LinkedIn is the perfect place to connect with colleagues, school alumni, and like-minded individuals. But have you thought about using LinkedIn for B2B marketing?

If you haven’t yet, it's time you did! 

After all, it would be a shame not to tap into its massive pool of 1 billion users and counting, especially when LinkedIn’s own stats suggest that 80% of them participate in the decision-making process.

Not quite sure where to start? This blog is for you! 

Stay tuned, and we’ll show you everything from whether—and how—LinkedIn works for B2B marketing to how to use it to your advantage.

Is LinkedIn good for B2B marketing?

LinkedIn is not only good for B2B marketing, but it’s also the preferred place to engage in it.

In fact, a whopping 96% of B2B marketers have recognized the power of this platform and have chosen to make it their marketing ground base. 

Meanwhile, 84% of them reported that, out of all social media outlets, LinkedIn was the place where they found the most success.

Diving deeper into statistics, 40% of B2B marketers say that LinkedIn is the most effective channel for lead generation. This is because it contributes to the acquisition of higher-quality leads that are 6x more likely to convert.

No wonder LinkedIn’s B2B advertising revenue for the current year alone is 4.56 billion dollars!

Why use LinkedIn for B2B marketing?

Surely, you can use Facebook, Instagram, X, and other social media channels for advertising purposes. But what makes LinkedIn a game-changer for B2B marketing is the type of crowd it attracts: professionals. The majority of whom are decision-makers, nonetheless!

Here, you won’t typically find the casual chatter or viral videos common on other networks (though the occasional office humor does pop up!). 

Instead, it’s the platform that encourages individuals to connect with one another and engage in industry-focused conversations that help companies:

So, if you're in B2B, not using LinkedIn for marketing is like leaving money on the table. It's where you gain access to big industry players and where your next big deal could be a connection away.

How to use LinkedIn for B2B marketing?

Now that you know why LinkedIn is a B2B marketers’ paradise, it’s time to discuss how B2B businesses use it.

And what better way to present the marketing use cases than to draw from our own experiences?

So, without further ado, here’s how other companies and we, the marketing team in Skylead - a leading LinkedIn automation and cold email software - use this platform to rock B2B marketing. And it’s how you can use it as well!

Expand your network to mingle and supercharge your LinkedIn for B2B marketing

LinkedIn is as much about who you know as it is about who your connections know

The more people you are connected with, the higher your reach and the chance that another business will notice yours. 

That said, for successful and organic B2B marketing on LinkedIn, it’s important to work on expanding your network. It’s what we did.

Thankfully, Skylead let us automate much of that process. We use it to run campaigns that help us expand the network faster and save +11 hours a week!

However, we didn’t and neither should you add just about anyone to your connections! Instead, engage in some quality LinkedIn prospecting and target individuals relevant to your industry who can help you scale your business.

Of course, once they are in your network, your work doesn’t stop. It’s your job to mingle to build those relationships. Like their posts, share them, and comment on them. This will keep you on their radar and increase the chances of your content and your company being seen by their connections.

Become a thought leader

Thought leaders are seen as authoritative figures in the field. As such, they naturally attract more connections and business opportunities.

But, what is it that makes a thought leader…well, a thought leader?

Our CEO, Relja, is the perfect example of one. 

He’s become influential on LinkedIn by following these steps:

A screenshot of a LinkedIn post posted by Skylead's CEO Relja

You won’t become a thought leader overnight. It’s an achievement that requires consistency, commitment, and genuine interaction with your community. 

Nevertheless, if you follow the same steps we mentioned above, you’ll undoubtedly start to build a reputation on LinkedIn as a knowledgeable and respected professional.

Use LinkedIn to distribute content for B2B marketing purposes

When not working on new content or strategizing and executing marketing activities, you’ll typically find Skylead’s marketing (and sales) whizzes distributing our content on LinkedIn.

This is where having a wide network really pays off and often results in a dramatic increase in visibility and traffic.

To distribute the content, we use a mix of different post formats (regular posts, photos, short videos, etc.). We also encourage cross-team sharing and have found it does wonders for our reach!

A LinkedIn post posted by Skylead's head of marketing, Andrea

Of course, content distribution is all about timing. You can’t post something in the middle of the night and expect it to get the attention it deserves. So, take it from us and post when your audience is the most active for maximum engagement. These would be business hours on weekdays, though be wary of your audience’s time zone. From our experience, we can tell you that 4 PM is the best time to post.

Generate leads

People typically think lead generation is the responsibility of a sales team rather than marketing, but it’s really a joint effort. That’s why the great news for marketing experts is that LinkedIn is the #1 platform for B2B lead generation. It’s also where most of your B2B leads should come from!

The combination of personalized cold outreach and targeted ads work best for LinkedIn lead generation.

Speaking of LinkedIn outreach, our head of sales, Andrea, begins the process with a perfectly crafted LinkedIn connection message that increases the likelihood of acceptance and subsequent engagement.

As for running targeted ads on LinkedIn for B2B marketing purposes, you can use:

Find new backlinking partners

Let’s say you wanted to diversify your backlink portfolio to improve your website’s authority on search engines and drive more organic traffic. Where would you find the partners to exchange links with? 

That’s right; on LinkedIn!

As for us, the process of finding new backlinking partners goes a little bit like this:

Use LinkedIn for B2B marketing to help your Product Hunt launch

If you’re a SaaS startup or a tech company, launching on Product Hunt can be transformative. This platform boasts excellent exposure and hosts daily competitions where companies showcase their products or new features. 

We successfully launched Skylead 3.0 on Product Hunt in October 2023 after a major redesign and introduction of the unlimited email accounts feature. Preparations lasted for 3 months, during which we worked hard on product and marketing copy, visuals, and video material.

A screenshot taken on Skylead's Product Hunt launch page that shows the company won 2nd place

Why discuss Product Hunt in the context of LinkedIn for B2B marketing, though? Because promoting your launch on LinkedIn can improve your chances of ranking high. As a result, you can get more clients and partnerships like we did.

We started by scheduling the launch early.

After scheduling it, we used LinkedIn for outreach and post-sharing

For the outreach part, we set up LinkedIn search-based campaigns with Skylead to encourage clicks on the "Notify" button. 

Product Hunt launch page example with the notify me button

Leading up to the launch, we posted teasers on LinkedIn, including behind-the-scenes content, sneak peeks, milestones, and countdown posts.

We also used Facebook, Slack, and LinkedIn groups for Product Hunt promotion and actively engaged in the Product Hunt community.

A LinkedIn countdown post reposted by Skylead's CEO ahead of Product Hunt launch serving as an example of how to use LinkedIn for B2b marketing

On launch day, we set up outreach campaigns yet again to remind people to vote. We also responded to every comment on Product Hunt!

This is just a speed run and a fraction of what we did, but as you can see, most of our Product Hunt launch marketing revolved around LinkedIn. And yes, we spent months preparing. But it’s that time and effort that got us 2nd place

That same time and effort can bring you results if you ever decide to use LinkedIn to promote your Product Hunt launch.

Image of CTA banner 1 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

Promote your community

You may not have a product launch to promote, but a community. 

For instance, the marketing team behind Skylead uses LinkedIn to automate reaching out to different individuals and inviting them to join our Facebook community.

Of course, you may have a community on another channel to promote (e.g., a Slack group, subreddit, etc.). Regardless, you can use LinkedIn to promote it — as we do — and, thus, reach your audience faster.

Join Sales Tribe community banner with text: Set up your sales game today

11 strategies to leverage LinkedIn for B2B marketing

As you can see, there are plenty of situations that warrant using LinkedIn for B2B marketing.

That said, let’s put the wheels into motion and teach you how to leverage the platform’s B2B marketing potential.

Define your objectives for effective B2B marketing on LinkedIn

You can’t go into B2B marketing on LinkedIn without having a clear goal in mind. 

But before defining objectives, you need to think about what you wish to use LinkedIn for. Is it for content distribution? To generate leads? Or both?

Your ultimate goals will vary depending on the use case. However, some of the common ones include:

You don’t have to limit yourself to one goal only. In fact, it’s preferable to have a few well-defined objectives that align with your overall marketing strategy.

Identify your ICP and buyer persona

For your marketing efforts to come to fruition, you need to know that the people you are targeting are the ones who will respond to your messaging.

So, after figuring out your goals, it’s time to understand who your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and Buyer Persona are. 

ICP is a fictional representation of the company that would get the most value from your product/service and provide the most value to your business in return. Meanwhile, a buyer persona is an ideal decision-making individual in that same company.

If you don’t have clients, users, or customers, consider factors such as your target audience’s demographics, locations, job titles, industries, and company sizes when creating your ICP and buyer personas.

However, if you already have them, identify and analyze the best ones.

Create a striking company page

Your LinkedIn company page is your brand’s face on the platform. 

That said, you need to make sure it’s compelling and informative. 

Use a high-quality logo, a striking cover image, and a clear description of your business. Don’t forget to highlight your products/services and any unique selling propositions you have!

Skylead's company page on LinkedIn serving as an example of how to maximize LinkedIn for B2B marketing efforts

Once you’ve set it up, use your company page on LinkedIn for B2B marketing by sharing relevant content that your audience finds valuable.

Complete your LinkedIn profile with B2B marketing in mind

Your personal LinkedIn profile is as important as your company page, especially if you are in a decision-making role.

With that in mind, pay special attention to your LinkedIn headline. Why? Because it’s among the first things your profile visitors will notice — along with your LinkedIn cover photo and profile image.

You’ll want to optimize it with relevant keywords to increase visibility on LinkedIn search. The same goes for your LinkedIn URL.

Your LinkedIn summary section is also important. But bear in mind that without clicking ‘’...see more,’’ your visitors can see only around 300 characters of your summary. For that reason, you need to find a way to hook readers right from the start! 

Include keywords here, as well, to make sure those who rely on Boolean search can stumble across your profile. 

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Create engaging content

Let’s say you managed to draw in a substantial audience using the strategies outlined above. However, now comes the real challenge: keeping them engaged over time.

Luckily, since the content is king on LinkedIn, it’s also your gateway to retaining the audience. 

That said, it’s your job to share content that’s both interesting and informative.

Think of it this way: the better the quality of your content, the more success you will find with B2B marketing on LinkedIn. 

To enhance it further, include relevant hashtags whenever possible. Our experience tells us that it’s best to keep hashtags to a maximum of 5, though.

A post posted by Skylead's sales team member showing how to use LinkedIn for B2B marketing

Adjust your tone of voice when using LinkedIn for B2B marketing

Your tone of voice on LinkedIn should be professional yet personable. 

In fact, it’s that genuine and relatable communication that helps build trust with your network. 

So, avoid overly formal language by all means and strive to be authentic and engaging.

Experiment with formats

People get tired of the same-old same-old type of content fast. That’s why you should diversify it. 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats, such as regular posts, images, videos, and native articles

Variety keeps your audience asking for more and pleases those with different preferences for content consumption.

Create a posting schedule

You can’t expect to make a splash on LinkedIn with your B2B marketing efforts if you commit to posting every couple of months. Consistency matters a lot

So, develop a posting schedule and stick to it. Regular posting keeps your brand top of mind and helps maintain engagement.

As for how often you should post, aim for at least 3-4 posts per week. To make scheduling easier for you, you can use LinkedIn’s scheduling feature to schedule all posts for that week.

Also, the time you post is as important as the frequency of posting. With that in mind, avoid doing it on weekends and during off hours, as most professionals aren’t browsing LinkedIn when away from work. Furthermore, adjust your posting schedule so it fits the time zone of your target audience.

Use automation to streamline outreach and LinkedIn for B2B marketing efforts

Much of B2B marketing on LinkedIn involves outreach. Manual outreach takes a long time, especially if hundreds of leads are involved.

But why bother with it when LinkedIn automation tools like Skylead exist, and you can use them to reach out to your leads on autopilot?

That being said, with Skylead, you can set up automated Smart sequences to reach all leads — one way or the other — by combining:

…with conditions (If Connected, If Email Found and Verified, etc.). 

These conditions put ‘’smart’’ in ‘’Smart sequences’’ and allow them to determine the fastest route to your prospects based on their behavior.

Plus, since the tool doubles as cold email software, you don’t have to worry if your leads aren’t responsive on LinkedIn. Smart sequences let you tap into multichannel outreach by letting you reach out to them via email, too. Within the same campaign flow, nonetheless!

Smart sequence to replicate when using LinkedIn for B2B marketing

However, to take advantage of email outreach, you need your leads’ email addresses. Skylead’s email discovery and verification feature can help you obtain these, even if they are not available on your leads’ LinkedIn profiles!

To use it, just add the "Email Finder and Verifier" step to your campaign flow. The tool will then do its magic and consider emails valid only after double-verifying their existence. 

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead's smart sequence that demonstrates multichannel outreach using LinkedIn automation and email steps with if/else conditions

Run retargeting ads

Those who have already visited your website are familiar with your brand. Chances are, they are more likely to convert and are, therefore, a perfect audience to target.

The question is, how?

Through LinkedIn retargeting ads.

However, before you create any ads, install LinkedIn Insight Tag on your website. The tag collects information about your website visitors that you can use to retarget these individuals through ads on LinkedIn.

But don’t run your ads as soon as you have added the tag to your website! Instead, we suggest waiting at least 2 to 4 weeks for it to collect sufficient information.

