Have you accidentally or by design created multiple LinkedIn accounts? You’re not the only one to have done so.

Many people have multiple careers, companies, and side hustles, and sometimes that leads to more than one LinkedIn account.

But here's the question: is that allowed? And if not, what’s the best way to handle the situation?

Today, we’ll take you through LinkedIn’s multiple account policy and explain:

Let’s get started!

Why you might need multiple LinkedIn accounts 

Before explaining whether you can have multiple LinkedIn accounts, let’s cover several reasons why you might need them.

Professional vs. personal branding

LinkedIn has come a long way and is far from the online resume-hosting service it used to be. Yes, professionals still use it to connect with their potential employers. However, the truth is that they use it equally to establish their personal branding or thought leadership.

If you are using LinkedIn for both purposes, you may believe doing it all under one profile isn’t ideal. After all, how you present yourself to a future employer might differ from how you want industry peers to perceive you. This could lead you to open two LinkedIn profiles under the same name — professional and personalto separate your personas clearly.

Professional branding accounts are typically focused on career achievements, work experience, and professional skills. They are the ones you share with recruiters, potential employers, and colleagues.

On the other hand, personal branding accounts reflect your personal brand and showcase your thoughts, interests, and side projects. They are more informal and personalized, ideal for networking with people who share similar interests, hobbies, or entrepreneurial endeavors.

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

If you have two careers

Many professionals find themselves following two different career paths. 

For example, let’s say your full-time job was in marketing, but you were also pursuing graphic design part-time. While both jobs require creativity, the skill sets and target audiences differ. 

Hence, a single account might not effectively display the right skills or attract the right individuals.

In these scenarios, having separate LinkedIn profiles under the same name may allow you to:

For lead generation

Using LinkedIn for lead generation is a common strategy, especially for sales professionals, marketers, and company founders

Back in 2021, you could send hundreds of connection requests a week. However, with the connection limit now hovering around 100 invites, your outreach and, thus, LinkedIn lead generation efforts are sure to suffer.

Multiple LinkedIn accounts may come in handy here, as they can help you bypass LinkedIn connection limit and, thus, reach more leads.

Furthermore, with more than one LinkedIn account, you can segment your leads better. For example, you could use one to connect with potential B2B clients in one industry and another to reach out to those in a different sector.

Also, each account can serve a dedicated purpose. That said, you could focus on building a strong online presence on one and let leads come to you naturally (inbound lead generation). Meanwhile, after engaging in high-quality LinkedIn prospecting, you can use the other(s) to reach out to leads directly (outbound lead generation).

As you can see, dividing your lead generation efforts between multiple LinkedIn accounts helps you better manage and track your leads

And guess what: you don’t have to be the owner of these LinkedIn accounts to use them for this purpose. But more on that later.

Image of CTA banner 1 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

For agency purposes

If you're running a lead generation agency, generating leads for yourself and your clients is probably part of your daily grind.

The above-mentioned connection limits are likely preventing you from doing so at a pace you desire, forcing you to divide efforts across multiple LinkedIn accounts.

But let's face it: clients likely rely on you for more than just lead generation. They need full account management, which means you're doing it all—from setting up accounts and optimizing profiles to posting content and interacting with followers.

We know every client is unique, with their own goals, audiences, and branding guidelines. Thus, the only way to keep everything organized and distinct is to use separate LinkedIn accounts for each client.

Not to mention, you need to show clients the value of your work with regular reports. Separate accounts make generating these a breeze.

Can you have multiple LinkedIn accounts?

As per official LinkedIn statistics, the platform is currently home to more than 1 billion accounts.

But how many of these are duplicates? It's tough to say, as no official stats on multiple LinkedIn accounts are available.

What we can let you in on, though, is LinkedIn's official stance on having more than one account, and it is a big NO.

This applies to having multiple accounts in your name. Using someone else's name to create fake profiles is also not allowed. Neither is registering on others’ behalf, as stated in section 2.1 Service Eligibility of the LinkedIn user agreement:

‘’Creating an account with false information is a violation of our terms, including accounts registered on behalf of others or persons under the age of 16.’’

So, while having multiple accounts might be useful, as seen above, LinkedIn doesn't let you keep them.

In fact, if you are caught having them, you risk facing the consequences such as:

But what if you want to reach out to more people without breaking LinkedIn’s rules? In that case, what you CAN do is increase the number of real LinkedIn accounts you manage.

These can be your colleagues’ or your clients’ and their colleagues’ accounts. Just make sure you obtain their permission before leveraging them.

How to deal with multiple LinkedIn accounts under the same name

If you have multiple LinkedIn accounts under the same name, there are 2 ways to go about this:  

On the other hand, creating accounts with false information cannot be accidental and is a serious offense. Therefore, in this situation, the only option is to delete them

How to merge multiple LinkedIn accounts

For account merging to take place, you need to contact LinkedIn support.

But before doing so, make sure to prepare:

If you forgot your password, make sure to reset it. Meanwhile, if you don’t have access to the email used, go through the identity verification process before requesting account merging.

However, keep in mind that not all things will make it from one profile to another, including:

Furthermore, after merging, LinkedIn will delete one of your accounts and data associated with it. You get to choose the account to keep. Nevertheless, it’s recommended you download a copy of the data prior to merging.

If the affected account is under a LinkedIn Premium subscription, you’ll also need to cancel it before merging. The same applies to job listings, ad campaigns, and upcoming events. Meanwhile, if you own any LinkedIn groups, you’ll need to either transfer the ownership or close the groups entirely.

📃 Note: Accounts with 0 connections and those with more than 30,000 can’t be merged. 

How to delete multiple LinkedIn accounts

Contrary to merging, you don't have to contact support to delete duplicate accounts; you can do it on your own.

To do so, navigate to the header on LinkedIn and tap the ''Me'' icon.

Me icon in LinkedIn's header

Then, find ''Settings & Privacy'' in the drop-down menu and click it.

Settings and privacy option in drop down menu on LinkedIn

You'll land on the Account Preferences page. 

Scroll all the way to the ''Account management'' section, where you'll notice the ''Close account'' button. 

Click it.

Close account button to click on when you have multiple LinkedIn accounts

LinkedIn will try to dissuade you from closing your account. 

Nonetheless, ignore the message that pops up and click ''Continue.''

We are sorry to see you go message that pops on before closing multiple LinkedIn accounts

Next, choose the reason for account closure. In this case, select ''I have a duplicate account.''

Then, click ''Next.''

Selecting a reason for account closure - multiple LinkedIn accounts

Finally, enter your password and mark it as done for the duplicate account to be deleted for good.

Confirming multiple LinkedIn accounts closure

📃 Note: When you delete an account, LinkedIn permanently removes your profile and all your information from the platform.

How to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts of real people

We’ve already established it’s okay to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts if the owners permit it. 

That said, you can do it in 2 different ways:

  1. Manually
  2. Via software

Let’s walk you through both options!

Managing multiple LinkedIn accounts manually

Managing multiple LinkedIn accounts manually isn't for the faint of heart and can quickly overwhelm you if you have a lot of them on your plate.

Nonetheless, it's possible to do it, and here's how to do it effectively:

However, if you opt for the manual route, prepare to face these challenges:

Want to steer clear of these difficulties but also improve speed and efficiency in managing multiple accounts? We suggest you manage them by using the software!

Managing multiple LinkedIn accounts via software

As you can see, there are challenges to managing multiple LinkedIn accounts manually. 

But what if we told you there was a way to overcome these challenges? 

And, believe it or not, it includes managing these accounts automatically with LinkedIn automation software.

Since our tool — Skylead — is one of the finest on the market, we’ll tell you all about its features and how you can use them to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts on autopilot.

Image of CTA banner 2 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

What is Skylead & why should you use it to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts

Skylead is LinkedIn automation and cold email software that streamlines the manual work associated with outreach and lead generation. As such, it can save you +11 hours a week!

In terms of multiple LinkedIn account management, Skylead improves your workflow by bringing all teams and LinkedIn accounts under one roof.

Skylead dashboard showing different teams and seats

That said, the tool allows you to:

This is possible thanks to our:

Now, let’s get into them in detail!

Smart sequences

Skylead was the first tool to introduce Smart sequences — ground-breaking algorithms that let you combine different email and LinkedIn actions with conditions. The result? Coherent outreach flows that unfold according to your leads’ behavior.

Smart sequences are powerful in that they allow you to go beyond LinkedIn outreach. In fact, the tool lets you connect an unlimited number of email accounts completely free. In turn, you get a whole new channel to reach out to leads: email.

This additional support for cold outreach makes it a complete, multichannel outreach tool. 

To tap into email outreach, just select the email accounts you wish to use in your campaign and add the ‘’Email’’ step to your Smart sequence. Skylead will then auto-rotate between these accounts, allowing you to send tens of thousands of emails a month.

Choosing emails to use in a Skylead campaign

This is what a Smart sequence looks like. But there’s a lot more where that came from! Feel free to explore our proven-to-work sequence templates and use them in your outreach.

An example of a Smart sequence

Smart sequences are especially useful if you are using multiple LinkedIn accounts for lead generation purposes. Of course, we aren’t talking about using accounts that you own but rather ‘’borrowing’’ those of your colleagues. Just connect them to Skylead, build sequences, and launch campaigns that will take over outreach for you. All that without visiting their LinkedIn accounts directly.

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead's smart sequence that demonstrates multichannel outreach using LinkedIn automation and email steps with if/else conditions

Smart inbox

Skylead's smart inbox for managing multiple LinkedIn accounts

When responding to messages across several accounts, why take it to LinkedIn directly when you can manage all LinkedIn and email messages in Skylead?

That’s what our Smart inbox is for—to consolidate all messages received from leads in your campaigns into a single place

As an added bonus, you have the option to label all chats using predefined labels or custom ones. These help optimize your workflow but also keep track of conversions and return on investment (ROI).

LinkedIn Stream

Another feature that makes Skylead an irreplaceable ally for multiple LinkedIn account management is the LinkedIn Stream.

LinkedIn Stream is essentially a page in Skylead that lets you access your LinkedIn account straight from the tool.

This feature is great if you’re part of an agency because to manage a client’s account, you only need to switch from your seat in Skylead to theirs.

Once you are in their Dashboard, tap the LinkedIn logo icon in the sidebar menu, and, finally, click ‘’Access my LinkedIn.’’. 

Access my LinkedIn button in Skylead's LinkedIn Stream

You’ll be taken to their LinkedIn feed, where you can find leads via filters and then use them to create an outreach campaign. 

Filtered LinkedIn search results in LinkedIn stream in Skylead

And to prove just how useful this is, here’s what Michael Gonzales, founder of 10X Millennial, had to say about it:

‘’We don’t have to log in to any LinkedIn account. Instead, we can manage and respond to all messages in one place, which saves a huge amount of time.’’

Advanced reporting

Remember how we said tracking important metrics across multiple accounts on LinkedIn was complicated? Well, not with our advanced reports.

A distinct Reports page is available for each account under the seats you manage in Skylead and features 3 different view modes:

  1. Graph - Provides a quick, at-a-glance understanding of the ratio between different metrics.
  2. Table - Great for observing daily oscillations between metrics and identifying patterns.
  3. Steps breakdown - Shows you how each step in a sequence is performing. As such, it’s ideal for split testing.

Split testing results in Skylead

And if you prefer comparing the performance of different LinkedIn accounts side-by-side, you can always download the reports. Skylead supports both CSV and PDF exports.

Team management

Platform role management page in Skylead

Skylead can be used by individuals, but it’s much more powerful when used in a team. In fact, our team management capabilities are second to none.

When you create an account in Skylead, you’ll immediately get your own team to which you can add LinkedIn seats. You can also invite other members to join it and assign them roles (Owner, Admin, Editor, Custom role) and permissions.

These roles and permissions dictate whether someone can access certain accounts, features, and billing. Consequently, they allow for seamless management and switching between multiple LinkedIn accounts while respecting their owners’ privacy and wishes.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Can I have two LinkedIn accounts?

No, LinkedIn's policy prohibits having multiple accounts in your name. Doing so can result in penalties, including account restrictions or termination.

Can I have a personal and business LinkedIn account?

LinkedIn allows only one account per individual. This means you cannot have separate personal and business accounts under the same name.

Can I make a new LinkedIn account with the same email?

No, LinkedIn requires each account to have a unique email address. You can’t create a new account using an email already associated with an existing one.

Is it possible to merge two LinkedIn accounts?

Yes. To merge the accounts, you need to contact LinkedIn support, provide login credentials, and follow their guidelines. Keep in mind that some data may not be transferred.

What can you do with multiple LinkedIn accounts?

If you have multiple LinkedIn accounts under your name, you can either merge them or close the excess.

When managing multiple LinkedIn accounts for others, make sure you have explicit permission from the account owners. To avoid issues, uphold the client’s brand integrity, protect confidential data, maintain transparency in communication, and adhere to LinkedIn’s terms of service.

Take control of multiple LinkedIn accounts!

So, you’ve got yourself a case of multiple LinkedIn accounts. Now, despite LinkedIn’s no-no policy on having duplicate accounts in your name, don’t worry; it’s not the end of the world. This just means you have some cleaning up to do, either in the form of account merging or closing duplicates.

Nonetheless, if you are merely managing multiple LinkedIn accounts, you don’t have to stop doing it. As long as account owners have given you the all-clear to do so, we say go ahead.

But why spend hours upon hours managing these manually when Skylead can do it all on autopilot?

Take the plunge now, sign up for your 7-day free trial with us, and experience the difference automatic LinkedIn account management can make!

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

Are you trying to reach out to LinkedIn support but don’t know what’s the best way?

It is not unusual for regular LinkedIn users to contact LinkedIn support for their issues or problems. Users often contact LinkedIn support when they encounter account-related issues like being locked out, experiencing suspicious activity, or facing restrictions. Some other issues include,

However, contacting LinkedIn support can be challenging due to limited channels for direct communication and long response times. And, because of these reasons, people get frustrated.

And this is where we come in!

In this blog, we will cover everything you need to know about dealing with LinkedIn support, including:

Let’s dive in!

When to contact LinkedIn support?

People contact LinkedIn support for many reasons. But, here are six situations where you should definitely reach out to LinkedIn support ASAP 👇

1. Contact LinkedIn support if you or your client’s account were hacked on LinkedIn

Hacking can lead to unauthorized access to your account, compromising sensitive information and potentially damaging your professional reputation. Hence, contacting LinkedIn support helps reduce the impact of the hack and initiate recovery efforts.

Reasons Why Your LinkedIn Account Got Hacked?

How to Protect Your LinkedIn Account from Attacks?

If you wish to protect your account as much as possible, enable two-step verification (2FA) on your LinkedIn account as soon as possible. However, if you are unable to access your account, you won't be able to set up 2FA. 

Two-step verification is an added layer of security for LinkedIn. This feature requires an additional code to be sent to your mobile device or email after you enter your password. 

Here’s how you can enable 2FA on your LinkedIn account,

Open "Settings and Privacy" from your LinkedIn homepage. 

Image of how to turn on 2-step verification on LinkedIn, step 1, go to Settings & Privacy

Navigate to "Sign in & security" on the left panel and click "Two-step verification."

Image of how to turn on 2-step verification on LinkedIn, step 2, go to Sign in & security

Next, click “Set Up” to start the process. 

Image of how to turn on 2-step verification on LinkedIn, step 3, click Set up

LinkedIn will then validate your identification by sending a 6-digit code to import.

Image of how to turn on 2-step verification on LinkedIn, step 4, verify identity

Once you do it, choose your preferred verification method and click “Continue” to set it up and finish the process.

Image of how to turn on 2-step verification on LinkedIn, step5, Choose verification method

Additionally, it's a good practice to change your password regularly to enhance the security of your account.

2. Contact LinkedIn support if your LinkedIn account got restricted

Restricted accounts can become a huge problem if not addressed quickly. 

To resolve the issue, first assess the reason behind the restriction by reviewing LinkedIn's community guidelines and terms of service. Next, reach out to LinkedIn support for assistance in reinstating your account access. 

We recommend being honest about the situation when contacting support. Inquire about the specific violation and seek guidance on how to rectify it. 

Reasons why your LinkedIn account got restricted?

LinkedIn accounts can be restricted for various reasons, including these top ten causes below.

Violating LinkedIn’s Content Policy- Posting spammy content
- Engaging in harassment or bullying
- Sharing inappropriate or offensive material
- Promoting illegal activities
Profile Violations- Using inappropriate language or imagery
- Posting misleading information- Engaging in spammy behavior
Failure To Provide Proof of Your Identity- Use of real name
- Professional profile picture
- Accurate work experience and qualifications
Using Unreliable LinkedIn Automated Tools- Unsafe automation tools for excessive requests/messages
- Failure to mimic genuine human interactions
Displaying Repetitive Abusive Behavior- Sending spammy messages
- Engaging in aggressive networking tactics
- Harassing other users
Sending Too Many Connection Requests- Sending too many requests from a single account
- Exceeding LinkedIn's daily and weekly limits
Low Acceptance of Sent Connection Requests- Ignoring or rejecting connection requests
- Sending requests to irrelevant users
Excessive ‘I Don’t Know This Person’ Flags- Recipients marking your requests as unknown
- Sending requests to unfamiliar users
LinkedIn Suspects Your Account Is Fake- Incomplete or inconsistent profile information
- Unnatural or automated activity
Excessive Profile Views- Aggressive networking or rapid profile viewing
- Use of mediocre automation tools

Check out our detailed solutions on how to regain access to your restricted LinkedIn account.

3. Contact LinkedIn support if you notice any feature or subscription issue

There are several reasons why a LinkedIn user might face a feature or a subscription issue. Some of them are as follows:

  1. LinkedIn, like any other online platform, may experience technical glitches that can affect the performance of certain features or services. Additionally, LinkedIn frequently updates its interface and adds new features, which can sometimes cause confusion or disrupt the user experience. In both cases, you can contact LinkedIn support to let them know, so they can work on resolving these issues.
  2. Users may encounter issues with their paid subscriptions. These issues might include,
    1. incorrect billing amounts
    2. failed payments
    3. unexpected changes to their subscription plans,
    4. upgrading or downgrading their subscription plans
    5. changing payment methods
    6. or canceling their subscription. 
  3. Users may have trouble accessing or updating their account settings, such as changing their email address, password, or notification preferences.

4. Contact LinkedIn support if you have issues creating an account

Creating a LinkedIn account should be a straightforward process. But, sometimes, users may encounter difficulties due to various reasons. Some of those reasons might be due to,

Phone Number Limitations:

One everyday issue users face is when their phone number exceeds LinkedIn's character limit during the account creation process. LinkedIn has a specific character limit for phone numbers: 25 characters. If the user's phone number exceeds this limit, they may encounter an error.

Validation Problems:

LinkedIn has strict validation processes to ensure the authenticity of each user account. Information that each user provides during the account creation process should meet LinkedIn's account verification criteria. If the given info doesn't meet that standard, a user may face difficulties creating an account.

However, anyone who is facing an issue while creating a LinkedIn account should contact LinkedIn support.

5. Contact LinkedIn support if your content got removed unfairly or if you need to report violating content

LinkedIn has community guidelines and terms of service that users must adhere to. Content is typically removed if it violates these guidelines. 

LinkedIn strictly prohibits various types of content that violate its community policies. Common types of content that may get removed include,

  1. Harassing content: Including bullying, personal attacks, intimidation, shaming, abusive language, or trolling.
  2. False or misleading content: Including false information about health, elections, or personal benefits received in exchange for endorsements.
  3. Scams and fraud: Facilitating scams, pyramid schemes, phishing, or other fraudulent activities.
  4. Spam: Unsolicited, irrelevant, or repetitive messages, promotional content, or activities aimed at artificially increasing engagement.

For a complete list of content types that violate LinkedIn guidelines, check out LinkedIn's Professional Community Policies.

However, there are instances where a user’s content might be removed unfairly or mistakenly. Or (in some cases) a user may want to report a piece of content that violates LinkedIn's rules.

What to do if my content on LinkedIn got removed unfairly?

If your content was removed from LinkedIn unfairly, you can request a second review by,

  1. Review the LinkedIn Community Policies and Analyze Your Content
  2. Request a second review by replying directly to the email notification you received.
  3. Acknowledge that you have read the relevant policies and have reviewed your content.
  4. Confirm the request for LinkedIn’s Trust & Safety team to take a second look.
  5. LinkedIn will complete the review within 48 hours of receiving the reviewing request.
  6. Check the outcome:
    1. You will receive an in-app notification with one of the following resolutions:
      1. If your content doesn’t go against LinkedIn's Professional Community Policies, it will be made available again.
      2. If LinkedIn finds that your post does go against their policies, only you will be able to access it.

What to do if I want to report inappropriate content on LinkedIn?

If you want to report content on LinkedIn that you think goes against LinkedIn Guidelines, here’s what you can do.

Go to this page here: Recognize and report spam, inappropriate, and abusive content

Here you’ll find a detailed and actionable guideline on how to report, 

Remember, when you report content, the person who posted it won't be notified about who reported them. If the content violates LinkedIn's terms of service, they may take additional measures, such as warning or suspending the author. 

You can manage the updates you receive about your reported content from your Settings.

6. Contact LinkedIn support if you encounter live event issues

LinkedIn users may encounter live event issues due to various reasons. Some of them are as follows, 

  1. Internet connectivity issues causing lagging, buffering, freezing, or disconnection.
  2. Audio and video quality problems such as poor sound, unclear visuals, background noise, echo, feedback, or distortion.
  3. Platform compatibility issues leading to technical glitches, errors, or incompatibility with different devices, browsers, or operating systems.
  4. Audience engagement challenges such as low attendance, high drop-off, lack of feedback, or passive participation.
  5. Technical support issues such as long wait times, poor communication, inadequate solutions, or unresolved problems.

