Top 3 reasonswhy Smartlead users
are making a switchto Skylead.

Discover why companies around the world keep choosing us 
as their most reliable outreach solution.

LinkedIn automation

Send LinkedIn invites, messages, paid & free InMails, and create campaigns from LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, and Recruiter search results.

Image & GIF personalization

Personalize images & GIFs at scale to get up to 63% higher response rates in your LinkedIn and email campaigns.

Email discovery & verification

Don't pay for an additional tool. Instead, find & verify the business emails before connecting with the prospects on LinkedIn.

How doesSkylead compareto Smartlead?

LinkedIn automation
Cloud-based LinkedIn automation
Campaign creation from LinkedIn search
Campaign creation from Recruiter search
Campaign creation from Sales Navigator search & lead lists
Campaign creation from  LinkedIn posts & events 
Free + paid InMails
Email automation
Email automation
Unlimited email accounts
Infinite email warm-up
Email discovery & verification
Campaign & analytics
Smart sequences
Conditional sequences 
created separately
A/B testing
Unlimited number of active leads per campaign
Limited by the chosen plan
Analytics by sequence steps
Export reports via CSV & PDF files
CSV only
Message personalization
Native Image & GIF personalization
Custom & native variables
Smart inbox
Email inbox only
Webhook & API
Message templates
Team management
White label
Support, Help Center, Demo video,
In-app guides & Google Tag Manager
integration included
1-on-1 onboarding call
Customer support channels
Fast reply via chat, email,
WhatsApp, & Slack for
white-label users
Chat only
“We have saved a lot of costs basically by just using Skylead, instead of burning the marketing budget.”
Michael Gonzalez, Customer Success Story Image
Michael Gonzalez, Founder
10X Millennial
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calls generated monthly


average deal value

“We have been able to generate $3K to $10K per month in the new MRR, so that’s how much we get from Skylead monthly.”
Image of Dennis Goyal, Co-Founder & COO, Skylead's customer
Dennis Goyal, Co-founder & COO
Lead generation agency
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of work per week saved


leads closed on average per month

“Skylead helped us get a better understanding of the trends on the market, reach a larger audience, gather user insights, and communicate better with our customers.”
Image of Mayori, Minut, Skylead's customer
Mayori Huang, Lead Generation Executive, Minut
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MQL meetings per month


average reply rate

“Looking at the beginning, when we started using this automation tool, we made 40 to 50% of our business.”
Image of Toine Boelens Founder of NewPoort, Skylead's customer
Toine Boelens, Founder
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meeting scheduled in 4 months


accounts managed

“I recommend Skylead to agency owners because you can get your clients better results, give better service than your competition, and charge more per customer to higher your margins.”
Image of Daniel Hoffmann from Toplevel Performance agency, Skylead's customer
Daniel Hoffmann, Managing Director
Toplevel Performance
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closed deals per client


generated for business

See how Skylead helps others increase revenue.

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Jovan Jovanovic, Co-founder of Skylead