Retarget website visitors with LinkedIn Insight Tag

Wondering how to create an ad campaign on LinkedIn to re-engage past website visitors using LinkedIn Insight Tag?

Firstly, locate the ‘’For Business’’ menu in LinkedIn’s header section and click the ''Advertise'' button down below.

The header on LinkedIn with ''For Business'' menu highlighted

Advertise button in LinkedIn's ''For Business'' menu

You’ll be taken to the Campaign Manager page, where you can create an account if you don’t have one.

Once you are in the campaign dashboard, however, hit ‘’Create’’ and select ‘’Campaign’’.

Campaign Manager dashboard with the highlight on ''Campaign'' option

#1 Choose your campaign objective

To continue creating your ad, you need to insert the name for your campaign and choose your campaign objective.

As you can see, there are several objectives divided into 3 campaign categories:

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Conversions

Ad campaign objectives to choose when using LinkedIn for B2B marketing

Here’s how to use each campaign type:

All these campaign types let you retarget your website visitors. 

Nevertheless, for example purposes only, let’s assume you had a resource on your website you wanted them to revisit it for.

In this case, you’ll want to choose ‘’Website visits’’ as your objective. 

Setting campaign name and objectives in LinkedIn Campaign Manager

#2 Set up a budget and schedule for your campaign

If you are working with limited resources, you may want to set up a daily budget for your campaign. So, turn this option on or keep it off, depending on your preferences.

Also, don’t forget to set up your campaign schedule. Your campaign can be open-ended or have a clear start and end date. 

Once you’ve decided on the optimal running time, click ‘’next’’.

Setting a budget to be used on LinkedIn for B2B marketing ads and a campaign schedule

#3 Determine your audience

Now comes the time to configure your audience. Choose the ‘’Retargeting’’ option.

Selecting audiences in Campaign Manager on LinkedIn for B2B marketing purposes

Next, choose ‘’Website’’ and select the audience of your website visitors that you already created.

A website button under the retargeting audience in Campaign Manager on LinkedIn

#4 Select the ad format and create your ad

After you define your audience, it’s time to create your ad. That said, select the ad format from the following options.

LinkedIn ad formats

…and placements.

Setting up ad placement on LinkedIn for B2B marketing purposes

Depending on your goal, you can also set up URL tracking parameters and conversion tracking.

What we can tell you from experience, though, is that it's better to set them up. In doing so, you'll be able to track the results of your campaigns with the end goal.

URL tracking parameters settings in Campaign Manager on LinkedIn

Conversion tracking option in LinkedIn Campaign Manager

And now comes the fun part: ad creation.

To create one, click ‘’Create new ad’’.

Create new ad button in LinkedIn Campaign Manager

You’ll be taken to an ad builder page where you can input your message, website URL, visuals, etc. Just bear in mind that the interface (and options) will differ depending on the ad format you have chosen.

Ad builder page in Campaign Manager you can see when using LinkedIn for B2B marketing

Build retargeting ads with emails

Did you know there was another way to expand your reach and get to people who are highly likely to convert? You just need to create a Predictive audience from the emails of people who have interacted with your brand.

The Predictive audience is somewhat of a hybrid between LinkedIn’s no longer-existing Lookalike audience and conversion-based retargeting.

It’s also the best type of audience in B2B marketing for reaching new, similar leads on LinkedIn and making your campaign worthwhile.

#1 Use Skylead to find and verify your audience’s emails

Skylead’s email discovery & verification can help you find the emails of your best leads, which you can use to create a Predictive audience!

To take advantage of it, first, create a CSV file with the LinkedIn profile URLs of your best-converting customers or high-quality leads. Click here to learn how to create a Skylead-friendly CSV file.

Then, navigate to Skylead’s dashboard and locate the Campaigns page. 

Click ‘’Create campaign’’.

Campaigns page in Skylead with the arrow pointing to the create new campaign button

Our software lets you choose between the following lead sources.

Campaign sources in Skylead

However, in this case, you should choose ‘’Import’’ and upload a list you have created.

Also, don’t forget to input your campaign name.

Campaign information setup in Skylead

After uploading a file and naming your campaign, click ‘’Next’’.

If this were a typical campaign, you’d need to define your global, LinkedIn, and email outreach settings. 

But since no outreach is involved, proceed to the ‘’Create sequence’’ step immediately.

Create a sequence button in Skylead

Choose the ‘’From scratch’’ option to be taken to a campaign builder page. 

Then, replicate the Smart sequence below and start the campaign to have the tool discover and verify leads’ emails.

Smart sequence that finds and verifies leads' emails to be used on LinkedIn for B2B marketing reasons

When the results are in, go to the Leads page, select the campaign from the drop-down menu, and click the ‘’Export leads’’ button to download the CSV file with your lead information. 

This file will include your leads’ information and email addresses that Skylead was able to find and verify.

Exporting lead information in Skylead on Leads page

#2 Create your Predictive audience

Next stop: LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager. This is where you’ll want to create your audience first.

To do so, click ‘’Plan’’, and then ‘’Audiences’’ in the sidebar menu on the left.

Audiences menu in Campaign Manager sidebar

Once you're on the Audiences page, hit the ''Create audience'' button and choose ''Predictive''. 

A new menu will pop up, and you'll need to name your audience.

After doing so, open the drop-down menu to select the source from which you’d like to create your audience. 

Choose "Contact list'' and upload your list.

Create a predictive audience pop up menu that appears when using LinkedIn for B2B marketing

After that, choose the location of your target audience and use the slider to select its size. 

Finally, click ''Agree & Create.''

📝 Note: Your list must have a minimum of 300 members and a maximum of 300,000. Otherwise, you can’t create a Predictive audience. Also, before hitting launch on your campaign, it’s best to let your audience populate.

#3 Create your ad campaign

Once your audience is created, go back to the Campaign Manager dashboard to create your campaign. 

Name it, choose the objective, and set up your budget and schedule just as you would with any other campaign.

However, when the time comes to define your audience, instead of the ‘’Retargeting’’ option, choose ‘’Predictive.’’ Then, select the audience you’ve previously created.

Choosing predictive audience during ad campaign creation process in Campaign Manager on LinkedIn

The rest of the campaign creation process follows the same steps we covered for retargeting website visitors with the LinkedIn Insight Tag

So, go through them, work on your ad, and when you’re happy with everything, launch your campaign!

Personalize your outreach

Nobody likes receiving a generic message. So, if you want to leverage LinkedIn for B2B marketing in its full capacity, personalize your outreach.

Refer to your prospect by their name, mention a detail from their profile, a mutual connection, or anything else you like to make the conversation more engaging. This comes rather naturally with Skylead’s default and custom variables.

However, if you decide to automate your outreach, our native Image and GIF personalization feature can be a real changer! Use it to upload any visual you like and enrich it with your and/or your leads’ LinkedIn profile image, their company logo, a custom logo, or text with variables. Then, import the final product into your messages to increase your response rate up to 63% without the extra charge!

Example of an image personalized with Skylead's image and gif personalization feature to be used on LinkedIn for B2B marketing reasons

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. How many B2B marketers use LinkedIn for B2B marketing?

A significant majority of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for their marketing efforts. Specifically, 96% of B2B marketers use it for content marketing, making it the leading platform for B2B content distribution. Additionally, LinkedIn is exceptionally effective in generating leads, with 89% of B2B marketers relying on it for this purpose.

2. How do you measure the success of LinkedIn B2B marketing campaigns?

To measure the success of LinkedIn B2B marketing campaigns, track metrics like engagement rates, conversion rates, and website traffic from LinkedIn. Use LinkedIn Analytics and Google Analytics to monitor these KPIs and adjust strategies accordingly.

3. How can small businesses with limited resources effectively leverage LinkedIn for B2B marketing?

Small businesses can leverage LinkedIn for B2B marketing by focusing on organic growth strategies, such as networking and sharing valuable content. They can also utilize free LinkedIn features and gradually invest in affordable tools to streamline outreach and content distribution, such as Skylead.

Don’t miss out on LinkedIn’s B2B marketing potential!

Congratulations! You've made it thus far!

And since you have, you are aware that LinkedIn provides an unmatched opportunity to connect with the decision-makers who can drive your business forward. You've also learned the strategies that can help you fully utilize LinkedIn for B2B marketing.

But theory alone won't drive results; it's the execution that makes all the difference. So, feel free to apply the learned to enhance your brand's visibility, form strategic partnerships, and ultimately scale your business.

Finally, when ready to take your B2B marketing efforts on LinkedIn to the next level, try Skylead. Sign up for your 7-day free trial as soon as today and start transforming your LinkedIn presence into a powerful B2B marketing engine.

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

Are you thinking of launching your first automated outreach campaign to reach out to your leads, book meetings, distribute content, or find new clients, ideal candidates, and backlinking partners?

We’ve got your back!

In this blog, we’ll take you through the entire campaign creation process using our powerful LinkedIn automation tool and cold email software - Skylead - as an example.

We’ll even throw in some tips and tricks on achieving outreach success and cover use cases and outreach messages for every profession.

Let’s dive into it. 

What is an outreach campaign?

An outreach campaign is an automated campaign that uses tools to streamline all outreach activities, thus allowing individuals to connect with their target audience faster. People may initiate these for email and/or LinkedIn lead generation purposes. However, they also use outreach campaigns to find new clients, nurture relationships with existing clients/customers, increase brand visibility, or promote content.

In the past, outreach campaigns revolved around individuals contacting other individuals manually, typically over the phone. Fast forward to now, we have outreach tools like Skylead to handle the reaching out part — over multiple channels, nonetheless!

The benefits of setting up an outreach campaign

Outreach automation has revolutionized the workflow of countless people! Here’s why!

Firstly, there’s the time-saving aspect. Automated outreach campaigns can be real game-changers, saving you as much as 11+ hours per week on manual work. That’s an extra 6 days each month to focus on other tasks!

What’s more, with outreach campaigns running on autopilot, you can reach a larger audience in a shorter period. This allows you to allocate resources more effectively and, thus, improve overall productivity. You can even reach people you thought were unreachable before, as email enrichment features like Skylead’s email discovery & verification can be included in the campaign flow.

Yes, as your business grows, so will your outreach. But that’s not a reason to worry! You can automate multiple campaigns at the same time and scale without compromising quality.

Finally, automated campaigns ensure no lead falls through the cracks. The system keeps things moving, whether through personalized emails, follow-ups, LinkedIn messages, or inMails.

Outreach campaign use cases


Sales professionals are often seen juggling multiple leads at a time. With so many leads to manage, little time is left for other tasks, plus the risk of missing important messages increases. Outreach campaigns streamline the process and ensure consistent communication across multiple channels.

Sales reps can continuously create campaigns with thousands of leads to keep their calendars consistently full. These campaigns also allow them to automate various outreach tasks, leaving them only to respond to messages and book calls. 

A review left by a sales professional using Skylead to build an outreach campaign

Why does this matter, though? 

Because automating outreach tasks such as sending LinkedIn connection requests, inMails, messages, and emails helps sales professionals save +11 hours a week—hours they can now focus on lead nurturing.

Lastly, outreach campaigns permit salespeople to A/B test their messages. This allows them to see what works and what doesn’t, which in turn helps them optimize their campaigns for better results.

Image of CTA banner 2 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo


When it comes to marketers, they can use outreach campaigns to:

An image of a review for Skylead left by a founder of a marketing agency


Manual cold outreach can be time-consuming for recruiters who are constantly scouting for the best talent. Thankfully, automation simplifies candidate engagement. 

That said, recruiters can set up automated sequences to:

Skylead review left by a founder that's in the recruiting business

Company founders and agency owners

Company founders and agency owners typically have a full plate of managing daily operations, strategizing business development, ensuring financial health, and more. Automated outreach campaigns lighten the load and accelerate revenue growth.

If you are a company founder and have a B2B product or service to sell, outreach campaigns can help you reach out to a wider pool of leads and find clients faster on autopilot.

Meanwhile, if you are offering lead generation services as an agency, you can often white-label the tool used for campaign creation and thus help yourself to another stream of income. Moreover, outreach campaigns can also help you generate new leads for yourself and your clients!

A review left for Skylead by an agency founder using it to create an outreach campaign

How to conduct an outreach campaign: Step-by-step guide

Now that we’ve covered the basics, it’s time to launch your first campaign! We’ll use our own tool, Skylead, to show you how you can use outreach tools to create one.

When you don’t know where to start…choose LinkedIn. 

Jokes aside, in this blog, we will make a LinkedIn search-based campaign to ease you into the entire outreach campaign creation process.

However, you should know that, when it comes to Skylead, options are far more extensive. Aside from LinkedIn search, you can target leads from a:

You can also import them through:

That said, here’s how to start creating your outreach campaign.

#1 Target your audience

Start by typing a keyword in the search area. 

We went by a job title.

An image of a LinkedIn search bar

After you click "People", choose the LinkedIn connection type you want your outreach campaign to target.

Connection degrees on LinkedIn

1st-degree connections are members with whom you are already connected on LinkedIn. Choose this connection type if you want to run a LinkedIn message campaign.

Meanwhile, 2nd-degree connections are leads you aren’t connected to but with whom you have mutual connections. You can’t send them a message right away. Instead, you need to connect with them first or reach out to them via LinkedIn inMail or email.

