your LinkedIn profile for various reasons. You appeared:

This indicates potential interest and a good sales rep will take any signal and turn it into a valid reason to reach out. Now go try it out!

This is where you can see who viewed your profile on LinkedIn. 👇

Option 1 - Check your notifications

Who's viewed your profile notifications

Option 2 - Check out the Analytics section

The LinkedIn Analytics section is right below the section with your profile picture, name, headline, and other info. 

Step #1 Find the “Analytics” section.

Analytics section LinkedIn

Step #2 Check out who viewed your profile. 

You’ll find the list of LinkedIn members who viewed your profile. You can use the available filters to narrow down your list.

Who's viewed your profile filtering options

Interesting Viewers is a category of profile views that LinkedIn's algorithm assumes you'd be most interested in talking to. Aside from that, LinkedIn will categorize certain contacts according to their company, industry, occupation, etc. This can be useful for LinkedIn prospecting.

18. Activate the Bell feature 

Did you know you can get notified if your prospect makes an action on their LinkedIn profile? If you activate the Bell feature, you won’t miss an opportunity to talk to your prospects, plus you can learn about their pain points and use that for your outreach messages. How to get the bell to ring? Follow the steps below 👇

Step #1 Go to your prospect’s LinkedIn profile. If you are not connected, click the “Follow” button first, and then turn the bell on. If they are your 1st-degree connection, just click the “Bell” button.

Activate the bell feature on LinkedIn

Step #2 You’ll get a notification each time your lead publishes something. It looks like this.

The bell feature notifications

LinkedIn prospecting: Top 3 tools to use

Now, when it comes to LinkedIn prospecting, strategies are good, but what if we told you some tools could help speed up the process? Before we get into the examples, let’s review some basic knowledge about LinkedIn automation tools.

What you need to know is that automation tools come in many shapes and sizes, but their type is what needs to be one of the first things to look at. We have three types of automation tools:

  1. Browser extensions - Browser-based LinkedIn tools need an extension download to work. To use them, all you need to do is open LinkedIn and activate the extension. The tricky part is that it is less safe to use because it injects a code into LinkedIn, making it noticeable to LinkedIn’s algorithms that search and ban suspicious, non-human behavior.
  2. Desktop apps - Desktop-based tools require a PC download to work. They act like desktop apps, and they need to work in the background at all times for the automation to happen. Apart from that, all data is stored on your computer. However, you can’t turn your PC off if you want it to work, and it is detectable by LinkedIn, so it’s a safety concern right away.
  3. Cloud-based - Finally, cloud-based tools use a dedicated IP address that serves as a proxy and shields from all automated activity, so LinkedIn won’t notice the automation happening. Your data is stored in a cloud, which makes it even more safe, and it also runs even when your computer is off.

So, when picking a tool, it’s easy to conclude that cloud-based is the way to go! Now let’s look at the tools 👇

1. Skylead

Skylead interface screenshot

As we’ve mentioned a bit earlier, Skylead is a LinkedIn automation and cold email software, and since prospecting comprises of two parts, finding and nurturing the clients, our tool will help with the outreach and nurturing part.

The LinkedIn automation solution helps you automate LinkedIn action and email. Plus, by using Image & GIF personalization, you can personalize all messages in a follow-up sequence, not just the initial one.

Lastly, our first-to-market Smart sequences help combine LinkedIn with unlimited email automation, thus covering all user behavior actions and reaching prospects one way or the other. Remember - multichannel sequences are the future of outreach!

Smart sequence example

2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator interface screenshot

Sales Navigator is LinkedIn’s premium platform created for B2B sales and marketing professionals to prospect and generate leads for their businesses. Every Sales Navigator feature is prospecting-oriented and aims to give you the most relevant information and insights into your desired companies and their decision-makers. 

Sales Navigator benefits:

Also, when you subscribe to one of 3 Sales Navigator plans, you can still enjoy all the benefits of LinkedIn Premium without additional charges.

3. Hubspot

Hubspot screenshot

Another tool that you probably heard of used for prospecting and lead management is Hubspot. It’s a free CRM solution that helps sales reps monitor their prospect lists and outreach stage. 

This CRM helps you take complete control of your entire sales process, starting with creating your prospect lists. Once you import new prospects, Hubspot offers an enrichment feature that will get you crucial company insights.

Hubspot’s paid version, for $500 per month and a minimum of 5 users, includes the following features:

LinkedIn prospecting: The 4 do’s of sales prospecting 

Here are the top 4 LinkedIn prospecting tips and best practices to have in mind when prospecting on LinkedIn.

1. Connect on a human level 

Successful salespeople remember that prospects are humans and center their sales process, from prospecting to pitching, around this. Social selling, especially on platforms like LinkedIn, is challenging as is and requires frequent follow-ups. 

To connect with prospects on a human level, it's important to show genuine care, share personal business struggles or advice, and respect their decision-making time. This approach leads to more positive returns and respects the human aspect of sales. LinkedIn prospecting gives you an insight on what your prospect is all about so you can connect on a deeper level, even online.

2. Provide value 

Sales reps should focus on providing value in social selling, both through content and interactions with prospects, regardless of their response to sales pitches. Sharing industry knowledge on LinkedIn positions you as an expert, making prospects more likely to choose you over others. 

Also, offering value through direct messages, like recommending resources, sharing ebooks, or giving advice about something they actually need, builds appreciation and trust, no matter their purchase decisions.

3. Personalize 

Personalization is crucial in prospecting, and it goes beyond just using the prospect's name. It involves in-depth research to understand and segment prospects. LinkedIn automation tools can automate this process using variables for personalization and CSV files for scaling. 

Image & GIF personalization is another effective technique, using customized images with the recipient’s data to capture attention. Tools like Skylead offer image personalization as a feature, allowing you to customize images for each recipient to enhance LinkedIn inbox visibility.

Image of CTA banner 2 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

4. Be patient

From what we’ve seen in sales, it’s safe to say with absolute certainty that you shouldn’t be pushy or aggressive with prospects, despite the pressure of monthly or quarterly quotas. Sales reps who focus on nurturing prospects and understanding their stage in the buyer's journey tend to meet their sales quotas more. 

Prospects actually value the space to make decisions and appreciate sales approaches that aren't solely focused on closing a sale at any cost, so keep that in mind when reaching out.

LinkedIn prospecting: The don’ts of sales prospecting

Here’s what you should avoid at all costs when prospecting on LinkedIn. 👇

1. Overlooking Profiles Before Reaching Out

Not taking the time to research and go through your prospect’s profile thoroughly before reaching out can lead to irrelevant or inappropriate offers. You need to understand their interests, experiences and needs to help tailor just the right message.

2. Not Following Up 

Always keep in mind that messages can be missed or forgotten. Not following up can be a huge mistake and lead to potential client loss. Sometimes, prospects need a little push before they do what you want them to. When writing a follow-up email after no response, make sure not to be too aggressive or pushy.

3. Neglecting LinkedIn Etiquette

Like in the real world, LinkedIn also has a set of rules you need to follow when communicating with people online. Neglecting LinkedIn etiquette could include endorsing people you don't know for skills, joining groups and immediately spamming them with your offers, or not respecting people's time and interests. 

4. Ignoring Analytics and Feedback 

Lastly, not tracking the performance of your outreach efforts (like response and open rates) could lead to bad outreach results. If you’re not adapting constantly based on real-time metrics and optimizing, you won’t reach any sales goals. So, remember to always look at the numbers and optimize accordingly.

Frequently asked questions about LinkedIn prospecting

How do I measure the success of my LinkedIn prospecting efforts?

Measure success by tracking metrics like connection acceptance, response rates, meetings arranged, and conversion rates. Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Skylead or CRM tools for analytics. Consistently analyzing these metrics will help you understand the effectiveness of your strategies and make necessary adjustments to improve your prospecting efforts.

How can I ensure my LinkedIn outreach messages stand out from the competition?

Personalize your messages by referencing specific details from prospects' profiles. Create engaging, value-centric messages that invite a response. Tailoring your outreach to each prospect's interests and needs enhances the likelihood of initiating meaningful conversations, fostering professional relationships, and ultimately achieving successful connections.

What are the common pitfalls to avoid in LinkedIn prospecting, and how can I navigate them?

Avoid common pitfalls by steering clear of mass, impersonal messages and neglecting profile optimization. Focus on crafting tailored, value-driven outreach messages and maintaining a professional, up-to-date LinkedIn profile. Personalized communication combined with a polished online presence is key to sidestepping frequent errors and succeeding in your prospecting endeavors.

How to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator for prospecting?

Use Sales Navigator and its multiple features, such as advanced search and filtering, lead suggestions, and advanced notifications to search for the right audience - your ICP and Buyer Persona, then implement an outreach strategy, preferably using multiple channels.

How do you use LinkedIn for sales prospecting?

Optimize your LinkedIn profile, use LinkedIn or LinkedIn Sales Navigator to target specific leads, actively engage in relevant groups, consistently share insightful content, and effectively use InMail for personalized outreach.

How do I use LinkedIn for prospecting?

First, you need to define your Ideal Customer Profile. Then, identify companies matching it. Lastly, find your Buyer Persona within those companies. Use LinkedIn and Sales Navigator search filters to find qualified prospects. In this blog, we listed 19 additional strategies to find prospects on LinkedIn.

Does LinkedIn work for prospecting?

Yes. LinkedIn is a gold mine for finding qualified prospects for the majority of businesses. With the help of advanced search on LinkedIn and Sales Navigator, you can study prospect information to build qualified lead lists and proceed to implement your sales strategy with better results. 

Ready to use LinkedIn prospecting for outreach?