The best way to contact LinkedIn Support if you are facing live event issues is by visiting the LinkedIn Help Center and accessing the support options available there. 

You can find troubleshooting guides, FAQs, and contact options to get assistance with your live event issues.

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

10 ways to contact LinkedIn support and solve issues fast

You can contact the LinkedIn support team through various channels in multiple ways. They typically respond quickly or within a fair amount of time. Let’s discuss!

1. Tagging LinkedIn support on X

Image of LinkedIn support on X

People can tag LinkedIn support directly on the platform X (previously known as Twitter). This method allows users to highlight their issues publicly, increasing visibility and the likelihood of a response. This approach can be particularly useful for addressing general inquiries or reporting feature issues, account restrictions or hacks.

By tagging LinkedIn Support in this manner, users can engage directly with the company's support team. In many cases, issues are resolved swiftly, with responses often being immediate or within 1 to 2 hours.

However, it's important to note that sensitive or account-specific issues may require a different approach. 

For such queries, users should refrain from sharing sensitive information, such as email addresses, in the initial thread. Instead, LinkedIn Support typically sends a direct message (DM) to the user, providing details for the next steps. Users can then share sensitive information securely through the DM.

🔑 How to Access:
To tag LinkedIn Support, users can simply mention "@LinkedInHelp" in a comment on a relevant LinkedIn post or status update. 

2. Generate a Linkedin support ticket

Image of contacting LinkedIn support via ticket

Generating a LinkedIn support ticket is a proactive step towards resolving issues. You can provide details about account access problems, suspicious activity, or content removal in the support ticket. 

Be specific and concise in describing the issue to expedite the resolution process. Moreover, include any relevant screenshots or error messages to provide clarity to the support team. 

After submitting the ticket, you'll receive an automated acknowledgment email with a reference number for tracking purposes. LinkedIn's support team typically responds within 24 to 48 hours. However, response times may vary depending on the volume of inquiries. 
LinkedIn Premium members also have the option to access live chat support for more immediate assistance. Keep track of your support ticket status by visiting the "Your Cases" page in the Help Center. 

🔑 How to Access:
To generate a LinkedIn support ticket;
1. Navigate to the LinkedIn Help Center.
2. Click the "Raise a Support Ticket" option.
3. Provide required details.
4. Attach any error message (if any).
5. Click “Submit.”

3. Contact LinkedIn support via Report/Report Abuse/Block

Image of contacting LinkedIn support via report

LinkedIn takes reports seriously and will investigate the issue thoroughly. This method is effective for reporting various violations, such as spam, inappropriate content, or suspicious activity. 

By promptly reporting issues, you contribute to maintaining a safe and professional environment on the platform. You can provide details about the issue encountered. Be specific and provide any relevant information or screenshots. It will support your report.

However, remember to use this feature responsibly and only report content or profiles that genuinely violate LinkedIn's policies. 

🔑 How to Access:
1. Click on three dots (on profile, ads, or post).
2. Click on "Report/Report Abuse/Block".
3. Select the reason and submit.

4. Contact LinkedIn support via email

You won't find a direct email address to reach LinkedIn Support agents. However, if you've already opened a support case or ticket, LinkedIn's support team will send you the email. In other words, they will open up a communication channel which you can use to respond.

The LinkedIn's support team may request further information or clarification via email, so be sure to check your inbox regularly. 

While their email support may not offer the immediacy of live chat or phone support, it provides a documented record of communication. Users can track the progress of their support ticket requests easily. 

🔑 How to Access:
From our experience the LinkedIn Support team mostly communicates via this email contact after a support ticket request is launched. 
Email: linkedin_support@cs.linkedin.com

5. Contact Linkedin support via form using a direct link

Image of contacting LinkedIn support via form

You can easily contact LinkedIn with a direct link to “Contact LinkedIn Support”. Simply fill out the form regarding your query and submit. 

Make sure to choose the appropriate type of issue and provide a thorough description of the problem. Including real-time screenshots as attachments can help minimize the need for multiple follow-ups with support agents.

6. Chat with the LinkedIn customer service team

Image of contacting LinkedIn support via chat

Premium members can access live chat support directly through the LinkedIn website or app. However, it's essential to note that live chat support is only available in English, regardless of the user's language settings on LinkedIn.

🔑 How to Access:
For Premium members:
1. Scroll to the bottom of the LinkedIn Help Center homepage.
2. Click the "Live Chat" button.

7. Tagging LinkedIn on LinkedIn

This method allows users to engage directly with LinkedIn representatives on the platform. When tagging on LinkedIn, users should provide a clear and concise description of their inquiry to ensure a prompt response. 

It's advisable to use this approach for non-urgent matters or general questions, as response times may vary. Tagging LinkedIn on LinkedIn provides a convenient way to seek help while staying within the platform's ecosystem. 

Users can leverage this method to address account-related issues, report bugs or glitches, etc.

🔑 How to Access:
Users can simply mention "@LinkedInHelp" in a comment on a relevant post or article. 

8. Make your active colleague make a noise

To effectively reach out to LinkedIn support, leverage the power of your active colleagues. Encourage them to make noise on your behalf by tagging LinkedIn Help on LinkedIn or tweeting @LinkedInHelp on X. 

Another way to use this contact method is via vouching for your colleague. For instance, let’s say your colleague’s LinkedIn account was restricted. In that case, you and other colleagues can tag LinkedIn support on X to vouch for your colleague. This way, you can reinstate your fellow’s LinkedIn account in no time.

Thus, by amplifying your request through their networks, you increase the visibility and urgency of your issue. It gets a quicker response from LinkedIn support.  

9. Through LinkedIn events

Image of contacting LinkedIn support via live events form

Users can access LinkedIn Events help page for custom resources and assistance in managing and solving live event issues. This avenue provides a direct channel to help with issues, solutions, questions, and reporting technical problems in LinkedIn Live events.

Thus, it ensures that users have access to dedicated support resources and assistance for their event-related queries or concerns. Users can find help for technical glitches, event setup, and live broadcast troubleshooting on the LinkedIn Events help page.

🔑 How to Access:
1. Access this link.
2. Fill the form with accurate details.
3. Submit.

10. Directly mail LinkedIn customer support

If everything else fails, you can attempt to reach out to LinkedIn Customer Support headquarters directly via old-school physical letters. After sending your letter, consider following up after a few days. Ascertain if your message has been received and inquire about any updates regarding your issue.

While sending physical letters may be a long shot, you can still try this method as a last resort. We strongly encourage utilizing other methods (mentioned above) first, as those are often more efficient and timely. 

🔑 How to Access:
Craft a formal letter detailing your concerns and address it at the following location:
LinkedIn Corporation
1000 W Maude Ave
Sunnyvale, CA

Do’s and don’ts of using LinkedIn support

Like any other platform, there are some do’s and don’ts to follow when contacting LinkedIn Support. Let’s explore them one by one.


1. Resolve your problem with FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section can be a main source for many people to resolve their issues. Users can often find solutions in the FAQ section without needing to wait for customer support assistance. 

Image of LinkedIn FaQ center to solve issue faster

LinkedIn's FAQ section covers a wide range of topics, including account security, privacy settings, and platform functionalities. Users can navigate through these FAQs to find answers to queries related to account access, profile management, and networking etiquette.

 Additionally, LinkedIn regularly updates its FAQ section to address emerging issues and provide users with relevant information. 

2. Understand your problem's nature

Understanding your problem is important to pinpoint the specific issue you're encountering with your account. 

Identify the issue clearly. It helps. Whether it's a login problem, suspicious activity or restrictions, clear identification streamlines support. Take note of any error messages or unusual behaviors on the platform to provide LinkedIn support with accurate information. 

Furthermore, consider any recent changes or actions you've taken on your account that might have caused the problem. This proactive approach will help LinkedIn support better diagnose and resolve your problem efficiently.

3. Find answers from LinkedIn social media pages

Many people get their answers from LinkedIn's social media pages. Engaging with LinkedIn's X (Twitter) help page, @LinkedInHelp can provide quick assistance for account-related issues. 

Similarly, it can be done for the Facebook page.

LinkedIn's support team is active on X and other social media platforms. They typically respond quickly to user queries, offering further instructions or assistance as needed. 

Additionally, LinkedIn forums on platforms like Quora and Reddit can be valuable resources for discussing and resolving issues.

4. Hire a professional LinkedIn account management agency to resolve your issues

Consider hiring a professional agency to manage and resolve your LinkedIn issues effectively and efficiently. These agencies specialize in navigating the complexities of LinkedIn, offering specific solutions to address your specific needs. 

Hence, by enlisting the expertise of a professional agency, you can save time and resources while addressing your concerns. 

Furthermore, they can provide valuable insights and guidance on best practices to prevent future issues and optimize your LinkedIn presence. With their knowledge and experience, professional agencies can help small businesses and individuals navigate the challenges of LinkedIn support.


There are some don’ts also attached with contacting LinkedIn Support. Here are some of them below.

1. Don’t expect rapid response

LinkedIn's customer support system often faces high demand, leading to delays in response times. Despite users' urgency, in some cases, LinkedIn's support team may take longer than anticipated to address inquiries and issues. 

Hence, this delay can be frustrating for users seeking immediate resolution to account-related problems or concerns. 

Therefore, users need to remain patient and persistent when awaiting a response from LinkedIn support. 

While the wait time may be inconvenient, you should avoid repeatedly contacting support or escalating their inquiries. It could result in further delay of the resolution process. Instead, users can explore alternative options for assistance, such as utilizing self-service resources or seeking guidance from online communities. 

2. Don’t call on customer support numbers

While it may seem like a direct route to assistance, LinkedIn does not provide a customer support phone number. Attempting to find and call such numbers may lead users to fraudulent or scam lines. Consequently, risking their personal information and security. 

Instead, users should utilize official channels provided by LinkedIn, such as the help center, online forums, or social media pages.

By avoiding unauthorized phone numbers and relying on verified support channels, users can ensure safety.

3. Don’t give up easily

When facing challenges with LinkedIn support, don't lose hope easily. Persistence is key to resolving issues and getting the assistance you need. 

When LinkedIn support is hard to reach through traditional channels, consider social media or LinkedIn help forums for assistance.

However, keep track of your communication attempts and follow up if you don't receive a timely response. Additionally, explore self-help resources on LinkedIn's help center to troubleshoot the issue independently. 

Things to know before contacting LinkedIn support

There are three main things to remember before you contact the LinkedIn support team. 

1. Only technical help is provided

LinkedIn support primarily offers technical assistance. This means they can help with issues like, 

  1. Account access.
  2. Security concerns.
  3. Technical glitches within the platform. 

However, they may not be able to address broader inquiries regarding networking strategies, profile optimization, or content creation. 

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Therefore, users should approach LinkedIn support with specific technical issues rather than general inquiries or feedback. LinkedIn support helps with account lockouts and suspicious activity. 

They ensure swift resolution for a smoother experience. 

For non-technical issues like optimizing your LinkedIn presence, users might look to forums, networking groups, or LinkedIn's content for guidance.

2. Don’t do LinkedIn violations

“Prevention is better than cure.” 

It's better to understand what actions constitute LinkedIn violations to avoid running into trouble.

  1. First and foremost, refrain from spamming LinkedIn users. It not only violates the platform's policies but also tarnishes your professional reputation.
  2. Additionally, avoid making the same mistakes repeatedly. LinkedIn may impose restrictions or even permanent bans on accounts that fail to comply with its guidelines.
  3. Be cautious when using low-quality (chrome-based or desktop apps) LinkedIn automation tools, as low-quality ones can trigger restrictions on your account. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Does LinkedIn have a call center?

No, LinkedIn does not have a traditional call center for customer support. Instead, users can seek assistance through online channels like LinkedIn Help Center, self-service online help, and social media platforms. 

Does LinkedIn support have a number?

No, there isn’t any phone number associated with LinkedIn support. While LinkedIn offers options like live chat for premium members, phone support is not available. Thus, users often rely on submitting support tickets or reaching out through social media for assistance with their account-related issues.

How to report a fake employee of my company?

To report a fake employee of your company on LinkedIn, ask the individual to update their profile and remove the association. 

If they refuse or if the problem persists, you can use LinkedIn's "Report inaccurate information" form. This form allows you to report false claims of employment, education, accomplishments, or awards associated with your company. 

By submitting this form, you help maintain the integrity of your company's representation on LinkedIn and protect it from misinformation. Remember to provide accurate and detailed information to expedite the resolution process.

To put it briefly

Dealing with LinkedIn support issues can be challenging. However, with proper knowledge, users can solve their problems faster and make the most of the platform. 

To increase the chances of solving issues faster, outreach LinkedIn support by,

  1. Tagging LinkedIn support on X,
  2. Creating a LinkedIn support ticket,
  3. Chatting with LinkedIn Customer Services Team (for premium members only),
  4. Tagging LinkedIn on LinkedIn,
  5. And then try out other methods.

These methods will guarantee you faster responses from LinkedIn support. However, if there's a secondary issue, you can also contact LinkedIn communities like X, Reddit, or Facebook pages.

In short, users can overcome challenges by taking an active approach to problem-solving and learning from others on LinkedIn.

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Attention is the real capital in this day and age. Being noticed in a sea of information in a distracted world is considered to be a privilege. To stand out, you must take what you have to the next level. The same rules apply to your LinkedIn headline.  

However, figuring out a LinkedIn headline can feel like navigating a maze for many folks, and let's be real, some platform members aren't even sure what it is or where to find it on their profile. 

That's why we're here to break it down for you in plain language and give you some practical suggestions and LinkedIn headline examples that work from our own experience. 

These tips have helped our sales team stand out on LinkedIn, improve rankings and visibility in LinkedIn search results, and ultimately gain more credibility and more quality leads for Skylead. 

Let’s check it out how it’s done! 

What is a LinkedIn headline? 

A LinkedIn headline is the text below your name in your profile's introduction. It's a vital section of your profile because it impacts your ranking in LinkedIn searches and plays a crucial part in forming the first impression. When well-written, a LinkedIn headline is a prime eye-catcher in search results. 

This is your LinkedIn headline. 

How to edit a LinkedIn headline

You can edit your LinkedIn headline as many times as you want, although it is recommended to keep some consistency and not to change it too often. 

The maximum length of your LinkedIn headline is 220 characters

Edit your LinkedIn headline by clicking on the Pen icon right here. 

Then, scroll down to the LinkedIn headline section

As you may see, you can insert it manually, or use LinkedIn’s AI assistant to suggest LinkedIn headlines for you. This feature is available only for paid LinkedIn plans.

If you click on the Write with AI option, LinkedIn will suggest a LinkedIn headline for you based on the information on your LinkedIn profile. 

You can ask it to generate a LinkedIn headline for you as many times as you want, or just click Revert to go back to the one you had before. 

Click Save to save the changes to your LinkedIn profile. 

Generally, we suggest using ChatGPT for sales to speed up certain processes. You can also independently brainstorm your LinkedIn headline in Chat GPT from LinkedIn’s AI assistant. In this blog, we gave you 13 LinkedIn headline examples considered to be a good practice. Use them to get inspired by them or as a prompt in Chat GPT to generate variations. It’s up to you! 

What to put in a LinkedIn headline

The number one rule is not to make your LinkedIn headline misleading. 

Rule number two is that there is no rule number two. 

As long as your LinkedIn headline is informative, relevant, and catchy, you are on the right track. Yes, creativity is highly appreciated even on LinkedIn. Stay within the professional frames and you can still play with your LinkedIn headline as much as you want. 

Easier said than done (we agree), but your LinkedIn headline should summarize your skills, ambitions, and experiences within the 220-character limit. As this is not as simple as it sounds, most LinkedIn members decide to leave their current job title and forget about it. Big mistake.

It is exactly your LinkedIn headline that sets you apart in the “sea of the same”. It is the first thing your prospects read when they visit your LinkedIn profile and it is one of the things that keeps them scrolling to get a deeper insight into your professional achievements through LinkedIn summary and other LinkedIn sections. 

Formulas to write an effective LinkedIn profile 

Here are 2 formulas to write an effective LinkedIn profile. 

The first one is to imagine I know nothing about your industry and, with that in mind, to explain to me, in one simple sentence, what you do. 

The second one is to imagine you have to create a billboard advertising yourself and think of a catchy slogan that would sell you the best. 

If this doesn’t help you come up with an appealing LinkedIn headline, try using one of the following formulas where

LinkedIn headline templates

If these still seem too abstract to you, don’t worry, we’ve listed 13 real-life LinkedIn headline examples to illustrate what an effective headline is and to help you get inspired for yours. 

Common mistakes in LinkedIn headlines 

The 6 common mistakes when writing a LinkedIn headline

On the other hand, here are the top 6 most common mistakes when writing a LinkedIn headline. 

  1. Using codes or professional jargon that only people from your industry know such as “BDR”, “SDR”, “AE”, etc. 
  2. Showing off by using words such as “expert”, “top-performing”, “superior”, “best” or mentioning any success without offering valid arguments that support it. 
  3. Not using keywords that are relevant to your potential prospects. When writing your LinkedIn headline keep in mind that the most commonly used filter on LinkedIn is the “keyword” one. Make sure you show up in your prospect or recruiter’s search results. 
  4. Writing a headline that reflects your former professional engagements that are not relevant to your current or future professional aspirations.
  5. Not including your unique selling point. Without it, you are just one more professional in a sea of others. 
  6. Making your LinkedIn headline about how “awesome” you are instead of how you can help others succeed. 

Top 13 LinkedIn headline examples [and why they work]

After all, there is no explicit rule for what you should put in your LinkedIn headline. 

The examples below show what works in practice. 

We’ve included the “why it works” section to understand why, from our experience, these LinkedIn headline examples are effective, and to inspire you to create yours accordingly. 

LinkedIn headline example #1

LinkedIn headline example 1

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #2

LinkedIn headline example 2

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #3

LinkedIn headline example 3

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #4

LinkedIn Headline Example 4

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #5

LinkedIn headline example 5

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #6

LinkedIn headline example 6

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #7

LinkedIn headline example 7

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #8 

LinkedIn headline example 8

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #9 

LinkedIn headline example 9

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #10

LinkedIn headline example 10

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #11

LinkedIn headline example 11

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #12

LinkedIn headline example 12

Why this LinkedIn headline works

LinkedIn headline example #13

LinkedIn headline example 13

Why this LinkedIn headline works

How to use a LinkedIn headline for lead generation

Using a LinkedIn headline to personalize your Connection requests, LinkedIn messages, or LinkedIn InMail messages is a powerful LinkedIn lead generation strategy. 

Referring to something from the individual's headline can be incredibly effective because people enjoy discussing their achievements and interests. By complimenting them or showing genuine interest in something highlighted in their headline, you can increase the likelihood of starting a conversation. 

We'll take inspiration from this member's LinkedIn headline to showcase different ways you can personalize your messages on LinkedIn. 

By incorporating different elements from their headline, we'll illustrate the full range of possibilities for crafting a personalized outreach approach. 

All examples below are inspired by the way our Head of sales, Andrea, utilizes Skylead’s ideal lead’s LinkedIn headline to connect and start sales-oriented conversations. 

LinkedIn headline for lead generation

Example #1: Use the lead's current position to personalize your approach

Hello Thamina, 

It’s nice to meet someone who’s working on creating growth opportunities for businesses on LinkedIn! I love this platform, it helped scale up my business in a matter of months.

I would love to add you to my network. 

Hello Thamina, 

I checked out Femme Hive Podcast! Helping female professionals feel less overwhelmed in their 20s is outstanding. I wish I had someone to encourage me back then. It sure was a bumpy ride. 

I would love to have you in my network!

Example #3 Use industry/background to personalize your approach

Hello Thamina, 

I am searching to connect with professionals that have a finance background, and I loved yours very much!

Let’s connect! 

Example #4 Use something that your lead advocates for to personalize your approach 


I love to meet professionals who advocate for women’s rights and make them feel more confident on their career paths! 

I would love to have a person like you in my network, Thamina! 

Example #5 Use your lead's university to personalize your approach

Hello fellow-alumna! 

I also graduated from Duke University! It was such a great experience, wasn’t it? 

Let’s get in touch and exchange experiences! 

Example #6 Use the part of the headline that caught your attention 

Hello Thamina, 

Sharp headline! Love the last sentence! 

Would love to have such a go-getter in my network. Let’s connect! 


Yes, we always encourage our clients to take advantage of AI, but no platform beats human creativity and wittiness so far! Use Chat GPT as a tool to speed up and perfect some of the ideas you come up with. 

In the meantime, follow the above instructions and LinkedIn headline examples we listed for you, and you might find yourself brainstorming your ideal LinkedIn headline much quicker than expected.

At the end of the day, no one knows you better than you!  

And, speaking of quicker, if you want to make your entire lead generation and outreach significantly faster while booking 3x more meetings than before, you should check out Skylead and its 7-day FREE trial to learn how its groundbreaking solutions could get you faster to your business goals.

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LinkedIn is the largest professional network, and it is no stranger to many subscription options. Naturally, every LinkedIn Premium subscription plan is a monthly-based service. However, have you ever thought about how wonderful it would be to try LinkedIn Premium free of charge?  

Luckily, you can. Here are six different ways to get LinkedIn Premium free. As a bonus surprise, we’ve even thrown in a way you can even get a LinkedIn Premium discount. But surprises do not end there…

LinkedIn Premium subscriptions explained

The words “LinkedIn Premium” became synonymous with Premium Business plan. However, LinkedIn Premium is a true name for all LinkedIn subscriptions plans. So, to avoid confusion, we will make a note of what type of LinkedIn Premium subscription you can get for free with the methods described below.