As for 3rd-degree connections, you aren’t connected to them either, but you also don’t have any mutual connections. Similarly to 2nd-degree connections, you can also reach them via email and/or inMail (free or paid).

Back to pinpointing your audience, you can also apply other filters to narrow down your search further (see the ‘’All Filters’’ option on the right).

All filters icon on LinkedIn used in outreach campaign creation

Your search can result in thousands of leads, but LinkedIn limits the results to 100 pages, with 10 leads per page. So, if you create a LinkedIn search-based campaign, you can reach a maximum of 1000 people. However, if you're using Sales Navigator, the limit increases to 2,500 leads per campaign. Therefore, it is recommended that you narrow the list down as much as possible.

This is where defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and buyer persona comes in handy. 

Your ICP is the type of company that would benefit most from your product/service, and your buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer within that company, as informed by market research and actual customer data.

That said, define your ICP and buyer persona first and use the corresponding LinkedIn filters to find them. That's how you'll target the best leads!

An expanded view of all filters on LinkedIn

#2 Import your leads

You’ve completed LinkedIn prospecting and carefully chosen your audience. What now? 

You proceed to build an outreach campaign!

To do so, firstly, go to your Skylead dashboard and locate the Campaigns page.

Once there, click ‘’Create new campaign’’.

Campaigns page in Skylead, a tool used to build an outreach campaign

Now, go back to LinkedIn and copy the search result URL.

An image of a selected LinkedIn search URL

Return to Skylead, insert your campaign name, and paste the link you just copied.

Outreach campaign information set up page

Under the URL, you’ll see a connection-type button. If you’ve selected the connection type on LinkedIn, Skylead will automatically recognize it. If not, you can select it now.

Click ‘’Next’’.

#3 Define outreach campaign settings

Now comes the time to define the settings for your outreach campaign.

Outreach campaign settings page in Skylead

On the left side, you’ll see 3 different types of settings:

The image with three different types of settings in Skylead

Email settings

If you plan to use email outreach for your campaign, firstly, click the ‘’email settings’’ button. 

This is where you’ll notice 3 drop-down menus

Outreach campaign email settings in Skylead

Expand the first menu to select the email account(s) to use in your campaign. 

Skylead lets you add an unlimited number of email accounts at no extra cost

Once added, the software will auto-rotate them so you can send tens of thousands of emails per month. This way, you can bypass the email limit while protecting your domain.

Selecting emails for a campaign

The second menu gives you the option to choose a schedule that Skylead will follow for your email outreach.

Here, you can select your default schedule or create a new one. You can also manage your team’s schedule (unless you are a one-person team).

Campaign email scheduler

Lastly, it’s time to set up your email tracking preferences

Email tracking preferences in Skylead

With these options on, you can:

LinkedIn settings

Outreach campaign LinkedIn settings in Skylead

In terms of specific options, you can customize the LinkedIn part of your outreach with:

Global settings

Outreach campaign global settings in Skylead

Under global settings, you can define targeting options and schedule the start of your outreach campaign.

Campaign targeting options

As for targeting options, you can choose to (or not):

Once you’ve determined the leads to target, select the date and time when your campaign will kick off.

Setting up a schedule for a campaign

💡 Pro tip: Make sure your campaign starts running (and keeps on running) during your leads’ working hours.

If you’re only interested in finding leads and their contact information for future outreach, click on the ‘’Discover Leads Only’’ button. Then, you can find them on your Leads page.

However, if you wish to reach them out on autopilot, continue to the ‘’Create sequence’’ button.

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead's smart sequence that demonstrates multichannel outreach using LinkedIn automation and email steps with if/else conditions

#4 Build a Smart sequence

Multichannel outreach is currently the most effective way of generating leads, and Smart sequences represent a groundbreaking realization of that path! 

It’s precisely these Smart sequences that make our outreach campaign flow. We are talking about an algorithm that lets you combine different actions and if/else conditions that unfold depending on the prospect’s behavior. But what for? To make sure you get to each of them as quickly and efficiently as possible.

An example of a Smart sequence in Skylead

Now, let’s create one, shall we?

After clicking the ‘’Create sequence’’ button, a pop-up will appear that prompts you to decide between using a sequence template or building a sequence from scratch.

Create a sequence pop up menu

You are welcome to browse through proven smart sequence templates that our team of experts made (and tested) for you. These are templates with real data that you can use immediately. 

But for the sake of this blog, we’ll show you how to create one yourself.

So, choose the ‘’From scratch’’ option.

Smart sequence builder

Upon entering the Smart sequence builder, this is what your dashboard will look like.

Outreach campaign builder page in Skylead

As you may see, there are actions and conditions on your right. 

Drag them one by one to the workspace dashboard and connect them in a coherent way to create your outreach flow! Don’t forget to set delays between the actions because they ensure human-like behavior and enhance your account security. 

Certain actions let you insert the message (Invite to Connect, Message, inMail, Email) and personalize it further using all the variables you need (preset and custom ones). You can also A/B test up to 5 different variants of your copy to determine which one resonates best with your leads.   

If you wish to further personalize inMails, emails, and LinkedIn messages, you can do so with Skylead’s native Image and GIF hyper-personalization feature.

To access it, click the ‘’Add image’’ button above the message editor.

Add image button in Skylead

Then, you’ll be taken to a library of templates. Hit the ''Create new template''. 

Create new image template

Next, upload the image you wish to edit.

Drag or drop image/gif field for an outreach campaign

After choosing an image, click ‘’Submit’’.

Submit image page in Skylead

Then, a new window will open where you’ll have the option to add: 

Image and GIF editor in Skylead

…and here’s what the final result can look like.

Personalized image with variables for an outreach campaign

Of course, feel free to play around with the image editor as you see fit and create something that will keep those replies coming! 

Once you are happy with the steps, your copy, and delays, you can save your sequence as a template to reuse at a later date. 

Finally, click ‘’Start campaign,’’ and that’s it! Your outreach campaign has been successfully launched!

Start outreach campaign button in Skylead

#5 Analyze and optimize your outreach campaign

The work doesn’t stop the moment you hit the ‘’Start campaign’’ button. In fact, after putting your outreach campaign in motion, it’s time to sit back and observe the results.

Luckily, Skylead has a nifty Reports page that lets you track performance in three different view modes:

  1. Graph
  2. Tabular
  3. Step-by-step

Table reports in Skylead

Step by step report for an outreach campaign

Here, you can monitor different metrics, such as your connection request acceptance rate, email open and click rates, response rate, and more. 

The graph and table view differ from step-by-step campaign analysis in that they show daily fluctuations in metrics. As a result, they make it easy to spot patterns and trends. Once you’ve got a handle on these, you can fine-tune your ongoing campaign and make informed choices for the ones down the line.

On the flip side, a step-by-step breakdown really comes in handy when running A/B tests. The results produced by different variants are displayed side by side, making it simple to determine what messages work and should be used in your next campaign vs. those you should discard.

An image of A/B test

#6 Talk with your leads

Skylead automates the initial outreach. But remember, the goal is to spark conversations that you will take over. Once a lead responds, the sequence stops for them, and it’s your cue to jump in and build that relationship.

Luckily, Skylead makes it easy for you to manage these conversations! The software comes with a Smart inbox that consolidates all messages received via LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, Recruiter, and emails into one place. 

Moreover, to keep things organized, you can label your chats based on their status or any criteria that suit your workflow. This can help you prioritize your responses and measure your conversion rates.

Additionally, Skylead allows you to leave notes on your chats. These can be reminders to follow up, points to mention in the next interaction...or any other information that can help you personalize and enhance the conversation.

Skylead's smart inbox

Tips for a successful outreach campaign

Now you know how to set up your outreach campaign and what to look out for. However, you have yet to learn how to make the most of your outreach.

Personalize your messages

People are more likely to respond to a message that feels personal and relevant to them. So, take the time to customize your messages based on the information you have about your leads

With Skylead, you can reach a whole new level of personalization in cold outreach. Use pre-defined variables, add custom ones if using a CSV file as a lead source, and don’t forget to take advantage of our image & GIF hyper-personalization feature. They can increase your response rate up to 63%!

Feeling uninspired? Head over to our blog to explore personalized image and GIF templates that improve response rate!

Follow up in due time

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a response right away. Sometimes, all it takes is a well-timed follow-up message. However, be mindful of the frequency of your follow-ups to avoid coming off as spammy. The golden rule is to wait between 2 and 5 days from the initial message. And if you aren’t sure how to write a follow up email after no response, we have a handy guide to help you out!

Outreach campaign examples and templates for each role

Remember how Skylead came with the premade templates for you to use? Here, we’re sharing some of the best-performing sequence and message templates applicable to each role and different situations.

Sequence for sales professionals

If you want to target someone in an alternative way, why not use a viral LinkedIn post that your target audience has commented on? 

In that case, you can use this template to reach out to leads who have engaged with it.

We tested it out, and our results were:

Furthermore, you’ll find every step comes with a corresponding message that you can tweak as you like.

Outreach campaign sequence template for sales

Outreach campaign template for marketers

Feel like targeting your website visitors? You might like this sequence template, which aims to do precisely that! However, feel free to use the message templates that come with it, as well!

For this one, we had a whopping:

Sequence template for marketing

Template for company founders and agency owners

Check out this template specifically designed for reaching out to B2B founders.

We’ve run the numbers and found that, with it, our acceptance rate was 44%, reply rate 29%, and open rate 82%!

Sequence template for founders

LinkedIn outreach template for recruiters

For example, let’s say you wish to reach out to your perfect candidate for the job in your company. In that case, your LinkedIn connection request can sound like this:

Hey {{firstName}},

My name is {{yourName}}, and we’re currently seeking a {{Occupation}}, and I truly believe that this role offers you a platform to leverage your skills and make a significant impact at our company. 

I’d be happy to share more details about the role and benefits we offer.

Choose to use it, and you might see results similar to ours, which were:

Sequence template for recruiters

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. What metrics or KPIs are most important to track the success of an outreach campaign?

Key metrics to focus on include response rate, conversion rate, and ROI. These indicators help gauge engagement, effectiveness in converting prospects, and the overall financial efficiency of the campaign.

2. How do you conduct an outreach campaign?

To conduct an outreach campaign, define your target audience and choose the appropriate channels. Create a structured plan, personalize messages, and use automation for efficiency. Monitor important metrics to adjust strategies and follow up regularly to maintain engagement and improve response rates.

3. How can you segment the audience for different types of outreach campaigns?

For successful segmentation, you must understand and divide your audience based on factors like industry, job role, company size, and past interactions. This will ensure your messages resonate more effectively with each segment and will reflect positively on response rates and campaign relevance.

4. What are the common challenges or pitfalls in managing automated outreach campaigns, and how can they be avoided?

Common challenges include impersonal communication and message fatigue among recipients. To avoid these, make sure email and LinkedIn automation tools of your choice mimic human interaction patterns, use varied content, and regularly update messaging strategies to maintain personalization.

Ready to splash into outreach waters?

As our guide comes to an end, it marks the beginning of your cold outreach journey. 

All it takes is that first outreach campaign to get you started, and it's just a couple of clicks away.

But remember, cold outreach isn't a one-and-done type of process. In other words, you can't just build your campaign, launch it, and be done with it. It's what comes after launch that actually matters.

So, in the aftermath of creating an outreach campaign, pay a close eye on the results it brings. But don't get discouraged if everything doesn't go as planned! Instead, observe the data, learn from it, and use it to improve your subsequent outreach efforts. 

And you know what the best thing is? Skylead comes with a free 7-day trial period that you can use to test out the outreach waters. Create your account now, build that sequence, and watch as your outreach — and conversions — skyrocket!

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

LinkedIn is a social media for professionals, and it’s classified as the number #1 choice for lead generation. This is because it now counts more than 900 million LinkedIn users. Moreover, according to the official LinkedIn stats, 4 out of 5 drive some business decisions. So no wonder that marketing, recruiting and sales teams make LinkedIn outreach part of their daily work routine.

LinkedIn outreach is a vast topic, and there are many misconceptions and good tips on how to do it. That is why we decided to create a detailed LinkedIn outreach guide that uncovers the following:

Let's do this meme

What is LinkedIn outreach?

LinkedIn outreach is a process of sending connection requests and messages to your potential clients via LinkedIn. It’s the best way to expand your network, get in touch, warm up, and build positive relationships with your leads.

The 5 main benefits of Linkedin outreach

It’s not just about the ability to send LinkedIn connection requests, InMails, or other LinkedIn messages, but what you will accomplish with them. Here are the benefits you can expect if you use LinkedIn and every aspect of it in the outreach process.

1. Reach high-quality B2B leads with ease.

LinkedIn has over 900 million professionals from every industry in the world. So it's no wonder this audience has twice the buying power of the average web audience (LinkedIn). Therefore, sales teams can rest assured that with the right filters and top LinkedIn lead generation strategies, they can find the most qualified business-to-business leads for their business. 

2. Increased reply rate.

LinkedIn is, first and foremost, a social media platform where you can find various information about your leads. That said, the secret to LinkedIn outreach is personalization and genuine conversation. That said, by looking at your lead's profile, you can search for any information to personalize your message. Whatever you find, be it a mutual connection or a post they shared, you can reference that in your outreach message and thus increase your acceptance and reply rate.