If your goal is to grow your business and your business is outreach, LinkedIn prospecting should be an integral part of your outreach strategy. Although it is complex, LinkedIn prospecting shouldn’t be such a hassle, thanks to advanced tools that can relieve some of the workload. 

That’s right, we’re talking about LinkedIn automation tools. Let’s look at the benefits one more time:

But how do you get to enjoy all these benefits?

You can try Skylead, of course! 🤩 Simply register for a free trial today and watch how an all-in-one tool can turn something as complex as prospecting into an easily manageable task that produces results.

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

LinkedIn Boolean search is a query technique that combines words and phrases with the Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT, (), “”, to limit, broaden, or better define your search. It is used to produce more accurate results on the platform and allows you to navigate through relevant leads while disregarding unrelated ones.

Boolean search can be a powerful tool to get the most out of your LinkedIn lead generation process while saving time and resources.  That’s why, our sales team uses Boolean search in their everyday filtering activities on LinkedIn, and we can proudly say that this was one of the most effective LinkedIn prospecting  strategies to go from 2500 to 10 000+ users in 9 months

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

To apply Boolean search successfully on LinkedIn, you’ll need to know:

The benefits of using a Boolean search on LinkedIn

Utilizing Boolean search on LinkedIn, especially when combined with other filters, offers several benefits. Our sales team has found that Boolean search, when integrated into their search strategy, helps: 

How to do a Boolean search on LinkedIn? 

Here are some ground rules when it comes to Boolean search principles in general and on LinkedIn

Boolean search rules for LinkedIn

Here are some basic Boolean search rules to follow when searching on LinkedIn. 

Boolean search terms for LinkedIn

Boolean search terms on LinkedIn consist of the following 5 operators that help you create a logical relationship between the keywords you would like to search, and therefore, bring back more precise and targeted search results.

The AND operator

The AND operator tells a search engine to find all people whose LinkedIn profiles include both terms. 

For example, if you search for writer AND copywriter, LinkedIn will only bring back users whose profiles contain BOTH the term writer and the term copywriter. 

The OR operator 

The OR operator tells a search engine that you wish to find users whose LinkedIn profiles include either of the terms. Also, if there’s a LinkedIn profile containing both terms, it will appear in your results. 

For example, if you search for content OR copywriter, LinkedIn will bring back users whose profiles contain EITHER of the terms or BOTH terms. 

The NOT operator

The NOT operator tells a search engine what words to exclude from search results. Differently from other operators, it needs to stand before the term you wish to exclude. If you wish to exclude multiple terms, the NOT needs to be inserted before each term. 

For example, if you search for content NOT copywriter, LinkedIn will bring back profiles containing the word content and it will avoid all profiles that contain the word copywriter. If you wish to exclude editors as well, you should compose your query as content NOT copywriter NOT editor. 

Quotations “”

Quotations are used in LinkedIn Boolean search when your search term is composed of two or more consecutive words that need to stay in a specific order. For example, if you wish to find content editors, but avoid content writers, your query would look like this “content editor” NOT “content writer”. If you don’t put the term composed of two or more words under quotation marks, the search engine will look them up as separate terms. 

For example, content editor NOT “content writer” will bring back results that contain the word editor, the word content, and will avoid profiles with the word content writer. 

Parenthesis ()

This Boolean operator is essential for writing complex search strings that give carefully picked results. Namely, when including parenthesis in the Boolean search, the algorithm sees the string between the brackets as a query that needs to be solved separately and then in relation to other parts of the string. 

For example, the query head AND (sales OR marketing) NOT (intern OR assistant OR communications) will bring back results of all leads who are either Head of Sales or Head of Marketing or Head Of Sales & Marketing but will exclude all people from the same departments that are interns, assistant, or hold the title of the Head of Communications. 

Here’s a visual presentation of the LinkedIn Boolean terms.

LinkedIn Boolean Operators Explained

Which LinkedIn filters support Boolean search? 

Here are the filters supporting the Boolean search according to your LinkedIn plan. 

LinkedIn Boolean search 

On LinkedIn, you can apply the Boolean search only to the Keyword group of filters, which are:

This means that, whatever you put in the Keywords filter on LinkedIn, it will search within these 5 sections of your lead’s profile. If you want LinkedIn to search within a specific section, use precisely that filter instead. 

Also, our SRD, Pavle, tested applying longer Boolean search strings to LinkedIn basic and premium filters, and it was interesting to note that they don’t allow longer searches. He would get the “No results found” message, which is not quite true. 

LinkedIn just wants to point out the benefits of investing in Sales Navigator, LinkedIn’s premium platform designed specifically to handpick ideal leads through Sales Navigator filters, or in Recruiter with its 23+ filters designed for finding the finest talent for your business. 

Sales Navigator Boolean search

Sales Navigator allows you to apply the Boolean search to the following filters:

The most commonly used filter to apply the Boolean search is the Keywords filter. However, keep in mind that this search result can be very extensive and imprecise since the search engine will list all users whose LinkedIn profiles include that particular word anywhere on their profile (in their title, LinkedIn headline, posts, hashtags, skills, etc). 

On the other hand, when you apply the Boolean search to other, more specific filters listed above, LinkedIn will search only those sections of your lead’s LinkedIn profile to find the keyword match. 

That’s why, the Boolean search produces the best results when combined with other filters

Sales Navigator masterclass banner with the quote from the Professionals movie.

Recruiter Boolean search

Unlike other LinkedIn subscriptions, Recruiter explicitly indicates which filters support Boolean search (plus the First and Last name filters which also support Boolean search but don’t have it clearly stated below). 

LinkedIn Recruiter filters, Boolean search example

Here’s the list of ALL Recruiter filters supporting Boolean search:  

How to prepare for Boolean search on LinkedIn

Before creating a Boolean string for your LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, or Recruiter search, make sure you define your Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Persona

Then, off of that information, answer the following questions just to make sure you don’t miss out on any relevant leads.  

Also, on the other hand, to get what you want, sometimes you need to eliminate what you don’t want first. 

Finally, one of the hacks our sales team uses is to save their Boolean search strings on a separate sheet of paper such as Google Docs or a Word document, just to keep a record of what they combined since LinkedIn filters don’t show longer queries in full. 

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead support team and text "We suport you from day 1"

5 LinkedIn Boolean search string examples 

Here are 5 Boolean search string examples inspired by the strings used by our Head of Sales, Andrea, to find the most relevant leads for Skylead. 

You can copy & paste them or adapt them to your filtering needs. Also, we always encourage using ChatGPT for sales, so in this case, you can use some of the below Boolean string examples as prompts and ask Chat GPT to produce similar ones. 

Finally, the below templates will help you understand better the Boolean principle in general, and how powerful it could be to bring back the most relevant search results on LinkedIn. 

Let’s set several Boolean string formulas that can help you understand the Boolean principle better and how to apply it to produce more relevant and precise results.

Boolean search string example for matching job titles with seniorities 

Use this Boolean search string to find specific job titles matched with their seniorities while at the same time excluding some of the options.


(Seniority OR Seniority OR Seniority) AND (Title OR Title) NOT (Seniority OR Title OR KeywordsYouWishToExclude)


(Head OR Chief OR VP) AND (Sales OR Marketing) NOT (Intern OR Assistant OR Consultant OR Growth)

Expected search results from this Boolean string

This LinkedIn Boolean search string will make the search engine bring back LinkedIn profiles including either of the following terms:

And it will exclude any profile containing the words - intern, assistant, consultant, or growth. 

How to use this Boolean string 

If you are a LinkedIn user (basic or premium), check out the Which LinkedIn filters support Boolean search to understand why LinkedIn members cannot use more complex, longer Boolean search strings. 

If you are a Sales Navigator user, apply this Boolean string to the Current job title filter. 

To access this filter, go to your Sales Navigator home page > Lead filters > Current job title. 

How to use Boolean search string example for matching job titles with seniorities in Sales Navigator Lead filters

As mentioned above, Boolean search works best if combined with other filters. 

Also, Sales Navigator offers the Exclude option for some filters, so you can exclude some criteria through that feature if it works better for you. 

Boolean search string example to target or blacklist leads from a niche industry 

 Use the Boolean search to target or blacklist leads from a specific niche industry. 


Field of work AND (keyword OR keyword OR keyword) NOT keyword 


“Medical Practice” AND (sports OR nutrition OR wellness) NOT injury 

Expected search results from this Boolean string

This Boolean search string should bring back LinkedIn profiles that include keywords such as medical practice and either of the terms between the parentheses (or all terms) mentioned somewhere on their LinkedIn profile. If a specific keyword is not your target, like injury, in this case, LinkedIn will exclude these users from the search results. 

How to use this Boolean string

This Boolean search string can be used by both LinkedIn (free & premium) and Sales Navigator subscribers. 


How to use Boolean search string example to target or blacklist leads from a niche industry, LinkedIn filters

Sales Navigator 

How to use Boolean search string example to target or blacklist leads from a niche industry, Sales Navigator filters

As you may see, we applied the string to the Sales Navigator Keywords filter. Additionally, to get an even more specific list of leads, we applied a simple Boolean search string to the Current job title as well.


Title OR title OR title 


“Sales specialist” OR “Sales Manager” OR “Sales Representative” 

Of course, you should always add other criteria to refine your search. 

Boolean search string example to combine job titles with seniority or a specific skill

The following Boolean search string is particularly useful for LinkedIn users (free & premium) since they don’t have the Seniority filter, nor can they blacklist leads based on different criteria. 

Also, it’s useful if your ideal lead’s job title varies, but you want to include a seniority level, a specific skill (a programming language in this case), and maybe even exclude certain companies from your search. 