First, let’s see what every LinkedIn subscription plan has to offer.

Did you know that we have detailed comparisons of every LinkedIn subscription plan? Be sure to check them out:

How to get LinkedIn Premium free?

LinkedIn really tries to give back to the community. And giving away LinkedIn Premium free for use is one way they do it. However, it is worth noting that, even though each of the ways described below will allow you to use LinkedIn Premium free, it won’t be forever. 

Nevertheless, there is plenty of time to test out and decide if you wish to use this subscription package to jump-start your career or for LinkedIn lead generation. Let’s jump to the ways you can try LinkedIn Premium free.

LinkedIn Premium free trial

If you wish to test out the features, you can always opt-in for the LinkedIn Premium Free Trial. This way, you can explore every subscription plan and find which one suits you best. 

The free trial lasts for 1 month, and everyone can initiate it. In addition, you would need to insert your credit card details at the beginning of the trial.

After the free trial ends, your subscription will start automatically. Consequently, your credit card will be charged. Thus, if you decide not to pay for the subscription plan, you need to cancel the LinkedIn Premium free trial before it ends. You can also cancel the free trial at the beginning of the trial period, as you will get the entire month for free either way. 

Furthermore, if you start a LinkedIn Premium free trial, you won’t be able to have another one for at least the next 12 months.

Starting LinkedIn Premium free trial - Steps

Here’s how you can start your LinkedIn Premium Free Trial. 

Firstly, click the profile icon at the top of the homepage. Then, select the Settings & Privacy option.

Image of how to start free trial to get LinkedIn Premium Free

Secondly, click the Account preferences. Then, navigate to Subscriptions & payments and click the Change button next to Upgrade for free option.

Image of Subscription and Payment option in LinkedIn account

Next, the new page will open up. LinkedIn will ask you what you would like to achieve with an upgrade so it can suggest the plan for you. Thus, you can choose the subscription from the recommended section. Or you can check out all the plans and select one from there.

Image of questions LinkedIn asks to recommend the plan to start LinkedIn Premium free trial

Here is where you can read more about the Premium plans. So, choose one that best suits your needs. Since Premium Business is versatile and many job hunters, recruiters, and sales managers use it, we will use it as an example.

Image of LinkedIn Premium subscription plans

Lastly, click on the Start my free month button, enter the credit card details and complete the upgrade.

In addition, please note that the price displayed below the button doesn’t include the tax or VAT. So you need to be aware of that if you wish to continue to a paid subscription afterward.

Image of the last step of starting LinkedIn Premium free option

Getting LinkedIn Premium free from employees 

One of the perks of working for LinkedIn is that almost every employee gets the LinkedIn Premium free subscription for 6 months. In this case, most of the employees give away these coupons to give back to the community. 

However, many have certain conditions you need to fulfill to receive a LinkedIn Premium free coupon. Nonetheless, this is a great way to help those that need it the most.

To find an employee that is giving away LinkedIn Premium free coupons, first go to your LinkedIn search bar. Then, type either #linkedinpremium or #PlusOnePledge and hit enter. Click on Posts, and either sort them by latest or those posted in the last week.

Image of LinkedIn employees post offering LinkedIn Free coupons

Then, you can reach out to that person and ask them to provide you with that coupon. Simple as that.

The best-case practice is being honest and providing detailed information on why you need LinkedIn Premium free. In addition, describe your life circumstances and how you will use that to develop your career.

Linkedin Premium free for military veterans

LinkedIn joined forces with SheerID, an identity verification platform, for a special occasion. They wanted to offer 12-month access to LinkedIn Premium free of charge for all U.S. military veterans. In addition, all those granted to use LinkedIn Premium free will also have access to more than 16,000 courses.

The reason behind this initiative is that LinkedIn understands how difficult it is to move from military to civilian life. Thus LinkedIn took steps to help U.S. military veterans as much as possible. In addition, LinkedIn offers LinkedIn Premium free use for military spouses, as well. 

Here are the benefits that military individuals can expect using the special LinkedIn Premium free membership:

So, how to apply for the LinkedIn Premium free program for veterans? All you need to do is to go to their Veterans subscription page and fill in the required form. 

Image of form for getting LinkedIn Premium Free for veterans

Tip: Be sure you reference that you are a veteran or have military experience on your LinkedIn profile before applying. 

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Lastly, please note that if for any reason, you already started a LinkedIn Premium free trial or subscription, you would need to cancel it first before applying to the LinkedIn Premium free veterans program.

Students and graduates can use LinkedIn Premium free too

Sometimes LinkedIn forms partnerships with different educational institutions as a part of their student program. The result of this partnership is that students and graduates can use LinkedIn Premium free for a 12-month period. 

To check if your school partnered up with LinkedIn, go and ask if they have access to these subscriptions. If your university says they do not have access or partnership, ask them to reach out to LinkedIn. This way, they can check if they can become a part of the program and offer students LinkedIn Premium for free.

Keep in mind that you need to have an email from the school's domain to be granted free LinkedIn Premium subscription.

If, however, this doesn’t work for you, you can always check for other active LinkedIn Premium free programs for students.  

For example, LinkedIn partnered up with Amazon to allow students to use subscriptions for free. So, if your Amazon account is Prime Student, then you are eligible to get a LinkedIn Premium free subscription for 6 months.  

All you need to do is sign in to your Prime Student and LinkedIn account and redeem your Premium Subscription.

Yet, keep in mind that if you have an active Premium subscription plan, then you won’t be eligible for this offer.

Image of LinkedIn Premium Free offer for Student Prime

Visual Studio users get LinkedIn Premium free of charge

Visual Studio Dev Essentials is a developer program created by Microsoft. Among the benefits, they provide various tools and training courses, and the LinkedIn Learning center is one of them. In other words, LinkedIn offers a Premium Career plan free for all Visual Studio Dev Essentials users. 

This way, you get access to the LinkedIn Learning courses, acquire certificates and develop your skills. This offer lasts for 1 month, and you don’t need a credit card to start the subscription for free. 

To use this LinkedIn Premium free offer, firstly, you need to have a Microsoft account. Once you create it, go to Visual Studio Dev Essentials and click the Join or access now button. Once there, navigate to the Benefits page. Then, find the LinkedIn Learning offer and click the Activate button.

Image of Visual Studio dashboard benefits

After you’ve done it, you will go to the LinkedIn page, where you can activate the subscription.

Quarterly-based LinkedIn Premium free subscription for journalists

If you are a journalist who strives to perfect the craft, and join the journalist community, then, LinkedIn has a nifty solution for you. They offer access to journalist network, insights, and webinar. In addition, you get LinkedIn Premium free. LinkedIn offers this promotion each quarter.

However, only qualified health journalists can apply for the webinar and receive a free one-year subscription to LinkedIn Premium Business. In other words, qualifications include but are not limited to the following conditions:

To apply for the webinar, you need to pay close attention to the application window for each quarter. You can do so by visiting the LinkedIn LinkedIn For Journalists page.

Bonus: Getting Sales Navigator for free

Here is the surprise for all you Sales Navigator lovers. Apart from starting the 1-month Sales Navigator free trial, you can also get Sales Navigator 2-month free use. This is only possible if your connections refer you through the Sales Navigator Referral program. 

Here is how someone can provide you with a Sales Navigator referral or vice versa in 2 easy steps. First, go to your Sales Navigator platform, and click the Referrals button.

Image of Sales Navigator referral program

Next, type the person’s name you wish to refer to try this LinkedIn Premium free subscription. The only thing left to do is to hit the Send button. Each Sales Navigator user gets to send 10 referrals.

Image of how to refer someone and allow them to use Sales Navigator free for 2 months

And, that’s it. Your connection will receive the confirmation email with the joining link that will lead to the activation page.

However, there are certain conditions you need to fulfill to receive a 2-month free Sales Navigator subscription:

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

How to get LinkedIn Premium discount?

As you can see, there are many ways to try LinkedIn Premium free. However, LinkedIn limits every account to only one such promotion per year. Nonetheless, if you are unsure if you would like to pay the full price, you can always get a discount. 

Here is how you can do it. 

First, go to your Settings & Privacy page. Next, under Subscriptions & payments click the Cancel Subscription button.

Image of how to cancel LinkedIn subscription and get 50% discount

Next, the new window will open up. Continue the cancellation process.

Image of LinkedIn subscription cancellation process to get a discount

Lastly, LinkedIn will ask you for the reason you wish to cancel. Respond with It’s too expensive.

Once you do, LinkedIn will give you a 50% discount for 2 months. This will be more than enough to decide whether you wish to pay the price or not.

Image of LinkedIn Premium discount if you wish to cancel subscription


How do LinkedIn's Premium features specifically benefit different types of professionals, such as marketers, sales professionals, or recruiters, beyond the general descriptions provided?

LinkedIn Premium specifically aids professionals by providing enhanced tools for better targeting and networking. Marketers gain insights for more effective campaigns, sales professionals access detailed company and individual data for outreach, and recruiters get in-depth search capabilities to find ideal candidates, making each role's efforts more fruitful and efficient.

Are there any hidden costs or common pitfalls to be aware of when using these methods to get LinkedIn Premium for free, especially regarding the need to cancel subscriptions before they automatically renew?

Seeking LinkedIn Premium for free requires vigilance regarding trial periods and automatic renewals. Users must actively manage their subscriptions to avoid unexpected charges, as forgetting to cancel after a trial can result in automatic conversion to a paid subscription, leading to unwanted expenses.

Can these methods for obtaining LinkedIn Premium for free be combined or used sequentially to extend the free period, or is there a strict limit on how many promotions a user can access over a certain timeframe?

Leveraging multiple promotions for extended LinkedIn Premium access is subject to LinkedIn's monitoring of promotional usage. While users might attempt to sequentially use offers to maximize free access, LinkedIn's systems are designed to recognize and potentially restrict such activity, enforcing limits on the accessibility of consecutive promotions over a specific period.


LinkedIn really tries to give back to the community, and various LinkedIn Premium free promotions are the proof of that. 

However, please be aware that LinkedIn keeps track of if and when somebody uses one of these promotions. If, for example, you used a 1-month free trial, LinkedIn won’t allow you to repeat it or get any other promotion from our list. Not for 12 months at least.

Furthermore, LinkedIn is not big on giving refunds. So, be careful to cancel the promotion in time. Otherwise, you will be charged after the free period ends. If, for any reason, you think that LinkedIn Premium is not for you, keep track of the date or set a reminder alert.

Lastly, keep in mind that if you are already a Premium user, you’ll need to cancel your Premium subscription. Only after you wait for the billing cycle to end will you be able to activate LinkedIn Premium free promotions.

That said, enjoy your LinkedIn Premium free promotions!

Feeling after you receive LinkedIn Premium Free, happy GIF

Are you a recruiter or a sales manager who wishes to outreach your candidates or prospects on autopilot and close more deals? Welcome! We are Skylead. Let’s chat and see how we can help you with your outreach. Contact us via chat or test out Skylead for free directly! 

And don’t worry. Whatever LinkedIn subscription you are using, be it Sales Navigator, Recruiter, Recruiter Lite or Premium Business, you can use it with Skylead.

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Alongside your profile picture and LinkedIn headline, your LinkedIn cover photo plays a crucial part in your LinkedIn identity. 

Not only does it contribute to your overall professional image, but it represents an important element in forming the first impression for your LinkedIn profile visitors. 

As such, a LinkedIn background photo requires an equal amount of attention you would dedicate to any of the other sections of your LinkedIn header. 

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Therefore, in this blog, you’ll learn:

How do I change a LinkedIn cover photo? 

Change LinkedIn background photo for LinkedIn personal profiles 

On desktop 

This is your LinkedIn background photo

Where is my LinkedIn cover photo?

You can change it anytime and as many times as you wish. 

#1 Click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of your LinkedIn profile’s header. 

You will see two pencil icons, the lower one takes you to change your name, last name, headline, locations, etc., while the upper one takes you to change your LinkedIn cover photo.

How to change your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn personal profile, desktop

#2 Click on the Pen icon to access the LinkedIn background photo editor. 

Here you can:

How to edit your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn personal profile, desktop

By clicking the Adjust icon you can make additional corrections to your image, such as

On mobile

To change your LinkedIn background photo on mobile, go to your LinkedIn profile page and click the Pencil icon in the top right corner. 

How to change your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn personal profile, mobile

#2 In the bottom, you’ll find the options to edit, add a photo, or delete the existing one. 

How to edit your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn personal profile, mobile

#4 Once you’ve uploaded the photo, you’ll get the same editing options as on the desktop. 

How to edit your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn personal profile, mobile, step 2

Change LinkedIn background photo for LinkedIn company pages

On desktop 

To change the LinkedIn background photo on your LinkedIn company page, you must either be the page’s admin or be given access to the page with editing permissions

Then, go to the LinkedIn company page you’re managing, and click the Pen icon here. 

How to change your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn company page, desktop

You will get a dropdown menu to:

Once you upload a new LinkedIn banner for your company page, or if you click to adjust the current one, the LinkedIn cover image editor will give you options to:

How to edit your LinkedIn background photo, LinkedIn company page, desktop

 Also, by clicking the Adjust icon you can make additional corrections to your image, such as

What is the size of a LinkedIn cover photo?

In 2024, a LinkedIn cover photo size for personal profiles should be a maximum of 1584 x 396 px and a minimum of 1192 × 220 px, up to 8MB, and in JPEG, GIF, or PNG file formats. 

When it comes to LinkedIn cover photo size for company pages, LinkedIn recommends a size of 1128 x 191 px, which is at the same time the minimum size, up to 8MB, and in JPEG, GIF, or PNG file formats. 

Also, another thing to bear in mind is that LinkedIn cover photos are cropped differently on mobile and desktop devices. So, make sure to view your profile on both kinds of displays when setting up a new LinkedIn background photo. You don’t want important parts of your banner to be hidden or simply look bad. 

Luckily, there are many online tools to help you make an ideal LinkedIn cover photo, and you don’t even need to be design-savvy.

Where can I find LinkedIn cover photo templates? 

Nowadays, many online design tools have templates specifically for LinkedIn - such as posts, profile images, and background photos that require very little editing to look good. 

Otherwise, if you wish to put in more effort, there are websites with free or paid stock images, or you can consider hiring a designer or someone design-savvy to do it for you. 

Start with these.

paid stock image websites free stock image websites online graphic design platforms
iStockphoto.com VecteezyCanva
Shutterstock.com FreepikFotor

In our next section, you will find 10 ideas on different types of LinkedIn cover photos depending on the message you wish to get across with it. 

Top 17 LinkedIn Cover Photo Ideas For Any Profession

As mentioned above, your LinkedIn background photo should complement your profile picture and headline and offer clarity on what your business is all about to your profile visitors already through the LinkedIn header section. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you have one solution only. 

Here’s a list of 17 LinkedIn cover photos that represent good practices with real-life examples.

Highlight your customers’ goals on your LinkedIn background photo

Highlight your customers' goal on your LinkedIn background photo

An excellent way to draw attention to yourself is to highlight your client’s most common pain point or ask a question that you know they’ll answer affirmatively

Of course, it should relate to your service and a pain point your product or service can solve

Make sure you communicate these messages clearly and include an important award or some kind of social proof (if any). 

Showcase the people you serve on your LinkedIn cover photo

Showcase the people you serve on your LinkedIn cover photo

Featuring your customers is beneficial because people who visit your LinkedIn profile know right away if they potentially fall into that category. 

Additionally, people are more drawn to images of real people, faces, and their expressions, so a LinkedIn cover photo of this kind will make them want to investigate further. 

A LinkedIn background photo that showcases your clientele or your target clients doesn’t need to be their actual photo, of course. You can get a stock image that features people who are good examples of the types of people you serve. 

Use the location or the location of your business on your LinkedIn banner

Use the location or the location of your business on your LinkedIn banner, example 1


Use the location or the location of your business on your LinkedIn banner, example 2

Highlighting the location of your business makes sense if what you do is restricted to a specific area or it’s particularly significant for it. 

These types of LinkedIn cover photos don’t have to be necessarily limited to industries such as tourism for example. Still, they can be applied to any business or industry that acts locally

On the other hand, displaying the city where you work or where you came from or that is particularly dear to your heart independently from the location of your business can ‘humanize’ your LinkedIn profile a bit. 

Just because LinkedIn is a professional network whose members are encouraged to connect, network, and chat in the name of business, that doesn’t mean you should hide that you are a human before anything else. People are more likely to work with those whom they can connect with, rather than robots. 

Put your hobbies or interests on your LinkedIn cover photo 

Put your hobbies or interests on your LinkedIn cover photo

Speaking of ‘humanizing’ your LinkedIn profile, there’s no better way to do it than sharing something that interests you outside of your work schedule

You could use your LinkedIn background photo to tell others about your hobbies, volunteering activities, or any kind of extracurricular activities. Opinions on sharing personal pictures on LinkedIn vary, given the platform’s professional nature. However, if the sharing is genuine, not excessive, and comes from a desire to build authentic connections, we say go for it. 

No matter if you’re on LinkedIn to network, get clients, or find a job, everyone likes to see there’s more to you than just your professional, online self. 

Display objects or tools relevant to your job on your LinkedIn background photo

Display objects or tools relevant to your job on your LinkedIn background photo

Featuring an object such as a photo camera if you are a photographer can seem a bit ‘unsurprising’ but it doesn’t need to be! Just look at how creative, yet informative the above LinkedIn cover photo is. 

Without even reading through this LinkedIn user’s profile, you can understand what he does for a living and what technologies he knows (JavaScript, React, NodeJS). 

Furthermore, he adds a personal touch to his LinkedIn background photo by mentioning the things he loves, believes in, and does outside his regular working hours. 

This type of LinkedIn cover photo is excellent for freelancers and people who are searching for a job, as it says straight off the bat what your professional strengths are. 

Use a LinkedIn cover photo of you doing your work 

Use a LinkedIn cover photo of you doing your work

A picture of yourself doing your work can be a great choice if your job is actually some kind of service that can be presented clearly in a photo

On LinkedIn, usually, these types of LinkedIn cover photos are typical for motivational and public speakers, or for those who want to highlight them speaking in front of larger audiences. 

It doesn’t mean that it will not work for other industries as well, just put your creativity to use and make sure you have someone to take a good shot of it. 

Clearly state what your job is on your LinkedIn banner 

Clearly state what your job is on your LinkedIn banner, example 1


Clearly state what your job is on your LinkedIn banner, example 2

This is a pretty straightforward, nothing-too-crazy yet effective way to make it very clear to your LinkedIn profile visitors what you do for work. 

As you may see from the above examples, you can describe what you do (example #1) and how you do it, or simply list your professional roles (example #2). 

This way, it is very clear what your business is about to whoever lands on your LinkedIn profile. 

Showcase your product or service on your LinkedIn background photo

Showcase your product or service on your LinkedIn background photo

This is a pretty straightforward, yet effective way to tell your profile visitors what you are all about in general or at the moment. Furthermore, it is a great way to promote a book, podcast, service, you name it.

As you may see from our examples, displaying your product or service could be accompanied by a catchy Call-To-Action

Display your career path on your LinkedIn cover photo

Display your career path on your LinkedIn cover photo

If you find your career path to be the most valuable part of your curriculum or your valuable unique selling point, here’s a creative and smart idea of how your LinkedIn profile visitors can learn all about it. 

This LinkedIn member decided to display his path from a college to the company for which he currently works. However, this creative idea can be applied in many ways depending on what you wish to highlight in your LinkedIn background photo. 

Use your company’s LinkedIn cover photo for your personal LinkedIn background photo

Use your company's LinkedIn cover photo for your personal LinkedIn background photo, example 1


Use your company's LinkedIn cover photo for your personal LinkedIn background photo, example 2

Some companies have LinkedIn cover photos designed specifically for their employees. This can be the simplest way to tell your profile visitors where you work right off the bat. 

Featuring a LinkedIn background photo with just your company’s logo or some other kind of visual representation of your company can be a good choice if you feel strongly about the brand

Furthermore, your company’s LinkedIn cover photo can contain a mission statement, values, or any message that your brand wants to get across. 

Put an inspiring quote on your LinkedIn banner

Put an inspiring quote on your LinkedIn banner

An inspirational quote on your LinkedIn background photo can refer to something you personally believe in, or it can have to do with your brand. 

If combined with an attractive design, this type of LinkedIn cover photo can be pretty effective and inspiring to people visiting your LinkedIn profile to investigate your services further. 

Put a picture of an office space or a building to your LinkedIn cover photo, example 1


Put a picture of an office space or a building to your LinkedIn cover photo, example 2

The above example is a good LinkedIn cover photo of people working in corporate, upper management, legal, and anyone who finds their business space to give off the impression of professionalism, a specific status symbol, high-level service, or similar. 

Furthermore, if your office is a well-known building, or it has been there for ages so that it even become part of the city's history, displaying it in your background might give your LinkedIn profile visitors a sense of familiarity. 

Make your LinkedIn banner a collage 

Make your LinkedIn banner a collage

Finally, you can make a collage visually representing your interests, product or service, target audience, yourself while doing your work, or pretty much anything you wish to showcase on your LinkedIn cover photo

However, keep in mind that crafting appealing collages is not as easy as it might seem – they should be informative without becoming cluttered or chaotic. Therefore, unless you are a skilled visual artist, you might want to hire a designer to do it for you. Collages are pretty effective, so it could totally be worth it. 


Before diving into choosing your ideal LinkedIn cover photo, consider your focus — clients, yourself, workspace, or tools. 

