Book3x moremeetings inless time.

Use multichannel outreach, if/else actions and connect unlimited email accounts to maximize touchpoints with your leads. Skylead is your smart LinkedIn automation tool and cold email software.

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10 000+ 
users from 93 countries trust Skylead
Skylead campaign dashboard example
Skylead card that shows 1523 connections sent
Skylead card that shows 1357 total emails found
Powering leading companies such as:

Anyone can do it!Try it yourself,right here,right now.

Our interactive demo is here to show you how easy it is to use Skylead. 
Drag & drop steps. Write messages. Launch campaign.
Image of Skylead, LinkedIn automation and cold email software
Launch your first multichannel campaign in under 3 minutes. Get started with Skylead for free.
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Explore howothers do it,andmake it yours!

This is how you keep your calendar full, close deals 3x faster and get that bonus.
Discover how marketing teams use Skylead to increase website traffic & convert leads.
Uncover how to find and hire the best talent for your company in record time.
Learn how agencies create new income streams and generate revenue with Skylead.

Combine all solutionsinto one,smart outreach.

Smart sequences

Build personalized, multichannel flows using if/else conditions, and let Smart sequences make decisions based on your lead’s actions. Reach all leads, one way or another.
Image of Anthony Goodman from Clean Energy Group Ai, Skylead's customer

“I love the fact that we can customize the Smart Sequences according to our needs, and it's quite easy to manage.”

Anthony Goodman

Director of New Business Development, Clean Energy Group Ai

Learn more

Image of Skylead smart sequence for mobile version of the websiteImage of Skylead Smart sequence with all the LinkedIn automation and email steps for outreach


Send personalized connection requests, messages, and paid & free InMails.  Combine them with the View & Follow steps in the sequence to re-engage your leads.
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Image of Skylead - LinkedIn automation and cold email software campaign status with Invitations sent and InMails sent cards

Unlimited email

Connect unlimited email accounts and send 100 000+ emails per month, without damaging your domain. Skylead supports all email providers.
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Image of email mockup with emails from different providers users can add and use for inbox rotation and a card with 31% response rate

Email discovery
& verification

Find and verify your lead's business email address without being connected on LinkedIn. Choose LinkedIn URLs or upload your file with the names and domains.
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Image of list of emails Skylead is finding along with other publicly available information such as phone number, occupation, first and last name; box with the number of prospects found

Image & GIF

Include eye-catching, personalized Images & GIFs in your LinkedIn and email messages to humanize your outreach and double the response rate. 
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Image of chat with personalized image with user's and the lead's image, Dynamic text and Custom image cards
Skylead support team

We support you
from day 1!

Anya and her all-star support team are here to answer any questions, and to take you from setting up your first campaign to being a Skylead expert in no time.
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Jovan Jovanovic, Co-founder of Skylead