3. Target B2B leads with more precision.

Marketers no longer need to struggle to find professionals on Instagram or Facebook. Instead, they can find and reach out to their potential leads easier with targeting and retargeting options via LinkedIn ads. Moreover, they can generate greater awareness for their product or service. LinkedIn marketer can also easily contact their target audience via sponsored InMail ads and experience 2x more conversions

4. Find ideal employees.

One of the best perks of LinkedIn is that recruiters can publish job posts for free. However, they can also find the best employee for their business by tapping into a larger pool of talent and headhunting the ideal candidates directly.  

5. Break the wall and reach out to recruiters.

By using job posting websites, you can’t get a hold of recruiters. However, LinkedIn allows you to find, send a connection request and reach out to the hiring managers in your ideal company. This way, you can explain why you are perfect for the job or get feedback on your application, all of which you cannot do on other platforms. 

LinkedIn vs email outreach - Which one is better?

Both LinkedIn and email channels are used extensively for outreach. However, there is a "slight" advantage to LinkedIn. 

The thing is, the social media nature of LinkedIn allows more genuine communication between its users. On the other hand, cold email outreach is distant and often perceived as spammy since, among other things, you cannot always see and find out more about the person behind the cold message. 

And the end result can be measured shown in numbers.

For example, according to the official LinkedIn learning courses, InMails have an average response rate of 18 to 25%. On the contrary, cold emails have only a 3% average response rate, and this happens for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, LinkedIn outreach is more transparent since potential leads can see your LinkedIn profile, work history, bio, or posts. In other words, what they are all about. 

Secondly, LinkedIn sends a couple of alerts and reminders when the prospect receives a message. In addition, if the leads have a LinkedIn app installed, they will also receive a notification on their phone. What's more, if you send a follow-up message, LinkedIn will send the same amount of alerts, making it harder for your prospect to forget to reply or ignore. 

Lastly, if you use LinkedIn, you can find your ICP and people who work in it in the blink of an eye. This way, you can easily reach out to your potential customers without navigating multiple platforms. 

However, with LinkedIn's power, we must recognize email as the outreach channel simply because some users prefer email communication or are inactive on LinkedIn

That said, it's best to use both LinkedIn and email outreach for optimal results. So, we will discuss it in the LinkedIn outreach rules section below.

Image of Free Trial CTA banner with Skylead's smart sequence that demonstrates multichannel outreach using LinkedIn automation and email steps with if/else conditions

LinkedIn outreach methods

LinkedIn offers multiple ways you can use to reach out to your potential customers.

Connection requests

The first outreach action in line is a LinkedIn connection request. You can send a connection request to your 2nd and 3rd-degree connections along with your first message. 

This cold message comes with a restriction of 300 characters, so try to keep your personalized message short and sweet. For example, you can reference a mutual connection or that you’d like to discuss the event they attended and wish to connect.

Direct messages

Once the lead accepts your invite, they become your 1st-degree connection, and you can send them a direct message. This message acts as both chat and email since it’s delivered straight to your lead’s inbox along with the notification. In addition, direct messages can be 8,000 characters long or somewhere between 1142 and 2000 words.

InMail messages

If your lead ignores your connection or leaves it pending for a long time, you can always send LinkedIn InMail. These InMail messages are structured as emails and can have up to 200 characters of the subject line and a body of up to 1900 characters. However, keep in mind that shorter InMails get a better response rate.

Image of InMail statistics, Response rate vs length of an InMail

As mentioned before, LinkedIn InMail gets far better results than emails. Especially if you write a message that will generate a high response rate. If you are not sure how to write such messages, here are a couple of LinkedIn InMail examples with a 25% reply rate formula to get inspired. 

You can send InMails to your 2nd and 3rd degree connections. However, depending on your subscription plan, you will have different amounts of Inmail credits per month. For example, a LinkedIn premium subscription grants you 15 paid InMail credits. On the other hand, the Sales Navigator account offers 50 paid InMails per month. If you pay a Recruiter Lite subscription, you will have 30 paid InMail credits a month. Recruiter subscribers are also the only LinkedIn members who can purchase additional paid InMail credits. 

Apart from paid ones, you can also send 800 free InMails per month. The trick is to find people with their LinkedIn profile set to Open. The easiest way to find people with an open profile is by going to your 2nd or 3rd-degree connection’s premium profile. Then click the Message button. If you see the text Free message at the bottom, that person has an open profile.

Free InMail example on LinkedIn for LinkedIn outreach

View profile and follow features

And if your outreach falls behind, you can always stop by your lead’s LinkedIn profile to view or follow them. The leads will receive a notification of whichever action you perform. In other words, it will almost always remind them of your message and give them a nudge to respond to you.

LinkedIn outreach in 6 easy steps

1. Define ICP and buyer persona

The first step to finding qualified prospects & leads is creating an Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Persona.

These documents represent the aspects of your perfect leads and the company they work in.  They are the basis for quality lead generation and usually contain specifications such as: 

ICP and Buyer Persona are best created based on your current customer data, such as who:

In addition, try to keep these documents actionable. In other words, create the specifications so you can use them either for

2. Find leads using LinkedIn search & creating lists

The next step is finding prospects that match your ICP and Buyer Persona.  

If you use LinkedIn Sales Navigator or Recruiter for lead generation, you are probably familiar with various advanced search filters. Simply use LinkedIn Sales Navigator filters and import all specifications from your ICP or Buyer Persona documents. Then, save the search URL, or create a list of prospects for the next step.

Sales Navigator masterclass banner with the quote from the Professionals movie.

If you don’t have a LinkedIn Sales Navigator account, no worries. You can still use basic filters to find your ideal leads. Or you can use some of these top LinkedIn lead generation strategies.

3. LinkedIn outreach automation: Setup your campaign 

In today’s day and age, we use various tools to help us in our mundane tasks. Therefore, it’s natural for sales, marketing, and recruiting specialists to do the same. 

One of those solutions is the LinkedIn automation tool. These tools help you streamline time-consuming outreach tasks, so no wonder they become a must-have for many experts.

To set up your LinkedIn outreach campaign, let’s take our outreach automation tool, Skylead, as an example. 

First, go to your Skylead account dashboard and click Create a new campaign.

Skylead, Create new campaign panel, LinkedIn outreach

Next, choose the source of your leads. Then, paste LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Recruiter, or basic search URL. Or you can import your CSV file.

Lastly, choose the connection degree you wish to reach out to and click Next.

Skylead campaign creator, LinkedIn outreach, example

Now here is where you define the operative part of your campaign. Choose which options you want and set up the start and end date of your campaign.

Among other outreach campaign settings, know that Skylead has the auto-refresh option. Essentially, if new leads appear within the same URL source, they will be pulled into active campaigns if you turn this option on within the tool. 

Skylead campaign settings, LinkedIn outreach example

4. Create an outreach sequence

Moving on. We’ve come to the Smart Sequence builder.

By creating the Smart Sequence, you actually create an action path that Skylead will follow to outreach your leads. In addition, what makes the sequence unique is the if/else condition, such as If connected. Thanks to these conditions, you can create countless scenarios, and Skylead will perform the scenario corresponding to the lead’s behavior.

That said, to create your coherent outreach sequence, simply drag and drop different actions and conditions. Here is an example. 

Skylead smart sequence example LinkedIn outreach

5. Craft your LinkedIn outreach message

LinkedIn outreach is all about how you craft your messages. So, here is a nifty hack for you. In general, every message, be it a connection request, InMail, or email, should contain one of the following: 

And aim for the following structure:

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

6. Nurture & engage

Once the lead responds, it’s your job to engage and nurture them to conversion. People skills play a significant role here, so here are a couple of pro tips that will help you:

  1. Be empathetic so you can understand their problem and how they feel about it.
  2. Don’t pitch first. Instead, ask them about their specific problem and customize your pitch.
  3. Be confident.
  4. Listen actively.
  5. Read between the lines.
  6. Understand body language and voice tones when you jump on a meeting.
  7. Be an expert at what your company does.

Top 9 LinkedIn outreach strategies

Less is more

When you write your outreach messages, it’s crucial to understand that people’s attention span is, on average, 8.25 seconds (The Treetop Therapy). That said, longer sentences and texts that cause TLDR are a no-go. So our first LinkedIn outreach strategy is approaching your leads with fewer words

Try being straightforward with your LinkedIn messages and avoid fillers such as:

And so on. 


This is the essential LinkedIn outreach strategy. By writing personalized messages, we connect on a deeper level with the people and remove any generic communication. This is a perfect base for social selling and securing the path for better response and acceptance rates.

You can personalize your LinkedIn outreach messages with their first name or job title. However, there are more detailed ways to do it, and we will mention them below. 

Send free resource

Avoid pitching in your first message. Instead, start your conversation by asking about the lead’s workflow and pain points. Then send them a free resource that helps them solve the problem they mentioned.

If you start your sales outreach this way, you will have more significant success, as you do not appear intrusive. In return, you get the necessary information to tailor your pitch accordingly.

Leverage your connections

The more you have in common with your target audience, the more honest and reliable you appear. That said, how you seem to be can make or break your LinkedIn outreach.
One of the ways to bring similarity to your LinkedIn messages is by leveraging your mutual connections. For example, people are more open to accepting your invitation if you refer someone they know. Here is an example:

Hey {{firstName}}, {{mutualConnectionName}} sent me your profile as they think you are the right person to help me out in my research about {{Topic}}. So let’s connect and talk if you’re up for it.

Leverage LinkedIn Groups

Another way to discover leads for LinkedIn outreach is by leveraging groups. Even though they are not that active anymore, you can still use them to find and reach out to people who are still in these LinkedIn groups.

Find the LinkedIn group your leads are most likely a part of, and click Show all to see all members.

Image of how to find members of LinkedIn groups for the outreach

In addition, you can reference a LinkedIn group post in your outreach and ask them about their opinion about it.

Turn events attendees into your leads

LinkedIn lead generation lets you get creative with finding your most qualified leads. One of those creative ways is reaching out to event attendees.

You can find LinkedIn events that focus on the exact problem your company solves with a product or a service. This way, you can target people who are already warmed up for your outreach message.

To get to event attendees, search for the events and click the Attend button. 

Image of how to find members of LinkedIn events for the outreach

After you've attended, you can check for the list of LinkedIn users who attend this event by clicking Attendees. 

Image of how to find list of event attendees for LinkedIn outreach

You can then go through the list and create leads in your CRM. Or, you can grab this LinkedIn search, paste it into Skylead and prepare a LinkedIn outreach campaign.

A true hack for LinkedIn outreach here is that you can write personalized messages such as this one:

Hey {{firstName}},

I’ve noticed that you attended {{eventName}}. What did you think about {{eventTakeaway}}? Let’s connect on this.

Contact companies that are hiring

Companies currently hiring or experiencing some change are more likely to be willing to test new products. In other words, these companies emit some buying signals.

Here’s how to find them for the LinkedIn outreach.

If you have a Sales Navigator, finding these companies is a piece of cake. Simply go to Account filters, and under Spotlights, select Job Opportunities.  

Image of how to use job opportunities filter in Sales Navigator to find people for outreach

LinkedIn Sales Navigator will then list company names. You can also narrow your search by selecting other filters, such as Company headcount or Technologies used.. This advanced search will help you find your ICP with the buying signal.

If you are a free or Premium LinkedIn user, you can find these companies by navigating to the LinkedIn search field. Type in the job title, select Jobs and use other filters to narrow your search. Then, go through company names and mark them down in your CRM to find key decision-makers later on.

Image of how to find companies that are currently hiring on LinkedIn for the outreach

You can then reach out to the decision-makers in these companies by sending them a connection request such as this one:

Hey {{firstName}},

I noticed you are looking for a new {{Occupation}} in your company. Do you plan to change the workflow as well? If so, I have an idea that can help you improve your team's productivity and would like to connect with you.

Engage with people who reacted to a post

You don’t have to reach out only to the leads you found via LinkedIn search. If you find time, scroll through your feed or notifications and check reactions to posts. Then, whenever you see your potential lead engaging, take that opportunity to start the conversation. After all, this is one of the most natural ways to start building relationships with your network and leads.

Use AI to speed up your outreach processes

In just over a year, the integration of AI into our daily lives has transitioned from a futuristic concept to an integral part of our personal and professional routines. 

When it comes to the LinkedIn outreach process, there are a few areas where you can use ChatGPT and AI-assisted tools to speed up processes. However, it is important to underline the importance of human intervention to make the AI-generated text sound as natural as possible and to adapt it to different leads and situations. 

AI-assisted LinkedIn InMails 

Due to their indisputable success rates, LinkedIn recognizes the importance of InMails and now offers AI-assisted InMail writing to its paying members.

All you need to do is open the InMail message window, click on the Write with AI button, and choose among the offered outreach scenarios.  

You can ask AI to rewrite the message from scratch, or you can manually adjust some parts for greater impact. 

Craft any message with AI-powered tools

In our recent blog post on how to use ChatGPT for sales we provided detailed information on how to create prompts and inputs for ChatGPT to create any type of LinkedIn outreach message. In addition to ChatGPT, other AI-powered writing tools such as Grammarly, ProWritingAid, and Clearscope, for example, are also gaining popularity for increasing writing quality, improving grammar and style, and optimizing content for SEO. These AI tools offer valuable assistance in proofreading, editing, and optimizing written content for various purposes. 