Which emotions do you wish to convey? Empowerment, trust, professionalism? 

What kind of LinkedIn background photo would enhance your professional image while aligning seamlessly with your brand? 

This strategic approach ensures your LinkedIn presence resonates effectively with your target audience while automating your LinkedIn lead generation activities through Skylead. All features are available for a 7-day FREE trial starting today! Don’t miss out!

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To improve the platform's efficiency, protect members from spamming, and increase personalization, LinkedIn developed a series of features, such as LinkedIn InMail

However, as it turns out, this feature poses challenges for some LinkedIn users, whether newcomers or seasoned members, as discrepancies and inconsistencies among the LinkedIn plans can create confusion. 

Our comprehensive guide aims to demystify InMail and empower you to maximize the effectiveness of your outreach efforts by incorporating this LinkedIn premium feature, too. 

Our sales team uses LinkedIn InMail in their everyday outreach, not only because it is a powerful channel to reach leads but because Skylead is currently the only tool on the market that can automate both paid & free InMails in a click. 

So, let’s check out what InMail is all about! 

What is InMail on LinkedIn? 

LinkedIn InMail is a LinkedIn premium feature that allows you to exchange free or paid direct messages on the platform with members who are not part of your network (2nd and 3rd-degree connections), unlike ‘regular’ LinkedIn messages that can only be exchanged with members part of your network (1st-degree connections). 

Think of InMails as LinkedIn's version of an email, as they are structured in a way to have a subject line and higher character limits than a LinkedIn connection request or a regular LinkedIn message. 

However, according to the platform's official Learning course, InMail messages have an average response rate of 18 to 25% compared to cold emails' 3% average response rate.  

So, let's explore the types of this LinkedIn premium feature to help you better understand its purpose.

3 types of LinkedIn InMails

There are 3 types of LinkedIn InMails: 

Free LinkedIn InMail

Every LinkedIn subscription plan comes with 800 free InMails per month. So, even if you are on LinkedIn’s basic (free) plan, you can send free InMails to people who set their profiles to Open profile status. 

Specifically, you can generally send free InMails only to users who set their profile to Open profile status. To set your profile to Open profile status, you must have one of the LinkedIn paid plans - LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator, or LinkedIn Recruiter. 

To sum up, ALL LinkedIn members can receive paid InMails, but only paid LinkedIn subscribers can send them. Also, ALL LinkedIn members can send free InMails, but only to members who set their profiles to Open profile status. 

LinkedIn open profile status 

There are 2 ways to set up your account to receive free InMails, that is, to set your profile to Open profile status

#1 Go to your LinkedIn home page and click the Pen icon. 

How to set open profile status, option 1, step 1

Then, click the Dropdown menu icon next to the Open profile feature and move the toggle button to turn the Open profile status on or off. 

How to set open profile status, option 1, step 2

Here’s option number 2 to set your LinkedIn profile to Open profile status. 

#2 Click the Me icon. Then, Settings & Privacy.

How to set open profile status, option 2, step 1

Check out the left sidebar. Click Data Privacy, then Messages

How to set open profile status, option 2, step 2

As you may see, you can opt out of receiving InMails overall, or just free InMails. 

How to opt out of all InMail messages

Paid LinkedIn InMail

Paid InMails are a premium feature. Therefore, they are included in any paid LinkedIn subscription - LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator, and LinkedIn Recruiter. 

With each paid LinkedIn subscription comes a number of paid InMail credits you can send to any LinkedIn member except those who opted out of receiving InMails overall. 

Therefore, every LinkedIn member can receive paid InMails, but those who switched that option off.

Check out the InMail credits section of this blog to see how many credits are included in your subscription plan and how to check that number.

Sponsored InMail on LinkedIn

A sponsored InMail is a LinkedIn product that lets you utilize the LinkedIn InMail ads platform to reach specific users in bulk. That is, a sponsored InMail is a message ad that can be used for digital marketing, sales, and any other type of promotion or sales. 

LinkedIn ads platform is mainly used (but not limited to) by digital marketers who wish to promote their brands in different ways and establish relationships with their target audience. 

Like with other ad platforms, you cannot precisely choose the recipients of your InMails; you can only set up the target audience. Also, the recipients cannot answer your InMails but respond to one or more call-to-actions you preset. 

Sponsored InMails are easily distinguished in the lead's Inbox because they are clearly labeled as ‘Sponsored’. 

Here's an example of a Messaging Ad on LinkedIn and how it’s shown in your Inbox. 

What Sponsored InMail looks like in LinkedIn Inbox

LinkedIn InMail ads cost depending on your target audience, budget, bidding strategy, and other advertisers from the same or similar industry. LinkedIn will recommend the initial bid based on similar bidding per ad from the same or similar industries. 

Sponsored InMails only show in your LinkedIn inbox, in the Other tab, independently from which plan you're subscribed to. Sales Navigator and Recruiter inboxes block any messaging ads to ensure their users a more focused professional environment.   

InMail character limit 

InMail character limit depends on your LinkedIn subscription. 

LinkedIn InMail character limit

InMail subject line: unlimited (recommended up to 200 characters)

InMail body copy: up to 8000 characters (recommended up to 2000 characters)

Sales Navigator InMail character limit 

InMail subject line: unlimited (recommended up to 200 characters)

InMail body copy: up to 1900

Recruiter InMail character limit

InMail subject line: unlimited (recommended up to 200 characters)

InMail body copy: up to 1900

LinkedIn InMail vs. LinkedIn messages

Usually, people new to LinkedIn are confused about the difference between LinkedIn InMails vs. LinkedIn messages. 

You can send ‘regular’ LinkedIn messages only to your 1st-degree connections, that is, LinkedIn members part of your LinkedIn network. They are free of charge, available to all LinkedIn users, and land directly in the recipient's LinkedIn Inbox. 

LinkedIn messages are unlimited; you can send as many 'regular' LinkedIn messages to your 1st-degree connections as you want. They are cost-effective and pretty convenient for LinkedIn cold message outreach. 

On the other hand, LinkedIn InMails can be sent to members who are not part of your network, that is, your 2nd and 3rd-degree connections. They are LinkedIn's premium feature, and their number depends on your LinkedIn subscription plan. 

InMails land directly in your recipient's LinkedIn inbox, even if you’re not connected, and have a subject line, which is why they are often referred to as LinkedIn’s version of email. It is why they are such a valuable communication channel on the platform.  

Why should you use LinkedIn InMail for lead generation? 

InMail messages are a powerful LinkedIn prospecting tool because:

Firstly, LinkedIn InMail has a subject line; if well-written, it helps your messages stand out in your lead's Inbox compared to a regular LinkedIn message. 

Therefore, busy decision-makers (or CXOs, influencers, or simply members who are harder to reach) who receive many messages and invites to connect daily are more likely to see your InMail message and reply. 

By sending an InMail first, they will have an idea of what you and your company are all about and will be more eager to have you as part of their network. 

InMails have a higher character limit than LinkedIn connection requests. Although we always encourage our users to keep InMails on a shorter end, they undoubtedly give you more room to interest your recipients in what you have to say.

Therefore, you are decreasing the chances of your connection request being rejected and marked as I don't know this person, risking ending up in LinkedIn jail

When your lead answers your InMail, you get that credit back. This is LinkedIn’s way of awarding you for aiming to connect with leads relevant to your business, researching your target audience thoroughly, and writing highly personalized, relevant InMail messages.  

Furthermore, InMails can also be an excellent way to bypass LinkedIn's weekly connection limits and connect with a higher number of relevant leads. 

2 ways to leverage LinkedIn InMail in lead generation 

Here are 2 ways to leverage InMails in lead generation and prospecting to ensure they achieve their highest effectiveness: 

  1. As the last resource. 

Use InMails as the last resource to connect with busy decision makers (CXOs, influencers, people who are harder to reach on the platform, etc.) and your 3rd-degree connections. 

If your lead hasn't accepted your connection request and hasn't replied to your email or returned any of your calls (depending on your outreach strategy), it's a good practice to use an InMail message to reach out. 

Our Head of Sales, Andrea, used InMails as the last resource in her Targeting specific group members’ approach and reported 53% acceptance rate, 27% reply rate, and 73% open rate

  1. To connect with members who are ‘harder’ to reach. 

Some LinkedIn members (CXOs, LinkedIn influencers, upper management, etc.) don't accept invites to connect from members with whom they don't have connections in common. 

InMails can be an excellent way to make an introduction before sending a connection request and decreasing your chances of getting rejected or marked as spam.

For example, our account executive, Pavle, used it in her ‘Founder2Founder approach’ sequence, and her result was outstanding - 44% acceptance rate, 29% response rate, and 82% open rate. 

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

How to write a good LinkedIn InMail [best practices]

If you're new to InMail messages or would like examples to inspire you on how to write LinkedIn InMails for prospecting and to stand out in your leads' Inboxes, we've listed the top InMail examples with an over 25% reply formula. 

Or, follow these practices used by our sales team.

Think of a LinkedIn InMail as a cold email. Your open rate will depend on the subject line. Make sure it's catchy but not misleading and that it shows that the content of that InMail message is relevant for the recipient. Open rate matters, but so does getting the reply. 

With each InMail message, you must show that you've researched and that the product or service you're offering is highly relevant to the recipient. Personalizing messages implies going far beyond calling your prospect by name. 

LinkedIn InMails have a high character limit, but that doesn't mean you must use them all. Remember that busy decision-makers have little time to read a novel-like message. The sooner you reach the point, the higher your chances of getting an answer. 

How many LinkedIn InMails credits do I get per month?

Free InMail credits

LinkedIn Premium Careers and Premium Business, Sales Navigator Core, and Recruiter have 800 free InMails by default, whereas Recruiter Lite has 100 free InMail credits. The designated credits are available as you upgrade your basic LinkedIn account to any LinkedIn premium subscription.

There's no way to check the number of free InMail credits you have left for any LinkedIn premium subscription.  

Paid InMail credits

The number of InMail credits varies by the LinkedIn subscription plan, and they cannot be transferred when changed to another LinkedIn subscription.

Here's the visual representation of the number of paid InMail credits according to your subscription plan.

We put the plus sign next to LinkedIn Recruiter plans because these are the only LinkedIn plan subscribers who can make an additional purchase of InMail credits. The other 2 LinkedIn Recruiter plans can make a deal to purchase additional paid InMail credits while upgrading their plan.

Paid InMail credits according to your LinkedIn subscription plan

How do I get InMail credits back?

If a LinkedIn member answers your InMail within 90 days for LinkedIn Premium and Sales Navigator and within 120 for LinkedIn Recruiter plans of the send date, you get that credit back. 

By ‘answered’, LinkedIn counts every InMail that is either accepted, declined, or actually responded to. 

If the person doesn't answer your InMail within 3 days, LinkedIn will send them an automatic reminder. You can get that credit back even if your recipient answers with LinkedIn auto-response options.  

If you are a LinkedIn Premium Career or Premium Business user, you can only send another free or paid InMail once that LinkedIn user replies to your InMail. On the other hand, users of Sales Navigator premium accounts and Recruiter premium accounts can send a follow-up InMail, which will cost them another InMail credit.

You can edit or delete a message that has been sent. However, if you delete an InMail before it receives a reply, you will not get that credit back. 

Recruiter subscribers have additional limitations. According to LinkedIn, they must keep their response rate at or above 13% on 100 or more InMail messages sent within 14 days. If you send more than 100 InMail messages over 14 days and have a response rate of less than 13%, you'll receive a warning notification and tips to improve your response rate.

Recruiter premium account subscribers can also send up to 1000 InMails per day, per seat. Newly created or upgraded accounts have an InMail limit of 200 for the first calendar week. 

These are LinkedIn's ways to encourage its users to make meaningful connections on the platform and to compose compelling, relevant messages when reaching out to other members. 

When do LinkedIn InMail credits renew?

The credits renew for every subscription differently.

LinkedIn Premium and LinkedIn Navigator InMail credits will roll over for 90 days. All Recruiter plans' InMail credits roll over for 120 days. The renewal of free and paid InMails is not on the first of the month but on the first day of your billing cycle.  

Free InMail credits renew every month.

How to check InMail credits according to your LinkedIn subscription

This is how you check the paid LinkedIn InMail limit for LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator, and Recruiter Lite users.

LinkedIn Premium accounts

Choose Premium features

Check InMail credits for LinkedIn Premium, step 1

Below are all the details regarding the number of InMails (paid) remaining.

LinkedIn Premium InMail credits available

Sales Navigator accounts

Click the Sales Navigator icon on your right.

Check InMail credits for Sales Navigator, step 1

Click on your profile image, then Settings.

Check InMail credits for Sales Navigator, step 2

These are your available paid InMail credits.

Check InMail credits for Sales Navigator, step 3

Recruiter Lite accounts

Click on the Recruiter icon on your right.

Check InMail credits for Recruiter, step 1

Click on your profile picture and then choose Product Settings.

Check InMail credits for Recruiter, step 2

Check the Usage Overview section.

Check InMail credits for Recruiter, step 3

How do I purchase additional InMails? [+ credit cost]

Each plan has a certain number of Paid InMails included in the package. Unfortunately, if it says that there are no InMail credits left - there's not much you can do about it unless you're a Recruiter Lite subscriber. 

LinkedIn Premium and Sales Navigator users cannot buy any more InMails outside of what's offered within the plan.

Namely, Recruiter Lite is the only plan whose users can purchase additional InMails. However, that number is also limited. 

Each additional LinkedIn InMail costs around $10, depending on your geographic area.

If you are a Recruiter Lite user and wish to buy more InMail credits, here is how you do it. 

Click the Recruiter icon. 

How to purchase additional InMails, LinkedIn Recruiter, step 1

On the right, click on your profile picture and then choose Product Settings

How to purchase additional InMail - Product settings

Check out the Purchase monthly InMails Credits section. 

The cost of a LinkedIn InMail depends on your area. 

How to purchase additional InMails, LinkedIn Recruiter, step 3

You can purchase 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or 70 InMail credits. 

How to purchase additional InMails, LinkedIn Recruiter, step 4

How do I send an InMail on LinkedIn?  

There are two ways to send an InMail on LinkedIn: 

#1 Navigate to the profile of a LinkedIn member. Sometimes, the Message button will be visible as you land on the member’s profile, and sometimes, you must click More > Message. 

How to send an InMail on LinkedIn

If the LinkedIn member has their profile set to Open profile status and can receive free InMails, it will say Free message in the bottom right corner.

Free InMail example

If this LinkedIn member didn’t set their profile to Open profile status, you will see how many InMail credits you have left in the bottom right corner. 

Paid InMail example

#2 You can do the same from your LinkedIn Inbox. Click Messaging.  

How to send an InMail on LinkedIn, step 1

Then Create a New Message

How to send an InMail on LinkedIn, step 2

Type in the full name of the lead. 

If you pick a member you are not connected with, LinkedIn will automatically redirect you to send them an InMail. 

Just like in the above example, you will be able to see if you will be using your free or paid LinkedIn InMails. 

How to put InMails on auto-pilot to reach more leads faster  

Skylead is currently the only tool on the market that automates both free and paid InMails in one click! 

Briefly, Skylead is a LinkedIn automation tool and cold email software that helps you leverage both LinkedIn and email to reach a higher number of leads in less time.

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead's Customer Success Manager, Nevena and text "Let's onboard you 1 on 1!"

By combining its groundbreaking features, such as - LinkedIn automation, unlimited Email automation, Email verification & discovery, and Image & GIF personalization into Smart sequences, Skylead allows you to book 3x more meetings than before. 

When talking about automating LinkedIn InMails, the main benefit of Skylead’s Smart sequences is the algorithm being able to recognize whether a lead has set its profile to Open profile status or not and decide whether to use a paid or free InMail credit to reach them out without interrupting your outreach flow. 

All you need to do is move the toggle button to the right and allow Skylead to use paid InMail credits if necessary. 

Turn on paid InMails on Skylead

Here’s an example of what Skylead’s Smart Sequence looks like. 

Smart sequence with InMails on Skylead, example

Frequently Asked Questions

What specific personalization techniques make InMails more engaging to recipients?

Personalization techniques for InMail that increase engagement include using the recipient's name, referencing specific details from their profile such as the post they published, and mentioning mutual connections or interests. This approach makes the message feel tailored and relevant.

How does the effectiveness of InMail compare to other LinkedIn outreach methods, such as connection requests or regular messages?

InMail's effectiveness compared to other LinkedIn outreach methods lies in its direct access to users outside one's network. It also offers a higher chance of being noticed and read, especially for premium accounts.

Are there any updated best practices for InMail subject lines to maximize open rates?

For InMail subject lines, best practices include being clear, concise, and compelling. Using a question or mentioning a mutual interest can significantly increase the open rate by sparking curiosity or providing immediate value.

Does LinkedIn InMail go to email? 

No, InMail is a LinkedIn feature. Therefore, LinkedIn InMail goes to your LinkedIn Inbox, or if you initiated an InMail conversation through your Sales Navigator or Recruiter account, that correspondence will be visible only in your Sales Navigator Inbox or Recruiter Inbox. 

Do recruiters respond to InMail? 

Usually yes. Recruiter users must keep their response rate at or above 13% on 100 or more InMails sent within 14 days. If they send more than 100 InMails over the same period and have a response rate of less than 13%, they'll receive a warning notification. 

Is there a LinkedIn InMail read receipt? 

No, there are no read receipts for InMails. However, Sales Navigator and Recruiter Inboxes display under your or your recipient's name one of the following 3 statuses for InMails - awaiting response, accepted, declined and it allows you to filter InMails by these statuses. 

How do you know if someone read your InMail on LinkedIn? (awaiting response)

LinkedIn users cannot know if someone has read their InMails. However, Sales Navigator and Recruiter Inboxes display under your or your recipient's name one of the following 3 statuses for InMails - awaiting a response, accepted, or declined and it allows you to filter InMails by these statuses. 

What happens when someone declines your InMail? 

Every InMail message accepted/declined or responded to directly within 90 days of being sent is credited back. Sales Navigator and Recruiter users can filter InMails by awaiting a response, accepted, or declined, while LinkedIn users cannot know the status of their InMail. 

How do you know if someone declines your InMail? 

It will say {{RecipientsName}} declined to continue this conversation for now in your LinkedIn Inbox, or it will say under the recipient's name Declined your InMail in your Sales Navigator or Recruiter Inboxes. Every LinkedIn InMail that is declined is credited back.

What is the average InMail response rate?

According to an official LinkedIn Learning course, InMail messages have an average response rate of between 18 and 25%. Compared to cold emails' 3% average response rate, LinkedIn InMail seems much more effective, and people tend to reply to them more often than to cold emails.

Is it better to send an InMail or connect on LinkedIn?

It depends. It is better to use InMail to reach your 3rd-degree connections or members who haven't answered any of your messages on any other communication channel, such as - email or calls, or accepted your LinkedIn connection request. LinkedIn InMail is an excellent last resource. 

How to reply when a recruiter sends an InMail on LinkedIn? 

When you open an InMail message sent from a LinkedIn Recruiter subscriber, you can respond with a custom response or use the smart reply (combined or not with a custom response), which is Yes, interested, or No thanks (decline with or without a custom message). 

When do LinkedIn InMail credits renew? 

LinkedIn emails, or LinkedIn InMails, renew depending on your subscription plan. LinkedIn premium accounts and all LinkedIn Sales Navigator accounts reset the number of InMail credits after 90 days, while all Recruiter accounts to reset the number of InMail credits after 120 days. 

To Sum Up

LinkedIn's features, including the impactful LinkedIn InMail, are designed to enhance platform efficiency, protect against spam, and boost the building of meaningful professional relationships on the platform. 

You can test out automating free & paid InMails on Skylead, as well as ALL other Skylead features mentioned in this article for 7 days for FREE, and see for yourself how you can leverage LinkedIn’s full potential in only one click. 

So, are you ready to automate LinkedIn InMails and other outreach actions? 

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
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LinkedIn private mode or LinkedIn incognito mode is a LinkedIn feature that allows you to browse other people’s LinkedIn profiles without sharing any or some of your LinkedIn profile information with the owners of the profiles you’ve viewed. 

meme LinkedIn private mode

As you may already know (or not?), every time you visit someone’s profile, LinkedIn notifies the profile’s owner via the Who’s Viewed Your Profile feature, providing an opportunity to check you out on LinkedIn.  

So, suppose you don’t want people whose profiles you’re viewing to know you took a sneak peek at their professional activities. 

In that case, the platform allows you to go incognito partially (LinkedIn semi-private mode) or completely (LinkedIn private mode). 

LinkedIn incognito mode is available to ALL members, independent of their LinkedIn subscription type. 

Therefore, continue reading if you wish to know the following: 


Let’s get started! 

[Mission Impossible Theme Song Playing]

What is a LinkedIn private mode? 

LinkedIn private mode or LinkedIn incognito mode is a LinkedIn feature that allows you to browse other people’s LinkedIn profiles without sharing any or some of your LinkedIn profile information with the owners of the profiles you’ve browsed. 

There are 3 visibility modes on LinkedIn according to the platform’s Visibility settings: 

Visibility modes for browsing on LinkedIn

Do I have to pay for LinkedIn incognito mode?

LinkedIn private mode is available to ALL LinkedIn subscribers free of charge

However, if you have a free (basic) LinkedIn plan, switching to private or semi-private mode will turn off the Who’s viewed your profile feature and erase your viewer history. 

We’ve tested it ourselves, and we can confirm you will lose all previously collected data and can only see who's viewed your profile after switching to one of the private modes on LinkedIn.  