Seniority AND (title OR title) AND keyword NOT keyword 


Senior AND (“Software Engineer” OR “Software Developer”) AND Java NOT TomTom

Expected search results from this Boolean string

This LinkedIn Boolean search will bring back users who hold or used to hold either one of these titles. Also, they need to have Java programming language mentioned somewhere on their page (this is where you need to see manually if they have it as a skill or they just mentioned it in a post or similar), and if they don’t work or that didn’t work for a specific company (in this case TomTom, or they never mentioned a specific company in their LinkedIn profile).

How to use this Boolean string

As mentioned above, this Boolean search string is particularly useful for LinkedIn users, but it can be applied to Sales Navigator filters as well. 

We applied this Boolean search string to the Keywords filter and then added other filters to narrow the search result. 

Boolean search string example to combine your leads’ titles or functions

Use the Boolean string to be specific about the combination of titles or functions of your ideal lead.


Title AND (title OR title) NOT title 


Owner AND (CEO OR “chief executive officer”) NOT Founder

Expected search results from this Boolean string

For example, this Boolean search string is useful if you’ve noticed that lots of Owners and CEOs are also Founders of their companies. However, you wish to exclude companies where founders are Owners and CEOs at the same time. 

How to use this Boolean string

Apply this Boolean search string to the Title filter if you’re a LinkedIn subscriber, and to the Current job filters if you’re a Sales Navigator subscriber. 

This Boolean string is particularly useful for LinkedIn subscribers as Sales Navigator filters have the Exclude option. 

Boolean search string example to add industry jargon to your search 

Consider adding terms or jargon or simply keywords that are common for that particular industry in your Boolean search. 


Seniority AND (title OR title) AND (Keyword OR keywordSynonym)


Head AND (Sales OR Marketing) AND (Saas OR “Software as a service”)

Expected search results from this Boolean string

This Boolean search string will bring back LinkedIn profiles whose users hold or held titles such as Head of Sales, Head of Marketing, or Head of Sales & Marketing, and worked in the SaaS industry, or simply mention Saas or Software as a service in their headlines, posts, about section, experience, etc. on LinkedIn.

How to use this Boolean string

Apply this Boolean search string to the Keywords filter whether you’re a LinkedIn or a Sales Navigator subscriber. 

How to streamline the process of reaching leads found through Boolean search

Luckily for you, there’s a way to apply the Boolean search only once and set up an auto-refresh to continuously get new leads that match your criteria and eliminate the time-consuming process of repeatedly going through the search process.

The answer is - Skylead

Skylead is compatible with ALL LinkedIn subscriptions, and in this blog, we will show you how to reach and auto-refresh leads found through the Boolean search if you’re a Sales Navigator subscriber.

First, set up your Sales Navigator Boolean search and combine it with other filters. In this case, we applied the Boolean search string example #1 from this blog, added the industry filter, and the location filter, and turned on ‘Changed jobs’ in the Recent updates filter section.  

Boolean search string example, combined with other filters, copy URL to Skylead

Then, copy and paste the URL of your Sales Navigator search result into Skylead’s campaign creator. 

Skylead campaign creator, Boolean search campaign, example

Turn on Skylead’s auto-refresh option. Essentially, if new leads appear within the same URL source, they will be pulled into active campaigns if you turn this option on within the tool. 

Autorefresh on Skylead, Boolean search campaign, example

Then, proceed to make a Smart sequence.

Skylead’s Smart sequences are smart algorithms that allow you to combine LinkedIn automation, unlimited Email automation, Email verification & discovery, and Image & GIF personalization to help you book 3x more meetings than before. 

Here’s an example of a ‘classical value proposition’ type of a Smart sequence. 

Classical value proposition campaign example on Skylead, Boolean search

Once you start your campaign, Skylead will do all the work for you, and you can focus on building professional relationships with your leads and closing the deals.

Boolean strings for refined targeting 

We understand that the Boolean search on LinkedIn could seem a bit intimidating. However, we hope you understood its huge potential, and that this short manual helped you gain a better understanding of how it works, and how to use it to optimize your search results

Speaking of, another way to optimize your lead generation, is to automate time-consuming outreach processes with Skylead. Curious to know how? Sign up for Skylead’s 7-day FREE trial, and test out the most powerful tool for LinkedIn and email automation on the market.

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

To be as accurate as possible when it comes to the LinkedIn Industry List 2024, we manually checked all industries listed below as well as the number of leads and accounts for each industry on LinkedIn and Sales Navigator.

Currently, LinkedIn and Recruiter members can filter leads and accounts based on 149 industries. The LinkedIn and Recruiter industry options are more generic according to the ones reserved for Sales Navigator subscribers. 

Namely, Sales Navigator members have 413 industries at their disposal and include both generic industries as well as their sub-industries. This implies that Sales Navigator subscribers can take their LinkedIn prospecting to the next level and filter leads and accounts with more precision. 

Also, when choosing the industry for your LinkedIn profile and your company’s LinkedIn profile page, LinkedIn will let you choose among the 413 industries from the Sales Navigator list that you can find down below independently from your LinkedIn subscription. 

All of this being said, in this blog, you’ll find:

For Sales Navigator 

For LinkedIn

However, bare in mind that these numbers change on a daily bases. LinkedIn members update their industries, the platform welcomes new members and new company pages. Therefore, there will always be a fluctuation in the number of registered leads and accounts.

Furthermore, the below statistics refers only to people and company pages registered on LinkedIn. There might be businesses and industries for which it doesn't make much sense to be on the platform or online in general, despite the times that we live in. Take this into consideration if one of those businesses or industries is your target.


Starting June 2022, Sales Navigator switched to a more detailed list of industries that now has both industries and their sub-industries for better categorization and targeting. Further, we manually checked their official industry list and updated some of the industries based on what's live on Sales Navigator at this moment. The Sales Navigator industry list counts 413 industries for leads and 413 industries for accounts.

Furthermore, when setting up your profile, LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to use the following Sales Navigator list of industries and therefore be as specific as possible when it comes to your field of business. 

Also, some of the niche industries will not show up in the drop-down menu unless you specifically type them in, both in your contact info and when using Sales Navigator filters