Use AI-driven content to post on LinkedIn

By consistently sharing valuable and informative content, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your field, foster meaningful connections, and attract potential leads who resonate with your expertise and insights. 

However, as we all know, writing compelling social posts takes time. On top of that, if you want to give value to your audience, every now and then you must additionally research certain topics. This is where ChatGPT and other tools for AI-driven can help you significantly speed up these processes and help you drive engagement on the platform. 

7 LinkedIn outreach rules you need to consider

1. Have an optimized profile before you start

Before using your LinkedIn account for cold outreach, you need to sort out your LinkedIn profile and optimize it. In other words, setting up your profile includes:

If you do it thoroughly, people will be more prone to accept your connection request or respond to your InMail message.

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

2. Use safe automation tools

If you use some kind of LinkedIn automation tool, you should know that there are 3 different kinds:

Chrome extensions are the least safe tool to use since they inject the code into the LinkedIn platform. This action sends LinkedIn an instant alert, and you risk getting your LinkedIn account restricted.

Desktop apps and web browsers are a bit safer. However, they don’t have a dedicated IP or the option to mimic human-like behavior. Moreover, you must have your PC turned on to keep your campaigns running. 

Unlike other solutions, cloud-based LinkedIn automation tools are safer, as they do not inject the code into the LinkedIn platform. Moreover, you get a dedicated IP address that shields your activity, and they mimic human-like behavior making it impossible for LinkedIn to detect.

That said, choose carefully which LinkedIn automation tool you will use. For example, to keep your account safe and secure, we at Skylead have 3-layered protection for your LinkedIn account:

3. Think multichannel

Did you know that companies with omnichannel engagement strategies retain 89% of customers (invesp)? Then, don’t just stop at LinkedIn outreach; for the best results, include email outreach as well since it’s still an essential means of correspondence. 

This way, you are showing your target audience that you care and that you are expanding your reach. What’s more, you increase the chances of getting a hold of your leads who are not active on LinkedIn. Or in case your lead leaves your invite pending for a long time.

4. Don’t be too salesy 

Nowadays, LinkedIn prospecting and cold outreach can’t do anything if your approach is too salesly or spammy. In other words, don’t talk only about your company or a product. Instead, take a legitimate interest in your target audience, build the relationship first, and connect on a human level. It’s the only way without sounding too salesy and a part of the tremendous social selling. So always choose a more genuine approach to nurturing leads. 

5. Provide value

Consistently provide value in the form of educational content or throughout the meeting. The pro tip here is to do it after you’ve asked your leads about their pain points. This way, you’re ensuring you are tailoring your value according to what they precisely need and want.

6. Follow up consistently

Leads often do not respond to your message, and it’s not always because they are not interested. Maybe they forgot or were busy at that time. 

Suppose your prospect doesn’t respond to your LinkedIn outreach message or email. Send them a follow-up one. After all, if you do, you will increase your chances of receiving a response by 25% (invesp). So why waste it?

To help put your follow–up message together, check out our templates to send follow up emails after no response and get inspired.

7. Revoke old requests

One of the main rules people doing LinkedIn outreach stick by is canceling their LinkedIn invites

There is a common fear that LinkedIn won’t allow you to send new requests if you accumulate unanswered ones. Unfortunately, the fear is legitimate, as quite a few people have experienced this restriction. 

If the lead doesn’t answer the LinkedIn connection request or follow-ups in months, chances are they are not interested anyways. So be sure to lean up your LinkedIn invites regularly.

7 Best LinkedIn outreach templates [Our best picks]

Linkedin outreach message templates for sales

Sales outreach is about the initial impressions, so your first message should contain at least two of the points we mentioned in the last step of LinkedIn outreach. That said, here are a couple of templates that demonstrate those exact points.

Acceptance rate: 34%
Reply rate: 17%


Hey {{firstName}},

I came across your LinkedIn profile and was so inspired by your background in {{industry}} and your passion for {{workAreaOfInterest}}. I’d like to connect and exchange ideas in both areas.

LinkedIn connection request example

LinkedIn outreach connection request message example 1

Bonus points if you can reference mutual connection. And if you feel like being humorous, you can spice up your invite with an industry-related joke, such as this one.

Acceptance rate: 53%
Reply rate 27%


How many {{leadPositionTitle}} does it take to screw in a light bulb? None – they’ve automated it. 🙂 Just kidding, {{firstName}}.

But if you really wish to automate almost every part of your {{leadSectorName}} workflow, let’s chat. I’d like to show you something that would make your life easier. Let’s connect.

LinkedIn connection request example

Image of LinkedIn outreach message example, connection request 2

However, if all fall short and your lead doesn’t accept your invite, you can always send a LinkedIn InMail such as this one:

Acceptance rate: 43%
Reply rate: 23%


Subject line: There is a key to solving {{painPoint}}

InMail message:

Hey {{firstName}},

My name is {{yourName}}, and I tried reaching out and connecting via LinkedIn invite. It appears that we didn’t get the chance to connect.

I was very much impressed with your LinkedIn profile. So, I believe your experience and dedication to {{workAreaOfInterest}} make you the perfect person to introduce you to our groundbreaking {{toolSpecification}} tool {{yourSoftwareName}}.

Our tool is created by {{leadPositionTitle}} for {{leadPositionTitle}} and it helps you:

1# {{Benefit }}

2# {{Benefit}}

3# {{Benefit}}

4# {{Benefit}}

I'd love to offer a personalized demo, so you can see hands-on how it works. Let me know if you're up for it, and we'll schedule a 15-minute call asap.

Best, {{yourName}}

InMail example

Image of LinkedIn outreach message example 3, InMail

LinkedIn outreach message templates for recruiters

For example, let’s say you wish to reach out to your perfect candidate for the job in your company. Your LinkedIn connection request can sound like this:


Hey {{firstName}},

My name is {{yourName}}, and we’re currently seeking a {{Occupation}}, and I truly believe that this role offers you a platform to leverage your skills and make a significant impact at our company. I’d be happy to share more details about the role and benefits we offer.

LinkedIn connection request example

Image of LinkedIn outreach message example 4, connection request

If, however, your ideal candidate doesn’t reply, use InMail format to land straight in their inbox.


Acceptance rate 79%

Reply rate 46%

Subject line: Exciting job opportunity at {{yourCompanyName}}

InMail message:

Hey {{firstName}},

I understand that you may not be actively seeking new opportunities at this time. Still, I truly believe that this role provides you with a platform to leverage your {{Occupation}} skills and make a significant impact at {{yourCompanyName}}.

{{yourCompanyName}} is a {{shortDescription}}, where we take care of our employees and offer the very best, including:

1# {{Benefit 1}}

2# {{Benefit 2}}

3#{{Benefit 3}}

If this opportunity piques your interest, I would be happy to share more details about the role over the call. So let me know, and we can schedule an initial meeting at your earliest convenience.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Warm regards, {{yourName}}

InMail example

Image of LinkedIn outreach message example 5, InMail

LinkedIn outreach message template for job search

We’ve all been there at one point - reaching out to companies and trying to get ahold of recruiters. Thankfully, you don’t need to search for their email addresses, as LinkedIn allows you to contact a recruiter from your ideal company directly. However, if you really wish to catch their attention, use this connection message template.

Acceptance rate: 67%

Reply rate: 32%


Hello {{firstName}},

I have been following {{companyName}} and I’m impressed by your values, and dedication to innovation. As a skilled {{Occupation}} and enthusiast for {{companyIndustry}} I believe your company could benefit from my background. Let’s meet each other and talk about it.

LinkedIn connection request example

Image of LinkedIn outreach message example 6, connection request

Moreover, if you have a LinkedIn Premium account, even better. You could send them an InMail that looks like this:


Subject line: Proactive and passionate {{Occupation}} ready to make a difference at {{companyName}}

InMail message:

Hey {{firstName}},

My name is {{yourName}}, and I am a skilled {{Occupation}} with extensive experience in {{companyIndustry}}. I have been following {{companyName}} for some time now, and I am incredibly impressed by your {{Achievement}}, values, and dedication to innovation.

As someone really passionate about {{companyIndustry}}, I believe my background and skill set make me an ideal candidate to contribute to your team’s ongoing success.

I have achieved {{specificAccomplishmentOrResult}}, which has led me to {{quantifiable outcome}}. In addition, my expertise in {{specificSkill}} has allowed me to make a significant impact on my team’s performance and overall business growth.

I am excited about the prospect of bringing my skills and enthusiasm to {{companyName}}. I have attached my resume for your review and would be grateful for the opportunity to speak with you about how I could contribute to your team.

If there are any open positions or upcoming opportunities that align with my background, I would appreciate your consideration.

Thank you for taking the time to read my message, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best, {{yourName}}

InMail example

Image of LinkedIn outreach message example 7, InMail

LinkedIn outreach stats

1. Users who have 70+ SSI have 45% more opportunities and are 51% more likely to hit sales targets. Moreover, it will grant you 20% more reach. (Tribal impact)

2. LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead generation, far more than platforms like Facebook and Twitter. (HubSpot)

3. 92% of potential clients are willing to engage with an industry thought leader, making the thought leadership LinkedIn lead generation strategy very effective (CH Consulting Group). 

4. Marketing managers experience up to 2 times higher conversion rates on LinkedIn. (LinkedIn)

5. Sending a personalized InMail will increase your response rate by up to 30%. (LinkedIn)

6. Lead conversion rates on LinkedIn are 3x higher than other ad platforms. (LinkedIn)

7. Audiences exposed to brand and acquisition messages on LinkedIn are 6x more likely to convert. (LinkedIn)

Frequently asked questions about Linkedin outreach

Those were some fascinating stats, ha? 🙂 Before we conclude this blog, let’s answer some frequently asked questions about the topics we didn’t get the chance to mention above.

Is prospecting on LinkedIn worth it?

Yes. LinkedIn prospecting helps you find your ICP and Buyer Persona with filtering options such as company size or industry. Moreover, the lead’s LinkedIn profile usually contains publicly available contact information, such as phone numbers or email addresses, that you can use to contact your leads outside LinkedIn.

What is the success rate of LinkedIn outreach?

LinkedIn outreach success rate depends on your goal and personalization level, but it’s usually high overall. For example, one of our sales team’s campaigns has the following result: out of 2782 connections sent, they experienced a 33% acceptance rate and 17% response. In some cases, the results go even higher.

What is a respectable number of LinkedIn connections?

You can have up to 30,000 connections, but the respected number depends on what you want to achieve. For example, for salespeople and recruiters, it’s essential to connect with as many people as possible to expand their network, thus reaching people outside of it and getting more leads.

Is it better to have followers or connections on LinkedIn?

Followers and connections are equally important, so it depends on your goals. For example, if you are a LinkedIn marketer and wish to focus on sharing content, gaining followers might be better for you. However, salespeople benefit better from the connections, as building relationships is the basis for successful selling.

Ready for LinkedIn outreach?

That’s a wrap-up for LinkedIn lead generation! This has been a wild ride.

Naturally, you can’t memorize everything from this article. Therefore, make sure to bookmark it, so you can return to it and remind yourself about best practices for LinkedIn lead generation.

And if you’re looking for a way to turn time-consuming LinkedIn outreach aspects into simple, straightforward tasks, try Skylead for 7 days for free, and experience firsthand how fast you can scale your business! 

LinkedIn outreach success gif

Launch your first outreach campaign today!
Start free now Start free now

Looking for leads? Ever heard of LinkedIn prospecting? It’s about time you do!

If we know that LinkedIn is the largest professional social media network in the world, with a staggering 1 billion users, of whom 65 million are decision-makers, then it’s safe to say that it is a place to be for prospecting. Our complete guide on LinkedIn prospecting will cover:

What is LinkedIn prospecting? 

By definition, LinkedIn Prospecting is the practice where salespeople and recruiters leverage LinkedIn as a part of their social selling activity to identify and engage with potential customers among platform members. Their goal is to build professional relationships and offer products or services that best meet their needs.

What does LinkedIn prospecting mean? 

LinkedIn is a professional network ideal for B2B (business-to-business) interactions, where salespeople can find and nurture potential business clients. It’s all about identifying the right target audience and fostering relationships with them, using the platform's features to manage the entire process.

But how does it work? LinkedIn helps you spot new prospects by providing insights into members' job titles, company information, and some personal information—key data for your outreach. Look at your prospect's LinkedIn profile as a gold mine of information, crucial for deciding if they're a fit for your product so you can plan and personalize messages and follow-ups.

Before reaching out, we believe that studying your prospect's profile is essential. Connecting is only the start; understanding how your product can help them and genuinely caring about their business is what can keep the conversation going. This process is gradual and involves patience, thoroughness, and constant optimization.

Now that you’ve found and studied your target audience, we get to initial contact. Cold outreach on LinkedIn involves contacting potential clients you haven't met before, aiming to pitch your product or service. But it's not just about the pitch; it's about building relationships and understanding their needs.

Remember: LinkedIn prospecting isn't a one-size-fits-all formula. It's complex, demands a solid strategy, and depends on many factors. But there's a reason LinkedIn is a top pick for social selling and online prospecting, as you’ll come to learn while you go through this blog.