Once you turn off the LinkedIn incognito mode, the feature Who’s viewed your profile will be back in a maximum of 24 hours and will show only those members who viewed your profile after turning off the private mode. 

Also, you won’t be able to retrieve information on who’s viewed your profile during the time spent in private mode on LinkedIn. 

On the other hand, all other users on paid LinkedIn plans such as - LinkedIn Careers or Business, any Sales Navigator plan, and any Recruiter plan will still be able to see these analytics and statistics despite keeping their profiles in private mode. 

Furthermore, no LinkedIn plan subscriber, free or paid, can ever know the profile information of members browsing in private or semi-private modes on LinkedIn. Also, no LinkedIn plan subscriber can block or prevent other members from viewing in private or semi-private mode.  

How do I view profiles in private mode on LinkedIn?

Here are 2 ways to switch from browsing in public to browsing in private mode on LinkedIn, whether you’re accessing your profile on a desktop or mobile. 

Private Mode on Desktop

Click the Me icon in the top right corner, then choose Settings & Privacy

Desktop settings LinkedIn

Then, choose Visibility on the left toolbar and click on Profile viewing options.

LinkedIn, Settings - Visibility - Profile viewing options

Finally, choose among the 3 visibility modes.

Choose how you wish to browse people on LinkedIn

Private mode on mobile

Open your LinkedIn app, and click on your picture in the upper left corner. 

How to set up LinkedIn private mode app step 1

Then, choose Settings

How to set up LinkedIn private mode on mobile - step 2 - Settings

Click Visibility

How to set up LinkedIn private mode on mobile - step 3 - Visibility

Then, choose Profile viewing options

How to set up LinkedIn private mode on mobile - step 4 - Profile viewing options

Choose in which mode you wish to browse other members on LinkedIn. 

How to set up LinkedIn private mode on mobile - choose the visibility mode

How do I customize my public mode on LinkedIn? 

If you decide to browse in public mode on LinkedIn, you can still determine what information to make available to members not part of your network. 

As you may already know, LinkedIn profiles rank on Google (and other search engines) based on the keywords used on your LinkedIn profile, such as name, profession, LinkedIn URL, LinkedIn headline, summary, etc. 

Therefore, this option is advantageous if you don't want everyone to access your LinkedIn profile or wish to keep specific information to your 1st-degree connections only.

Go to Settings & Privacy.

How to switch your LinkedIn profile to 'private profile status' - Settings and Privacy

Go to Visibility, and then choose Edit public profile

How to switch your LinkedIn profile to 'private profile status', Settings - Visibility - Edit public profile

Scroll down the right sidebar and move the toggle buttons depending on what parts of your profile you wish to make available to anyone on LinkedIn and which ones should be reserved for your 1st-degree connections only. 

LinkedIn public profile status page and settings

How do I know if someone viewed my LinkedIn in private mode? 

LinkedIn subscribers get a notification each time someone views their profile. 

If a member views your profile in semi-private or private mode on LinkedIn, it will appear in your notifications just like other alerts here (picture below).

Notifications LinkedIn, what semi-private and private mode notification looks like

If you click on See all views right below the notification, it will take you to the Who’s viewed my profile LinkedIn page with the list of all viewers in the past 90 days, statistics, and additional filters. 

Here are a few examples of what a notification regarding members browsing in semi-private mode on LinkedIn looks like. 

Semi-private mode on LinkedIn notification example 1

Semi-private mode on LinkedIn notification example 2

Here are a few examples of what a notification about members browsing in private mode on LinkedIn looks like. 

Private mode on LinkedIn notification example 1

Private mode LinkedIn notification example 2

As you may have noticed, there’s a Search button next to members viewing your profile in semi-private mode. 

Semi-private mode on LinkedIn, search options

Clicking on it will take you to LinkedIn search results of all people who work in that company and have LinkedIn profiles. 

However, Recruiter subscribers don’t have the Who’s viewed your profile feature on their Recruiter pages. They must go to their LinkedIn profiles to check these types of notifications. 

Sales Navigator subscribers will not see these notifications in the All alerts section because this is a purposely focused section that notifies about saved leads, saved accounts, and unsaved leads from saved accounts. 

Sales Navigator masterclass banner with targeting options and Boolean search query

Sales Navigator subscribers can click on the profile picture in the top right corner of their Sales Navigator home page and choose Who’s viewed your profile

Who's viewed your profile alerts, Sales Navigator

This action will take them to the LinkedIn statistics page

When should I use LinkedIn private mode? 

From our experience, it’s better not to keep your profile in private mode when browsing on LinkedIn. 


By viewing other people’s profiles, you are showing some kind of interest - whether for LinkedIn lead generation, finding ideal candidates for a company position, expanding your network, showing an interest in a job opening by viewing the hiring manager’s profile, etc. 

Also, viewing someone's profile on LinkedIn can help you connect with them faster and even bypass LinkedIn weekly invitation limits.

However, there are a few scenarios in which keeping your profile in LinkedIn incognito mode makes sense. 

#1 You’re researching your competitors. 

This one is pretty straightforward. 

If you want to see what your competitors are up to, what they are posting on LinkedIn, or to scrape their network, you should keep your profile in private mode. 

However, it’s not just competitors. 

You may wish to check something on your former employer’s profile, former or current customer, or anyone else to whom you don’t want to reveal your profile information.

#2 You still need to optimize your profile.

Here, you have 2 scenarios

Scenario 1 implies you wish to browse relatively random profiles to identify good practices to optimize your profile

These members are not necessarily the ones you wish to connect with on LinkedIn or relevant to your business, but they've done an excellent job earning the all-star status.

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Scenario 2 implies you wish to browse people who are relevant to why you joined LinkedIn, but you don’t want them to know because your profile is still not optimized. 

If they check you out, they might lose interest or ignore your LinkedIn connection request because incomplete profiles on LinkedIn seem scammy. 

#3 You’re a recruiter shortlisting candidates. 

If you don't want all potential candidates to think they are being considered for a job opening at your company, you can view their profiles using LinkedIn incognito mode. 

That way, you will avoid people not matching the requirements approaching you on LinkedIn and not get someone's hopes up. 

LinkedIn Incognito Mode FAQ

Is private mode on LinkedIn really private? 

Yes, LinkedIn private mode is really private. The platform cares about keeping its members' privacy, and there is no way to see members' profile information browsing in private mode on LinkedIn. Also, no member can block or prevent other members from viewing in private mode. 

Should I be private or public on LinkedIn? 

Staying private or going public on LinkedIn will depend majorly on your goal on the platform. It’s better not to keep your profile in incognito mode because showing interest in other members’ profiles can help you connect with them and even bypass LinkedIn weekly connection limits. 

LinkedIn private mode vs. private profile on LinkedIn

LinkedIn private mode or LinkedIn incognito mode lets you browse other LinkedIn members' profiles anonymously. On the other hand, when you set your LinkedIn profile to 'private profile status, ' it means no one can find you on the platform or in any search results (e.g., Google search results).  

How do I stay private on LinkedIn (private profile status)? 

To switch your profile to private profile status and not even appear in the platform’s search results at all, go to Settings & Privacy > Visibility > Edit your public profile > Your profile’s public visibility (push the toggle button to the left in the right rail). 

Does LinkedIn show who viewed your profile? 

Yes, LinkedIn notifies members who have viewed their profiles. However, if you set your profile to browse in incognito mode, members whose profiles you’ve viewed won’t be able to see your profile information partially or at all, depending on the visibility mode of your choice.

Do I have to pay for LinkedIn private mode? 

No, LinkedIn’s semi-private and private modes are FREE of charge and available to all members. However, when free LinkedIn members switch to private mode, they lose access to the Who’s viewed my profile in the past 90 days feature, unlike paid LinkedIn members who can still see these statistics. 

Why would someone use private mode on LinkedIn? 

Reasons to use private mode are infinite, but members usually browse LinkedIn in incognito mode if they are researching their competitors, checking out former or current customers or employers, shortlisting candidates for open positions, or don't feel their LinkedIn profiles are optimized enough to reveal their identity.

Who can see my private LinkedIn profile? 

A private profile on LinkedIn means that you've set your entire profile to 'private profile status' and that it won't appear in LinkedIn or any other search results (e.g., Google search results). If your LinkedIn is set to private, no one can find your profile on the platform or online. 

Can people see if I viewed their LinkedIn? 

Unless you are browsing in semi-private or private mode on LinkedIn, other LinkedIn members will get notified once you’ve viewed their profile and can check out your LinkedIn profile to see who you are. 

Can LinkedIn Pro see private viewers? 

LinkedIn cares very much about keeping the privacy of those members who browse in semi-private or private mode on LinkedIn, and there is no way to see their profile information, no matter what LinkedIn subscription plan you have. Also, you cannot prevent anyone from browsing your profile in incognito mode. 

What is the disadvantage of private mode on LinkedIn? 

If you have a free LinkedIn plan and switch to private mode, it will turn off the Who's viewed your profile feature and erase your viewer history. You will lose all previously collected data and can only see who's viewed your profile after switching to incognito mode. 

Why do people browse in private mode on LinkedIn? 

People usually use the private mode on LinkedIn to research their competitors, check out former or current customers, former employers or employees, shortlist candidates for open positions, or simply because their LinkedIn profiles are incomplete and they don’t want to reveal their identity yet. 

Can to hide your profile on LinkedIn? 

You can either choose to browse in semi-private or private mode on LinkedIn, or you can switch your profile to private profile status and not even appear in the platform or other search engines' search results at all.

How can I view someone on LinkedIn without them knowing? 

You can view someone’s profile on LinkedIn without them knowing by browsing in semi-private or private mode on LinkedIn. To turn one of these 2 modes on, go to Settings & Privacy > Visibility > Profile viewing options > Choose between Private profile characteristics (semi-private) and Private mode (fully private). 

To Sum Up

While it's true that LinkedIn's private mode offers privacy, it can also compromise the transparency vital for building trust and credibility — the core of LinkedIn's purpose. 

Balancing privacy and transparency is crucial for maximizing LinkedIn's effectiveness in lead generation. And, speaking of maximizing LinkedIn, test out Skylead for 7 days for free, and see how you can leverage the power of both LinkedIn and email to reach relevant leads faster. 

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
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Have you ever wondered, "What is my LinkedIn URL?" or "Does it affect my professional experience and lead generation?" then, stay tuned. By the end of this blog, you'll learn:

What is my LinkedIn URL? 

LinkedIn URL is your profile’s unique URL address automatically assigned to every LinkedIn member. You can customize it for a more professional LinkedIn experience and share it with people to connect with them by going to your LinkedIn profile and copying the URL located in the browser address bar.

Image of what is LinkedIn url

Every LinkedIn profile URL starts with https://www.linkedin.com/in/ followed by your name and some numbers (user ID) which you get by default when you open your LinkedIn profile for the first time. Here’s an example of a default profile URL https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzana-ristic-48a636207/. The part in bold of your profile’s address can be customized to look more neat and professional. 

The same rule applies to any LinkedIn company page. 

When shared, your LinkedIn profile URL is clickable, and it leads directly to your profile on the platform. You can send it in a message, hyperlink your email signature, or copy-paste it into your resume so that people can easily check what you're all about professionally.

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead support team and text "We suport you from day 1"

How to find my LinkedIn URL?

There are two ways you can find your LinkedIn URL. 

#1 Option - Go to your LinkedIn profile page and check out the address bar. This is your shareable LinkedIn profile URL. 

How to find LinkedIn URL option 1

#2 Option - Stay at your LinkedIn homepage. Click “Contact info”.

How to find LinkedIn URL option 2 Contact Info

This is your LinkedIn URL. 

How to find LinkedIn URL option 2, Contact Info, showing where your LinkedIn profile URL is

How do I copy my LinkedIn profile link?

You can use either method mentioned above to copy your LinkedIn profile link. In other words, go to your LinkedIn profile, find your LinkedIn profile link in your browser address bar, and copy it from there. Or you can copy it directly from your contact info on your LinkedIn profile page.

How to change your LinkedIn profile URL? 

#1 Go to your LinkedIn homepage. In the top right corner, you’ll see the “Edit public profile & URL” section. Click on it. 

How to change your LinkedIn URL from home page, step 1

#2 This action will take you to a separate page. Again in the top right corner, click on the pencil icon to change the customizable section of your profile URL. After you’ve finished, click “Save”.

How to change your URL from home page, step 2

NOTE: Both LinkedIn and search engines will take some time to detect the URL changes. However, you should see the URL change right away in the Contact info section of your profile. Until the URL changes everywhere, make sure you copy-paste it from there. 

How to change the URL for your LinkedIn company page?

You can and should customize your company's LinkedIn account URL as well. The same rules apply to LinkedIn accounts. 

#1 Access your LinkedIn company page and click the “Edit page”.

How to find company page URL on LinkedIn - step 1, Edit page

#2 Choose “Page info” and type in the custom URL for your company. 

How to change company URL step 2, Page info on LinkedIn

How to change my LinkedIn profile URL in the app? 

This is how you change your profile URL on the LinkedIn app. 

#1 Go to your profile home page. Click on the 3 dots. 

How to change your LinkedIn URL on the app, profile page

#2 Choose the Contact info option. 

How to change your LinkedIn URL in the LinkedIn app, contact info option

#3 Click the pencil icon to edit your contact info on the LinkedIn app. 

How to find and change your LinkedIn url in mobile app, step 3

#4 Click here to go to a page where you will be able to change your LinkedIn profile URL. 

How to change your LinkedIn URL on the app, edit linkedin URL

#5 Click here to edit the customizable part of your LinkedIn profile URL. 

How to change your LinkedIn URL on the app, edit URL page

3 ideas on how to customize your LinkedIn profile URL

If your name is not particularly unusual, or you wish to optimize your LinkedIn URL to show up in LinkedIn and Google search results more often, here are 3 ideas we used and tested to do it.

#1 Use the combination of your full name and title 

This is the combination we spoke about earlier, as it can work well for both LinkedIn and Google SEO, especially if you are holding a C-suite, upper management, or any decision-making decision that you know people will search for. You can combine it with your company name as well if you think that could help your lead generation.   


www.linkedin.com /in/john-smith-ceo-skylead


#2 Use your brand name, brand nickname, or a combination of your brand name or nickname plus your company name or a specific keyword. 

This is particularly useful for people who have common names or whose brand is widely known under their nickname. For example, if your name is Daniel Bonatti, but you branded yourself as a marketing expert under Dan Bonatti or Dan Bon, this can be your LinkedIn profile URL go to. 






#3 It can be same as your website or a blog or a business page 

If you are known for a specific brand or a website or a blog on a specific topic, you can use it for your LinkedIn profile URL as well. If that website name includes your personal name that’s even better, if not, that’s fine too. This way, you’ll get your brand out there even more, not just on Google but on LinkedIn too. 




Why should you change your LinkedIn URL? 

#1 It looks more professional. 

Customizing your profile URL looks more professional and gives you instantly more credibility. It shows that you know how to use the platform and that you indeed do utilize it for social selling strategy and other business purposes. Other LinkedIn members will feel more comfortable talking business with you online and you will close more deals in a shorter amount of time.

We have a full lesson dedicated to optimizing your LinkedIn URL as a part of our masterclass Set up your LinkedIn profile: Complete guide.

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

#2 You’ll show up in Google and LinkedIn search engine results more often. 

If you optimize your LinkedIn URL and the way you optimize it can affect how often and how high your profile will rank in their search results. 

Yes, a well-customized profile URL plays a significant role in LinkedIn SEO and LinkedIn Xray search. 

LinkedIn SEO refers to the way you write and use your profile to increase its ranking in a search and therefore its visibility. The higher your profile is ranked when someone searches for a particular term, the more views your profile is likely to get.

LinkedIn X-ray search is a method used to do LinkedIn prospecting on Google. In other words, using the Google browser, you can search for the profiles without using LinkedIn internal filters.

Both search engines take into account the URL of your profile and rank you accordingly. That’s why, sometimes, it can be useful to put specific keywords in your LinkedIn URL as well. 

We tested this thoroughly, and here are several examples we found of how to include specific keywords in your profile URL that can rank you better in search engines.







Options are endless and their success majorly depends on how well you can predict your ideal lead’s search intent. 

4 LinkedIn URL restrictions you should know about

Your custom URL can be 3-100 characters long. Also, you cannot use spaces, symbols, or special characters. 

The customizable part of the LinkedIn profile URL is NOT case-sensitive. This means that you can’t use capital letters to try and differentiate your choice. LinkedIn recognizes www.linkedin.com/in/johnsmith and www.linkedin.com/in/JohnSmith as the same URL.

You can change your LinkedIn URL up to 5 times in 6 months. Unless you wish to be stuck with a URL you don’t like, we strongly advise you, before clicking that “Save” button, to make sure that your choice is good enough for the next 6 months.

Your original URL will be unavailable to other members for 6 months. LinkedIn thinks that reassigning your original URL to another member in less than 6 months would make plenty of confusion. 

Frequently asked question

How does customizing your LinkedIn URL specifically impact your visibility on LinkedIn's own search engine compared to Google's?

Customizing your LinkedIn URL can enhance your profile's visibility on LinkedIn and Google searches by making it more recognizable and memorable. A personalized URL is easier to share and more likely to be clicked on.

What are the best practices for choosing a custom URL if your preferred name is already taken?

If your preferred name for a custom URL is taken, consider adding relevant professional identifiers like your job title, industry, or certifications. This maintains the URL's professional and personal relevance.

Can changing your LinkedIn URL frequently have a negative impact on your profile's online presence or SEO?

Frequently changing your LinkedIn URL could negatively affect your online presence. Links to your profile may become broken, and it could confuse connections. It's best to choose a URL you're satisfied with for long-term use.

Ready to showcase your new LinkedIn URL? 

LinkedIn profile URL might seem like a less visible part of your LinkedIn branding, but as you may see, it’s not. 

It affects the way people see the professional YOU and how high your LinkedIn profile ranks on the platform and on Google. 

Whether you are on LinkedIn to network or for lead generation, a custom-made URL is your friend. And so is Skylead. 

If you are in search of practical marketing and sales knowledge, you can check out our Outreach knowledge hub. On the other hand, if you are searching for a tool that can take over time-consuming sales processes and allow you to put more focus on closing the deal itself, sign up for a 7-day free trial and see how Skylead can be your trusted ally.

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
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Posting content on LinkedIn is an integral part of everyone’s professional life, especially for the ones doing B2B business. It has become somewhat of a norm to know how to post on LinkedIn, what to post, and when. 

Thus, if you’re just starting out or wish to improve your LinkedIn posting skills, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we will cover:

Let’s go!

Why is it important to know how to post on LinkedIn?

Two words - Thought Leadership.

If you are working in the B2B market, then you must know about the meaningful role LinkedIn plays in it. Especially if you are a business owner, a sales representative or a recruiter.

In other words, whether they wish to sell products/services, or find the ideal candidate, both need to: 

And one way to do it is through thought leadership - the main ingredients of the best LinkedIn lead generation strategies.

In short, a thought leader is someone who offers valuable content to their network and shares trends, insights, and how-tos with actionable steps and results. 

Thought leadership has proved to be very effective since you can reach more people organically, connect with your network on a deeper level, influence buying cycles, and gain the trust of your potential clients.

For example, a study shows that 54% of decision-makers bought a new product or service from a thought leader after engaging with their content. The thing is the decision-makers had not previously considered buying it! That is how powerful thought leadership can be.

LinkedIn post types

Before jumping to the process, let’s first see what post types you have at your disposal. 

Basically, LinkedIn offers a variety of features you can add to your post. Here are your options:

Image of LinkedIn post types

1. Text-only posts

These posts are perfect if you wish to share your story, tips, tricks, career advice, or similar topics that do not necessarily need a visual presentation. Text-only posts still hold value since they have a simple form, so your network can engage with them more naturally.

It is worth noting that LinkedIn won’t show your entire post in the feed, but only the first 3 lines, with the “See more” option. If a person is interested to read the story until the end, they can click the “See more” button and check it out. 

This is one way LinkedIn checks for the relevancy of your post. In other words, the more people click the “See more” option, the higher reach your post will get.

In addition, LinkedIn limits text posts to 3000 characters, which is somewhere between 428 to 700 words.

Example that demonstrates text-only LinkedIn post type

2. Single or multiple image posts

If you wish to showcase your live event, statistics, a quote, or business tips, this would be a go-to format..

Image posts can be powerful simply because they offer the visual perception of some strategy or idea, but only if you provide value. As long as you provide value and offer high-quality images, you will definitely have a high reach and engagement to follow.

How to post on LinkedIn, example of image post on LinkedIn

3. Video posts

It’s no secret that video formats are favorite on the internet, and LinkedIn is no exception. Videos offer another, more realistic angle of yourself and your company and show a real person behind the scenes. 

In other words, you can connect with your network by sharing videos, such as career advice, what your company culture is all about, or your product or service review. Whatever you choose, the advice here is to keep your video under 60 seconds due to the average attention rate.

How to post on LinkedIn, video example

4. Document posts

Documents upload is a great way to share something that might interest your audience but cannot fit the image or video format. 

You can share any document in the form of a PDF, Word file, or PowerPoint presentation. For example, if you are a guest lecturer at an event, you can share your presentation with others on LinkedIn. Or, if you wish to share interesting tips and tricks, a whitepaper, or a case study, you can do so using PDF format. 

Whatever you decide to share, again, make sure that the document is high-quality and helpful to people who will see it. In addition, don’t forget to write a proper title of your document and create a short introduction.

How to post on LinkedIn, example of document post

5. LinkedIn polls

This post type allows you to ask questions and get responses from your audience. A LinkedIn poll is the best to get engagement and can do wonders for your research and gain insight about relevant topics, the thoughts and opinions of others. 