The complete Sales Navigator industry list 2024

Abrasives & Nonmetallic Minerals Manufacturing1.5K+47
Administration of Justice3M+62K+
Administrative & Support Services17M+1M+
Advertising Services16M+1M+
Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing12K+393
Agriculture, Construction, Mining Machinery Manufacturing42K+1.5K+
Air, Water, & Waste Program Management7.5K+337
Airlines & Aviation3M+70K+
Alternative Dispute Resolution260K+7K+
Alternative Medicine1M+31K+
Ambulance Services1.5K+76
Amusement Parks & Arcades4K+167
Animal Feed Manufacturing5.5K+272
Animation & Post-production1M+20K+
Apparel Manufacturing23K+2.5K+
Appliances, Electrical, & Electronics Manufacturing6M+560K+
Architectural & Structural Metal Manufacturing5.5K+396
Architecture & Planning4M+360K+
Armed Forces2M+8.5K+
Artificial Rubber & Synthetic Fiber Manufacturing46013
Artists & Writers1M+68K+
Audio & Video Equipment Manufacturing2.5K+234
Automation Machinery Manufacturing2M+66K+
Aviation & Aerospace Component Manufacturing2M+43K+
Baked Goods Manufacturing5.5K+326
Bars, Taverns, & Nightclubs9.5K+400
Bed-and-Breakfasts, Hostels, Homestays3K+287
Beverage Manufacturing710K+71K+
Biomass Electric Power Generation2K+124
Biotechnology Research2M+80K+
Blockchain Services19K+3.5K+
Boilers, Tanks, & Shipping Container Manufacturing3.5K+80
Book & Periodical Publishing1M+310K+
Book Publishing11K+1K+
Broadcast Media Production & Distribution1M+140K+
Building Construction70K+4K+
Building Equipment Contractors3K+279
Building Finishing Contractors4.5K+372
Building Structure & Exterior Contractors5.5K+447
Business Consulting & Services16M+2M+
Business Content40K+1.5K+
Business Intelligence Platforms12K+902
Cable & Satellite Programming1K+32
Capital Markets3M+420K+
Chemical Manufacturing11M+380K+
Chemical Raw Materials Manufacturing8K+283
Child Day Care Services28K+534
Circuses & Magic Shows37522
Civic & Social Organizations2M+930K+
Civil Engineering5M+230K+
Claims Adjusting, Actuarial Services4K+86
Clay & Refractory Products Manufacturing89233
Coal Mining4.5K+45
Collection Agencies5K+96
Commercial & Industrial Equipment Rental4.5K443
Commercial & Industrial Machinery Maintenance32K+1K+
Commercial & Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing8K+611
Communications Equipment Manufacturing2.5K151
Community Development & Urban Planning13K+586
Community Services28K+2K+
Computer & Network Security1M+46K+
Computer Games1M+46K+
Computer Hardware Manufacturing1M+36K+
Computer Networking Products1M+31K+
Computers & Electronics Manufacturing7M+310K+
Conservation Programs6.5K+280
Construction Hardware Manufacturing4.5K+306
Consumer Goods Rental3.5K+275
Consumer Services15M+1M+
Correctional Institutions2K+9
Cosmetology & Barber Schools13K+346
Courts of Law10K+58
Credit Intermediation12M+180K+
Cutlery & Handtool Manufacturing60333
Dairy Product Manufacturing520K+43K+
Dance Companies3.5K+231
Data Infrastructure & Analytics120K+6.5K+
Data Security Software Products8.5K+465
Defense & Space Manufacturing1M+44K+
Design Services7M+450K+
Desktop Computing Software Products10K+613
E-Learning Providers1M+270K+
Economic Programs39K+698
Education Administration Programs13M+350K+
Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing6K+639
Electric Power Generation92K+5.5K+
Electric Power Transmission, Control, & Distribution42K+1K+
Electrical Equipment Manufacturing20K+947
Electronic & Precision Equipment Maintenance14K+324
Embedded Software Products14K+923
Emergency & Relief Services8.5K+210
Engines & Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing9.5K+193
Entertainment Providers21M+2M+
Environmental Quality Programs23K+881
Environmental Services2M+210K+
Equipment Rental Services12K+1K+
Events Services1M+190K+
Executive Offices1M+67K+
Executive Search Services3K+303
Fabricated Metal Products43K+2.5K+
Facilities Services4M+500K+
Family Planning Centers5499
Farming, Ranching, Forestry5M+630K+
Fashion Accessories Manufacturing8.5K+1K+
Financial Services33M+1M+
Fine Arts Schools10K+343
Fire Protection11K+719
Flight Training1K+70
Food & Beverage Manufacturing5M+560K+
Food & Beverage Retail1M+200K+
Food & Beverage Services13M+2M+
Footwear & Leather Goods Repair57930
Footwear Manufacturing5.5K+745
Forestry & Logging5.5K+226
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation3K+38
Freight & Package Transportation890K+190K+
Fruit & Vegetable Preserves Manufacturing1.5K+115
Funds & Trusts14K+639
Furniture & Home Furnishings Manufacturing1M+180K+
Gambling Facilities & Casinos550K+16K+
Geothermal Electric Power Generation1.5K+78
Glass Product Manufacturing5K+297
Glass, Ceramics & Concrete Manufacturing500K+55K+
Golf Courses & Country Clubs7K+373
Government Administration32M+640K+
Government Relations Services1M+18K+
Graphic Design2M+120K+
Ground Passenger Transportation34K+1.5K+
Health & Human Services14M+350K+
Higher Education1M+0200K+
Highway, Street, & Bridge Construction10K+224
Historical Sites1.5K+80
Holding Companies4K+1K+
Home Health Care Services27K+2K+
Hospitals & Health Care31M+data not available
Hotels & Motels29K+1K+
Household & Institutional Furniture Manufacturing2K+208
Household Appliance Manufacturing2.5K+125
Household Services8K+463
Housing & Community Development30K+1K+
Housing Programs4.5K+113
Human Resources Services5M+210K+
HVAC & Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing17K+888
Hydroelectric Power Generation3.5K+105
Individual & Family Services2M+1M+
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing6M+380K+
Industry Associations11K+1.5K+
Information Services3M+240K+
Insurance & Employee Benefit Funds6K+166
Insurance Agencies & Brokerages19K+1.5K+
Insurance Carriers8K+91
Interior Design52K+4.5K+
International Affairs710K+16K+
International Trade & Development1M+70K+
Internet Marketplace Platforms39K+4.5K+
Internet News7.5K+2K+
Interurban & Rural Bus Services49621
Investment Advice13K+1K+
Investment Banking650K+78K+
Investment Management1M+240K+
IT Services & IT Consulting26M+1M+
IT System Custom Software Development26K+3K+
IT System Data Services34K+904
IT System Design Services19K+763
IT System Installation & Disposal2.5K+94
IT System Operations & Maintenance38K+334
IT System Testing & Evaluation25K+371
IT System Training & Support26K+677
Janitorial Services18K+1K+
Landscaping Services15K+1K+
Language Schools21K+1K+
Laundry & Drycleaning Services3K+294
Law Enforcement1M+24K+
Law Practice4M+200K+
Leasing Non-residential Real Estate890K+73K+
Leasing Residential Real Estate13K+957
Leather Product Manufacturing9K+1K+
Legal Services8M+560K+
Legislative Offices150K+1.5K+
Lime & Gypsum Products Manufacturing46511
Loan Brokers4K+429
Machinery Manufacturing12M+960K+
Magnetic & Optical Media Manufacturing85125
Manufacturing75M+data not available
Maritime Transportation1M+59K+
Market Research970K+33K+
Marketing Services310K+47K+
Mattress & Blinds Manufacturing90692
Measuring & Control Instrument Manufacturing4.5K+319
Meat Products Manufacturing3K+203
Media & Telecommunications16M+1M+
Media Production1M+200K+
Medical & Diagnostic Laboratories44K+1K+
Medical Equipment Manufacturing2M+170K+
Medical Practices9M+3M+
Mental Health Care2M+79K+
Metal Ore Mining5.5K+128
Metal Treatments6.5K+428
Metal Valve, Ball, & Roller Manufacturing1.5K+56
Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing9K+357
Military & International Affairs3M+24K+
Mobile Computing Software Products8.5K+1K+
Mobile Food Services6K+480
Mobile Gaming Apps64K+3.5K+
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing1M+0470K+
Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing12K+1K+
Movies & Sound Recording3M+230K+
Movies, Videos, & Sound4M+410K+
Museums, Historical Sites, & Zoos380K+78K+
Nanotechnology Research190K+5K+
Natural Gas Distribution4.5K+67
Natural Gas Extraction2.5K+12
Newspaper Publishing590K+29K+
Non-profit Organizations3M+450K+
Nonmetallic Mineral Mining1.5K+50
Nonresidential Building Construction3K+146
Nuclear Electric Power Generation9.5K+78
Nursing Homes & Residential Care Facilities16K+470
Office Administration110K+290
Office Furniture & Fixtures Manufacturing3.5K+414
Oil & Coal Product Manufacturing1K+26
Oil & Gas7M+160K+
Oil Extraction2K+39
Oil, Gas, & Mining1M+0590K+
Online & Mail Order Retail30K+2.5K+
Online Audio & Video Media990K+110K+
Operations Consulting28K+1.5K+
Outpatient Care Centers4K+67
Outsourcing & Offshoring Consulting1M+49K+
Packaging & Containers Manufacturing980K+45K+
Paint, Coating, & Adhesive Manufacturing11K+751
Paper & Forest Product Manufacturing790K+160K+
Pension Funds2.5K+25
Performing Arts790K+350K+
Performing Arts & Spectator Sports800K+350K+
Periodical Publishing2K+405
Personal & Laundry Services34K+2.5K+
Personal Care Product Manufacturing2M+170K+
Personal Care Services17K+1K+
Pet Services12K+1.5K+
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing5M+91K+
Philanthropic Fundraising Services450K+32K+
Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapists25K+1K+
Pipeline Transportation1K+23
Plastics & Rubber Product Manufacturing2M+200K+
Plastics Manufacturing970K+150K+
Political Organizations380K+21K+
Postal Services3K+41
Primary & Secondary Education6M+180K+
Primary Metal Manufacturing3.5K+150
Printing Services1M+110K+
Professional Organizations7K+974
Professional Services97M+data not available
Public Assistance Programs5K+72
Public Health83K+2K+
Public Policy Offices2M+88K+
Public Relations & Communications Services2M+100K+
Public Safety1M+25K+
Radio & Television Broadcasting18K+534
Rail Transportation19K+529
Railroad Equipment Manufacturing370K+13K+
Ranching & Fisheries1M+160K+
Real Estate & Equipment Rental Services9M+2M+
Recreational Facilities9M+870K+
Religious Institutions1M+260K+
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing1M+100K+
Repair & Maintenance100K+5.5K+
Research Services7M+360K+
Residential Building Construction17K+1K+
Retail Apparel & Fashion4M+360K+
Retail Appliances, Electrical, & Electronic Equipment16K+960
Retail Art Dealers2K+133
Retail Art Supplies3M+99K+
Retail Books & Printed News3.5K+340
Retail Building Materials & Garden Equipment10K+515
Retail Florists3.5K+387
Retail Furniture & Home Furnishings15K+1.5K+
Retail Gasoline3K+47
Retail Groceries1M+200K+
Retail Health & Personal Care Products37K+4K+
Retail Luxury Goods & Jewelry820K+79K+
Retail Motor Vehicles25K+2K+
Retail Musical Instruments2K+192
Retail Office Equipment1M+360K+
Retail Office Supplies & Gifts3.5K800
Retail Recyclable Materials & Used Merchandise3K+257
Reupholstery & Furniture Repair89655
Rubber Products Manufacturing3K+179
Satellite Telecommunications3K+84
Savings Institutions8827
School & Employee Bus Services3.5K+73
Seafood Product Manufacturing1.5K+104
Secretarial Schools3K+16
Securities & Commodity Exchanges4K+96
Security & Investigations2M+120K+
Security Guards & Patrol Services24K+726
Security Systems Services23K+1.5K+
Semiconductor Manufacturing3M+150K+
Services for the Elderly & Disabled7K+455
Sheet Music Publishing73580
Shuttles & Special Needs Transportation Services2.5K+198
Sightseeing Transportation7.5K+376
Skiing Facilities71024
Soap & Cleaning Product Manufacturing4.5K+347
Social Networking Platforms43K+3K+
Software Development15M+1M+
Solar Electric Power Generation32K+3.5K+
Sound Recording3K+340
Space Research & Technology14K+614
Specialty Trade Contractors22K+2K+
Spectator Sports2M+460K+
Sporting Goods Manufacturing700K+50K+
Sports & Recreation Instruction34K+1.5K+
Sports Teams & Clubs52K+3K+
Spring & Wire Product Manufacturing1K+50
Staffing & Recruiting2M+160K+
Steam & Air-Conditioning Supply2K+154
Strategic Management Services1M+36K+
Subdivision of Land1K+49
Sugar & Confectionery Product Manufacturing2.5K+139
Taxi & Limousine Services3.5K+391
Technical & Vocational Training100K+5.5K+
Technology, Information & Internet25M+1M+
Technology, Information & Media42M+data not available
Telecommunications Carriers12K+165
Telephone Call Centers37K+348
Temporary Help Services4K+94
Textile Manufacturing2M+200K+
Theater Companies5.5K+227
Think Tanks380K+22K+
Tobacco Manufacturing320K+20K+
Translation & Localization740K+27K+
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing14M+620K+
Transportation Programs5.5K+301
Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain & Storage17M+870K+
Travel Arrangements2M+290K+
Truck Transportation5M+470K+
Trusts & Estates2.5K+212
Turned Products & Fastener Manufacturing2K+127
Urban Transit Services5.5K+212
Utilities Administration13K+204
Utility System Construction5.5K+247
Vehicle Repair & Maintenance21K+2K+
Venture Capital & Private Equity Principals500K+48K+
Veterinary Services870K+160K+
Vocational Rehabilitation Services4K+158
Warehousing & Storage1M+45K+
Waste Collection3.5K+428
Waste Treatment & Disposal6.5K+509
Water Supply & Irrigation Systems8.5K+442
Water, Waste, Steam, & Air Conditioning Services27K+2K+
Wellness & Fitness Services8M+730K+
Wholesale Alcoholic Beverages5.5K+534
Wholesale Apparel & Sewing Supplies4.5K+273
Wholesale Appliances, Electrical, & Electronics8K+771
Wholesale Building Materials3M+210K+
Wholesale Chemical & Allied Products7K+605
Wholesale Computer Equipment3K+328
Wholesale Drugs & Sundries8.5K+329
Wholesale Food & Beverage18K+1K+
Wholesale Footwear1.5K+118
Wholesale Furniture & Home Furnishings2.5K+310
Wholesale Hardware, Plumbing, Heating Equipment7.5K+597
Wholesale Import & Export2M+74K+
Wholesale Luxury Goods & Jewelry4.5K+520
Wholesale Machinery3K+473
Wholesale Metals & Minerals3K+333
Wholesale Motor Vehicles & Parts9.5K+958
Wholesale Paper Products2.5K+196
Wholesale Petroleum & Petroleum Products6.5K+230
Wholesale Photography Equipment & Supplies51945
Wholesale Raw Farm Products3.5K+301
Wholesale Recyclable Materials2K+316
Wind Electric Power Generation11K+356
Wireless Services630K+13K+
Women's Handbag Manufacturing53562
Wood Product Manufacturing9K+745
Writing & Editing2M+76K+
Zoos & Botanical Gardens3K+82
LinkedIn Industry List 2024 for Sales Navigator, according to the last update in June 2022

