Top 3 reasonswhy Zopto usersare making a switchto Skylead.
Discover why companies around the world keep choosing us
as their most reliable outreach solution.
as their most reliable outreach solution.
Unlimited email accounts
Connect an unlimited number of email accounts and send emails within the same campaign at no additional cost per account.
Analyze advanced analytics and step-by-step reports to spot messages that work best and optimize your campaigns for better success.
Smart Sequences
Combine if/else conditions with LinkedIn and email automation, email finder & verifier, and Image & GIF personalization to maximize touchpoints with your leads.
How doesSkylead compareto Zopto?
LinkedIn automation
Cloud-based LinkedIn automation
Campaign creation from Sales Navigator search
Campaign creation from Recruiter search
Campaign creation from lead lists
Campaign creation from LinkedIn posts
Campaign creation from CSV file
Free + paid InMails
Free InMails only
Email automation
Email automation
Unlimited email accounts
Infinite email warm-up
Email discovery & verification
Google, Microsoft & SMTP integration
SMTP only
Campaign & analytics
Unlimited number of active leads per campaign
Limited to 2500
Draft campaign
Smart sequences
Analytics by sequence steps
Export reports via CSV file
Message personalization
Native Image & GIF personalization
Native variables
Custom variables
Smart Inbox
LinkedIn inbox only
Webhook & API
Message templates
Team management
White label
Support, Help Center, Demo video,
In-app guides & Google Tag Manager
integration included
In-app guides & Google Tag Manager
integration included
1-on-1 onboarding call
Customer support channels
Fast reply via chat, email,
WhatsApp, & Slack for
white-label users
WhatsApp, & Slack for
white-label users
Email, chat
Detailed help center articles