Why LinkedIn prospecting? 

LinkedIn differs from other social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter because it's focused on B2B relationships. It's a one-stop shop for finding business contacts. Plus, it supports both prospecting and lead generation.

We need to clarify something: Prospecting and lead generation are not the same. Prospecting is about identifying and nurturing potential customers, while lead generation attracts and converts customer interest. A prospect is a qualified contact, whereas a lead is unqualified.

In recent years, the pandemic shifted these activities to the online world. This was when social selling became a thing - the practice of using social media to find and build relationships with prospects to meet sales goals. LinkedIn, being a professional, B2B-focused platform, has thus gained more advantages for social selling, as it supports all stages of the sales process.

However, success on LinkedIn isn't easy. Sales teams face the challenge of identifying the right business contacts among many, and decision-makers on LinkedIn are flooded with LinkedIn connection requests, regular messages, and InMails. But don’t worry! There are strategies to stand out and connect effectively with potential clients, which we will cover later in this blog.

Image of CTA banner 2 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

How to get started with LinkedIn prospecting? 

1. Define your Ideal Customer Profile & Buyer Persona 

An ideal customer is someone who will benefit from the product or service on many levels and has also shown interest in it. In marketing and sales, we call that a qualified prospect

Defining your ideal prospects helps focus your sales and marketing on the most promising leads. In B2B, this means understanding the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) for target companies and the Buyer Persona for their decision-makers or a person who will use your product. 

Knowing these details improves how you identify and approach them on LinkedIn, making your social selling more effective while saving time in future outreach efforts. In fact, our Head of Sales, Andrea, says that if you define your ICP and Buyer Persona right away and you do it correctly, you won’t waste time on bad results. 

Let’s go over them. 👇

Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) describes companies that benefit most from your product or service. These companies typically have:

Buyer Persona is a detailed profile of your ideal customer, encompassing behavioral, demographic, firmographic, and psychographic traits. This persona represents someone who:

Note: Each company that fits your ICP can have one or more than one Buyer Persona for you to target. In short, ICP represents the company profile, while the Buyer Persona focuses on the particular type of person’s profile within that company.

2. Find potential customers 

Once you’ve defined your Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Persona, it’s time to find them on LinkedIn. You can use LinkedIn to understand their pain points and keep all communication in one convenient place, from initial contact to follow-ups.

But that’s not all LinkedIn does. It encourages a series of behaviors through certain features that we can use to find ideal prospects and build B2B relationships.

  1. LinkedIn allows networking among the members attending the same LinkedIn event despite some members not being connected. 
  2. LinkedIn awards posting relevant content by giving these members greater exposure on the platform. 
  3. LinkedIn gives you options to join LinkedIn groups of your interest. Use Sales Navigator to target members of a LinkedIn group.
  4. Reach busy decision-makers through paid and free LinkedIn InMails 
  5. You can use numerous filters to find your ideal prospects. 

You will find strategies on how to effectively find more prospects later in the blog.

Image of CTA banner 2 for Skylead salesbook - ready-to-use outreach template that can be applied to our LinkedIn automation and cold email software

3. Structure your campaign 

Effective LinkedIn connections go beyond just sending requests to users matching your Buyer Persona. It involves a detailed outreach plan, including:

We know, it’s a lot to keep track of: conversations, relationship stages, and buyer's journey positions for multiple prospects. This is why we recommend you use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software for your LinkedIn leads. It organizes customer data and streamlines lifecycle processes, replacing countless spreadsheets and documents.

4. Reach out & follow up

Once your LinkedIn outreach campaign is structured, start connecting with potential customers. Remember, first impressions matter in social selling. Look at it like this: your profile is your business card; members will take a peek and focus on your profile picture, cover photo, LinkedIn headline, and LinkedIn summary.

An all-star-status profile increases views and connections due to higher search visibility. When reaching out, ensure every message, whether a connection request or InMail, is personalized, showing you've researched the recipient and leaving room for conversation.

Set up your LinkedIn profile compete guide banner with text: Earn the LinkedIn all-star status

Follow-ups are key in outreach. Not all potential customers will be immediately responsive, especially busy decision-makers with a ton of requests. Be persistent but also recognize when to pause with outreach and wait for a better opportunity to re-engage. Also, be sure to try templates.

5. Automate your LinkedIn outreach 

We’ve come to our favorite part: outreach automation. ✨
LinkedIn automation tools can be the secret ingredient to your business success. With these powerful tools, you can streamline almost all outreach tasks, such as:

Automation tools save time, allowing more focus on crafting sales messages and closing deals. When it comes to the type of automation, cloud-based automation is the way to go. They are safer and can operate independently of your computer, unlike Chrome extensions or desktop apps, which can lead to account bans and you ending up in LinkedIn jail.

The good news is that advanced tools like Skylead use smart algorithms for efficient prospecting and add cold email outreach to the LinkedIn outreach equation. By offering multichannel outreach, a Smart sequence builder, hyper-personalization, and an email discovery & verification feature, Skylead gives its users safety, efficiency, and the ultimate outreach experience. 

6. Combine cold emailing with your LinkedIn outreach 

A cold email is an unsolicited email that is sent to your prospect without prior contact as part of your cold outreach strategy. It could also be defined as the written equivalent of cold calling. Cold email outreach, just like LinkedIn outreach, aims to make contact with prospects and build professional relationships for the sake of sales as an end goal. 

Since sales processes moved mostly online, the combination of LinkedIn outreach and cold emailing has given the best results. From our experience, we believe that combining LinkedIn with cold email outreach will increase your chances of getting to your desired prospects and converting them. Pavle, our sales executive, used a multichannel sequence to reach a 35% reply rate.

The 18 most effective LinkedIn prospecting strategies

As promised, we’ve done the research so you don’t have to, and now we present the 18 most effective LinkedIn prospecting strategies that are likely to bring qualified prospects for your business. Let’s review the list.

1. Use the Boolean search to narrow down your prospects

LinkedIn Boolean search allows you to combine words and phrases using the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT to limit, broaden, or define your lead generation target. Both LinkedIn and Sales Navigator filters support this type of search. 

Keep in mind that the Boolean search can help you focus your prospecting efforts on ideal potential customers of a niche market that works best for your business. 

2. Target LinkedIn event attendees 

Event Attendees on LinkedIn, Event example

LinkedIn event attendees might not all be connected, but what connects them is what your sales pitch might be. To target prospects at LinkedIn events, focus on events your ideal audience attends. This approach not only groups them in one place but also offers insights into their needs and perspectives, which you can use to get to know them better and connect.

3. Use LinkedIn groups for prospecting

Yes, we know. Most of the LinkedIn groups are dead. However, their members are still there, despite being inactive, gathered around a common interest. This is why targeting LinkedIn groups for LinkedIn prospecting is recommended. 

However, if some of these communities are active, make sure you take time and genuinely engage with them. Ask questions, offer advice, share your experience, and answer and comment on posts. Aside from high-quality prospects, you might gain valuable insights into your Buyer Persona’s problems and needs. 

Remember: LinkedIn allows you to send a direct LinkedIn message to each group member without being connected to them. This is how you find groups of your interest. 👇

Option 1 - LinkedIn basic and Premium users 

#1 Run a blank search or enter a keyword in the LinkedIn search engine. Use other available filters if needed.

Find LinkedIn groups on LinkedIn

#2 Choose your ideal LinkedIn group and click “Request to Join.”   

Request to join LinkedIn group

#3 Once you get accepted, this is where you find the list of members - or your prospect list. 😉 

See LinkedIn group members

Option 2 - Sales Navigator filters: Group filter  

You can find members of different LinkedIn groups through Sales Navigator filters. Unlike other LinkedIn users, you can narrow down LinkedIn group members further to fit your search criteria even better by applying other filters.

#1 Open Lead Filters

#2 Scroll down to the “Groups” filter. Put in a keyword or the exact name of the LinkedIn group. 

Sales Navigator filters group filter

#3 Sales Navigator will suggest other similar groups. 

Suggested groups, group filters, Sales Navigator filters

Note: Once you’ve chosen LinkedIn groups of interest, use other Sales Navigator filters to narrow your search results. 

4. Take full advantage of free & paid InMails 

LinkedIn InMail message is a direct private message to or from a LinkedIn member who is not part of your network. LinkedIn members that are not part of your network can be your 2nd or 3rd-degree connections.

If you’re not yet connected with your prospect, you can still send them messages, and this is where InMails comes in. Make sure to combine both free and paid InMails for a more effective outreach. However, our experience has shown that it is more effective to use InMails as the last step of the sequence in outreach if LinkedIn and email combined do not give results.

5. The People Also Viewed feature 

As you may know, the LinkedIn People Also Viewed feature displays a list of LinkedIn members that the platform’s algorithm found important for your LinkedIn experience, whether you are using the platform for networking, job search, or lead generation. Use the algorithm to your advantage and better target your audience.

6. The People You May Know feature 

Unlike the People Also Viewed feature, People You May Know suggests LinkedIn members for you to connect with based on commonalities between you and those LinkedIn members. 

LinkedIn recommends members who may have shared connections have similar profile information (experiences, company name, company size, industry, or attended the same school). You will see these profiles on the right rail of your LinkedIn profile.

People you may know section LinkedIn

Leveraging mutual connections on LinkedIn is a strategic way to grow your network and connect with potential prospects. Mentioning a common connection can go a long way. It boosts acceptance rates, overall trust and helps build new professional relationships.

Note: Keep in mind that the better your LinkedIn profile is optimized, the more accurately algorithms will suggest members that fit your prospecting preferences.

7. Check your prospects’ Contact Info 

We’ve already said that your prospects’ profile acts as a business card. Contact info sections usually contain everything you need to know to reach out. It’s available only for your 1st-degree connections.

“Contact info” can contain your prospects’ business email, private email, phone number, company website, and LinkedIn profile URL. However, not all of this information has to be filled out.

Here’s an example 👇

Contact info, Relja

In this case, we see our lead’s business email, company website, and even phone number.

LinkedIn contact info

Some LinkedIn automation tools, such as Skylead, collect this publicly available information for you. All you need to do is move the toggle button to the right before creating your sequence. Skylead will collect all of your prospects' publicly available data and allow you to use it at any moment.

Skylead collect contact info section

8. Follow job changes on your feed

If your 1st-degree connection changes jobs, you will get a notification. 🔔

Follow job changes on feed, notifications

It will show up in your feed as well. If your 2nd-degree connection changes jobs and the mutual connection reacts to it or posts a comment, you will also see it in your LinkedIn feed.

New job alert on LinkedIn feed

Regular updates on job changes are crucial for the LinkedIn prospecting process because a member's new job title may align with your ideal prospect profile. Additionally, leads in new decision-making roles are often more receptive to sales pitches, so you can use this moment to introduce your product/service to them.

9. The new job position alert

Setting job alerts for specific positions in companies is a long-term LinkedIn prospecting strategy. You'll get notifications about new openings, indicating company growth, investment in departments, or increased demand for their products or services. You can use these signals as an intro for your outreach efforts. 

Seems convenient? This is how you set the New Job Position alert on LinkedIn 👇

#1 Write the job position or a keyword you wish to get altered for in the search bar. Then, click “Jobs.” Let’s say you are interested in the “Sales Manager” position opening.

Set up a job alert

#2 Set up the location (mandatory) first. Then, use any other filter under the “All Filters” option that will get you as close to your ICP as possible.

Set up a job alert filtering options

#3 Finally, turn the alert on.

Set up job alert alert on

However, if you have a list of companies you would like to set alerts for, you can manually insert them here. This way, you will create job alerts for those companies only.

Set up new job alert companies

#4 Once you’ve set everything, turn the alert on and receive alerts for multiple companies or a single alert for multiple companies.

10. Target specific job openings

This hack involves searching for job openings and functions, listing companies in a spreadsheet, and contacting decision-makers. It targets current job openings, unlike the long-term strategy of setting alerts and waiting, which offers immediate search results to work with.

This is how you find leads by targeting specific job openings 👇

#1 Put the keyword in the LinkedIn search engine. For example, search for a “Sales Manager”. Set all filters to get as close as possible to your ICP. 

Target specific job openings

#2 Manually add each company (or handpick your target companies) into a spreadsheet. Then, find decision-makers within these companies and outreach away! ✨

11. Target your competitor’s network

Targeting your competitor’s network on LinkedIn can be an effective prospecting hack, as their connections are likely qualified leads already interested in similar products or services. To put this hack into practice, you have to connect with competitors, as it applies only to your 1st-degree connections.

Option 1 - Go to your competitor’s LinkedIn profile and find their connection list 

#1 Go to your competitor’s profile and click on their connection list.

Image of how to target your competitor's network

#2 Once you click, you will be able to filter your leads further. You can then handpick them or copy-paste the link of your final search result to a LinkedIn automation tool, such as Skylead.

Filter your competitor's network

Option 2 - Search for your competitor’s connections through LinkedIn filters 

#1 Type a keyword into the search bar or run a blank search. Click “All filters”.

Find your competitor's connections through LinkedIn filters

#2 Scroll down to the “Connections Of” filter. You can target one competitor or multiple competitors’ connections. Filter your search results by using other LinkedIn filters. 