Industry rankings [Sales Navigator]

Here are the top 20 LinkedIn industries with the highest number of companies according to the Sales Navigator classification.

The top 20 industries with the highest number of companies according to the Sales Navigator classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the top 10 LinkedIn industries with the highest number of leads according to the Sales Navigator classification.

The top 10 industries with the highest number of leads according to the Sales Navigator classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the bottom 10 LinkedIn industries with the lowest number of companies according to the Sales Navigator classification.

The bottom 10 industries with the lowest number of companies according to the Sales Navigator classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the bottom 10 LinkedIn industries with the lowest number of leads according to the Sales Navigator classification.

The bottom 10 industries with the lowest number of leads according to the Sales Navigator classification, LinkedIn industry list


The LinkedIn industry list is a bit less specific compared to the Sales Navigator one. The list of industries is generic and it counts 149 industries for leads and 149 industries for accounts. 

If you are a recruiter and using the LinkedIn recruiter plan, you should know that it has the same industry list as the below LinkedIn industry list. 

The complete LinkedIn industry list 2024

Alternative Dispute Resolution272,0007,100
Alternative Medicine662,00031,000
Apparel & Fashion4,460,000357,000
Architecture & Planning4,720,000394,000
Arts & Crafts1,430,000103,000
Aviation & Aerospace827,00045,000
Broadcast Media1,620,000128,000
Building Materials2,670,000223,000
Business Supplies & Equipment4,250,000348,000
Capital Markets682,00039,000
Civic & Social Organization9,580,000868,000
Civil Engineering2,490,000209,000
Commercial Real Estate1,050,00067,000
Computer & Network Security768,00045,000
Computer Games863,00049,000
Computer Hardware795,00045,000
Computer Networking569,00026,000
Computer Software12,000,0001,420,000
Consumer Electronics1,510,000119,000
Consumer Goods6,300,000496,000
Consumer Services7,640,000578,000
Defense & Space790,00045,000
Education Management5,000,000414,000
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing6,730,000549,000
Environmental Services2,750,000227,000
Events Services3,150,000244,000
Executive Office976,00060,000
Facilities Services6,960,000565,000
Financial Services9,060,000768,000
Fine Art1,070,00069,000
Food & Beverages6,310,000496,000
Food Production5,620,000451,000
Gambling & Casinos403,00018,000
Glass, Ceramics & Concrete899,00057,000
Government Administration2,230,000189,000
Government Relations427,00020,000
Graphic Design1,510,000118,000
Health, Wellness & Fitness8,500,000746,000
Higher Education3,160,000258,000
Hospital & Health Care10,100,000926,000
Human Resources2,730,000223,000
Import & Export1,030,00065,000
Individual & Family Services12,900,0001,620,000
Industrial Automation1,100,00077,000
Information Services1,380,000101,000
Information Technology & Services10,800,0001,410,000
International Affairs397,00017,000
International Trade & Development1,170,00084,000
Investment Banking1,260,00091,000
Investment Management2,920,000229,000
Law Enforcement487,00023,000
Law Practice2,990,000232,000
Legal Services4,210,000327,000
Legislative Office160,0001,700
Leisure, Travel & Tourism3,810,000299,000
Logistics & Supply Chain1,460,000114,000
Luxury Goods & Jewelry1,330,00097,000
Management Consulting13,300,0001,640,000
Market Research640,00031,000
Marketing & Advertising10,400,000970,000
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering4,200,000326,000
Media Production2,510,000215,000
Medical Device1,940,000180,000
Medical Practice18,500,0002,550,000
Mental Health Care1,200,00085,000
Mining & Metals5,350,000418,000
Mobile Games38,0001,700
Motion Pictures & Film2,240,000192,000
Museums & Institutions1,230,00086,000
Non-Profit Organization Management5,570,000423,000
Oil & Energy1,890,000168,000
Online Media1,420,000102,000
Package/Freight Delivery2,390,000198,000
Packaging & Containers722,00043,000
Paper & Forest Products2,120,000188,000
Performing Arts4,110,000309,000
Political Organization475,00022,000
Primary/Secondary Education1,930,000176,000
Professional Training & Coaching3,580,000297,000
Program Development637,00030,000
Public Policy277,00012,000
Public Relations & Communications1,670,000128,000
Public Safety578,00028,000
Railroad Manufacture284,00013,000
Real Estate24,700,0003,010,000
Recreational Facilities & Services2,550,000223,000
Religious Institutions3,350,000274,000
Renewables & Environment1,780,000129,000
Security & Investigations1,720,000128,000
Sporting Goods689,00039,000
Staffing & Recruiting2,230,000189,000
Think Tanks498,00024,000
Translation & Localization577,00027,000
Venture Capital & Private Equity849,00049,000
Wine & Spirits1,080,00071,000
Writing & Editing1,090,00077,000
LinkedIn Industry List 2024

Industry rankings [LinkedIn]

Here are the top 10 LinkedIn industries with the highest number of companies according to the LinkedIn classification.

The top 10 industries with the highest number of companies according to the LinkedIn classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the top 10 LinkedIn industries with the highest number of leads according to the LinkedIn classification.

The top 10 industries with the highest number of leads according to the LinkedIn classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the bottom 10 LinkedIn industries with the lowest number of companies according to the LinkedIn classification.

The bottom 10 industries with the lowest number of companies according to the LinkedIn classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the bottom 10 LinkedIn industries with the lowest number of leads according to the LinkedIn classification.

The bottom 10 industries with the lowest number of leads according to the LinkedIn classification, LinkedIn industry list


Setting up your LinkedIn profile is the first step toward a positive and satisfying LinkedIn experience whether you are using the platform to network or for generating leads on LinkedIn

Moreover, for a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and earn an all-star status, sign up for our FREE masterclass here

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

The all-star status positively affects the visibility of your profile on the platform. Your LinkedIn profile will come up more often in the search results. That way, other members will be more likely to respond to your sales messages

Furthermore, we released a sales book with templates and outreach tactics that our Sales Team used to level up Skylead. It contains 5 multichannel Smart Sequences with templates for each step and all the necessary steps that you should take before your outreach to maximize your results. 

Finally, sign up for our free demo and see how Skylead can take care of all time-consuming sales processes for you. Focus on generating qualified leads and on closing the deal, while our platform takes care of the rest. 

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

One of the most commonly used LinkedIn prospecting hacks for getting qualified leads is targeting people who attend specific LinkedIn events

Why is that? 

LinkedIn events represent an excellent way to find people from the same or similar industry in one place. Usually, professionals attend webinars and other types of online networking and learning opportunities to expand THEIR knowledge and expertise. However, when it comes to using events for LinkedIn lead generation, you need to think the other way around - what does your target audience want to hear and what kind of topic would gather them in one place? 