Be sure to check out our detailed guide on How To Use LinkedIn Poll for Lead Generation.

How to post LinkedIn poll, Image of LinkedIn poll example

6. Share that you’re hiring Post

If your company has a job vacancy and you wish to generate candidates, then the “Share that you’re hiring” post is one option for you. In its essence, this post is a create-a-free-job-post that will be shown only to your network. Or you can share it within your other post using a share button.

How to post on LinkedIn Share That You Are Hiring post

If you wish your job to reach beyond your network, you will need to pay to promote it and ask your network to share it at least.

To find out more about this type of post, click here.

7. Event posts

In the last couple of years, webinars and online events have been the talk of the town, and posting an event on LinkedIn can be a nice shift in your content calendar. This is not a classic post, as you would need to share it within your regular post so your network can see it. Not to mention that it requires much more preparation since you need to organize an actual event. 

Nonetheless, it is a perfect way to organize a meeting, offer valuable content, and connect with the people who attend it. 

How to post event on LinkedIn, example

Don't miss our guide on How To Use LinkedIn Events For Lead Generation.

8. Offer help post

It can sound like the beginning of some legend, but little is known about the effectiveness of Offer Help posts. Not that it is some mysterious post, but that is still not common for people to use it, and therefore there are still not enough records.

Nonetheless, by using this feature, you are telling your network that you are offering career-related help. In other words, it is a perfect way of giving back to the community simply by providing the career guidance you once had.

Once you publish a post, a hashtag #OfferingHelp will appear at the bottom of your text, so it can let other people know you’re open to helping those who need it.

How to post on LinkedIn an Offer a help post, example

9. Find an expert post

Another not-so-much-familiar post is Find An Expert. This post allows you to find an expert for your projects or tasks. Once you insert details of what you need help with, your audience can tag their recommendation to your post or write to you directly.

How to post on LinkedIn Find An Expert post; step 1

Find An Expert is a specialized feature, like Post A Job or Offer A Help. In other words, you won’t use it unless you absolutely need to.

10. Celebrate occasion post

This type of post is perfect if you wish to share with your network: 

This is a nifty refreshment among LinkedIn post types and a nice way to celebrate anything.

Image of one step of how to post on LinkedIn celebrate an occasion post type

11. Share articles

This is not your typical LinkedIn post we mentioned in the beginning. LinkedIn articles are a blog form for your thoughts or knowledge and allow you to express them using up to 12,500 characters (1785 to 3125 words). Like Medium, for example. 

You should know that once you publish an article, LinkedIn won’t show them to your network unless you share it with a link in your regular post. However, if you are careful with your keywords, it will show in Google search results.

Image of LinkedIn article post, example

How to post on LinkedIn?

To start posting on LinkedIn, all you need to do is to go to your LinkedIn feed. From there, you can choose to either post a photo, video, event, article or click the Start a post field to access other post types.

How to post on LinkedIn, image showing step 1,  choose a format

If you previously clicked the Start a post field, a new popup will open up. On the bottom, you can see icons that represent post types. However, not every one of them is listed. If you wish to access them all, click the three dots button.

How to post on LinkedIn, image showing step 2, check select post type

Next, go ahead and choose your post type. For example, we will pick to add a document and select one to upload.

Image showing step 3 of how to post on LinkedIn, image or a file upload

Then we will add a title as it helps your document get discovered more easily. As soon as you are satisfied with your title, click the Done button.

Image of step 4 of how to post on LinkedIn, document upload and naming the title

Lastly, add text to your post, add hashtags. Once done, click the Post button.

How to post on LinkedIn step 5, adding a text to your post image example

You’re done. Now you know how to post on LinkedIn. Easy enough. 

Image of how to post on LinkedIn step 6, finished post example

What to post on LinkedIn?

Now that we’ve established how to post on LinkedIn, let's talk about what to post on LinkedIn. In other words, we will help you define what content you should post. Yes, the more difficult part. 

Before we jump to it, you need to know two things.

As a thought leader, one of the first things you should do is discover your target audience and tailor your content around them. After all, thought leadership is a form of LinkedIn lead generation, and you will eventually outreach some of the people in your network. 

You can check out our blogs on how to define your ICP and Buyer Persona to help you determine your LinkedIn target audience.

Secondly, as LinkedIn posting is quite a task, we suggest keeping a monthly or weekly content calendar. Keeping such a calendar can help you organize what to post, as consistency is key here. You just need to dedicate 1 or 2 days. To give you an idea of how it should look, we’ve prepared a document for you so you can get inspired. In addition, you can create it by yourself or use different tools such as Trello or Jira.

LinkedIn post ideas

To know how to post on LinkedIn and what to post, we need to establish the content type. In other words, what content type to post on LinkedIn, for example: 

That being said, let’s go over 8 content types and examples to kick-start your thought leadership and teach you how to post on LinkedIn a proper way.

1. Tips & tricks

If you find that something improved your workflow or achieved a specific result, you can share it with your network. Simply describe what it is and why it helped you. In addition, you can always spark engagement by asking what their thoughts are about it or what other tips help them with the topic in question.

Post example

Image example of LinkedIn post about tips and tricks

2. Share a moral of the story

If you read a story or business venture, feel free to share it with your network, adding your take on the matter. What’s more, you can write your own story or revelations.

Here is an additional idea - you can share a quote image and write about it, as well.

Post example

How to post on LinkedIn a story image example

3. Share a strategy that works

If you implemented a strategy that turned out to be fruitful, share it with your target audience. In addition, bonus points to you if you show the exact result this strategy helped you achieve. 

Post example

Image example of how to post on LinkedIn and share a strategy

4. Share a case study

To show how effective your service is, share your case studies. You can include a link to your post or write it in text-only format - the choice is yours. However, please keep in mind that you need to be precise with the results, and break down the information so your target audience can read it effortlessly.

Post example

how to post on LinkedIn and share a case study, image of post example

5. Share about your challenges

We are all humans, and sometimes we reach obstacles we do not know how to overcome. That is why you should post about your challenges and ask for help. Or, if you overcome the challenges by yourself, share your experience in a post. It might come in handy for someone who struggles with the topic you mention.

Post example

How to post on LinkedIn and share about your challenges image of post example

6. Create engaging polls

LinkedIn polls are a nifty way to discover what your connections think about the topics in question. So, don’t be afraid to ask them. You can ask anything from interesting questions and research you are doing to what your network would want to see you post next.

Post example
How to post polls on LinkedIn, image of poll example

7. Address the pain point

One of the most powerful pieces of content you need to know how to post on LinkedIn is where you address your target audience’s pain points and offer a solution. After all, business is about companies helping each other reach goals. So, you can do the same with the posts. You don’t have to write about your product or service constantly, but you could mention it from time to time.

Post example

How to post on LinkedIn to write about pain point, image of post example

8. Last, but not least, celebrate or show gratitude 

If you work in a team, and a team member did a great job, post about it. Your company reached a milestone? Share it. If you reach your goal, celebrate it. In other words, there are a great many things to celebrate in this world, so why not share them on LinkedIn?

Image of celebration post type on LinkedIn

How to post on LinkedIn: 10 best practices 

Even though it takes some time to get the hang of posting valuable content on LinkedIn and being consistent at that, it will get you the results. However, consistency and value proposition are not the only best practices you can use. Here are other tips to boost your reach and engagement

Set up your LinkedIn profile 

Posting on LinkedIn won’t do you any good if you haven’t set up your LinkedIn profile previously. If you plan to connect and share content with people that you don’t know in person, then you need to prepare your profile as an introduction to what you publish. This way, they can see your face and qualifications and decide whether they wish to interact with you and your content. 

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Grow your network

If you wish to reach more people with your content, you need to grow your network as well. One way you can do it is to visit every profile manually, think about the message, and send them an invite to connect.

However, you don’t need to do it by yourself. You can streamline this process using a LinkedIn automation tool, such as Skylead

With Skylead, you can use many ways to connect with people. Firstly, one of those ways is to target people from your search results. 

Secondly, what is fantastic is that you can use Skylead to grow your network via post engagement. In other words, if you see a viral post relevant to your content strategy, you can send an invite to connect to people who react to it automatically.

This is a great way to connect with people who are active on LinkedIn so they can be active on your post as well.

Here is how you can do it. 

Go to LinkedIn and find the post you want to target. Then click the three-dots button and click the Copy link to post.

Post engagement campaign in Skylead, step 1

To create this campaign, simply go to your Skylead dashboard and click the Create new campaign button.

How to create Expand Network campaign on LinkedIn to boost impressions on LinkedIn posts

Next, choose the campaign type, and paste the post URL into the respective field. Hit the Next button.

Post engagement campaign in Skylead, step 2

Then, set additional settings, should you wish to, and hit Next.

Image of campaign creation step 3 to grow LinkedIn network using sales engagement platform

Lastly, create your Smart Sequence so Skylead can do the outreach for you according to your target audience’s behavior.

Campaign for growing LinkedIn network using sales engagement platform step 4

Don’t forget to define your invite message. This type of campaign is perfect as it provides an additional dimension of personalization. In other words, your invite to connect can look something like this: 

Invite to connect message example

Now, sit back and just watch as your network expands rapidly. 

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

Short posts go long way

If you feel your LinkedIn post will go way over 2500 characters, you better opt in for a LinkedIn article. Or you can break this post into a few smaller ones. The reason for this is that longer posts are heavier to read. In addition, it will often result in a smaller reach since people won’t interact with it that much. 

Use hashtags

By introducing hashtags to your posts, you increase the chances for a higher reach, as LinkedIn will show this post under the specified hashtags. Consequently, when someone searches for the tag or already follows it, they will see your post and potentially interact with it. 

The optimum number of hashtags is 3 to 5 per post.

Show people who you are through quality

The best way to write LinkedIn posts is to type as if you speak directly to your target audience. What’s more, include personal stories, and show your emotions - be real. 

Do not post sentences and expressions that are hard to understand. Moreover, jargon is a big no-no, and you should avoid it. In addition, make sure your content is high quality - no grammar mistakes, poor-quality pictures, or bad advice. Share something others will appreciate.

Pimp up your posts

Apart from being careful about typos, and low-quality content, you need to format your post correctly to make it easier for your audience to read. Here is what you can do:

Use see more option to your advantage 

There is a little trick that LinkedIn’s algorithm does to decide if it should increase the visibility of your post, and its name is the See more option.

According to some experts, and from our experience, if people click the See more button and read through your entire post, this sends LinkedIn a signal that the post is relevant, and it will show other people, increasing its reach. 

The LinkedIn algorithm first shows your post to your first connections. Then if it goes well, it will show the post to your 2nd-degree connections. After your post gains enough engagement, it will become viral, and LinkedIn will show it to your 3rd-degree connections.

So if you wish to make the most out of this feature, create the first 3 lines of the post that are alluring enough for your target audience to continue reading it. 

LinkedIn post image and video size

If you wish to add a video or an image to your post, then be sure to follow current size trends.

For example, the recommended size for your image is 1200 x 628 pixels and must be high-quality. 

On the other hand, the LinkedIn video size must be under 5 GB, and its resolution should be somewhere between 256 x 144 pixels and 4096 x 2304 pixels. It’s worth noting that you can post a video on LinkedIn that is up to 10 minutes long. However, for ultimate success, keep it between 15-30 seconds long.

Best time to post on LinkedIn

If you wish to increase your reach and engagement, apart from discovering how to post on LinkedIn, you should know when to post it. 

For example, according to SproutSocial, the best way to post on LinkedIn is on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 AM to 12 PM. However, Influencer Marketing Hub even states that you can post on these days between 8 AM and 5 PM.

We propose to test these times and see when your target audience is most active.

Using links in LinkedIn posts

One of the first things you will see when learning how to post on LinkedIn is the ability to use links. However, be careful about this one, as the word on the street is that LinkedIn doesn’t like you to get off the website. In other words, the LinkedIn algorithm wishes to keep users on LinkedIn as long as possible and doesn’t favor posts with direct links that lead elsewhere. 

However, if you wish to share a link, it’s best to put it in a comment after you publish your post.

Frequently asked questions

How often should one post on LinkedIn to maintain engagement without overwhelming followers?

To maintain engagement without overwhelming followers, it's advised to post on LinkedIn 2-3 times per week. This frequency allows for consistent presence while respecting your audience's attention span and feed balance.

Can specific content types, such as videos or articles, significantly impact engagement rates compared to standard text posts?

Yes, different content types, such as videos or articles, can notably boost engagement rates on LinkedIn. Videos often achieve higher visibility and interaction, and articles can establish thought leadership, both contributing to a diversified and engaging profile.

Are there any detailed case studies showing the long-term impact of following these best practices on a user's LinkedIn visibility and professional network growth?

Yes. For example, according to Social Insider’s 2024 LinkedIn benchmark you can see the validity of the advice given above. By following LinkedIn posting best practices is generally understood to significantly improve a user's visibility and professional network growth over time. Regular, quality content aligned with these guidelines can attract more followers and enhance engagement.

Summary about how to post on LinkedIn

To conclude, the answer to the question of how to post on LinkedIn is simple enough. All you need to do is to:

  1. Go to your LinkedIn feed;
  2. Select Start a post;
  3. Choose post type;
  4. Insert your text;
  5. Hit the Post button once you finish;

However, what type of posts and content you post is what drives reach, engagement, and overall success.

Here are best practices of how to post on LinkedIn:

How to post on LinkedIn, image of best practices

We know this is a lot, but don’t worry. You will get a hold of it, and every future post will be easier to write than the previous one.

You can do it meme

And if you wish to grow your network on autopilot, you can always try out Skylead for FREE and see how you can benefit from it.

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The topic of how to cancel a LinkedIn invitation is rarely discussed, simply because people tend to leave invites pending for… Well, forever.

However, everyone should monitor their pending invites, especially if you are in sales or a recruiting business, as the integrity of your LinkedIn profile can get damaged. Yes, it’s that serious.

So to keep your integrity intact and help you reduce the number of pending invites in the first place, in this article, we’ll cover:

Why should you cancel your pending invitations?

You should cancel LinkedIn invite because of 3 reasons:

Let’s clarify these statements.

Firstly, and most importantly, if you do not cancel your LinkedIn invite for a long time, you risk piling them up. It would be fine if LinkedIn didn’t have an eye out for suspicious activities. And, yes, LinkedIn does consider this suspicious. 

In other words, if you do not withdraw your pending invites after a month or two and leave them piling up, LinkedIn can restrict your account. Moreover, you won’t be able to send any other connections until you clean out your pending invite list. 

Secondly, if the connection doesn’t accept the invite for a while, the chances are they either are not interested, or they aren’t within your business industry

To clarify. The quality of your network on LinkedIn plays a significant role in experiencing benefits while using this platform. So, one of the things that will boost your career is taking the effort and making a strategy to connect only with people related to you and your business, and cancel LinkedIn invites sent to those who are not.

Lastly, a word on the street is that if you have too many pending requests, LinkedIn won’t allow you to send new ones. Some people say they reached a whopping 3000 pending invites before LinkedIn restricted them from sending more invites. LinkedIn didn’t publish the precise number of how many pending requests you can have officially. However, to avoid this scenario some people experienced in the past, be sure to clean your list regularly.

What you need to know before proceeding to cancel LinkedIn invite?

Before you withdraw any of your LinkedIn invites, you should know a couple of things first.

You can’t cancel LinkedIn invites in bulk.

If you wish to cancel LinkedIn invites in bulk, you cannot do so within LinkedIn itself. However, keep on reading as we will explain how you can do it in bulk using a certain tool 😉 .

About the notification your pending connections receive.

If you send a LinkedIn connection request to a person, they will see the notification as soon as they log into their account. However, in case you cancel LinkedIn invite before the user sees it, they wouldn’t even know that you’ve sent it.

In addition, canceling an invite will stop the recipient from receiving further LinkedIn notifications or emails to remind them of the request.

When can you cancel your LinkedIn invite?

You can cancel LinkedIn invite you’ve sent accidentally or that you regret sending, as long as the LinkedIn member hasn’t accepted your invitation.

In case the LinkedIn user accepts your connection request, there is always an option to remove them from your connections.

If you withdraw your request, you will have a tiny restriction.

After you cancel your invite, you won’t be able to resend it to the same recipient for up to 3 weeks.

How to cancel LinkedIn invite in 5 simple steps?

In case you’ve sent the requests you wish to withdraw or are pending too long, here’s how you can do it.

Cancel LinkedIn invite via desktop

First, go to Linkedin, and click on My Network in the header bar.

Image of 1st step of how to cancel LinkedIn invite on desktop

Once you do, you will see the list of invites other people sent you. Hit See all # in the top right corner. 

Image of how to cancel LinkedIn invite step 2

If you don't have any invites you need to approve on this page, the section will look slightly different. In this case, just click the Manage button.

Image of how to cancel LinkedIn invite step 1.2. in case you don't have invites you receive pending

Here, you can see all the invites people sent you. To find the ones you sent out, go to the Sent tab and click the Withdraw button to cancel the LinkedIn invite.

Image of how to cancel LinkedIn invite step 3

Lastly, LinkedIn will double-check if you wish to withdraw your invite with the notification. Continue the cancellation process, and you will be done.

Image of how to cancel LinkedIn invite step 4

Canceling invites via Android 

You can withdraw invitations using your android phone too, and the process is not that different than the one using your PC. 

First, go to your Network page, and click the Invitations button.

Image of how to cancel LinkedIn invite via android step 1

Next, click the Sent tab, and withdraw the invites you wish.

Image of how to cancel LinkedIn invite on android steps 2 and 3

How to cancel LinkedIn invite on iOS

The process is somewhat different on iOS devices. So if, for example, you have an Apple phone, here is how you can cancel LinkedIn invite.

First, go to Notifications at the bottom of the screen. Then, click the Invitations button at the top. After the pop-up opens up, click View invitations you sent.

Image of how to cancel LinkedIn invite on IOS, steps 1, 2, 3 and 4

From there, choose the LinkedIn invites to withdraw and cancel them one by one.

Image of how to cancel LinkedIn invite step 5

Let Skylead do the withdrawal for you

Canceling LinkedIn invites, one by one, can work if you have just a few pending. However, what should sales managers or recruiters do when they have thousands of invites pending? Should they all cancel the thousands of invites manually? No.

Remember when we said you could not cancel LinkedIn invites in bulk on LinkedIn? The point still stands - you cannot withdraw them all at once… Within the LinkedIn platform, that is.

However, you can use an automation tool for LinkedIn and Email outreach, such as Skylead, to do it for you.

In other words, you can use our LinkedIn outreach tool and set how many pending connections you wish to have before Skylead starts removing them automatically to keep your account safe and healthy. 

Image of how to cancel LinkedIn invite using Skylead

Image of CTA banner 1 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

Why your LinkedIn invitations aren’t getting accepted

Speaking of connecting on LinkedIn, the best case practice is to connect with people related to you, your position, and your business industry. Naturally, if you are a salesperson or a recruiter using LinkedIn for lead generation, you’d go with your target group.

In the end, no matter who you wish to connect to and why, the goal is the same – to get the right message across and be accepted. However, there are numerous reasons why your LinkedIn invitations aren’t getting accepted or stay pending for a long time. So, to help you increase your acceptance rate, let’s first cover the possible reasons why this metric is not high at the moment.

Image of reasons why LinkedIn invites are getting declined

1. Incomplete LinkedIn profile

Sending invitations actively to users without previously setting up your profile is a huge mistake.

There are many profiles on LinkedIn that look like this, and you don’t want yours to be one of them. 

Image of bad example of LinkedIn profile

Start from yourself - would you accept an invite from this kind of profile? No, you wouldn’t. 

If you have no photo, no description of any kind, and no experience details, no one on LinkedIn will take you seriously. Why would they want to connect with you without knowing who you are, right?

So if you send a request to someone with a profile like the one above, go back and cancel LinkedIn invite yourself. Then focus on setting up your LinkedIn profile first.

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

2. Someone is really not interested in accepting the invite

One reason may be that the user does not wish to connect with you and just prolongs declining your invite. I know - it’s like ripping off the band aid, but it had to be said. 

3. Outreaching unknown people without context or common connections

This depends on the person, but some LinkedIn users don’t accept unfamiliar people. To clarify, those people sometimes see nothing they have in common with you, which makes them skeptical.

In this case, it’s good to have or reference a mutual connection, so they do not ignore your request.

4. Sending generic message requests 

This mistake is the one that most LinkedIn users make. They think that writing something generic like “Hey, I’d like to connect with you” is enough to have their request accepted. Yeah, right!

A-boom meme

These requests may be accepted in some cases, but not by a person who gets a lot of invites daily. Such people tend to get tons of messages that resemble yours and mostly ignore them. So, why would they make an exception for you?

What’s more, with this kind of message or no message at all, there is a chance the recipient can click the Ignore button and then the I don’t know this person option. With too many “I don’t know this person clicked“, you risk getting your account restricted by LinkedIn.

5. First touch selling 

The chances of successfully selling something via the LinkedIn invitation request are close to zero. 

You have probably received tons of invitation messages where someone is trying to sell insurance to you.

It is not the way sales work. Nowadays, it’s all about social selling.

In your invitation message, you should explain why you want to connect with the user you’re outreaching, but not by trying to sell something. First, focus on personalizing, building normal human connections, and providing value before they buy anything you’re selling.

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

How to create engaging LinkedIn invites and boost acceptance rate

We cannot stress this enough. Before you even start creating and sending out your invitations, you need to optimize your LinkedIn profile first.