Connections of filter

12. Reach out to people who endorsed your competitor or ICP

Keep in mind that people often connect with those similar to themselves in lead generation. Explore the "Skills" section on LinkedIn profiles, both yours and your competitors', to find potential leads through shared connections and endorsements.

#1 Scroll all the way down your potential prospect’s profile.

LinkedIn skills section endorsements

#2 As you may see, there’s a total number of people who endorsed your prospect for a certain skill. LinkedIn automatically shows only those who are categorized as “highly skilled.” 

Note: When you have many connections that endorse you for a particular skill, LinkedIn marks you as “highly skilled.” Click on the link as marked above. 

This is how it looks 👇

Skills section on LinkedIn highly skilled section

You can target everyone from the list or just the individuals marked as “highly skilled.” They are most likely to be from the same industry or use the services of your prospect.

Note: From our 5-year experience in the market, we found that endorsing someone on LinkedIn doesn’t have the same weight as writing a recommendation. The LinkedIn members you find through the Recommendations section are more likely to be high-quality prospects.

13. Target leads who wrote or received a recommendation

As mentioned above, checking the recommendation section of a prospect's LinkedIn profile is a smart move. It reveals members who have written or received recommendations, along with their names, current titles, and relationship to your prospect. This provides immediate insight into their business connections.

Let’s look at an example 👇

Recommendations section on LinkedIn

You can check out both your prospect’s recommendations and the ones your prospect wrote for others. 

Recommendation section - received and given

When leaving recommendations, you need to specify the type of business relationships you had with that LinkedIn member, as well as the position you held at the moment. 

Recommendation section - relationship

Note: The type of relationship will be displayed together with your recommendation. 

Recommendation section - position at the time

14. Target members who commented or reacted to your ideal prospect's LinkedIn post

For LinkedIn prospecting, only target posts relevant to your business and engaged by members that fit your Buyer Persona. Focus on posts from your industry, similar businesses, or those shared by people targeting or engaging your Buyer persona.

Here are two ways to find a LinkedIn post ideal for prospecting.

Option 1 - Find a LinkedIn member whose posts you want to target 

#1 Scroll down through their profile and check out the “Activity” section. Click “See all activity.”

Followers list in Activity on LinkedIn

#2 Click “Posts” to see only content posted by that LinkedIn member. 

Image of how to see all posts of LinkedIn users

#3 Choose a post that you want to target. If you are doing outreach manually, click here to see who reacted and commented on this particular post. 

LinkedIn post engagement

#4 If you’re using a LinkedIn automation tool, this is where you copy a link to a post. 

Note: The majority of LinkedIn automation tools can target only members who reacted (not commented) to a certain post. 

Copy link to post - LinkedIn content

Option 2 - Find a LinkedIn post by using LinkedIn filters 

#1 Use LinkedIn's search bar to find posts containing your keyword that interest your ideal prospects. 

Find a LinkedIn post via filtering options

#2 Filter your posts further if necessary. 

Filtering options LinkedIn content

#3 Collect prospects either manually or by using a LinkedIn automation tool.

15. Reach out to people who reacted or commented on your post

Using LinkedIn content for prospecting allows you to create tailored posts, articles, or LinkedIn polls to attract qualified prospects. Engage with them by asking questions, starting discussions, or teasing about new releases, and then identify potential leads manually or with a LinkedIn automation tool.

16. Check your company’s LinkedIn page followers 

Running out of places to look for prospects? Why not target individuals who follow your LinkedIn company page but don't use your services or products? They might be in related industries, seeking information, exploring options, or staying updated just in case they need you someday. The best way to understand their interest is by reaching out to them. 

Option 1 - Check out your company page as an admin 

Step #1 You need to be your LinkedIn company page admin to see the list of your followers. 

Skylead Page followers, LinkedIn

This is how the follower list looks like 👇

All followers, LinkedIn

Option 2 - Sales Navigator spotlights filters: Leads that follow your company page

Step #1 Go to Sales Navigator Filters. Click “Lead Filters”.

Sales Navigator leads

Step #2 Choose the “Spotlight” filter. Click on “Leads that follow your company on LinkedIn”. You can use other filters to narrow down your search results.

Spotlights filters - following your company

17. Check out the Who’s Viewed Your Profile feature

People view your LinkedIn profile for various reasons. You appeared:

This indicates potential interest and a good sales rep will take any signal and turn it into a valid reason to reach out. Now go try it out!

This is where you can see who viewed your profile on LinkedIn. 👇

Option 1 - Check your notifications

Who's viewed your profile notifications

Option 2 - Check out the Analytics section

The LinkedIn Analytics section is right below the section with your profile picture, name, headline, and other info. 

Step #1 Find the “Analytics” section.

Analytics section LinkedIn

Step #2 Check out who viewed your profile. 

You’ll find the list of LinkedIn members who viewed your profile. You can use the available filters to narrow down your list.

Who's viewed your profile filtering options

Interesting Viewers is a category of profile views that LinkedIn's algorithm assumes you'd be most interested in talking to. Aside from that, LinkedIn will categorize certain contacts according to their company, industry, occupation, etc. This can be useful for LinkedIn prospecting.

18. Activate the Bell feature 

Did you know you can get notified if your prospect makes an action on their LinkedIn profile? If you activate the Bell feature, you won’t miss an opportunity to talk to your prospects, plus you can learn about their pain points and use that for your outreach messages. How to get the bell to ring? Follow the steps below 👇

Step #1 Go to your prospect’s LinkedIn profile. If you are not connected, click the “Follow” button first, and then turn the bell on. If they are your 1st-degree connection, just click the “Bell” button.

Activate the bell feature on LinkedIn

Step #2 You’ll get a notification each time your lead publishes something. It looks like this.

The bell feature notifications

LinkedIn prospecting: Top 3 tools to use

Now, when it comes to LinkedIn prospecting, strategies are good, but what if we told you some tools could help speed up the process? Before we get into the examples, let’s review some basic knowledge about LinkedIn automation tools.

What you need to know is that automation tools come in many shapes and sizes, but their type is what needs to be one of the first things to look at. We have three types of automation tools:

  1. Browser extensions - Browser-based LinkedIn tools need an extension download to work. To use them, all you need to do is open LinkedIn and activate the extension. The tricky part is that it is less safe to use because it injects a code into LinkedIn, making it noticeable to LinkedIn’s algorithms that search and ban suspicious, non-human behavior.
  2. Desktop apps - Desktop-based tools require a PC download to work. They act like desktop apps, and they need to work in the background at all times for the automation to happen. Apart from that, all data is stored on your computer. However, you can’t turn your PC off if you want it to work, and it is detectable by LinkedIn, so it’s a safety concern right away.
  3. Cloud-based - Finally, cloud-based tools use a dedicated IP address that serves as a proxy and shields from all automated activity, so LinkedIn won’t notice the automation happening. Your data is stored in a cloud, which makes it even more safe, and it also runs even when your computer is off.

So, when picking a tool, it’s easy to conclude that cloud-based is the way to go! Now let’s look at the tools 👇

1. Skylead

Skylead interface screenshot

As we’ve mentioned a bit earlier, Skylead is a LinkedIn automation and cold email software, and since prospecting comprises of two parts, finding and nurturing the clients, our tool will help with the outreach and nurturing part.

The LinkedIn automation solution helps you automate LinkedIn action and email. Plus, by using Image & GIF personalization, you can personalize all messages in a follow-up sequence, not just the initial one.

Lastly, our first-to-market Smart sequences help combine LinkedIn with unlimited email automation, thus covering all user behavior actions and reaching prospects one way or the other. Remember - multichannel sequences are the future of outreach!

Smart sequence example

2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator interface screenshot

Sales Navigator is LinkedIn’s premium platform created for B2B sales and marketing professionals to prospect and generate leads for their businesses. Every Sales Navigator feature is prospecting-oriented and aims to give you the most relevant information and insights into your desired companies and their decision-makers. 

Sales Navigator benefits:

Also, when you subscribe to one of 3 Sales Navigator plans, you can still enjoy all the benefits of LinkedIn Premium without additional charges.

3. Hubspot

Hubspot screenshot

Another tool that you probably heard of used for prospecting and lead management is Hubspot. It’s a free CRM solution that helps sales reps monitor their prospect lists and outreach stage. 

This CRM helps you take complete control of your entire sales process, starting with creating your prospect lists. Once you import new prospects, Hubspot offers an enrichment feature that will get you crucial company insights.

Hubspot’s paid version, for $500 per month and a minimum of 5 users, includes the following features:

LinkedIn prospecting: The 4 do’s of sales prospecting 

Here are the top 4 LinkedIn prospecting tips and best practices to have in mind when prospecting on LinkedIn.

1. Connect on a human level 

Successful salespeople remember that prospects are humans and center their sales process, from prospecting to pitching, around this. Social selling, especially on platforms like LinkedIn, is challenging as is and requires frequent follow-ups. 

To connect with prospects on a human level, it's important to show genuine care, share personal business struggles or advice, and respect their decision-making time. This approach leads to more positive returns and respects the human aspect of sales. LinkedIn prospecting gives you an insight on what your prospect is all about so you can connect on a deeper level, even online.

2. Provide value 

Sales reps should focus on providing value in social selling, both through content and interactions with prospects, regardless of their response to sales pitches. Sharing industry knowledge on LinkedIn positions you as an expert, making prospects more likely to choose you over others. 

Also, offering value through direct messages, like recommending resources, sharing ebooks, or giving advice about something they actually need, builds appreciation and trust, no matter their purchase decisions.

3. Personalize 

Personalization is crucial in prospecting, and it goes beyond just using the prospect's name. It involves in-depth research to understand and segment prospects. LinkedIn automation tools can automate this process using variables for personalization and CSV files for scaling. 

Image & GIF personalization is another effective technique, using customized images with the recipient’s data to capture attention. Tools like Skylead offer image personalization as a feature, allowing you to customize images for each recipient to enhance LinkedIn inbox visibility.

Image of CTA banner 2 for watching Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software demo

4. Be patient

From what we’ve seen in sales, it’s safe to say with absolute certainty that you shouldn’t be pushy or aggressive with prospects, despite the pressure of monthly or quarterly quotas. Sales reps who focus on nurturing prospects and understanding their stage in the buyer's journey tend to meet their sales quotas more. 

Prospects actually value the space to make decisions and appreciate sales approaches that aren't solely focused on closing a sale at any cost, so keep that in mind when reaching out.

LinkedIn prospecting: The don’ts of sales prospecting

Here’s what you should avoid at all costs when prospecting on LinkedIn. 👇

1. Overlooking Profiles Before Reaching Out

Not taking the time to research and go through your prospect’s profile thoroughly before reaching out can lead to irrelevant or inappropriate offers. You need to understand their interests, experiences and needs to help tailor just the right message.

2. Not Following Up 

Always keep in mind that messages can be missed or forgotten. Not following up can be a huge mistake and lead to potential client loss. Sometimes, prospects need a little push before they do what you want them to. When writing a follow-up email after no response, make sure not to be too aggressive or pushy.

3. Neglecting LinkedIn Etiquette

Like in the real world, LinkedIn also has a set of rules you need to follow when communicating with people online. Neglecting LinkedIn etiquette could include endorsing people you don't know for skills, joining groups and immediately spamming them with your offers, or not respecting people's time and interests. 

4. Ignoring Analytics and Feedback 

Lastly, not tracking the performance of your outreach efforts (like response and open rates) could lead to bad outreach results. If you’re not adapting constantly based on real-time metrics and optimizing, you won’t reach any sales goals. So, remember to always look at the numbers and optimize accordingly.

Frequently asked questions about LinkedIn prospecting

How do I measure the success of my LinkedIn prospecting efforts?

Measure success by tracking metrics like connection acceptance, response rates, meetings arranged, and conversion rates. Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Skylead or CRM tools for analytics. Consistently analyzing these metrics will help you understand the effectiveness of your strategies and make necessary adjustments to improve your prospecting efforts.

How can I ensure my LinkedIn outreach messages stand out from the competition?

Personalize your messages by referencing specific details from prospects' profiles. Create engaging, value-centric messages that invite a response. Tailoring your outreach to each prospect's interests and needs enhances the likelihood of initiating meaningful conversations, fostering professional relationships, and ultimately achieving successful connections.

What are the common pitfalls to avoid in LinkedIn prospecting, and how can I navigate them?

Avoid common pitfalls by steering clear of mass, impersonal messages and neglecting profile optimization. Focus on crafting tailored, value-driven outreach messages and maintaining a professional, up-to-date LinkedIn profile. Personalized communication combined with a polished online presence is key to sidestepping frequent errors and succeeding in your prospecting endeavors.

How to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator for prospecting?

Use Sales Navigator and its multiple features, such as advanced search and filtering, lead suggestions, and advanced notifications to search for the right audience - your ICP and Buyer Persona, then implement an outreach strategy, preferably using multiple channels.

How do you use LinkedIn for sales prospecting?

Optimize your LinkedIn profile, use LinkedIn or LinkedIn Sales Navigator to target specific leads, actively engage in relevant groups, consistently share insightful content, and effectively use InMail for personalized outreach.

How do I use LinkedIn for prospecting?

First, you need to define your Ideal Customer Profile. Then, identify companies matching it. Lastly, find your Buyer Persona within those companies. Use LinkedIn and Sales Navigator search filters to find qualified prospects. In this blog, we listed 19 additional strategies to find prospects on LinkedIn.