Furthermore, by attending a LinkedIn event with your ideal leads, you have a direct insight into their concerns, needs, and room for improvement. Use this information to reach out to the attendees, further investigate their pain points, and finally, offer your product as a solution to their problems. 

Last, but not least, targeting LinkedIn event attendees turns out to bring high acceptance and response rates, all of which directly influence your conversion. Our Sales Team reports several campaigns in which they reached out to people who were at a specific LinkedIn event with the following results: 

What are LinkedIn events?

LinkedIn events help organizations and individuals deepen their relationships with the target audience through virtual gatherings around a specific topic. Although LinkedIn started rolling out the events feature in late 2018, the pandemic definitely sped up the entire process of switching from live to virtual webinars, masterclasses, and gatherings of any kind. And LinkedIn turned out to be the perfect platform for it for many reasons. 

LinkedIn events are free of charge and available to all LinkedIn users. 

Benefits of using LinkedIn events for lead generation 

How do I find a LinkedIn event?

There are two ways to find the most suitable LinkedIn event. 

Find future events

#1 Run a blank search or enter your keyword(s) into the search bar. 

Find Future LinkedIn Events Step 1

#2 Click the “Events” tab and check out all future LinkedIn events. 

Find Future LinkedIn Events Step 2

#3 The list of events looks like this on LinkedIn. Pick the one you wish to attend. 

LinkedIn Events List In The LinkedIn Search

#4 Click the “Attend” button. 

This is the only way to see the event attendees. 

How to use LinkedIn events for lead generation - step 1 attend event

LinkedIn will give you the option of adding the event reminder to your calendar.

LinkedIn Event Reminder Notification

Down below you can find information about the event, speakers, and the organizer too, so you can check them out on LinkedIn before joining.

Where To Find The About Section And Hosts, LinkedIn Events

#5 You have two options to see the attendees. 

Click on the link below (where it says the number of attendees) or on the “Networking” section on your right. This is how you see the list of attendees and apply LinkedIn filters to narrow them down as close as possible to your Buyer Persona. 

Where To Find LinkedIn Event Attendees

Also, on your right, there is an option of directly messaging any event attendee or sending a Connection Request. This is your opportunity to engage, chat with your attendees and build a community around the event you joined or maybe even created yourself. 

However, the practice shows that it is better to engage after the event, as you will have more room for personalization and to be as specific as possible when it comes to making references to something that was said or asked at the event itself. 

How To Send A Connection Request Or Message To A LinkedIn Event Attendee

#6 Let’s say you decided to go with the list of LinkedIn attendees and you clicked one of the two above-mentioned links. 

This is how you apply any of the LinkedIn filters to your list of leads. 

Filter LinkedIn Event Attendees, LinkedIn All Filters

You can narrow them down by the following filters: 

Find a past event 

#1 If you wish to target leads from a past LinkedIn event, click here and go to your LinkedIn feed page.

Find Feed On LinkedIn Button

#2 Scroll down and check out your “Events” section on the left. 

Find Past Events On LinkedIn

#3 You’ll see the list of ALL events - future and past. 

List Of All Events On LinkedIn

The rest of the process is the same as above. 

How to reach out to LinkedIn event attendees? 

Reach out to LinkedIn event attendees:


When we talk about reaching out to leads manually, we refer to either writing to them directly on LinkedIn or exporting their contact information one by one in a .CSV file. Then, you can import the file into a Sales Engagement Platform and make the entire outreach process faster and easier. 

Use a sales engagement platform

#1 If you decide to use a Sales Engagement Platform, you can also copy your final search results’ URL.

How To Copy LinkedIn Event Search Results Into A Sales Engagement Platform

#2 Paste the link into Skylead. 

Where To Paste LinkedIn Event Search Link Into Skylead

#3 Choose “Collect Contact Info” (optional). This way, Skylead will download all publicly available data such as your lead’s email, phone number, website, etc., depending on what your leads made public on their LinkedIn profiles.

How To Collect Contact Info In Skylead

Go ahead and make your Smart Sequence.

Smart Sequences are based on algorithms that track your lead’s behavior and act accordingly. This way, they assure the highest number of touchpoints with people you wish to reach out to. Smart Sequences work on an “if/else” principle, where if the condition for one path is not fulfilled, the algorithm searches for its alternative. 

Here’s an example of a simple Smart Sequence. 

Smart Sequence Skylead, How To Make A Sequence To Reach Out To Event Attendees

If you wish to learn more about how Smart Sequences work check out our solutions page and also get inspired by some ready-to-use Smart Sequence templates

LinkedIn templates for approaching a LinkedIn event attendee

A LinkedIn event that you organized, attended, or are planning to join or conduct can be used in so many ways in your outreach. Either way, making a reference to it is a huge plus, and people who participated will be more prone to talk to you if you mention it. 

Here are 6 situations how to use a LinkedIn event reference in your outreach. 

Scenario #1 You attended the same event as your lead 


Hello {{firstName}},

I saw that you too attended the {{eventName}} event! 

What resonated with me the most is {{somethingThatResonated}}! 

It would be awesome to connect with you! 😀


Hello Mario,

I saw that you too attended the “How To Enable Trust Building Skills In Your Sales Team” event!

What resonated with me the most is their Trust Equation and the way Darrel explained it!

It would be awesome to connect with you! 😀

Scenario #2 Ask for feedback on a certain LinkedIn event as a conversation-starter 


Hello {{firstName}},

I am curious to hear what resonated with you the most from the {{eventName}} event since I saw you attended it too! 

Would love to keep in touch! 


Hello Sonya,

I am curious to hear what resonated with you the most from the “How To Enable Trust Building Skills In Your Sales Team” event since I saw you attended it too!

Would love to keep in touch!

Scenario #3 You are the event organizer and want to hear feedback from people who attended it

Connection request template 

Hey {{firstName}},

I just wanted to thank you in person for attending the {{eventName}} event! It was truly a pleasure having you there. 

Let’s stay in touch! 

Connection request example 

Hey Jenny,

I just wanted to thank you in person for attending the “How To Enable Trust Building Skills In Your Sales Team” event!

It was truly a pleasure having you there.

Let’s stay in touch!

LinkedIn message #1 

Once you get accepted on LinkedIn, use personalized Images or GIFs to improve engagement. Since we started using this feature, our response rates went up by 63%. 

This is one example to get inspired by, but the more creative you get the better. 

Scenario #4 Use a LinkedIn event that has to do with your product/service and ask for feedback on your product/service 

Connection request template 

Hey {{firstName}},

I saw that you attended {{eventName}} on LinkedIn! 

Would love to hear the most useful tips you got from it! 

Let’s connect 😀 

Connection request example 

Hey Tom,

I saw that you attended “How To Enable Trust Building Skills In Your Sales Team” on LinkedIn!

Would love to hear the most useful tips you got from it!

Let’s connect 😀

LinkedIn message #1 template 

Hey {{firstName}},

Thank you for accepting my connection request! 

I am still super-curious to hear your most valuable takeaways from the {{eventName}} event. For example, I personally found {{takeawayThatStoodOut}} surprising! 

Anyways, I {{yourOccupationExplained}}. I would love to share the solution we have and hear your feedback on it too! 

LinkedIn message #1 example 

Hey Tom,

Thank you for accepting my connection request!

I am still super-curious to hear your most valuable takeaways from the “How To Enable Trust Building Skills In Your Sales Team” event. For example, I personally found the fact that they never mentioned how this process works during the onboarding period surprising!

Anyways, I help small-to-medium-sized Sales Teams optimize their schedules. I would love to share the solution we have and hear your feedback on it too!

Scenario #5 You want to network before the LinkedIn event 


Hello {{firstName}},

I saw that you also signed up for the {{eventName}} event. 

I already attended an event {{organizer’sName}} organized on {{topic}}. {{yourFeedback}}. 

Let’s keep in touch! 


Hello Angela,

I saw that you also signed up for the “How To Enable Trust Building Skills In Your Sales Team” event.

I already attended an event Darrel organized on the time-management of medium-sized Sales Teams. He was amazing!

Let’s keep in touch!

Scenario #6 Promote your LinkedIn event by targeting people who are attending an event similar to yours 

Suggestion: Use LinkedIn InMails to reach out to your leads if you don’t have any more Connection Requests available, you wish to reach out to people who are generally getting lots of requests, or who are your 3rd-degree connections. 

Also, LinkedIn InMails work well if you need more characters for your message or your lead doesn’t accept your Connection Request in a timely manner. Aside from paid InMails included in your premium LinkedIn plan, you can also take advantage of free InMails (800 for each paid LinkedIn profile) for users who set their profiles to “open to free InMails”. 

We have 13 additional InMail examples you can check out.

LinkedIn InMail template 

Subject line: {{company}} + {{yourEventName}} = {{benefit}}

Hey {{firstName}},

I saw that you attended the {{eventName}} event. Did you find it to be useful for the {{lead’sIndustry}} industry?

Hopefully yes, because I have something even more specific for you! We are organizing {{yourEventName}}, a LinkedIn event that will give you {{uniqueSellingProposition}} specifically for your industry. We would really love to have you there! 

Would you be interested in hearing more? 

LinkedIn InMail example 

Subject Line: FlyHigh + SaaSEnMasse = 20+ additional calls in 3x less time

Hey Nicolas,

I saw that you attended the “How To Enable Trust Building Skills In Your Sales Team” event. Did you find it to be useful for the SaaS industry?

Hopefully yes, because I have something even more specific for you! We are organizing “SaaS en masse”, a LinkedIn event that will give you a step-by-step guide on 5 prospecting hacks specifically for your industry. We would really love to have you there!

Would you be interested in hearing more?