Almost every LinkedIn user will check your profile before they decide whether they should accept or ignore your invitation. That’s why it’s in your interest to give them a strong reason to accept your invitation, get value from you, and create a relationship.

After you’ve taken care of your profile, you’re ready to start inviting other users to connect. Here is our advice on how to do it more efficiently.

Prepare the ground for an invitation

It’s easy to connect with your colleagues or someone you know because those people know you personally.

However, even if you don’t know someone, you can try to remove that obstacle by becoming more familiar with that person. In other words, it’s good to start engaging with the posts of those potential connections. 

Start liking their posts, create meaningful comments, and try to make a connection with them before sending an invite. 

This will pave the way for you to build a relationship, and those users will start to perceive you as someone who is a valuable connection. Consequently, you won’t get in a position to cancel a LinkedIn invite that has been pending for a long time.

Personalize your invite messages

Before sending an invitation, make your messages as personalized as you can. It is a must if you want to improve your acceptance rate.

Sending personalized messages helps you leave a good first impression. Also: 

play an important role in creating a strong relationship between you two.

Start by answering how you came across their profile and what made you want to connect. Don’t worry - the time you invest in LinkedIn prospecting your potential connection always pays off here.

Since you’re limited to 300 characters, you can use it to be more direct and honest. 

Discover 20 ready-to-use connection invite templates with up to 78% acceptance rate.

Mention common interests

Adding many LinkedIn users who aren’t from your niche can decrease the quality of your LinkedIn feed and make it full of irrelevant content. That’s why connecting with someone that you share interests with is a great approach.

Mentioning the shared interests in your invite will show those users that you’ve invested some time into getting to know about them and their work. Moreover, you can mention the topic you wish to discuss with them. A message with these two elements will skyrocket your acceptance rate for sure. So, you won’t have to be in a position to cancel LinkedIn invite that has been pending for a long time. 😉

For example, start your message by commenting on your mutual job position, an event you both attended, or a post you both liked a while back. 

Involve a little humor 

It’s essential to have a professional tone of voice when you write your connection invite. However, “professional” doesn’t mean not having some sense of humor. You can always add a subtle joke here and there to make your invite stand out.

Moreover, using humor in your outreach is a nice pattern interrupt and has an immediate effect. Here is our example.

How to cancel LinkedIn invite that is pending - incorporating humor in LinkedIn invite so it's not pending but accepted
Check out our list of 35 position-related jokes ready to use in your outreach. 

At the end of the day

We hope this article helped you understand why your requests have been pending for a long time and learn the tricks to improve the acceptance rate. 

Remember: you must keep track of the request you sent and clear the list on time. This is just so you don’t land on the LinkedIn radar for suspicious activity and get restricted.

If you invest time in your connection message and LinkedIn profile, you won’t ever need to be in a situation where you have to cancel a LinkedIn invite. However, if you do, you can always use Skylead to automate your LinkedIn outreach process and make adjustments so it removes your pending request along the way.

Using Skylead makes it easy to get tons of new connections, personalize all your messages based on the interests of the people you want to connect with, and it only takes a few minutes to automate many of your LinkedIn lead generation processes.

Skylead does all the sales tasks for you while shortening the time you originally needed to make connections on LinkedIn. Try out Skylead, and let’s skyrocket your business together.

Dancing GIF

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To be as accurate as possible when it comes to the LinkedIn Industry List 2024, we manually checked all industries listed below as well as the number of leads and accounts for each industry on LinkedIn and Sales Navigator.

Currently, LinkedIn and Recruiter members can filter leads and accounts based on 149 industries. The LinkedIn and Recruiter industry options are more generic according to the ones reserved for Sales Navigator subscribers. 

Namely, Sales Navigator members have 413 industries at their disposal and include both generic industries as well as their sub-industries. This implies that Sales Navigator subscribers can take their LinkedIn prospecting to the next level and filter leads and accounts with more precision. 

Also, when choosing the industry for your LinkedIn profile and your company’s LinkedIn profile page, LinkedIn will let you choose among the 413 industries from the Sales Navigator list that you can find down below independently from your LinkedIn subscription. 

All of this being said, in this blog, you’ll find:

For Sales Navigator 

For LinkedIn

However, bare in mind that these numbers change on a daily bases. LinkedIn members update their industries, the platform welcomes new members and new company pages. Therefore, there will always be a fluctuation in the number of registered leads and accounts.

Furthermore, the below statistics refers only to people and company pages registered on LinkedIn. There might be businesses and industries for which it doesn't make much sense to be on the platform or online in general, despite the times that we live in. Take this into consideration if one of those businesses or industries is your target.


Starting June 2022, Sales Navigator switched to a more detailed list of industries that now has both industries and their sub-industries for better categorization and targeting. Further, we manually checked their official industry list and updated some of the industries based on what's live on Sales Navigator at this moment. The Sales Navigator industry list counts 413 industries for leads and 413 industries for accounts.

Furthermore, when setting up your profile, LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to use the following Sales Navigator list of industries and therefore be as specific as possible when it comes to your field of business. 

Also, some of the niche industries will not show up in the drop-down menu unless you specifically type them in, both in your contact info and when using Sales Navigator filters

The complete Sales Navigator industry list 2024

Abrasives & Nonmetallic Minerals Manufacturing1.5K+47
Administration of Justice3M+62K+
Administrative & Support Services17M+1M+
Advertising Services16M+1M+
Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing12K+393
Agriculture, Construction, Mining Machinery Manufacturing42K+1.5K+
Air, Water, & Waste Program Management7.5K+337
Airlines & Aviation3M+70K+
Alternative Dispute Resolution260K+7K+
Alternative Medicine1M+31K+
Ambulance Services1.5K+76
Amusement Parks & Arcades4K+167
Animal Feed Manufacturing5.5K+272
Animation & Post-production1M+20K+
Apparel Manufacturing23K+2.5K+
Appliances, Electrical, & Electronics Manufacturing6M+560K+
Architectural & Structural Metal Manufacturing5.5K+396
Architecture & Planning4M+360K+
Armed Forces2M+8.5K+
Artificial Rubber & Synthetic Fiber Manufacturing46013
Artists & Writers1M+68K+
Audio & Video Equipment Manufacturing2.5K+234
Automation Machinery Manufacturing2M+66K+
Aviation & Aerospace Component Manufacturing2M+43K+
Baked Goods Manufacturing5.5K+326
Bars, Taverns, & Nightclubs9.5K+400
Bed-and-Breakfasts, Hostels, Homestays3K+287
Beverage Manufacturing710K+71K+
Biomass Electric Power Generation2K+124
Biotechnology Research2M+80K+
Blockchain Services19K+3.5K+
Boilers, Tanks, & Shipping Container Manufacturing3.5K+80
Book & Periodical Publishing1M+310K+
Book Publishing11K+1K+
Broadcast Media Production & Distribution1M+140K+
Building Construction70K+4K+
Building Equipment Contractors3K+279
Building Finishing Contractors4.5K+372
Building Structure & Exterior Contractors5.5K+447
Business Consulting & Services16M+2M+
Business Content40K+1.5K+
Business Intelligence Platforms12K+902
Cable & Satellite Programming1K+32
Capital Markets3M+420K+
Chemical Manufacturing11M+380K+
Chemical Raw Materials Manufacturing8K+283
Child Day Care Services28K+534
Circuses & Magic Shows37522
Civic & Social Organizations2M+930K+
Civil Engineering5M+230K+
Claims Adjusting, Actuarial Services4K+86
Clay & Refractory Products Manufacturing89233
Coal Mining4.5K+45
Collection Agencies5K+96
Commercial & Industrial Equipment Rental4.5K443
Commercial & Industrial Machinery Maintenance32K+1K+
Commercial & Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing8K+611
Communications Equipment Manufacturing2.5K151
Community Development & Urban Planning13K+586
Community Services28K+2K+
Computer & Network Security1M+46K+
Computer Games1M+46K+
Computer Hardware Manufacturing1M+36K+
Computer Networking Products1M+31K+
Computers & Electronics Manufacturing7M+310K+
Conservation Programs6.5K+280
Construction Hardware Manufacturing4.5K+306
Consumer Goods Rental3.5K+275
Consumer Services15M+1M+
Correctional Institutions2K+9
Cosmetology & Barber Schools13K+346
Courts of Law10K+58
Credit Intermediation12M+180K+
Cutlery & Handtool Manufacturing60333
Dairy Product Manufacturing520K+43K+
Dance Companies3.5K+231
Data Infrastructure & Analytics120K+6.5K+
Data Security Software Products8.5K+465
Defense & Space Manufacturing1M+44K+
Design Services7M+450K+
Desktop Computing Software Products10K+613
E-Learning Providers1M+270K+
Economic Programs39K+698
Education Administration Programs13M+350K+
Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing6K+639
Electric Power Generation92K+5.5K+
Electric Power Transmission, Control, & Distribution42K+1K+
Electrical Equipment Manufacturing20K+947
Electronic & Precision Equipment Maintenance14K+324
Embedded Software Products14K+923
Emergency & Relief Services8.5K+210
Engines & Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing9.5K+193
Entertainment Providers21M+2M+
Environmental Quality Programs23K+881
Environmental Services2M+210K+
Equipment Rental Services12K+1K+
Events Services1M+190K+
Executive Offices1M+67K+
Executive Search Services3K+303
Fabricated Metal Products43K+2.5K+
Facilities Services4M+500K+
Family Planning Centers5499
Farming, Ranching, Forestry5M+630K+
Fashion Accessories Manufacturing8.5K+1K+
Financial Services33M+1M+
Fine Arts Schools10K+343
Fire Protection11K+719
Flight Training1K+70
Food & Beverage Manufacturing5M+560K+
Food & Beverage Retail1M+200K+
Food & Beverage Services13M+2M+
Footwear & Leather Goods Repair57930
Footwear Manufacturing5.5K+745
Forestry & Logging5.5K+226
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation3K+38
Freight & Package Transportation890K+190K+
Fruit & Vegetable Preserves Manufacturing1.5K+115
Funds & Trusts14K+639
Furniture & Home Furnishings Manufacturing1M+180K+
Gambling Facilities & Casinos550K+16K+
Geothermal Electric Power Generation1.5K+78
Glass Product Manufacturing5K+297
Glass, Ceramics & Concrete Manufacturing500K+55K+
Golf Courses & Country Clubs7K+373
Government Administration32M+640K+
Government Relations Services1M+18K+
Graphic Design2M+120K+
Ground Passenger Transportation34K+1.5K+
Health & Human Services14M+350K+
Higher Education1M+0200K+
Highway, Street, & Bridge Construction10K+224
Historical Sites1.5K+80
Holding Companies4K+1K+
Home Health Care Services27K+2K+
Hospitals & Health Care31M+data not available
Hotels & Motels29K+1K+
Household & Institutional Furniture Manufacturing2K+208
Household Appliance Manufacturing2.5K+125
Household Services8K+463
Housing & Community Development30K+1K+
Housing Programs4.5K+113
Human Resources Services5M+210K+
HVAC & Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing17K+888
Hydroelectric Power Generation3.5K+105
Individual & Family Services2M+1M+
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing6M+380K+
Industry Associations11K+1.5K+
Information Services3M+240K+
Insurance & Employee Benefit Funds6K+166
Insurance Agencies & Brokerages19K+1.5K+
Insurance Carriers8K+91
Interior Design52K+4.5K+
International Affairs710K+16K+
International Trade & Development1M+70K+
Internet Marketplace Platforms39K+4.5K+
Internet News7.5K+2K+
Interurban & Rural Bus Services49621
Investment Advice13K+1K+
Investment Banking650K+78K+
Investment Management1M+240K+
IT Services & IT Consulting26M+1M+
IT System Custom Software Development26K+3K+
IT System Data Services34K+904
IT System Design Services19K+763
IT System Installation & Disposal2.5K+94
IT System Operations & Maintenance38K+334
IT System Testing & Evaluation25K+371
IT System Training & Support26K+677
Janitorial Services18K+1K+
Landscaping Services15K+1K+
Language Schools21K+1K+
Laundry & Drycleaning Services3K+294
Law Enforcement1M+24K+
Law Practice4M+200K+
Leasing Non-residential Real Estate890K+73K+
Leasing Residential Real Estate13K+957
Leather Product Manufacturing9K+1K+
Legal Services8M+560K+
Legislative Offices150K+1.5K+
Lime & Gypsum Products Manufacturing46511
Loan Brokers4K+429
Machinery Manufacturing12M+960K+
Magnetic & Optical Media Manufacturing85125
Manufacturing75M+data not available
Maritime Transportation1M+59K+
Market Research970K+33K+
Marketing Services310K+47K+
Mattress & Blinds Manufacturing90692
Measuring & Control Instrument Manufacturing4.5K+319
Meat Products Manufacturing3K+203
Media & Telecommunications16M+1M+
Media Production1M+200K+
Medical & Diagnostic Laboratories44K+1K+
Medical Equipment Manufacturing2M+170K+
Medical Practices9M+3M+
Mental Health Care2M+79K+
Metal Ore Mining5.5K+128
Metal Treatments6.5K+428
Metal Valve, Ball, & Roller Manufacturing1.5K+56
Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing9K+357
Military & International Affairs3M+24K+
Mobile Computing Software Products8.5K+1K+
Mobile Food Services6K+480
Mobile Gaming Apps64K+3.5K+
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing1M+0470K+
Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing12K+1K+
Movies & Sound Recording3M+230K+
Movies, Videos, & Sound4M+410K+
Museums, Historical Sites, & Zoos380K+78K+
Nanotechnology Research190K+5K+
Natural Gas Distribution4.5K+67
Natural Gas Extraction2.5K+12
Newspaper Publishing590K+29K+
Non-profit Organizations3M+450K+
Nonmetallic Mineral Mining1.5K+50
Nonresidential Building Construction3K+146
Nuclear Electric Power Generation9.5K+78
Nursing Homes & Residential Care Facilities16K+470
Office Administration110K+290
Office Furniture & Fixtures Manufacturing3.5K+414
Oil & Coal Product Manufacturing1K+26
Oil & Gas7M+160K+
Oil Extraction2K+39
Oil, Gas, & Mining1M+0590K+
Online & Mail Order Retail30K+2.5K+
Online Audio & Video Media990K+110K+
Operations Consulting28K+1.5K+
Outpatient Care Centers4K+67
Outsourcing & Offshoring Consulting1M+49K+
Packaging & Containers Manufacturing980K+45K+
Paint, Coating, & Adhesive Manufacturing11K+751
Paper & Forest Product Manufacturing790K+160K+
Pension Funds2.5K+25
Performing Arts790K+350K+
Performing Arts & Spectator Sports800K+350K+
Periodical Publishing2K+405
Personal & Laundry Services34K+2.5K+
Personal Care Product Manufacturing2M+170K+
Personal Care Services17K+1K+
Pet Services12K+1.5K+
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing5M+91K+
Philanthropic Fundraising Services450K+32K+
Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapists25K+1K+
Pipeline Transportation1K+23
Plastics & Rubber Product Manufacturing2M+200K+
Plastics Manufacturing970K+150K+
Political Organizations380K+21K+
Postal Services3K+41
Primary & Secondary Education6M+180K+
Primary Metal Manufacturing3.5K+150
Printing Services1M+110K+
Professional Organizations7K+974
Professional Services97M+data not available
Public Assistance Programs5K+72
Public Health83K+2K+
Public Policy Offices2M+88K+
Public Relations & Communications Services2M+100K+
Public Safety1M+25K+
Radio & Television Broadcasting18K+534
Rail Transportation19K+529
Railroad Equipment Manufacturing370K+13K+
Ranching & Fisheries1M+160K+
Real Estate & Equipment Rental Services9M+2M+
Recreational Facilities9M+870K+
Religious Institutions1M+260K+
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing1M+100K+
Repair & Maintenance100K+5.5K+
Research Services7M+360K+
Residential Building Construction17K+1K+
Retail Apparel & Fashion4M+360K+
Retail Appliances, Electrical, & Electronic Equipment16K+960
Retail Art Dealers2K+133
Retail Art Supplies3M+99K+
Retail Books & Printed News3.5K+340
Retail Building Materials & Garden Equipment10K+515
Retail Florists3.5K+387
Retail Furniture & Home Furnishings15K+1.5K+
Retail Gasoline3K+47
Retail Groceries1M+200K+
Retail Health & Personal Care Products37K+4K+
Retail Luxury Goods & Jewelry820K+79K+
Retail Motor Vehicles25K+2K+
Retail Musical Instruments2K+192
Retail Office Equipment1M+360K+
Retail Office Supplies & Gifts3.5K800
Retail Recyclable Materials & Used Merchandise3K+257
Reupholstery & Furniture Repair89655
Rubber Products Manufacturing3K+179
Satellite Telecommunications3K+84
Savings Institutions8827
School & Employee Bus Services3.5K+73
Seafood Product Manufacturing1.5K+104
Secretarial Schools3K+16
Securities & Commodity Exchanges4K+96
Security & Investigations2M+120K+
Security Guards & Patrol Services24K+726
Security Systems Services23K+1.5K+
Semiconductor Manufacturing3M+150K+
Services for the Elderly & Disabled7K+455
Sheet Music Publishing73580
Shuttles & Special Needs Transportation Services2.5K+198
Sightseeing Transportation7.5K+376
Skiing Facilities71024
Soap & Cleaning Product Manufacturing4.5K+347
Social Networking Platforms43K+3K+
Software Development15M+1M+
Solar Electric Power Generation32K+3.5K+
Sound Recording3K+340
Space Research & Technology14K+614
Specialty Trade Contractors22K+2K+
Spectator Sports2M+460K+
Sporting Goods Manufacturing700K+50K+
Sports & Recreation Instruction34K+1.5K+
Sports Teams & Clubs52K+3K+
Spring & Wire Product Manufacturing1K+50
Staffing & Recruiting2M+160K+
Steam & Air-Conditioning Supply2K+154
Strategic Management Services1M+36K+
Subdivision of Land1K+49
Sugar & Confectionery Product Manufacturing2.5K+139
Taxi & Limousine Services3.5K+391
Technical & Vocational Training100K+5.5K+
Technology, Information & Internet25M+1M+
Technology, Information & Media42M+data not available
Telecommunications Carriers12K+165
Telephone Call Centers37K+348
Temporary Help Services4K+94
Textile Manufacturing2M+200K+
Theater Companies5.5K+227
Think Tanks380K+22K+
Tobacco Manufacturing320K+20K+
Translation & Localization740K+27K+
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing14M+620K+
Transportation Programs5.5K+301
Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain & Storage17M+870K+
Travel Arrangements2M+290K+
Truck Transportation5M+470K+
Trusts & Estates2.5K+212
Turned Products & Fastener Manufacturing2K+127
Urban Transit Services5.5K+212
Utilities Administration13K+204
Utility System Construction5.5K+247
Vehicle Repair & Maintenance21K+2K+
Venture Capital & Private Equity Principals500K+48K+
Veterinary Services870K+160K+
Vocational Rehabilitation Services4K+158
Warehousing & Storage1M+45K+
Waste Collection3.5K+428
Waste Treatment & Disposal6.5K+509
Water Supply & Irrigation Systems8.5K+442
Water, Waste, Steam, & Air Conditioning Services27K+2K+
Wellness & Fitness Services8M+730K+
Wholesale Alcoholic Beverages5.5K+534
Wholesale Apparel & Sewing Supplies4.5K+273
Wholesale Appliances, Electrical, & Electronics8K+771
Wholesale Building Materials3M+210K+
Wholesale Chemical & Allied Products7K+605
Wholesale Computer Equipment3K+328
Wholesale Drugs & Sundries8.5K+329
Wholesale Food & Beverage18K+1K+
Wholesale Footwear1.5K+118
Wholesale Furniture & Home Furnishings2.5K+310
Wholesale Hardware, Plumbing, Heating Equipment7.5K+597
Wholesale Import & Export2M+74K+
Wholesale Luxury Goods & Jewelry4.5K+520
Wholesale Machinery3K+473
Wholesale Metals & Minerals3K+333
Wholesale Motor Vehicles & Parts9.5K+958
Wholesale Paper Products2.5K+196
Wholesale Petroleum & Petroleum Products6.5K+230
Wholesale Photography Equipment & Supplies51945
Wholesale Raw Farm Products3.5K+301
Wholesale Recyclable Materials2K+316
Wind Electric Power Generation11K+356
Wireless Services630K+13K+
Women's Handbag Manufacturing53562
Wood Product Manufacturing9K+745
Writing & Editing2M+76K+
Zoos & Botanical Gardens3K+82
LinkedIn Industry List 2024 for Sales Navigator, according to the last update in June 2022

Industry rankings [Sales Navigator]

Here are the top 20 LinkedIn industries with the highest number of companies according to the Sales Navigator classification.

The top 20 industries with the highest number of companies according to the Sales Navigator classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the top 10 LinkedIn industries with the highest number of leads according to the Sales Navigator classification.

The top 10 industries with the highest number of leads according to the Sales Navigator classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the bottom 10 LinkedIn industries with the lowest number of companies according to the Sales Navigator classification.

The bottom 10 industries with the lowest number of companies according to the Sales Navigator classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the bottom 10 LinkedIn industries with the lowest number of leads according to the Sales Navigator classification.

The bottom 10 industries with the lowest number of leads according to the Sales Navigator classification, LinkedIn industry list


The LinkedIn industry list is a bit less specific compared to the Sales Navigator one. The list of industries is generic and it counts 149 industries for leads and 149 industries for accounts. 

If you are a recruiter and using the LinkedIn recruiter plan, you should know that it has the same industry list as the below LinkedIn industry list. 