Does LinkedIn work for prospecting?

Yes. LinkedIn is a gold mine for finding qualified prospects for the majority of businesses. With the help of advanced search on LinkedIn and Sales Navigator, you can study prospect information to build qualified lead lists and proceed to implement your sales strategy with better results. 

Ready to use LinkedIn prospecting for outreach?

If your goal is to grow your business and your business is outreach, LinkedIn prospecting should be an integral part of your outreach strategy. Although it is complex, LinkedIn prospecting shouldn’t be such a hassle, thanks to advanced tools that can relieve some of the workload. 

That’s right, we’re talking about LinkedIn automation tools. Let’s look at the benefits one more time:

But how do you get to enjoy all these benefits?

You can try Skylead, of course! 🤩 Simply register for a free trial today and watch how an all-in-one tool can turn something as complex as prospecting into an easily manageable task that produces results.

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You already have your marketing agency and a few prosperous clients. Lately, you’ve been thinking of expanding your service list and offering more. What is it that would fit your clients’ needs best and still be in line with your industry? It’s outreach. Here’s why. 

If you already offer social media management, content writing, copywriting, SEO, web development, or similar, it is high time to start thinking one step ahead of your competitors. By adding outreach, you will undoubtedly keep up with the times and give your customers a valuable reason to stick around longer. 

Not only. 

There are a series of reasons why incorporating outreach into your Lead Generation Agency would be the right call. Here are a few. 

Customer loyalty

By adding the service of identifying and nurturing potential customers for your client’s products or services, you will be covering probably the most important segment of their prospecting. If they confide in the way you do their outreach, the chances of them staying loyal to your Lead Generation Agency increase, as you are controlling an additional sales channel of their business.

Furthermore, incorporating outreach in your marketing business will give your clients a well-rounded experience of generating leads on LinkedIn or via other methods. 

Outreach as a new marketing segment 

Adding outreach to your service list can also be a great way to attract new customers. Initially, newbies might only be interested in you identifying and nurturing their potential clients. However, if satisfied with your way of doing business, they might extend their request to other services that your Lead Generation Agency offers. 

Additional revenue growth 

By introducing a new marketing segment, you are raising your revenue stream.

Simply, adding an extra service means company growth. It also implies greater economic security, as your Lead Generation Agency doesn’t depend only on one or a few services. 

Stand out in the lead generation industry

By incorporating outreach into your Lead Generation Agency, you might be making one step ahead of your competitors. 

In case they thought of it first, draw attention to yourself by offering an impeccable, high-quality service. Better service attracts and retains better clients. 

Also, think about your and your competitors’ Value Proposition. What is it that makes your outreach service stand out in comparison to your competition’s?

Outreach is easy to incorporate 

You are probably already doing outreach to get more clients for your Lead Generation Agency. Therefore, you are familiar with the entire process of attracting new prospects and nurturing the old ones. All you need to do is expand your expertise to your clients. The more you develop this service for yourself, the better it will become for your customers as well. By growing your Lead Generation Agency, you will be growing an entire service within. Also, the better you become at doing outreach, you will most likely attract more clients for your Marketing Agency as well. 

Minimal cost

The only things that you need for outreach are a laptop and internet connection.

Create your client’s ICP (Ideal customer profile) and a cold outreach template with several follow-ups, and you can already start.

However, if you want to make this process far easier, you will need an Automation Tool, Scraping Tool, and an Email Finder. 

Luckily for you, there is a Sales Engagement Software that has all of these incorporated for as low as $100 per month. Long story short, it will save you both time and money.

Namely, Skylead combines LinkedIn Messages, LinkedIn InMails, and Emails scrapes publicly available emails of your 1st-degree connections, has an “Email Discovery & Verification” feature for discovering and verifying your leads’ business emails, as well as “Image and GIF hyper-personalization” tool in case you want to do a bit of an unconventional outreach. 

Therefore, Skylead contains an Automation Tool, Scraping Tool, an Email Finder, and more. 

All i do is win Meme

If you would like to know more about Skylead, feel free to schedule a demo call with our team specialist.

White-labeling a solution 

Think about white-labeling the Sales Engagement Tool that you are using. 

A white-label product is a product or service produced by one company that other companies rebrand to make it appear as if they had made it.

By white-labeling the Sales Engagement Tool of your choice, you will:

Yes meme

That being said, know that you can white-label Skylead. To know more about this option, schedule a demo call with our team specialist. 

How to start implementing your outreach?

Start with offering your service to the most loyal customers first 

The advantage of offering your new service to the already existing and most loyal customers first is that you are very familiar with their business. That is, by handling other marketing segments for their companies, you have already gained a major insight into their business goals, targets, and preferences. This allows you to do prospecting on LinkedIn and outreach leads with major precision and manage their outreach with more efficiency.

Furthermore, your already-established business relationship and cooperation will most likely reinforce. Upgrading your customers’ service package increases the possibility of enhancing their loyalty to your marketing agency. Additionally, you will be giving them a well-rounded Lead Generation experience.  This approach, often adopted by top advertising agencies in the US, ensures that your clients receive a comprehensive service.

Attract your new customers by offering outreach first 

In case you don’t want to introduce a new service before “testing it out”, try attracting new customers by using outreach as a bait. This way you don’t risk losing loyal customers in case something doesn’t go as planned. Additionally, you have space to learn, grow, and perfect your service before you offer it to your long-time clients. 


In conclusion, incorporating outreach into your Lead Generation Agency has more upsides than downsides for sure. 

By deciding to go for it you will:

Additionally, you have the option of making your life easier by going for a Sales Engagement Tool that has all the necessary features for a top-notch outreach.

Why Skylead?

For as low as $100 per month, with Skylead you can have an Automation Tool, Scraping Tool, and an Email Finder, all in one software. 

Furthermore, thanks to the implementation of Smart sequences, Skylead allows you to create the highest number of personalizable touchpoints with your prospects. 

Five times more in comparison to other tools, to be precise. 

It gives you the chance to combine LinkedIn Messages, InMails, and Emails with other LinkedIn features such as View, Follow, and Invite to Connect. Additionally, it has an Email Discovery & Verification feature. Therefore, no need for a separate Email Finder or Scraping software. 

Actually, white-label it and make it your secret weapon!

To know more about the advantage of Skylead over other Sales Engagement Tools and to get to know its features, schedule a demo call with a specialist from our team.

If already our customer, feel free to reach us out on the Support Chat or schedule a success call with our Customer Support and Success Manager. Improve your service by knowing Skylead better. 

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Whether a newbie or an experienced Sales Engagement Tool user, you might have never thought that View & Follow features could become your main Lead Generation source. 

It just sounds too simple, right?

To be honest, with the newest LinkedIn Limits we all need to get really creative in our outreach and use every feature at our disposal, once we've done with the right LinkedIn prospecting effort. 

Otherwise, we are risking jails and bans on LinkedIn or simply a far lower efficiency when it comes to Lead Gen. 

So, let’s think outside the box, shall we? 😁

What is the main difference between Connect & Follow on LinkedIn? 

When you connect with someone on LinkedIn, you can see each other's profile updates, shared posts, and send LinkedIn messages to one another. 

When you follow someone on LinkedIn, you will only see their posts on your feed. A lead who doesn’t follow you back will not be able to have an insight into yours. You are interacting with his or her shared content rather than with the prospect whose profile you are following. 

The Follow option helps you reach a broader audience without being bombarded with Connection Requests from someone interested only in your content or vice-versa.

However, what you maybe did not know is that you can use… 

View & Follow as a lead generation strategy

Go on Meme

Believe it or not, some people base their entire LinkedIn Lead Generation campaigns just on the LinkedIn “View Profile” option. Instead of trying to connect right away, they visit profiles of their interest, and those prospects, in most cases, respond with a Connection Request!

Aside from being a very non-invasive way of Lead Generation, it can also be a solution in case your profile, for any reason, has a history of jails and restrictions and you don’t want to compromise it furthermore. 

And, yeah, FYI, you can also use a Sales Engagement Tool for reaching (viewing, to be precise) a major number of leads’ profiles. Some users base their entire campaigns on this strategy. 

The same rule applies to the “Follow” feature. Additionally, this one can be a great substitute for unresponded Connection Requests or different unsuccessful outreach tries. 

View & Follow as part of the Smart Sequence 

Skylead is, as always, one step ahead when it comes to Lead Generation and Sales Engagement Industry in general. 

That is why View & Follow have become important features of our Smart Sequences.

As you may see below, the “Follow” feature can be a backup option in case your lead does not accept the Connection Request or his/her profile is not open to free LinkedIn InMails. It becomes a useful part of your sequence, as it does not necessarily exclude the possibility of the same prospect wanting to connect with you eventually. Since the lead gets a notification about being followed on LinkedIn, this option can be a subtle reminder of your attempt to connect. As mentioned earlier, it is not rare that a followed lead answers back with a Connection Request at some point. 

Check it out!

Skylead Smart Sequence Example

Anyhow, as you may see, View & Follow features can be a quite creative way of generating leads. 

Told Ya Meme

Don’t take them for granted, whether part of the Smart Sequence or individually. 

Experiment and see what option works best for you! 

You would be surprised.

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What is hyper personalization and why is it so important nowadays? 

Explained in a simplified way, hyper-personalization is the use of data to ensure more targeted and meaningful interactions with customers that lead to delivering relevant content, products, and service information to each user. 

In a world where automation started to result in generic and impersonal outreach, personalization helps you differentiate from your competitors and connect to your future leads and/or clients on a higher level. 

That being said, Skylead goes far beyond mere automation software. It takes personalized marketing a step further and helps humanize one-to-one communication.

Wanna know how? 

1. Define who you are trying to communicate with. 

Targeting is the first and most crucial step of every personalized outreach, LinkedIn lead generation, and finally a successful campaign. 

Skylead is no exception to that rule. 

So, define your audience to start with!

LinkedIn, Sales Navigator and Recruiter give you a rather convenient option for filtering your potential leads and perform prospecting on LinkedIn. You can do it by any keyword, geography, postal code, first and/or last name, school, seniority level, years of experience, etc.

Sales Navigator filters image

However, there is more to it! 

Let’s say you have your private lists of contacts and their email addresses and/or LinkedIn profile URLs. These people are your target group and you want to take advantage of the existing files. 

No problem! 

Skylead supports importing CSV documents and it automatically extracts all the necessary information for your campaigns. 


No need to insert that super long list of names and other info manually! 

2. Now use Skylead to conquer that personalized mass outreach! 

Once you have identified or imported your target audience, it’s time to choose among numerous variables and personalize the first wave of your mass outreach.

How do you do that? 

There are 8 basic variables to insert and combine in your messages:

However, if your CSV document contains extra data on your leads, use them as custom variables when reaching out. 

You write out a message, insert basic or custom variables where you need them, and information gets automatically pulled from the selected accounts/CSV files. 

In case some of them are not available, there is an option of manually filling in the replacement.

See? We have a solution for everything! 

Filter Your Search Sales Navigator Gif

3. New emailing feature alert! New emailing feature alert! 

Aside from sending connection requests with personalized messages, follow-ups, LinkedIn InMails, Skylead now has the option of reaching out by email in case your contacts don’t reply on LinkedIn!

You can run, but you cannot hide! 

Set up one email template, personalize it like you would have done it with LinkedIn messages and InMails, and just like that create workflows for different scenarios

Plus, if you don’t have your target audience’s emails, thanks to Skylead’s Discovering Emails Feature, there is always an option of automatically extracting their emails and building your own extensive contact list of potential clients.

Let’s sum it up for a moment. 

Now you have the option to: 

4. Unless you want to be taken for a creeper, timing is everything! 

Whether you are reaching out to your clients for the first time or you are following up with them, set up a reasonable time in between messages. Not only will it give the impression of manually-performed communication, but you won’t seem pushy and obnoxious. You want your future leads to confide in you and your product/service, not to try running away from it as far as possible. 

Extra tip!

Pay attention to your and your client's time zone, work hours, holidays, and similar. It will give that extra touch of manually-performed communication. 

Fortunately for you, all of this can be automated on Skylead. Several clicks and you won’t need to keep track of it on the side. 

Skylead Time Zone Settings

Skylead Run On Weekends Settings

5. Stand out with Image and GIF hyper personalization.

Are you in a creative business? Or do you just want to spice it up and break the monotony of the dull, old-fashioned messaging?

If yes, we, of course, have a solution for that too!

Obviously Meme

Whether you would like to wish your clients happy holidays or make a fun campaign/job opportunity announcement, your interaction can get more interesting and appealing by adding hyper-personalized Images and GIFs.

Why do we call them “hyper-personalized”, you wonder? 

Because it is such a flexible tool that can import and include the previously-mentioned basic and custom variables and place them on Images and GIFs. These appear right after the text and are there to spice up the message, make your recipients smile, feel taken care of. 

Show them you went that extra mile for them! 

Skylead Image Template Example

Can you imagine how much you would stand out virtually in the always more competitive world of marketing and communication?

Go On Meme

Wanna know more about how Skylead will help your business skyrocket? 

Feel free to reach us out on the Support Chat and we can schedule a Success Call to discuss how you can benefit from Skylead the most.

In case you are our new potential user, chat with our Customer Support Team and they will be more than happy to find a solution that fits your needs best.

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