In the sea of professionals using the platform, it is getting harder and harder to find qualified leads. Sales reps are trying to get as creative as possible and to think strategically about where their target audience gathers. Reaching out to people who attended specific LinkedIn events is sure one of the best places to start. 

Have in mind that you can always target a future event, a past event, or even create one of your own that will attract your potential customers. 

And if you decide to speed up annoying sales processes, and put more focus on building meaningful relationships and closing the deal, sign up for Skylead's 7-day free trial

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
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Over the years, cold email marketing turned out to be the right choice to unleash the full potential of outreach as a Lead Generation strategy - apart from LinkedIn lead generation, that is. 

With its minimal cost and extensive reach, it is clear that cold emailing has probably the highest ROI compared to other marketing approaches. 

In the present day, modern email marketing drifted away from the one-size-fits-all model. It is now based on consent, segmentation, and personalization. Consequently, the response rates went up and so did its value.

However, the minimum requirement for cold email marketing is to have your leads', preferable business, emails. If you run into their private ones, it is only up to you to use them for outreach purposes. 

Here are 8 easy ways to find your leads' business emails that work. 

Ask them for it 

There are different ways of asking for your lead’s email. 

Make an online form for people who visit your website and would love to be updated on a regular basis through your newsletter. 

Or, insert a pop-up asking your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter first to access your website’s content. This one can be a bit annoying, as many people might give up unless whatever you have to offer is absolutely worthy of sharing their information. 

If you don’t have a newsletter or it is not aimed towards your leads, try giving your website visitors a free gift in the form of a pdf or audio file that will bring value to their business in exchange for their email address. 

Lastly, you can do a LinkedIn prospecting of your own and reach out to people who would be interested in subscribing to your newsletter.

Subscribe to your lead’s newsletter 

Yes, that’s correct. If your lead doesn’t want to subscribe to your newsletter, you can always do vice-versa. You will eventually get an email from them that you can use to reach out. 

Check their website 

Each brand most likely has a website. If not, there is for sure some kind of an online presence in the form of a LinkedIn, Facebook, and/or Instagram account (see below). 

When you visit your lead’s website, search the “Contact”, “About Us”, and/or “Team” pages. 

These are the places where their general email or a message form is located. It might not be the contact of the person you would like to speak to. However, by reaching out to them, explaining who you are, and asking for a specific person’s email address, you might actually get it. 

Check their social media 

As mentioned above, if not a website, there is for sure some kind of a social media presence. 


Start with LinkedIn, the biggest professional network out there. If a lead has a publicly available email, it will most likely be on their LinkedIn profile. If not, try finding their company’s LinkedIn page, search for the generic email, and ask for the target lead’s direct contact. 

Anyways, there are two ways of scraping a publicly available email from LinkedIn - manually and with Skylead. 

Depending on the number of leads and your company’s outreach policy you can decide what works best for you. 

Scraping emails manually

There are three places you should look up for an email address on LinkedIn. 

1. Click on the “Contact Info” section. 

How to find email address on LinkedIn, Image of contact button on LinkedIn profile

2. Check out their LinkedIn cover picture, especially if a corporate one. 

How to find someone's email address on LinkedIn, Image of the cover picture with the contact

3. Read the Profile Summary. 

How to find someone's email on LinkedIn, image of LinkedIn about section

Sometimes users leave their business email at the end or in the middle of their LinkedIn bio section to make it seem as a call to action. Make sure you read it to the end. 

Using Skylead to scrape emails 

Collecting publicly available information of your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-degree connections tends to be quick and effective with Skylead. 

Check out how it works. 

Turn on the “Collect Contact Info” option. 

How to find email address, Image of Skylead with collect contact information option

What Skylead does is visit each of your lead’s LinkedIn profiles and collect their publicly available data. 

Once the magic has been done, use the “Export Data” on the “Campaign Tracking Page” to export emails and other information in a CSV file.

Image of exporting data from Skylead when emails are collected

Have in mind that the “Collect Contact Info” can be just one of the steps of your automated outreach. Skylead’s Smart Sequences allow you to combine different actions based on your leads’ behavior while serving your business goals and creating a valuable database that you can export and reuse at any moment. Therefore, building a campaign with Skylead can serve multiple purposes. 

Or you can decide to make a campaign with the sole intention of collecting your leads publicly available emails and other valuable data. 


Go to the company or individual’s page on Facebook and check out the “About section”. 

Step #1

How to find email address on Facebook, Image of clicking on home option

Step #2

How to find someone's email address, Image of  a Facebook about section


There are two options for finding somebody’s email address when it comes to instagram.
The first one is only available and visible in the app.

Click on the “Contact” option. 

How to find someone's email address on Instagram, image of the Instagram contact button

This action will take you to see the following information. 

How to find email address on Instagram, image of contact pop-up

The second option is available in both desktop and app versions.

Just check the “Info” section of the targeted profile. 

How to find someone's email address on Instagram, Image of the bio section

Try following the pattern 

There are two ways to "guess" your lead's business email. 

The first way starts with knowing the name of your lead’s company. Try composing a generic email such as or Reach out and ask for the direct contact of a person you would like to talk to. 

The second way is knowing the company’s business emails pattern. If one of the employee’s emails goes like, there is a great chance that your desired lead’s email is also composed of name, dot, last name, at sign, domain. 

Then, try inserting it in your email provider and see if it will be recognized or if the picture will show up. However, have in mind that not having a picture doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not the correct one. 

Finding someone's email address, Image of email compose box with pasted emails

Use Email Permutator 

Using an Email Permutator is one of the options.

Image of email permutator

Go to the main page and type in your lead’s name, surname, and domain.  

The Email Permutator produces all the possible email combinations based on the inserted data.

How to find someone's email address, GIF of the email permutator

How will you know which one is the right one? Insert all of them in the recipient's field of your email and see which one will be recognized by your provider. If there is one with a profile picture, it is most likely to be the right one.

Image of pasting emails in email compose box after collecting them from email permutator

Search on Google  

There are several ways through which Google can help you find someone’s email address. 

Here are three. 

By using quotation marks in your query, you’re telling Google to search for results that contain that exact keyword. If your lead's business email ever showed up anywhere publicly, it will be displayed.

Image demonstrating how to find someone's email address using Google Search for exact email

By using site: domain Google will give you results only from that domain. 

Image demonstrating how to find someone's email address using Google Search for domain and name

Google will find your lead’s email address if ever published somewhere on the web. 

Image demonstrating how to find someone's email address using Google Search for the name and word 'email'

Use Skylead

Use Skylead’s Email Discovery & Verification feature to find your prospects’ business emails even without being connected on LinkedIn. 

Image of Skylead Email Discovery and Verification feature in sequence

With a Smart Sequence as simple as this one, Skylead will provide you with verified business emails, implying the lowest possible bounce rates. 

After the sequence was executed, you can go ahead and export all the collected data in a CSV file. 

Image of exporting data from Skylead when emails are collected after email discovery and verification

In case you didn't know, Skylead is an automation tool, email finder, and scraping tool, all in one platform. 

Sure, you can use it to find and verify emails and scrape publicly available data. But you can also opt for LinkedIn, Email, or combined outreach (LinkedIn + Email) that will serve your business goal best while bringing down the manual work to the minimum.

Image of Skylead's smart sequence, using multichannel approach to find lead's email

This is just one of the numerous options you have with Skylead. Check out our templates to get the idea of Smart Sequences and to get inspired for unleashing the full potential of your outreach. 


Finding somebody’s email address doesn’t necessarily have to be difficult, but it can be time consuming. 

The best approach will depend on the number of leads you want to reach and your company’s outreach policy. 

However, with nowadays software development, have in mind that automating the process of finding somebody’s business email and getting through to that person can be a quick and painless process. 

Think about it. 

Or schedule a demo call with our team member and hear out all the possibilities you can have with Skylead

If you’ve ever wondered if switching from LinkedIn Basic to LinkedIn Premium Account would change your filtering options, the answer is no. 

However, going for the LinkedIn Premium Account is highly recommended because of an Unlimited Profile Search and 5 InMails Credits per month. Not only. You also get to view and engage with a much greater number of profiles when having a Premium account, as you decrease the chances of getting jailed or restricted on LinkedIn. 

However, if you want an ultimate filter experience, we recommend signing up for Sales Navigator. Of course, this implies learning how to use Sales Navigator Filters for better targeting.

In this blog, we will cover all the options you have for narrowing down your search results on LinkedIn Basic and Premium Accounts. 

Let’s get started! 

Where can I see LinkedIn filters? 

Type your keywords in your LinkedIn Search Engine or just hit “Enter” while leaving the Search Engine blank. 

Where Can I See LinkedIn Filters?

This action will lead you to the following choices that help you further narrow down your LinkedIn search. 

You can also click the “All Filters” option and see them in one place. 

LinkedIn All Filters Button

In this blog, we will cover the three filter blocks that we recommend for better LinkedIn prospecting - “People”, “Posts”, and “Events”, and reasons why we consider them quite convenient. 

“People” filters on LinkedIn 


The “Connections” filter allows you to filter leads based on the type of your LinkedIn relationships. 

You can be somebody’s 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-degree connection.

LinkedIn Filter Connections

1st-degree connections are members that you are already connected with on LinkedIn. 

2nd-degree connections are 1st-degree connections of your 1st-degree connections. They are available to be added through an Invite to Connect and are perfect for expanding your network. 

3rd-degree connections are 1st-degree connections of your 2nd-degree connections. They are also excellent for expanding your network. The only difference is that LinkedIn doesn’t recommend reaching out to them through Invite to Connect, rather getting in touch via LinkedIn InMails.