The complete LinkedIn industry list 2024

Alternative Dispute Resolution272,0007,100
Alternative Medicine662,00031,000
Apparel & Fashion4,460,000357,000
Architecture & Planning4,720,000394,000
Arts & Crafts1,430,000103,000
Aviation & Aerospace827,00045,000
Broadcast Media1,620,000128,000
Building Materials2,670,000223,000
Business Supplies & Equipment4,250,000348,000
Capital Markets682,00039,000
Civic & Social Organization9,580,000868,000
Civil Engineering2,490,000209,000
Commercial Real Estate1,050,00067,000
Computer & Network Security768,00045,000
Computer Games863,00049,000
Computer Hardware795,00045,000
Computer Networking569,00026,000
Computer Software12,000,0001,420,000
Consumer Electronics1,510,000119,000
Consumer Goods6,300,000496,000
Consumer Services7,640,000578,000
Defense & Space790,00045,000
Education Management5,000,000414,000
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing6,730,000549,000
Environmental Services2,750,000227,000
Events Services3,150,000244,000
Executive Office976,00060,000
Facilities Services6,960,000565,000
Financial Services9,060,000768,000
Fine Art1,070,00069,000
Food & Beverages6,310,000496,000
Food Production5,620,000451,000
Gambling & Casinos403,00018,000
Glass, Ceramics & Concrete899,00057,000
Government Administration2,230,000189,000
Government Relations427,00020,000
Graphic Design1,510,000118,000
Health, Wellness & Fitness8,500,000746,000
Higher Education3,160,000258,000
Hospital & Health Care10,100,000926,000
Human Resources2,730,000223,000
Import & Export1,030,00065,000
Individual & Family Services12,900,0001,620,000
Industrial Automation1,100,00077,000
Information Services1,380,000101,000
Information Technology & Services10,800,0001,410,000
International Affairs397,00017,000
International Trade & Development1,170,00084,000
Investment Banking1,260,00091,000
Investment Management2,920,000229,000
Law Enforcement487,00023,000
Law Practice2,990,000232,000
Legal Services4,210,000327,000
Legislative Office160,0001,700
Leisure, Travel & Tourism3,810,000299,000
Logistics & Supply Chain1,460,000114,000
Luxury Goods & Jewelry1,330,00097,000
Management Consulting13,300,0001,640,000
Market Research640,00031,000
Marketing & Advertising10,400,000970,000
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering4,200,000326,000
Media Production2,510,000215,000
Medical Device1,940,000180,000
Medical Practice18,500,0002,550,000
Mental Health Care1,200,00085,000
Mining & Metals5,350,000418,000
Mobile Games38,0001,700
Motion Pictures & Film2,240,000192,000
Museums & Institutions1,230,00086,000
Non-Profit Organization Management5,570,000423,000
Oil & Energy1,890,000168,000
Online Media1,420,000102,000
Package/Freight Delivery2,390,000198,000
Packaging & Containers722,00043,000
Paper & Forest Products2,120,000188,000
Performing Arts4,110,000309,000
Political Organization475,00022,000
Primary/Secondary Education1,930,000176,000
Professional Training & Coaching3,580,000297,000
Program Development637,00030,000
Public Policy277,00012,000
Public Relations & Communications1,670,000128,000
Public Safety578,00028,000
Railroad Manufacture284,00013,000
Real Estate24,700,0003,010,000
Recreational Facilities & Services2,550,000223,000
Religious Institutions3,350,000274,000
Renewables & Environment1,780,000129,000
Security & Investigations1,720,000128,000
Sporting Goods689,00039,000
Staffing & Recruiting2,230,000189,000
Think Tanks498,00024,000
Translation & Localization577,00027,000
Venture Capital & Private Equity849,00049,000
Wine & Spirits1,080,00071,000
Writing & Editing1,090,00077,000
LinkedIn Industry List 2024

Industry rankings [LinkedIn]

Here are the top 10 LinkedIn industries with the highest number of companies according to the LinkedIn classification.

The top 10 industries with the highest number of companies according to the LinkedIn classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the top 10 LinkedIn industries with the highest number of leads according to the LinkedIn classification.

The top 10 industries with the highest number of leads according to the LinkedIn classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the bottom 10 LinkedIn industries with the lowest number of companies according to the LinkedIn classification.

The bottom 10 industries with the lowest number of companies according to the LinkedIn classification, LinkedIn industry list

Here are the bottom 10 LinkedIn industries with the lowest number of leads according to the LinkedIn classification.

The bottom 10 industries with the lowest number of leads according to the LinkedIn classification, LinkedIn industry list


Setting up your LinkedIn profile is the first step toward a positive and satisfying LinkedIn experience whether you are using the platform to network or for generating leads on LinkedIn

Moreover, for a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and earn an all-star status, sign up for our FREE masterclass here

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

The all-star status positively affects the visibility of your profile on the platform. Your LinkedIn profile will come up more often in the search results. That way, other members will be more likely to respond to your sales messages

Furthermore, we released a sales book with templates and outreach tactics that our Sales Team used to level up Skylead. It contains 5 multichannel Smart Sequences with templates for each step and all the necessary steps that you should take before your outreach to maximize your results. 

Finally, sign up for our free demo and see how Skylead can take care of all time-consuming sales processes for you. Focus on generating qualified leads and on closing the deal, while our platform takes care of the rest. 

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

So, you just got the request to find employees, ha? And you need to find candidates that perfectly match your company culture, skills, and a billion other requirements? No worries. LinkedIn has got your back. 

As a #1 professional networking place, LinkedIn is an open book of business contacts. Moreover, it is commonly used by professionals of all caliber, including hiring managers.

However, with 810 million registered users on the market, how would you find the right employees? By using LinkedIn Recruiter Search Filters, of course. 

That is why, in this article, we are going to show you how to use LinkedIn Recruiter filters. We will even uncover a now-public hack to streamline the recruiting process. 

What is a LinkedIn Recruiter?

LinkedIn is undoubtedly one of the best ways to build your professional network and find employees. Thus, this company created a special platform for all hiring managers. That's right. LinkedIn Recruiter. 

This feature allows HRs to be more organized, post jobs, generate leads on LinkedIn and start the recruitment process. In addition, hiring managers can find the candidates through various filters. For example, skills, job titles, and education level. 

As a useful tool to have, LinkedIn Recruiter offers:

Moreover, LinkedIn Recruiter is perfect for any hiring managers of small, medium, and enterprise companies. However, not every hiring manager has the same needs and features. Thus, LinkedIn developed various subscription plans.

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite VS Recruiter Professional and Corporate

LinkedIn developed 3 different subscription plans:

There are many differences between these three, but the main ones are:

FeatureLinkedIn Recruiter LiteLinkedIn Recruiter Professional LinkedIn Recruiter Corporate
LinkedIn Network Access3rd- degree connections only3rd- degree connections, with 30 out-of-network profiles per month Access to entire network
Search Filters20+ filters available40+ filters available40+ filters available
Spotlights FiltersNoYesYes
Open To Contract Work FilterNoYesYes
Skill Assessment Filter NoYesYes
Candidate And Company InsightNoYesYes
InMail Messages Per Month30100150
Reports Jobs and InMailsJobs, InMails, Usage, PipelineJobs, InMails, Usage, Pipeline
LinkedIn Recruiter Price$140/month Must Contact LinkedIn SupportMust Contact LinkedIn Support

In this article, we will cover Recruiter Lite Search Filters. Simply because it is the most common type of subscription between recruiters.

Also, be sure to check out our analysis of the 3 LinkedIn subscriptions for recruiters here.

How to find employees using LinkedIn Recruiter search filters

Creating LinkedIn Recruiter project

Thanks to LinkedIn Recruiter’s filters, the talent acquisition is considerably simplified. Sometimes, a broad search may do the trick. However, often HRs are looking to connect with a more narrow candidate group. 

For example, this group can include individuals with certain years of experience. Thus, determining what filters to use will make the prospecting on LinkedIn for the right candidate more powerful. Stay with us till the end to find out how you can make the recruitment process even easier. 

When you first get into LinkedIn Recruiter, you would need to create a Project for your job post. Specifically, the purpose of the project is to keep your candidates, research and messages organized.

To create a project, hover your mouse over the Project tab in the header and click the Create New button.

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, Image of how to create a project to find employees

Once you’ve filled in project details, you will be taken to the Project dashboard. Here, you can gather all the candidates you need for the job role. Lastly, to find LinkedIn Recruiter search filters, go to the Talent Pool tab of your project.

Image of LinkedIn Recruiter Lite to find employees

And you are in! Now the real fun begins. 

LinkedIn Recruiter search filters 

Once in Talent pool, you will notice that LinkedIn has 2 types of search filters. Sidebar and Advanced filters. Familiarizing yourself with these filters will get you one step closer to finding your perfect candidate. Let’s see what Recruiter Lite has in store for us. 

LinkedIn Recruiter sidebar search filters 

You can see LinkedIn recruiter “Sidebar” filters on your left side of the Talent Pool tab. These are the basic Recruiter filters. Thus, they will create a good base for specifying what you are looking for in a candidate. 

Job titles

This filter searches the job titles users add to their profile in the Experience section. Start by choosing the time when the candidate had this job, from the drop-down menu.

For example, let's say you are trying to find employees for a Sales Rep job posting. 

Image of Job Titles filter in LinkedIn Recruiter Lite

Now, you just need to type in the position name. What’s interesting about the Job titles is that LinkedIn allows Boolean Search. To clarify, Boolean Search means using mathematical operators in some filters to broaden or limit your search on LinkedIn. In addition, mathematical operators used on LinkedIn are:

Here is an example of what a job title boolean search should look like:

(Software Engineer) OR (.NET Developer) NOT (JavaScript Developer) NOT (Java Developer)  


The Locations filter allows you to filter candidates by geographic region. Furthermore, you have even more search features. For example, you can choose candidates who are open to relocating, or who are currently living in that location. 

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, Image of Location filter to find employees on specific locations

Workplace types

This filter lets you find employees depending on their workplace preferences. To clarify, LinkedIn draws this information from the users’ Open To Work preferences. There are three types to search from: On-site, Remote, or Hybrid workplace. 

Image of Workplace Type filter in LinkedIn Recruiter Lite

Skills and assessments

The popular Skills and Assessments filter allows you to insert the skills needed for the job. Consequently, LinkedIn will look for the profiles with the specific skill set and list the potential candidates that match those skills. 

In addition, this filter works for the skills keywords, as well. To clarify, there is an option to let LinkedIn know you wish to see only the candidates who demonstrated the knowledge of said skills.

Image of Skills and Assessments filter in LinkedIn Recruiter, Filter to find employees


You can use the Companies filter to find employees who work in the specific companies. Furthermore, you can specify the time when they did by choosing Current, Past, Current or Past, Past not Current. The same options as in the Job Titles filter.

This filter draws the information from the company name field in the Experience section of users’ profiles. In addition, it allows Boolean Search so you can exclude or include certain companies in the search.

Image of Companies filter in LinkedIn Recruiter for recruiters to find employees


This filter allows you to choose candidates based on schools they graduated from. In other words, the school the candidates attended. You can select the school or the university name from the drop-down menu, or simply type it in.

Image of Schools filter in LinkedIn Recruiter

Year of graduation

With this filter, you can search for the candidates based on the year when they graduated. The Year Of Graduation filter pulls the data from the Education section of the user's profile. In other words, this is the end date listed for each educational institution.

Furthermore, you can select one specific year, or choose the range according to your needs.

Years of graduation filter in LinkedIn Recruiter for recruiters to use to find employees


Filter named Industries lets you search candidates based on the industry they selected on their profile. Be careful with this filter though, as LinkedIn will pick up solely the industry they listed.

In addition, it won’t count the other candidates with the same job role in different industries. Unless you insert multiple industries, that is.

For example, a Software Engineer working in Financial Services could enter Information Technology and Services as their industry. Thus, they would be excluded if you filtered only for candidates in the Financial Services industry.

Find employees by Industry filter, Image from LinkedIn Recruiter lite


To further refine your search, you can use Keywords. You can search anything that might be mentioned on users’ profiles. This filter also allows you to use Boolean Search. In addition, it serves as the perfect filter for any criteria that aren’t mentioned in other filters.

Image of Keyword filter in LinkedIn recruiter, how recruiters can find employees

Find employees using LinkedIn Recruiter custom filters

In addition to previously mentioned search filters, there is an option to create custom filters. In other words, this option allows you to combine sidebar filters that are most frequently used. 

Image of Custom filters in LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, find employees faster

Furthermore, you can save multiple custom filters under different names and filter combinations. You can save up to 50 custom filters. However, the option for editing saved custom filters is not available. 

LinkedIn Recruiter advanced search filters

You can find advanced search filters in Recruiter and LinkedIn Sales Navigator filters only. They offer more options for finding employees and narrows down the search.

LinkedIn Recruiter Advanced Search Filters include:

  1. Candidate Details Filters
  2. Education And Experience Filters
  3. Company Filters

1. Candidate details filters

Postal code / Zip code

This filter is an extension to the Location filter. Postal/Zip Code allows you to zero in on the candidates based on the distance from a certain town or a city. In other words, you can find employees within 40 kilometers of a town or suburbs of the cities.

LinkedIn Recruiter search filters, Image of Postal and Zip code filter to find employees

Profile languages

The Profile Languages filter allows you to filter search results based on the language used in a candidate's profile. You can include as many profile languages as you wish. LinkedIn will then show the number of candidates that match this criteria.

Image of Profile Language filter in LinkedIn Recruiter search filters to find employees

Recently joined LinkedIn

If you wish to find employees who are most likely to seek a new job opportunity, look no further than the Recently joined LinkedIn filter.

It narrows your search results to find candidates who joined LinkedIn from 1 day to 3 months ago. People that recently joined LinkedIn most likely did so to seek a new job opportunity. 

Image of Recently Joined LinkedIn filter in LinkedIn Recruiter search filters to find employees

First names and last names

If you happen to meet someone during an event and cannot recall their first or last name, LinkedIn’s got your back. Using the first and last name filter will allow you to pinpoint that person and contact them via LinkedIn.

Image of First Name LinkedIn Recruiter search filters
Image of LinkedIn Recruiter search filters to find employees by their last name

Network relationships

You can search 1st or 2nd, and 3rd-degree connections or group members using the Network Relationships filter. If you are using LinkedIn Recruiter Professional or Corporate, you will be able to see everyone else on the network. 

Image of Network relationship LinkedIn Recruiter search filters for recruiter to find employees

2. Education and experience filters

Years of experience

Use this filter if you are searching for candidates that are experienced for certain number of years. LinkedIn calculates the number of years the candidate has set on their profile. Furthermore, it enables you to set the years range or insert a specific number. 

Image of Years of Experience in LinkedIn Recruiter search filters for recruiters to find employees

Military veterans

Use the Military Veterans filter to find employees who have a background in the U.S. military. According to LinkedIn, veterans are one of the best users of LinkedIn and the #1 source for their post-service careers.

Image of Military Veterans LinkedIn Recruiter search filters to find employees online


The Seniority filter allows you to find employees by the position level in the current company. It draws the information from the job title. Seniority level includes Entry, Senior, Owner, Director, or Volunteer. 

Image of Seniority filter in LinkedIn Recruiter search filters

3. Company filters

Current companies

The Current Companies filter allows you to find employees who currently work in the specific company. Furthermore, this filter allows you to use Boolean Search. You can also exclude companies you do not wish to see in your current search.

Image of Current Companies filter in LinkedIn Recruiter search filters to find employees

Past companies

If you wish to find employees who have experience working for certain companies in the past, the Past Companies filter is for you. This can be useful, for example, if you wish to find candidates who have experience in similar companies such as yours.

Image of Past Companies filter in LinkedIn Recruiter search filters for finding employees

Company sizes

This filter allows you to find employees who work for companies of various sizes. LinkedIn will find candidates based on the size of the current company they listed in the Experience section of the profile.

Image of Company sizes filter in LinkedIn Recruiter search filters

Job functions

A Job Function filter is basically the candidate’s area of expertise. It is determined based on all the present positions. For example, a person could have been a salesperson and later became a consultant for that company. Thus, their job function would be sales and consultant.

Image of Job Functions filter in LinkedIn Recruiter search filters

Excluding the LinkedIn Recruiter Search filters

LinkedIn allows you to exclude some filters from the search. For example, if you do not wish to see sales skills when finding employees, you can easily exclude them by clicking the crossed circle button next to the skills name. In addition, you can do the same with location, companies, schools, industries, past companies, current companies, and job titles filters.

Image of how to exclude certain items from filters in LinkedIn Recruiter search filters

Additional hacks to find employees using LinkedIn Recruiter

#1 Recommended matches

LinkedIn created a nice feature called “Recommended Matches”. It will give you access to a list of candidate recommendations based on your search activity within a project. In addition, it will provide 25 searches daily to try and find your ideal employee. 

To see the recommended matches, go to the bottom of the pipeline page. You can also click the Recommended Matches tab next to Talent Pool.

Image of how to see recommended matches in LinkedIn Recruiter, best way to find employees

Once you are there, you can save each recommended candidate to your project by clicking the Save To Pipeline button. 

Image of how to Save a candidate to pipeline in LinkedIn Recruiter, best way to find employee

#2 Expand your network

For example, let' say you are using Recruiter Lite. And you need access to the full network that Corporate version offers. However, you do not wish to pay that kind of money. Thus, the nifty trick here is to expand your network as much as you can. You can get a lot closer to your candidates that were previously outside of your network. Furthermore, Out Of The Network alert won’t be a problem anymore.

Image of Out of Network candidate profile in LinkedIn Recruiter Lite

#3 Use LinkedIn InMails

InMail messages are free or paid direct messages on LinkedIn that you can send to members outside of your network. In other words, InMails are LinkedIn’s version of email to contact your 2nd or 3rd-degree connection. 

In addition, statistics show that getting a response from a 2nd or 3rd-degree connection is 3x more likely if you send InMail rather than email message. Thus, InMails are a great trick to find employees and reach out to them. That is, if they do not accept your invitation to connect to begin with. You can check out our 13 InMail examples.

You found perfect candidates - Now what?

Well, now you need to reach out to your candidates. However, imagine you found 300 perfectly good candidates using LinkedIn Recruiter search filters, and you need to outreach them manually. It would be quite a tedious task, wouldn’t you agree? 

If only there were a way to do this fast, so you could focus on more important tasks.

Oh The Drama GIF

As a matter of fact, there is. It is called a sales engagement tool for recruiters. Take Skylead, for example. This sales engagement tool gives the hiring managers the right features to outreach their candidates on autopilot.

Skylead campaign creation

Firstly, to create a campaign in Skylead, you need to determine the candidate's source, aka where Skylead will pull the candidates from to reach them out. To clarify, Skylead supports both Recruiter and Recruiter Lite subscriptions, thus you can select candidates source from LinkedIn Recruiter or Recruiter Lite:

For example, we will choose the first option. Start with copying the URL link of your LinkedIn Recruiter or Recruiter Lite search.

Image of LinkedIn Recruiter lite search URL

Secondly, it is important to check and confirm the Network Degree connection type. To clarify, you need to do this both in Skylead campaign creator and in LinkedIn Recruiter manually. How? By using the Network Relationships filter. Here is how you should do it within LinkedIn Recruiter.

Image of Network Relationship filter that needs to be checked for Skylead campaign

Lastly, select the type of campaign, and insert the campaign name. In addition, be sure to check the Network Connection option in Skylead, as well. To insert target candidates, paste the URL link of your search into the Campaign URL field.

How to find employees, Image of Skylead outreach campaign using LinkedIn Recruiter Lite

Next, go ahead and create your Smart Sequence steps and your messages. To clarify, Smart Sequences are Skylead's groundbreaking algorithms. They allow you to use multichannel outreach and personalization to their maximum potential. 

With Smart sequences, you can create and execute different scenarios to interact with your candidates based on their behavior. In addition, you can add as many steps as you wish so the algorithm can ultimately do all the work for you.

Image of Skylead smart sequence for the outreach to find employees

And you are done! Your messages and connection requests will be sent out.

Skylead will help you schedule a call from all-in-one Smart Inbox. In addition, it will also let other candidates know you successfully found employees at the end of the recruiting process. To check out how Skylead works in detail, click here.

Image of CTA banner 2 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

In conclusion

Finding the right employees for your organization is not an easy task. You need to take the candidates’ experience, knowledge, and much more into account.

Luckily, finding candidates is easier since LinkedIn created cost-effective Recruiter Lite. And let's not forget its various filters to play with and combine. 

Yes, there is a big difference between Standard Recruiter And Recruiter Lite. For example, the LinkedIn Recruiter levels of access to the network or the number of InMail messages available. However, the overall Recruiter Lite experience is not that bad, if we talk about the search filters option. So, here is a shortlist of LinkedIn Recruiter search filters available for every subscription type. 

LinkedIn Recruiter Sidebar Search Filters:
- Custom Filters
- Job Titles
- Location
- Workplace Types
- Skills And Assessments
- Companies
- Schools
- Year Of Graduation
- Industries
- Keywords
LinkedIn Recruiter Advanced Search Filters:
- Postal/Zip Code
- Profile Languages
- Recently Joined LinkedIn
- First And Last Name Filters
- Network Relationships
- Years of Experience
- Military Veterans
- Seniority 
- Current Companies
- Company Sizes
- Job Functions

Furthermore, finding employees can be more simplified by using a sales engagement platform, such as Skylead. You can create the outreach campaign in just minutes, and let Skylead do the work for you. All this while you focus on the interviews. 

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Wish to get to know Skylead more, use it for finding employees and outreach on autopilot? Come, say hi, and try out Skylead for free.

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