Top 3 reasonswhy Smartlead usersare making a switchto Skylead.
Discover why companies around the world keep choosing us
as their most reliable outreach solution.
as their most reliable outreach solution.
LinkedIn automation
Send LinkedIn invites, messages, paid & free InMails, and create campaigns from LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, and Recruiter search results.
Image & GIF personalization
Personalize images & GIFs at scale to get up to 63% higher response rates in your LinkedIn and email campaigns.
Email discovery & verification
Don't pay for an additional tool. Instead, find & verify the business emails before connecting with the prospects on LinkedIn.
How doesSkylead compareto Smartlead?
LinkedIn automation
Cloud-based LinkedIn automation
Campaign creation from LinkedIn search
Campaign creation from Recruiter search
Campaign creation from Sales Navigator search & lead lists
Campaign creation from LinkedIn posts & events
Free + paid InMails
Email automation
Email automation
Unlimited email accounts
Infinite email warm-up
Email discovery & verification
Campaign & analytics
Smart sequences
Conditional sequences
created separately
created separately
A/B testing
Unlimited number of active leads per campaign
Limited by the chosen plan
Analytics by sequence steps
Export reports via CSV & PDF files
CSV only
Message personalization
Native Image & GIF personalization
Custom & native variables
Smart inbox
Email inbox only
Webhook & API
Message templates
Team management
White label
Support, Help Center, Demo video,
In-app guides & Google Tag Manager
integration included
In-app guides & Google Tag Manager
integration included
1-on-1 onboarding call
Customer support channels
Fast reply via chat, email,
WhatsApp, & Slack for
white-label users
WhatsApp, & Slack for
white-label users
Chat only