You can send paid InMails to anyone who is not your connection on LinkedIn while only those who set their profile to “Open to InMails” can be reached out via free InMail. 

You can also check out our guide on 13 LinkedIn InMail examples to improve your response rate.

Connections of

Filter your leads by choosing only those that are 1st-degree connections of your 1st-degree connections.

You can put in more than one contact. 

LinkedIn Filter Connections Of


The “Locations” filter narrows down your leads based on the city, region, geographic area, and country. 

LinkedIn Filter Locations

Current company 

Use this filter to narrow down leads based on the company they currently work at. 

LinkedIn Filter Current Company

Past company 

Filter your leads based on their past company. 

LinkedIn Filter Past Company


You can filter your leads based on the school(s) they attended/are attending.

LinkedIn Filter School


Track your leads based on the industry they listed on their profiles. 

Industries are predefined. 

LinkedIn Filter Industry

Profile language

LinkedIn Profile is available in 24 different languages. 

However, this filter offers only a 5-language search. 

LinkedIn Filter Profile Language

Open to

The “Open To” option filters your leads depending on whether they are open to “Pro Bono Consulting and Volunteering” and/or “Joining a Nonprofit Board”. 

LinkedIn Filter Open to Pro Bono Consulting and Volunteering

Service categories 

Service categories are also predefined. 

You can go ahead and target your leads based on the services they offer listed on their profiles. 

LinkedIn Filter Service Categories


You can use the following option to search your leads via keywords. 

LinkedIn Filter Keywords

This filter supports the so-called “Boolean” search. That is, it gives you the option of combining keywords with modifiers such as AND, NOT, and OR to produce more relevant results. 

LinkedIn Filters Keywords Boolean Search Option

For ultimate targeting, consider using “Posts” and “Events” filters. 

“Posts” filters on LinkedIn 

“Posts” filters can be quite useful to gain insight into the latest industry trends and hot topics. You can also benefit from it to learn what kind of posts your ideal leads like to engage with and then use it for your outreach.

Targeting users who reacted to a certain post

There are two benefits of targeting users who reacted to a certain post. 

The first benefit is that it implies that these users are active on Linkedin and most likely interested in that particular subject or have jobs in the same or adjacent industry. 

The second benefit is that you can use their interest to ultimately personalize your outreach. Your pitch can be based on the fact that you both liked the same post and then develop your conversation from there. 

This kind of approach increases the acceptance and response rates. 

Automating post engagement campaigns 

If you want to target prospects who reacted to a certain post but would also like to save time and reach out to as many of them as possible, automating this process could be the right decision! 

Skylead offers the opportunity to automate targeting users who reacted to a certain post thanks to its “Post Engagement Campaign” options. Yes, there is a type of campaign dedicated exclusively to these types of leads! 

To use a post as a source for generating leads all you have to do is click on the 3 dots at the top right corner of said post and choose the “Copy Link to Post” option. 

LinkedIn Post How To Copy Link To Post

Paste the generated URL to the Skylead dashboard.

Skylead Post Engagement Campaign Dashboard

From here, Skylead will take you to the Campaign Settings page. You will be able to adjust your campaign in a way that fits your business needs best.
Here is an example of a multichannel Skylead campaign.

Skylead Smart Sequence Post Engagement

As you may see, Skylead will not limit your Lead Generation to LinkedIn only. Thanks to its multichannel outreach and “if/then” condition, you are able to build as many possible paths to your lead.

For example, in case someone is not answering on LinkedIn, Skylead’s Email discovery & verification feature will enable a business email outreach.

The above campaign is just one of many options at your disposal thanks to Skylead’s Smart Sequences. 

Also, the dashboard allows you to create the sequence and write out message copies all in one place. 

Skylead Invite To Connect Post Engagement Message

Just by clicking on the step, you will have an option to insert your messages.

Skylead How To Insert Message Copy Into Smart Sequence

If you would like to see a step-by-step guide on how to create your first Skylead campaign and have an insight into all the steps/options, check out our blog “How to build your first campaign at Skylead”. 

Filters for posts

The following filters will allow you to narrow down countless posts on LinkedIn to the ones that are of high interest to your target audience. 

Thanks to LinkedIn’s filtering options, you will be able to find a post that your ideal prospects find relevant to their business and/or interests. 

The most important filter is the keyword. It is your best bet for finding the industry’s most relevant posts. 

LinkedIn Post Filters

Then, you can further narrow them down by using: 

Posted by

You can search posts depending on whether you posted it or someone from your network. 

LinkedIn Post Filer Posted By

Date posted 

You can search posts depending on the timeframe within which your leads posted them.

LinkedIn Post Filter Date Posted

Sort by

LinkedIn Post Filter Sort By

Author industry 

Search by the author’s industry. You can add multiple industries. 

LinkedIn Post Author Industry

Author company 

Search by the author's current company. You can add multiple companies. 

LinkedIn Post Filter Author Company

“Events” filter on LinkedIn

Just like with “Posts” filters on LinkedIn, reaching out to prospects attending a specific LinkedIn event can be beneficial for two reasons.

The first reason is that users attending a particular event on LinkedIn are most likely highly interested in the subject and therefore make a perfect target audience. 

The second reason is that you can use the event reference to ultimately personalize your outreach and be more appealing to those to whom you reach out. 

In case you would like to target a larger number of leads, Skylead has a solution for you! 

Automate targeting leads attending a LinkedIn event

First, choose the event which leads you would like to target and click on “Attend Event”.

You will not be able to see the list of leads attending the specific LinkedIn event unless you are one of the attendees.

Target Leads Attending A Specific LinkedIn Event Step 1

Once you’ve signed up, you will see the list of people who attended or were planning on attending the event. 

Target Leads Attending LinkedIn Event Step 2

You can further narrow down your leads list by including other filters. 

Once you are satisfied with your search result, copy - paste the URL to Skylead’s Campaign Creator. 

Skylead Target Leads Attending LinkedIn Event

Check out our step-by-step guide on how to target leads attending a specific LinkedIn event and you will see all the options and tips when it comes to automating this outreach with Skylead. 

Use this reference to highly personalize your outreach.

Skylead Personalized Approach For Leads Attending LinkedIn

This filter doesn’t have options of being further narrowed down except using a specific keyword in the search engine.


Targeting is the first and most important step in your LinkedIn lead generation.

By taking the time to get to know LinkedIn or Sales Navigator filters, you will narrow down your audience to people who are most likely to be truly interested in your products and services. 

This will automatically affect your lead generation and conversion in the most positive way. 

And if you ever decide to scale your business and opt for a Sales Engagement Tool, schedule a demo call with a Skylead representative and get to know the range of options available to you!

You finally decided to go for Sales Navigator and take your LinkedIn prospecting and Generation to the next level.

By having 24 “Lead” filters at your disposal, the quality of your prospects will surely skyrocket, and so will your sales. 

Now you are like a kid in a candy shop. 

But there is that one filter that caught your eye as you realized it suits your business needs the best - targeting members of a LinkedIn group. 

Target LinkedIn group members: Where to start from

We care how you do your Lead Search. Knowing how to narrow down your audience to those who will truly be interested in doing business with you can require quite a skill. 

So, sit back and let us guide you step-by-step through the “Targeting members of a LinkedIn group” filter (better known as the “Group” filter 🤣). 

First, open your Sales Navigator and click on the “Lead filters” option. 

Sales Navigator - how to find Group filter, step 1

The drop-down menu with filters will appear in the following format, so scroll down and choose “Groups”. 

Sales Navigator group filter

How the Sales Navigator "group" search works

Click on “Find people in groups” and type in the name of the LinkedIn group which members you want your campaign to be aimed at. 

You can target a specific LinkedIn group or multiple groups.

LinkedIn Social Selling

For example, if you type in “LinkedIn Social Selling”, other groups will pop out suggesting that you can target even more of them. 

Furthermore, in the top right corner, you will immediately have an insight into how many members this LinkedIn group has. That is, how many leads your campaign will be aimed at. 

The good thing about Sales Navigator filters is that you can go ahead and further narrow down your search since most likely you don’t want to reach out to all of the members of a selected LinkedIn group. 

You can use any of the remaining 23 “Lead” filters, and include, but also exclude (something that not many people know!) certain prospect types. Not all of the filters support this option, but the majority does. 

Check this out. 

Add title

For example, we decided to go with CFO members of the targeted LinkedIn Groups but excluded those with a CEO title. 

So lit! 

That was so cool Meme

And how about the Boolean search? 

Some filters allow the so-called “Boolean” search. It combines keywords with modifiers such as AND, NOT, and OR to produce more relevant results. 

Boolean search example

What if you are not happy with the search result? 

Once you see your search result, it is up to you if you want to change it, extend it, or narrow it down even more. 

Know that at any moment you can use the available Sales Navigator filters until you create a “perfect” audience for the product or service that you are offering. 

Sales Navigator leads filters

If you would like to read a detailed explanation of all filters, check out our Sales Navigator filters guide.

Use Skylead to target LinkedIn group members

Copy-paste the URL into Skylead’s Campaign Creator. In case you did not specify the “Relationship” filter (1st, 2nd, or 3rd-degree connections) beforehand, you can do it directly at the Skylead Campaign Creator page. 

Connection degrees

Have in mind that you can use the “Group Connections” option only if you are part of the specific LinkedIn group that you are targeting. 

You don’t need to be a member to reach out to those that are. 

However, it is highly recommended just for the sake of the higher acceptance rate and eagerness to hear you out.

So, what are you waiting for?

Go target those leads, make bad-ass campaigns with Skylead and rock your LinkedIn lead generation! 😎

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